REST Resource: eventticketclass

Resource: EventTicketClass

JSON representation
  "kind": string,
  "eventName": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "eventId": string,
  "logo": {
    object (Image)
  "venue": {
    object (EventVenue)
  "dateTime": {
    object (EventDateTime)
  "confirmationCodeLabel": enum (ConfirmationCodeLabel),
  "customConfirmationCodeLabel": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "seatLabel": enum (SeatLabel),
  "customSeatLabel": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "rowLabel": enum (RowLabel),
  "customRowLabel": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "sectionLabel": enum (SectionLabel),
  "customSectionLabel": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "gateLabel": enum (GateLabel),
  "customGateLabel": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "finePrint": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "classTemplateInfo": {
    object (ClassTemplateInfo)
  "id": string,
  "version": string,
  "issuerName": string,
  "messages": [
      object (Message)
  "allowMultipleUsersPerObject": boolean,
  "homepageUri": {
    object (Uri)
  "locations": [
      object (LatLongPoint)
  "reviewStatus": enum (ReviewStatus),
  "review": {
    object (Review)
  "infoModuleData": {
    object (InfoModuleData)
  "imageModulesData": [
      object (ImageModuleData)
  "textModulesData": [
      object (TextModuleData)
  "linksModuleData": {
    object (LinksModuleData)
  "redemptionIssuers": [
  "countryCode": string,
  "heroImage": {
    object (Image)
  "wordMark": {
    object (Image)
  "enableSmartTap": boolean,
  "hexBackgroundColor": string,
  "localizedIssuerName": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "multipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus": enum (MultipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus),
  "callbackOptions": {
    object (CallbackOptions)
  "securityAnimation": {
    object (SecurityAnimation)
  "viewUnlockRequirement": enum (ViewUnlockRequirement),
  "wideLogo": {
    object (Image)
  "notifyPreference": enum (NotificationSettingsForUpdates),
  "appLinkData": {
    object (AppLinkData)
  "valueAddedModuleData": [
      object (ValueAddedModuleData)


Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "walletobjects#eventTicketClass".


object (LocalizedString)

Required. The name of the event, such as "LA Dodgers at SF Giants".



The ID of the event. This ID should be unique for every event in an account. It is used to group tickets together if the user has saved multiple tickets for the same event. It can be at most 64 characters.

If provided, the grouping will be stable. Be wary of unintentional collision to avoid grouping tickets that should not be grouped. If you use only one class per event, you can simply set this to the classId (with or without the issuer ID portion).

If not provided, the platform will attempt to use other data to group tickets (potentially unstable).


object (EventVenue)

Event venue details.


object (EventDateTime)

The date & time information of the event.


enum (ConfirmationCodeLabel)

The label to use for the confirmation code value (eventTicketObject.reservationInfo.confirmationCode) on the card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so that translations are shown to the user based on their locale.

Both confirmationCodeLabel and customConfirmationCodeLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Confirmation Code", localized. If the confirmation code field is unset, this label will not be used.


object (LocalizedString)

A custom label to use for the confirmation code value (eventTicketObject.reservationInfo.confirmationCode) on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Confirmation Code" label or one of the confirmationCodeLabel options is not sufficient.

Both confirmationCodeLabel and customConfirmationCodeLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Confirmation Code", localized. If the confirmation code field is unset, this label will not be used.


enum (SeatLabel)

The label to use for the seat value ( on the card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so that translations are shown to the user based on their locale.

Both seatLabel and customSeatLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Seat", localized. If the seat field is unset, this label will not be used.


object (LocalizedString)

A custom label to use for the seat value ( on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Seat" label or one of the seatLabel options is not sufficient.

Both seatLabel and customSeatLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Seat", localized. If the seat field is unset, this label will not be used.


enum (RowLabel)

The label to use for the row value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.row) on the card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so that translations are shown to the user based on their locale.

Both rowLabel and customRowLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Row", localized. If the row field is unset, this label will not be used.


object (LocalizedString)

A custom label to use for the row value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.row) on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Row" label or one of the rowLabel options is not sufficient.

Both rowLabel and customRowLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Row", localized. If the row field is unset, this label will not be used.


enum (SectionLabel)

The label to use for the section value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.section) on the card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so that translations are shown to the user based on their locale.

Both sectionLabel and customSectionLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Section", localized. If the section field is unset, this label will not be used.


object (LocalizedString)

A custom label to use for the section value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.section) on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Section" label or one of the sectionLabel options is not sufficient.

Both sectionLabel and customSectionLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Section", localized. If the section field is unset, this label will not be used.


enum (GateLabel)

The label to use for the gate value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.gate) on the card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so that translations are shown to the user based on their locale.

