با استفاده از نقاط پایانی HTTP یک افزونه Google Workspace بسازید

به‌عنوان جایگزینی برای Google Apps Script، می‌توانید افزونه‌ای را به هر زبان برنامه‌نویسی که می‌خواهید بسازید، تا زمانی که بتوانید JSON با فرمت مناسب را برای رابط به‌صورت کارتی بازگردانید.

زمان اجرا را تنظیم کنید

زیرساخت میزبانی خود را انتخاب کنید و نقاط پایانی HTTPS خود را تنظیم کنید. اگر می خواهید افزونه خود را در Google Cloud بسازید و میزبانی کنید، توصیه می کنیم از Cloud Run استفاده کنید.

یک مانیفست ایجاد کنید

وقتی افزونه خود را به زبان دیگری می‌سازید، باید مانیفست افزونه را در Google Cloud پیکربندی کنید.

برای پیکربندی مانیفست افزونه خود مراحل زیر را دنبال کنید.

  1. اگر قبلاً این کار را نکرده‌اید، یک پروژه Google Cloud برای افزونه خود ایجاد کنید .
  2. در پروژه Cloud، در نوار جستجو در بالا، Google Workspace Marketplace SDK را تایپ کرده و Enter را فشار دهید.
  3. در نتایج جستجو، روی Google Workspace Marketplace SDK کلیک کنید.
  4. اگر قبلاً Google Workspace Marketplace SDK را فعال نکرده‌اید، روی فعال کردن کلیک کنید. اگر آن را فعال کرده اید، روی مدیریت کلیک کنید.
  5. در Marketplace SDK، روی استقرار HTTP کلیک کنید.
  6. در زیر Google Workspace Add-ons API، روی فعال کردن کلیک کنید.
  7. در بالا، روی ایجاد استقرار جدید کلیک کنید.
  8. مانیفست خود را یک نام بگذارید و روی Next کلیک کنید.
  9. اطلاعات افزونه خود را در قالب JSON اضافه کنید و روی ارسال کلیک کنید.

مثال: آشکار

در زیر نمونه ای از مانیفست آمده است که با استفاده از نقطه پایانی HTTPS یک صفحه اصلی منحصر به فرد را در Gmail راه اندازی می کند.

  "oauthScopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.addons.execute", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.metadata"],
  "addOns": {
    "common": {
      "name": "My HTTP Add-on",
      "logoUrl": "https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/googlematerialicons/markunread_mailbox/v6/black-24dp/1x/gm_markunread_mailbox_black_24dp.png",
      "homepageTrigger": {
        "runFunction": "https://us-central1-test-http-runtime.cloudfunctions.net/HttpAddOn/exampleWidgets"
    "gmail": {
          "contextualTriggers": [
              "unconditional": {},
              "onTriggerFunction": "https://us-central1-test-http-runtime.cloudfunctions.net/GmailExample/simpleMessageInfo"
    "calendar": {},
    "drive": {}

ساخت کارت JSON

رابط افزودنی خود را با چارچوب کارت طراحی کنید. از JSON به جای سرویس کارت اسکریپت Google Apps برای ساخت کارت استفاده کنید. برای اطلاعات دقیق درباره اشیاء JSON برای کارت‌ها، به مستندات مرجع مراجعه کنید.

برای مشاهده نمونه هایی از کارت های JSON، به رابط های کارت JSON مراجعه کنید.

اشیاء پاسخ JSON را ایجاد کنید

هر نقطه ورودی منحصربه‌فردی که در مانیفست افزونه شما فهرست شده است به یک شی پاسخ منحصر به فرد JSON نیاز دارد.

در زیر نقاط ورودی محبوب Google Workspace Add-on با نمونه طرحواره پاسخ JSON آمده است.

نقاط ورودی رایج برای Gmail، Google Calendar، Google Drive، و Editors

نقطه ورود توضیحات پاسخ JSON
homepageTrigger.runFunction کاربر صفحه اصلی افزونه را باز می کند. renderActions
OnClick.action.function کاربر روی اقدامات موجود در افزونه کلیک می کند. روی کلیک کنید
TextInput.autoCompleteAction.function کاربر متن را وارد می کند و افزونه پیشنهادات خودکار را ارائه می دهد. getAutocompletionResponse

امتیاز ورودی برای جیمیل

نقطه ورود توضیحات پاسخ JSON
contextualTrigger.onTriggerFunction کاربر یک ایمیل باز می کند . renderActions
composeTrigger کاربر با کلیک، نمای نوشتن باز می شود. renderActions

امتیاز ورودی برای تقویم

نقطه ورود توضیحات پاسخ JSON
eventOpenTrigger کاربر یک رویداد را باز می کند . renderActions
eventUpdateTrigger کاربر یک رویداد را به روز می کند . calendarClientActionMarkup
eventAttachmentTrigger کاربر در منوی کشویی پیوست تقویم بر روی ارائه دهنده پیوست افزودنی کلیک می کند. calendarClientActionMarkup

نقاط ورودی برای Drive

نقطه ورود توضیحات پاسخ JSON
onItemsSelectedTrigger کاربر یک فایل را انتخاب می کند . renderActions

امتیاز ورودی برای ویراستاران

نقطه ورود توضیحات پاسخ JSON
createActionTriggers کاربر انتخاب کرده است که یک منبع شخص ثالث از منوی @ در یک برنامه Google Workspace ایجاد کند. پیوند
linkPreviewTriggers کاربر با یک URL که با الگوی مشخص شده در LinkPreviewTriggers مطابقت دارد تعامل داشته است. پیش نمایش لینک
onFileScopeGrantedTrigger کاربر اعطای دسترسی به فایل را در پاسخ به یک اقدام requestFileScopeForActiveDocument تکمیل کرده است. renderActions

درخواست های JSON را تأیید کنید

درخواستی که به نقطه پایانی شما ارسال می شود یک درخواست POST با یک شی رویداد JSON در بدنه درخواست است.

از نقطه پایانی HTTPS خود به درستی محافظت کنید تا مطمئن شوید درخواست‌های برافزای شما فقط برای درخواست‌هایی که از طرف Google می‌آیند انجام می‌شوند. این امر به ویژه در صورتی مهم است که نقطه پایانی HTTPS شما داده های کاربر را از سرویس شما برمی گرداند.

برای دسترسی به سرویس‌های Google و اعتبارسنجی کاربران و حساب‌های سرویس، از نشانه‌های authorizationEventObject ID استفاده کنید.

نشانه های شناسه

فیلد توکن تایپ کنید توضیحات
authorizationEventObject.userOAuthToken رشته رمز دسترسی کاربر نهایی OAuth، مجاز با محدوده های درخواستی.

این مثال را ببینید.

authorizationEventObject.userIdToken رشته یک رمز شناسه کاربر نهایی. آدرس ایمیل کاربر در کد شناسه کاربر نهایی که به عنوان یک رمز وب JSON قالب بندی شده است، کدگذاری می شود.

برای دریافت این شی رویداد در درخواست، باید محدوده https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email را در مانیفست افزونه خود مشخص کنید.

این مثال را ببینید.

authorizationEventObject.systemIdToken رشته یک نشانه شناسه برای حساب سرویس Google Workspace Add-on برای یک استقرار خاص. می توان از آن برای تأیید اینکه درخواست از طرف Google است استفاده کرد.

این مثال را ببینید.

مثال: داده‌های Gmail کاربر را دریافت کنید

برای دسترسی به داده‌های Google کاربران، محدوده مربوطه را در مانیفست افزونه خود درخواست کنید. سپس از authorizationEventObject.userOAuthToken برای ارسال تماس های API استفاده کنید.

در مثال زیر، افزونه از یک محرک متنی برای ارجاع به گیرنده ایمیل در حالی که کاربر در حال خواندن ایمیل است استفاده می کند. برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر درباره محرک‌های متنی در Gmail، به گسترش رابط کاربری پیام مراجعه کنید.

محرک ها و محدوده ها را اضافه کنید

ابتدا، مانیفست خود را به‌روزرسانی کنید تا شامل راه‌انداز متنی Gmail و یک محدوده OAuth باشد تا امکان دسترسی به پیام فعلی را فراهم کند.

  "oauthScopes": [
  "addOns": {
    "common": {...},
    "gmail": {
      "contextualTriggers": [
          "unconditional": {},
          "onTriggerFunction": "https://us-central1-test-http-runtime.cloudfunctions.net/GmailExample/simpleMessageInfo"

نقطه پایانی HTTPS را برای افزودنی مشخص کنید تا هنگام مشاهده یک پیام ایمیل توسط کاربر اعمال شود.

اگر نمی خواهید از مسیرهای URL برای تمایز بین نقاط ورودی مختلف استفاده کنید، می توانید از پارامترهای پرس و جو استفاده کنید، به عنوان مثال، https://us-central1-test-http-runtime.cloudfunctions.net/HttpAddOn/exampleWidgets?trigger=onEmailOpen

هنگامی که فعال می شود، در این مورد با باز کردن ایمیل توسط کاربر، شی رویداد زیر به عنوان یک حباب JSON در بدنه HTTP به افزونه ارسال می شود.