Both gateLabel and customGateLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Gate", localized. If the gate field is unset, this label will not be used.


object (LocalizedString)

A custom label to use for the gate value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.gate) on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Gate" label or one of the gateLabel options is not sufficient.

Both gateLabel and customGateLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Gate", localized. If the gate field is unset, this label will not be used.


object (LocalizedString)

The fine print, terms, or conditions of the ticket.


object (ClassTemplateInfo)

Template information about how the class should be displayed. If unset, Google will fallback to a default set of fields to display.



Required. The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID.identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.


string (int64 format)




Required. The issuer name. Recommended maximum length is 20 characters to ensure full string is displayed on smaller screens.


object (Message)

An array of messages displayed in the app. All users of this object will receive its associated messages. The maximum number of these fields is 10.



Deprecated. Use multipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus instead.


object (Uri)

The URI of your application's home page. Populating the URI in this field results in the exact same behavior as populating an URI in linksModuleData (when an object is rendered, a link to the homepage is shown in what would usually be thought of as the linksModuleData section of the object).


object (LatLongPoint)

Note: This field is currently not supported to trigger geo notifications.


enum (ReviewStatus)

Required. The status of the class. This field can be set to draft or underReview using the insert, patch, or update API calls. Once the review state is changed from draft it may not be changed back to draft.

You should keep this field to draft when the class is under development. A draft class cannot be used to create any object.

You should set this field to underReview when you believe the class is ready for use. The platform will automatically set this field to approved and it can be immediately used to create or migrate objects.

When updating an already approved class you should keep setting this field to underReview.


object (Review)

The review comments set by the platform when a class is marked approved or rejected.


object (InfoModuleData)

Deprecated. Use textModulesData instead.


object (ImageModuleData)

Image module data. The maximum number of these fields displayed is 1 from object level and 1 for class object level.


object (TextModuleData)

Text module data. If text module data is also defined on the class, both will be displayed. The maximum number of these fields displayed is 10 from the object and 10 from the class.


string (int64 format)

Identifies which redemption issuers can redeem the pass over Smart Tap. Redemption issuers are identified by their issuer ID. Redemption issuers must have at least one Smart Tap key configured.

The enableSmartTap and object level smartTapRedemptionLevel fields must also be set up correctly in order for a pass to support Smart Tap.



Country code used to display the card's country (when the user is not in that country), as well as to display localized content when content is not available in the user's locale.


object (Image)

Optional banner image displayed on the front of the card. If none is present, nothing will be displayed. The image will display at 100% width.


object (Image)




Identifies whether this class supports Smart Tap. The redemptionIssuers and object level smartTapRedemptionLevel fields must also be set up correctly in order for a pass to support Smart Tap.



The background color for the card. If not set the dominant color of the hero image is used, and if no hero image is set, the dominant color of the logo is used. The format is #rrggbb where rrggbb is a hex RGB triplet, such as #ffcc00. You can also use the shorthand version of the RGB triplet which is #rgb, such as #fc0.


object (LocalizedString)

Translated strings for the issuerName. Recommended maximum length is 20 characters to ensure full string is displayed on smaller screens.


enum (MultipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus)

Identifies whether multiple users and devices will save the same object referencing this class.


object (CallbackOptions)

Callback options to be used to call the issuer back for every save/delete of an object for this class by the end-user. All objects of this class are eligible for the callback.


object (SecurityAnimation)

Optional information about the security animation. If this is set a security animation will be rendered on pass details.


enum (ViewUnlockRequirement)

View Unlock Requirement options for the event ticket.


enum (NotificationSettingsForUpdates)

Whether or not field updates to this class should trigger notifications. When set to NOTIFY, we will attempt to trigger a field update notification to users. These notifications will only be sent to users if the field is part of an allowlist. If not specified, no notification will be triggered. This setting is ephemeral and needs to be set with each PATCH or UPDATE request, otherwise a notification will not be triggered.


object (ValueAddedModuleData)

Optional value added module data. Maximum of ten on the class. For a pass only ten will be displayed, prioritizing those from the object.


JSON representation
  "kind": string,
  "name": {
    object (LocalizedString)
  "address": {
    object (LocalizedString)


Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "walletobjects#eventVenue".


object (LocalizedString)

The name of the venue, such as "AT&T Park".

This is required.


object (LocalizedString)

The address of the venue, such as "24 Willie Mays Plaza\nSan Francisco, CA 94107". Address lines are separated by line feed (\n) characters.

This is required.


JSON representation
  "kind": string,
  "doorsOpen": string,
  "start": string,
  "end": string,
  "doorsOpenLabel": enum (DoorsOpenLabel),
  "customDoorsOpenLabel": {
    object (LocalizedString)


Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "walletobjects#eventDateTime".



The date/time when the doors open at the venue.