  "commonEventObject": {
     "hostApp": "GMAIL",
     "platform": "WEB"
  "authorizationEventObject": {
    "userOAuthToken": "ya29...",
    "systemIdToken": "eyJhbGc...",
    "userIdToken": "jaaa45...",
  "gmail": {
     "messageId": "msg-f:1234567",
     "threadId": "thread-f:2345678",
     "accessToken": "xedf241...",

اطلاعات را استخراج کنید

شی رویداد آدرس ایمیل کاربر یا محتوای ایمیل را ندارد. برای دریافت این اطلاعات، از Gmail API برای دریافت محتوای ایمیل با messageId استفاده کنید.

برای احراز هویت با Gmail API، رمز OAuth2 را در سرصفحه Authorization به عنوان یک توکن حامل ارسال کنید. رمز دسترسی OAuth2 را از authorizationEventObject.userOauthToken ارسال کنید.

هنگام استفاده از یکی از حوزه‌های هر پیام، رمز پیام gmail.accessToken را نیز در یک عنوان X-Goog-Gmail-Access-Token اضافه کنید.

کد نمونه زیر نحوه دریافت محتوای یک ایمیل با استفاده از Gmail API را نشان می دهد:


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.BearerToken;
import com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.Credential;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory;
import com.google.api.client.http.HttpHeaders;
import com.google.api.services.gmail.Gmail;
import com.google.api.services.gmail.model.Message;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class GmailMessageDemoController {

   public JsonNode onViewMessage(@RequestBody JsonNode event)
           throws Exception {
       String messageId = event.at("/gmail/messageId").asText();
       String messageToken = event.at("//gmail/accessToken").asText();
       String accessToken = event.at("//authorizationEventObject/userOauthToken")
       Credential credential = new Credential(BearerToken.authorizationHeaderAccessMethod());

       Gmail gmailClient = new Gmail.Builder(
               .setApplicationName("GSAO Demo")
       HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders()
               .set("X-Goog-Gmail-Access-Token", messageToken);
       Message message = gmailClient.users().messages().get("me", messageId)
     // Build and return response...


import express from "express";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
import { google } from "googleapis";
import asyncHandler from "express-async-handler";
import { OAuth2Client } from "google-auth-library";

const gmail = google.gmail({version: "v1"});

const app = express();

app.post("/", asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {
   const currentMessageId = req.body.gmail.messageId;
   const event = req.body;
   const accessToken = event.authorizationEventObject.userOAuthToken;
   const messageToken = event.gmail.accessToken;
   const auth = new OAuth2Client();
   auth.setCredentials({access_token: accessToken});

   const gmailResponse = await gmail.users.messages.get({
       id: currentMessageId,
       userId: "me",
       format: "metadata",
       headers: { "X-Goog-Gmail-Access-Token": messageToken }

   const message = gmailResponse.data;
   const response = ...; // Build and return response

مثال: آدرس ایمیل کاربر را دریافت کنید

برای دسترسی به آدرس ایمیل کاربر:

  1. محدوده مربوطه را به منبع استقرار افزونه خود اضافه کنید.
  2. شناسه سرویس گیرنده را که برای تأیید اعتبار کد وب JSON ایجاد شده است، دریافت کنید.
  3. برای استخراج شناسه کاربری و ایمیل از authorizationEventObject.userIdToken استفاده کنید.

دامنه را اضافه کنید

برای دسترسی به آدرس ایمیل کاربر، محدوده OAuth https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email را به مانیفست افزونه خود اضافه کنید:

  "oauthScopes": [
  "addOns": {
    "common": {...},

شناسه مشتری را دریافت کنید

برای تأیید کد شناسه کاربر و استخراج شناسه کاربری و ایمیل، باید از شناسه مشتری که برای تأیید اعتبار توکن وب JSON ایجاد شده است استفاده کنید.

برای دریافت شناسه مشتری، از Google Workspace Marketplace SDK در کنسول Google Cloud دیدن کنید:

  1. کنسول Google Cloud را باز کنید و پروژه Google Cloud افزونه خود را انتخاب کنید.
  2. به صفحه استقرار HTTP SDK در Google Workspace Marketplace بروید.
  3. در قسمت Authorization Resource به قسمت Oauth Client Id رفته و شناسه را کپی کنید.