This is an ISO 8601 extended format date/time, with or without an offset. Time may be specified up to nanosecond precision. Offsets may be specified with seconds precision (even though offset seconds is not part of ISO 8601).

For example:

1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 23rd hour of April 12th, 1985 in UTC.

1985-04-12T19:20:50.52-04:00 would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 19th hour of April 12th, 1985, 4 hours before UTC (same instant in time as the above example). If the event were in New York, this would be the equivalent of Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Remember that offset varies in regions that observe Daylight Saving Time (or Summer Time), depending on the time of the year.

1985-04-12T19:20:50.52 would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 19th hour of April 12th, 1985 with no offset information.

The portion of the date/time without the offset is considered the "local date/time". This should be the local date/time at the venue. For example, if the event occurs at the 20th hour of June 5th, 2018 at the venue, the local date/time portion should be 2018-06-05T20:00:00. If the local date/time at the venue is 4 hours before UTC, an offset of -04:00 may be appended.

Without offset information, some rich features may not be available.



The date/time when the event starts. If the event spans multiple days, it should be the start date/time on the first day.

This is an ISO 8601 extended format date/time, with or without an offset. Time may be specified up to nanosecond precision. Offsets may be specified with seconds precision (even though offset seconds is not part of ISO 8601).

For example:

1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 23rd hour of April 12th, 1985 in UTC.

1985-04-12T19:20:50.52-04:00 would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 19th hour of April 12th, 1985, 4 hours before UTC (same instant in time as the above example). If the event were in New York, this would be the equivalent of Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Remember that offset varies in regions that observe Daylight Saving Time (or Summer Time), depending on the time of the year.

1985-04-12T19:20:50.52 would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 19th hour of April 12th, 1985 with no offset information.

The portion of the date/time without the offset is considered the "local date/time". This should be the local date/time at the venue. For example, if the event occurs at the 20th hour of June 5th, 2018 at the venue, the local date/time portion should be 2018-06-05T20:00:00. If the local date/time at the venue is 4 hours before UTC, an offset of -04:00 may be appended.

Without offset information, some rich features may not be available.



The date/time when the event ends. If the event spans multiple days, it should be the end date/time on the last day.

This is an ISO 8601 extended format date/time, with or without an offset. Time may be specified up to nanosecond precision. Offsets may be specified with seconds precision (even though offset seconds is not part of ISO 8601).

For example:

1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 23rd hour of April 12th, 1985 in UTC.

1985-04-12T19:20:50.52-04:00 would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 19th hour of April 12th, 1985, 4 hours before UTC (same instant in time as the above example). If the event were in New York, this would be the equivalent of Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Remember that offset varies in regions that observe Daylight Saving Time (or Summer Time), depending on the time of the year.

1985-04-12T19:20:50.52 would be 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 19th hour of April 12th, 1985 with no offset information.

The portion of the date/time without the offset is considered the "local date/time". This should be the local date/time at the venue. For example, if the event occurs at the 20th hour of June 5th, 2018 at the venue, the local date/time portion should be 2018-06-05T20:00:00. If the local date/time at the venue is 4 hours before UTC, an offset of -04:00 may be appended.

Without offset information, some rich features may not be available.


enum (DoorsOpenLabel)

The label to use for the doors open value (doorsOpen) on the card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so that translations are shown to the user based on their locale.

Both doorsOpenLabel and customDoorsOpenLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Doors Open", localized. If the doors open field is unset, this label will not be used.


object (LocalizedString)

A custom label to use for the doors open value (doorsOpen) on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Doors Open" label or one of the doorsOpenLabel options is not sufficient.

Both doorsOpenLabel and customDoorsOpenLabel may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "Doors Open", localized. If the doors open field is unset, this label will not be used.



Legacy alias for DOORS_OPEN. Deprecated.


Legacy alias for GATES_OPEN. Deprecated.



Legacy alias for CONFIRMATION_CODE. Deprecated.


Legacy alias for CONFIRMATION_NUMBER. Deprecated.


Legacy alias for ORDER_NUMBER. Deprecated.


Legacy alias for RESERVATION_NUMBER. Deprecated.



Legacy alias for SEAT. Deprecated.



Legacy alias for ROW. Deprecated.



Legacy alias for SECTION. Deprecated.


Legacy alias for THEATER. Deprecated.



Legacy alias for GATE. Deprecated.


Legacy alias for DOOR. Deprecated.


Legacy alias for ENTRANCE. Deprecated.



Adds a message to the event ticket class referenced by the given class ID.


Returns the event ticket class with the given class ID.


Inserts an event ticket class with the given ID and properties.


Returns a list of all event ticket classes for a given issuer ID.


Updates the event ticket class referenced by the given class ID.


Updates the event ticket class referenced by the given class ID.