از طرف دیگر، اگر Google Cloud CLI را نصب کرده‌اید، با اجرای دستور get-authorization زیر، شناسه مشتری را دریافت کنید:

gcloud workspace-add-ons get-authorization

شناسه کاربری و ایمیل را استخراج کنید

نمونه کد زیر شناسه کاربری و آدرس ایمیل را دریافت می کند. CLIENT_ID_FOR_ADDON یک مکان نگهدار برای شناسه مشتری است:


import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleIdToken;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleIdTokenVerifier;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleTokenResponse;
import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory;

final static String CLIENT_ID = "CLIENT_ID_FOR_ADDON";


GoogleIdToken.Payload decodeIdToken(JsonNode event) throws Exception {
    String idToken = event.at("/authorizationEventObject/userIdToken").asText();
    GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder builder = new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(
    GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier = builder.build();
    GoogleIdToken decodedToken = verifier.verify(idToken);
    GoogleIdToken.Payload payload = decodedToken.getPayload();
    return payload;
    // E.g. payload.getEmail() for email,  payload.getSubject() for user ID


const { OAuth2Client } = require('google-auth-library');

// ...

async decodeIdToken(event) {
   const oAuth2Client = new OAuth2Client();
   const decodedToken = await oAuth2Client.verifyIdToken({
        idToken: event.authorizationEventObject.userIdToken,
        audience: CLIENT_ID
    const payload = decodedToken.getPayload();
    // E.g. payload.email for email,  payload.sub for user ID
    return payload;

مثال: درخواست‌های Google را تأیید کنید

برای تأیید authorizationEventObject.systemIdToken به ایمیل حساب سرویس نیاز دارید.

برای دریافت ایمیل حساب سرویس، از Google Workspace Marketplace SDK در کنسول Google Cloud دیدن کنید:

  1. کنسول Google Cloud را باز کنید و پروژه Google Cloud افزونه خود را انتخاب کنید.
  2. به صفحه استقرار HTTP SDK در Google Workspace Marketplace بروید.
  3. در قسمت Authorization Resource به قسمت Service Account Email رفته و آدرس ایمیل را کپی کنید.

نمونه کد زیر درخواست‌های Google را با حساب سرویس سیستم افزونه احراز هویت می‌کند. SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL یک مکان نگهدار برای ایمیل حساب سرویس است.


import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleIdToken;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleIdTokenVerifier;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

class Auth {
    static final String SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL;

   public static void authenticateRequest(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) throws Exception {
        String authHeader = httpRequest.getHeader("Authorization");

        if (authHeader == null || !authHeader.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing authorization header");
        String idToken = authHeader.substring(7);
        String currentUrl = httpRequest.getRequestURL().toString();
        // Verify the ID token -- issued by Google & matches our current URL
        List audience = Collections.singletonList(currentUrl);
        GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier = new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(
        GoogleIdToken decodedToken = verifier.verify(idToken);
        if (decodedToken == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Decoded token is null");
        GoogleIdToken.Payload payload = decodedToken.getPayload();

        // Email should also match the service account issued for this add-on
        if (SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL != null && !serviceAccountEmail.equals(payload.getEmail())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid email in system idToken");


const {OAuth2Client} = require('google-auth-library');

async function authenticateRequest(req) {
  let idToken = req.token; // Using express-bearer-token middleware
  if (!idToken) throw 'Missing bearer token';
  const audience = `${req.protocol}://${req.hostname}${req.originalUrl}`;
  const authClient = new OAuth2Client();
  const ticket = await authClient.verifyIdToken({idToken, audience});
  if (SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL && ticket.getPayload().email !== SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL) {
    throw 'Invalid email';

افزونه خود را تست کنید

برای نصب و آزمایش افزونه خود از کنسول Google Cloud، بخش Install an unpublished add-on را ببینید.

برای انجام این کار به صورت برنامه‌ریزی، مستندات مرجع API افزونه‌های Google Workspace را مشاهده کنید. همچنین می توانید از دستورات gcloud استفاده کنید.

یک افزونه منتشر نشده نصب کنید

برای نصب افزونه خود برای آزمایش یا استفاده شخصی، این مراحل را دنبال کنید:

  1. در پروژه Cloud افزونه، به صفحه استقرار HTTP در Google Workspace Marketplace SDK بروید.
  2. در کنار استقرار مورد نظر برای آزمایش، روی Install کلیک کنید.

یک افزونه منتشر نشده را حذف نصب کنید

برای حذف نصب یک افزونه منتشر نشده، این مراحل را دنبال کنید:

  1. در پروژه Cloud افزونه، به صفحه استقرار HTTP در Google Workspace Marketplace SDK بروید.
  2. در کنار برنامه‌ای که می‌خواهید حذف کنید، روی Uninstall کلیک کنید.

نمونه طرحواره های JSON

شما می توانید نمونه های طرحواره زیر را در محیط توسعه خود بگنجانید. برای مثال، پشتیبانی از کد ویژوال استودیو برای JSON را ببینید.

رابط های کارت JSON

کارت ژنریک

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "description": "The card object used to build UIs for Google Workspace add-ons.",
  "definitions": {
    "textParagraph": {
      "$id": "/properties/textParagraph",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Text paragraph widget.",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "text": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The text of the paragraph. Can contain formatted text."
    "image": {
      "$id": "/properties/image",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Image widget.",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "imageUrl": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Sets the image to use by providing its URL or data string."
        "altText": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Sets the alternative text of the image for accessibility."
        "onClick": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/onClick"
    "icon": {
      "$id": "/properties/icon",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "The icon, can be specified by KnownIcon string or a URL.",
      "oneOf": [
          "properties": {
            "knownIcon": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The icon specified by the string name of a list of known icons"
            "iconUrl": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The icon specified by a URL."
      "properties": {
        "altText": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The description of icon which is used for accessibility."
    "divider": {
      "$id": "/properties/divider",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "A horizontal divider."
    "button": {
      "$id": "/properties/button",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "A button. Can be a text button or an image button.",
      "required": ["onClick", "text"],
      "properties": {
        "text": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The text of the button."
        "icon": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The icon image",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/icon"
        "color": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "If set, the button is filled with solid background.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/color"
        "onClick": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The onClick action of the button.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/onClick"
        "disabled": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "If true, the button is displayed in a disabled state and doesn't respond to user actions"
    "buttonList": {
      "$id": "/properties/buttonList",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "buttons": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/button"
          "description": "A list of buttons laid out horizontally"
    "decoratedText": {
      "$id": "/properties/decoratedText",
      "type": "object",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "button" : {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "A button that can be clicked to trigger an action",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/button"
        "switchControl": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "A switch widget can be clicked to change its state or trigger an action.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/switchControl"
        "icon": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The icon displayed in front of the text.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/icon"
        "imageType": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "description": "Define the cropping of the image."
        "topLabel": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The formatted text label that shows above the main text."
        "text": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The main widget formatted text."
        "wrapText": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "The wrap text setting. If true, the text is wrapped and displayed in multiline.\nOtherwise the text is truncated."
        "bottomLabel": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The formatted text label that shows below the main text."
        "onClick": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Only the top/bottom label + content region is clickable.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/onClick"
    "switchControl": {
      "$id": "/properties/switchControl",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the switch widget which is used in formInput."
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The value is what is passed back in the Apps Script callback."
        "selected": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "If the switch is selected."
        "onChangeAction": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The action when the switch state is changed.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/action"
        "controlType": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The control type, it could be either Switch or Checkbox.",
          "enum": [
    "onClick": {
      "$id": "/properties/onClick",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "action": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/action",
          "description": "An action is triggered by this onClick, if specified."
        "openLink": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/openLink",
          "description": "This onClick triggers an open link action if specified."
        "openDynamicLinkAction": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/action",
          "description": "An add-on triggers this action when the action needs to open a link.\nThis differs from the openLink above in that this needs to talk to server to get the link.\nThus some preparation work is required for web client to do before the open link action response comes back."
        "card": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/card",
          "description": "A new card is pushed to the card stack after clicking if specified."
    "openLink": {
      "$id": "/properties/openLink",
      "description": "Opens a URL",
      "required": ["url"],
      "properties": {
        "url": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The URL to open."
        "openAs": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "When an onClick opens a link, then the client can either open it as a \n full size (window if that is the frame used by the client), or an \n overlay (such as a pop-up). The implementation depends on the client\nplatform capabilities, and the value selected may be ignored if the\nclient does not support it. FULL_SIZE is supported by all clients.",
          "enum": [
        "onClose": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
    "textInput": {
      "$id": "/properties/textInput",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "A text input is a UI item where the users can input text.",
      "required": ["name"],
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the text input which is used in formInput."
        "label": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "At least one of label and hintText is required to be specified."
        "hintText": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The hint text."
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The default value when no input from user."
        "type": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "description": "The style of the text (for example, single line or multiple line)."
        "onChangeAction": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The onChange action (for example, invoke an Apps Script)",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/action"
        "initialSuggestions": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The initial suggestions made before any user input",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/suggestions"
        "autoCompleteAction": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/action",
          "description": "The refresh function which returns suggestions based on the user's input text."
        "multipleSuggestions": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "When set to true, a user can input multiple suggestions items."
    "suggestions": {
      "$id": "/properties/suggestions",
      "description": "A container wrapping elements necessary for showing suggestion items used in text input autocomplete.",
      "properties": {
        "items": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "A list of suggestion items which will be used in are used in autocomplete.",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/suggestionItem"
    "suggestionItem": {
      "$id": "/properties/suggestionItem",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "A Suggestion Item. Only supports text for now.",
      "properties": {
        "text": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Text."
    "selectionInput": {
      "$id": "/properties/selectionInput",
      "description": "A widget which creates a UI item (for example, a drop-down list) with options for users to select.",
      "required": ["name"],
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": ""
        "label": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The label displayed ahead of the switch control."
        "type": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The type of the selection.",
          "enum": [
        "items": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/selectionItem"
          "description": "The item/items in the switch control."
        "onChangeAction": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "If specified, form is submitted when selection changes",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/action"
    "selectionItem": {
      "$id": "/properties/selectionItem",
      "description": "The item in the switch control.",
      "properties": {
        "text": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The text to be displayed"
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The value associated with this item which is sent back to Apps Script.\nThe client should use this as a form input value."
        "selected": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "If more than one items are selected for RADIO_BUTTON or DROPDOWN,\nthe first selected item is treated as selected and the after ones are all ignored."
    "dateTimePicker": {
      "$id": "/properties/dateTimePicker",
      "description": "The widget to allow users to specify date and time",
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the text input which is used in formInput, and uniquely identifies this input."
        "label": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The label for the field, which is displayed to the user."
        "type": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The type of the date time picker.",
          "enum": [
        "valueMsEpoch": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "The value to display which can be the default value before user input or previous user input.\nIt is represented in milliseconds (Epoch time)"
        "timezoneOffsetDate": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "The number representing the time-zone offset from UTC, in minutes."
        "onChangeAction": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Triggered when the user clicks on the Save, or Clear button from the date time picker dialog.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/action"
    "borderStyle": {
      "$id": "/properties/borderStyle",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "A border style.",
      "required": ["type"],
      "properties": {
        "type": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The border type.",
          "enum": [
        "strokeColor": {
          "description": "The border color.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/color"
        "cornerRadius": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "The border corner radius."
    "imageCropStyle": {
      "$id": "/properties/imageCropStyle",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "A crop style that can be applied to images.",
      "required": ["type"],
      "properties": {
        "type": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The crop type.",
          "enum": [
        "aspectRatio": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "The aspect ratio for a custom rectangular crop."
    "imageComponent": {
      "$id": "/properties/imageComponent",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "An image and its properties.",
      "required": ["imageUri"],
      "properties": {
        "imageUri": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The URL for the image resource."
        "altText": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The accessibility label for the image."
        "cropStyle": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/imageCropStyle",
          "description": "The crop style to apply to the image."
        "borderStyle": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/borderStyle",
          "description": "The border style to apply to the image."
    "grid": {
      "$id": "/properties/grid",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "A grid that displays a collection of grid items.",
      "required": [],
      "properties": {
        "title": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The title of the grid."
        "items": {
          "description": "List of grid items.",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/griditem"
        "borderStyle": {
          "description": "The border style for the grid items.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/borderStyle"
        "columnCount": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "The number of columns in the grid."
        "onClick": {
          "description": "The action that executes when a grid item is clicked.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/onClick"
    "griditem": {
      "$id": "/properties/griditem",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "An item that can be displayed in a grid widget.",
      "required": [],
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An identifier for the grid item."
        "image": {
          "description": "The image to display in the grid item.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/imageComponent"
        "title": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The title of the grid item."
        "subtitle": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The subtitle of the grid item."
        "textAlignment": {
          "description": "The text alignment for the grid item's text.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/horizontalAlignment"
        "layout": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The grid item layout.",
          "enum": [
    "horizontalAlignment": {
      "$id": "/properties/horizontalAlignment",
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Horizontal alignment options.",
      "enum": [
    "widget": {
      "$id": "/properties/widget",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "textParagraph": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Display a text paragraph in this widget",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/textParagraph"
        "image": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Display an image in this widget",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/image"
        "decoratedText": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Display a decorated text item in this widget",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/decoratedText"
        "buttonList": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "A List of buttons",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/buttonList"
        "textInput": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Display a text input in this widget",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/textInput"
        "selectionInput": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Display a switch control in this widget",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/selectionInput"
        "dateTimePicker": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Display a date/time picker in this widget",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/dateTimePicker"
        "horizontalAlignment": {
          "description": "The horizontal alignment of this widget.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/horizontalAlignment"
        "divider": {
          "description": "Inserts a divider.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/divider"
        "grid": {
          "description": "Display a grid control in this widget.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/grid"
    "section": {
      "$id": "/properties/section",
      "type": "object",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "header": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The text header of a section"
        "collapsible": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Whether section can be collapsed or not."
        "widgets": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/widget"
          "description": "The widgets within a section. Example of a widget is TextParagraph or Image."
        "uncollapsibleWidgetsCount": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "The number of uncollapsable widgets"
    "color": {
      "$id": "/properties/color",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Represents a color in the RGBA color space.",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "red": {
          "type": "number",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 1,
          "description": "The amount of red in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]"
        "green": {
          "type": "number",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 1,
          "description": "The amount of green in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]"
        "blue": {
          "type": "number",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 1,
          "description": "The amount of blue in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]"
        "alpha": {
          "type": "number",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 1,
          "description": "The alpha value of the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]. 1 is sloid color and 0 is transparent"
    "cardHeader": {
      "$id": "/properties/cardHeader",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Optional header in the card.",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "title": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Required title in the header."
        "subtitle": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional - renders beneath the title. If not specified, title will take up both lines."
        "imageUrl": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional - renders an image on the right of the title."
        "imageType": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "description": "Define the cropping of the image in the header."
        "imageAltText": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The Alternative text of this image"
    "cardAction": {
      "$id": "/properties/cardAction",
      "description": "A Card action is the action associated with the card.",
      "properties": {
        "actionLabel": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The label used to be displayed in the action menu item."
        "onClick": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The onClick action for this action item.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/onClick"
    "cardFixedFooter": {
      "$id": "/properties/cardFixedFooter",
      "description": "A persistent (sticky) footer that is added to the bottom of the card.",
      "properties": {
        "primaryButton": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The Primary button of the fixed footer.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/button"
        "secondaryButton": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The Secondary button of the fixed footer.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/button"
    "card": {
      "$id": "/properties/card",
      "type": "object",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "header": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The Header of the card.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/cardHeader"
        "sections": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/section"
          "description": "A card consist of 1 or more sections. Widgets are defined within a section."
        "cardActions": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The actions of this card.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/cardAction"
        "name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Name of the card which is used as an identifier for the card in the card navigation."
        "fixedFooter": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The fixed footer that is shown at the bottom of this card.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/cardFixedFooter"
        "displayStyle": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The Display Style for the peekCardHeader.",
          "enum": [
        "peekCardHeader": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "When displaying contextual content, the peek card header acts as a placeholder so that the user can\nnavigate forward between the homepage cards and the contextual cards.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/cardHeader"
    "action": {
      "$id": "/properties/action",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "An action that describes the behavior when a form is submitted - triggered from an onclick event on an input widget (e.g. button).",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "function": {
          "description": "The apps script callback function or the HTTPS endpoint if using HTTP deployments.",
          "type": "string"
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/card"

برنامه هزینه

  "action": {
    "navigations": [
        "pushCard": {
          "sections": [
              "header": "Budget Performance",
              "widgets": [
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "text": "Current Quarter
Budget $18,000 (Ends in 5 days)
Spent: $410.75
", "wrapText": true } }, { "decoratedText": { "text": "Top Expense Category" } }, { "decoratedText": { "text": "Flights · 30%", "icon": { "iconUrl" : "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_flight_grey_64.png" } } }, { "decoratedText": { "text": "Hotels · 50%", "icon": { "iconUrl" : "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png" } } } ] }, { "header": "Expense Awaiting Your Approval", "widgets": [ { "decoratedText": { "text": "Submitted by Pam Bee", "icon": { "iconUrl" : "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQDQGRxqHJ2XZenPL496tC1EkP2b8wtvENQ4QIClnde2Hq1C7u3" } } }, { "decoratedText": { "text": "Team Lunch (Internal)
Cost: $85.00 USD
Date: 10/16/2019
Expense no. #7453" } }, { "buttonList": { "buttons": [ { "text": "Approve", "color": { "red": 0, "green": 0.4784, "blue": 0.353 }, "onClick": { "openLink": { "url": "https://www.domain.com/approve" } } }, { "text": "Decline", "color": { "red": 1, "green": 0.07843, "blue": 0.07843 }, "onClick": { "openLink": { "url": "https://www.domain.com/decline" } } }, { "text": "View Details", "color": { "red": 0.650, "green": 0.650, "blue": 0.650 }, "onClick": { "openLink": { "url": "https://www.domain.com/view" } } } ] } } ] }, { "widgets": [ { "decoratedText": { "text": "Submitted by Dwight Smith", "icon": { "iconUrl" : "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQDQGRxqHJ2XZenPL496tC1EkP2b8wtvENQ4QIClnde2Hq1C7u3" } } }, { "decoratedText": { "text": "Flight to New York
Cost: 530.00 USD
Date: 11/21/2019
Expense no. #9866" } }, { "buttonList": { "buttons": [ { "text": "Approve", "color": { "red": 0, "green": 0.4784, "blue": 0.353 }, "onClick": { "openLink": { "url": "https://www.domain.com/approve" } } }, { "text": "Decline", "color": { "red": 1, "green": 0.07843, "blue": 0.07843 }, "onClick": { "openLink": { "url": "https://www.domain.com/decline" } } }, { "text": "View Details", "color": { "red": 0.650, "green": 0.650, "blue": 0.650 }, "onClick": { "openLink": { "url": "https://www.domain.com/view" } } } ] } } ] } ] } } ] } }

فرم ارسال کنید

 * A sample Google Workspace Add-on with a form submit with a happy/sad button.
exports.homepage = (req, res) => {
  console.log("event: ", req.body);
  console.log("headers: ",JSON.stringify(req.headers));
  let parameters = req.body.commonEventObject.parameters;
  if (parameters) {
    let happy = parameters.happy;
    if (happy == '1') {
    } else {
  } else {

function createSadCard() {
  return {
    "renderActions": {
      "action": {
        "navigations": [
            "pushCard": {
              "sections": [
                  "widgets": [
                      "image": {
                        "imageUrl": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/08/15/12/58/emoticon-2643814_960_720.jpg"

function createHappyCard() {
  return {
    "renderActions": {
      "action": {
        "navigations": [
            "pushCard": {
              "sections": [
                  "widgets": [
                      "image": {
                        "imageUrl": "https://dg.imgix.net/do-you-think-you-re-happy-jgdbfiey-en/landscape/do-you-think-you-re-happy-jgdbfiey-9bb0198eeccd0a3c3c13aed064e2e2b3.jpg"

function createQuestionCard() {
  return {
    "action": {
      "navigations": [
          "pushCard": {
            "sections": [
                "widgets": [
                    "textParagraph": {
                      "text": "Are you having a good day today?"
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Happy",
                          "color": {
                            "red": 0,
                            "green": 0.4784,
                            "blue": 0.353
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "https://us-central1-elevated-surge-267316.cloudfunctions.net/HttpGSAO",
                              "parameters": [
                                  "key": "happy",
                                  "value": "1"
                          "text": "Sad",
                          "color": {
                            "red": 1,
                            "green": 0.07843,
                            "blue": 0.07843
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "https://us-central1-elevated-surge-267316.cloudfunctions.net/HttpGSAO",
                              "parameters": [
                                  "key": "happy",
                                  "value": "0"


  "action": {
    "navigations": [
        "pushCard": {
          "sections": [
              "widgets": [
                  "textParagraph": {
                    "text": "You have a new request:"
                  "textParagraph": {
                      "John Dolittle - New Device Request"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Type:",
                    "text": "Computer (laptop)"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "When:",
                    "text": "Submitted Aug 10"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Reason:",
                    "text": "Keyboard is not working"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Specs:",
                    "text": "Cheetah Pro 15"
                  "buttonList": {
                    "buttons": [
                        "text": "Approve",
                        "color": {
                          "red": 0,
                          "green": 0.4784,
                          "blue": 0.353
                        "onClick": {
                          "openLink": {
                            "url": "https://www.domain.com/approve"
                        "text": "Deny",
                        "color": {
                          "red": 1,
                          "green": 0.07843,
                          "blue": 0.07843
                        "onClick": {
                          "openLink": {
                            "url": "https://www.domain.com/deny"

لیست مخاطبین

 * A sample Google Workspace Add-on that creates a top level card with a list of
 * contacts. Clicking on a contact will navigate (client side) to a full contact
 * card.
exports.homepage = (req, res) => {

function createContactCard(name, title, email, phone, location) {
  return {
    "header": {
      "imageType": "CIRCLE",
      "imageUrl": "https://ssl.gstatic.com/images/branding/product/1x/avatar_square_blue_512dp.png",
      "title": name,
      "subtitle": title
    "sections": [
        "widgets": [
            "decoratedText": {
              "topLabel": "Email:",
              "text": email
            "decoratedText": {
              "topLabel": "Phone Number:",
              "text": phone
            "decoratedText": {
              "topLabel": "Location:",
              "text": location

function createContactListEntry(name, title, email, phone, location) {
  return {
    "decoratedText": {
      "topLabel": title,
      "text": name,
      "onClick": {
        "card": createContactCard(name, title, email, phone, location)
      "icon": {
        "iconUrl": "https://ssl.gstatic.com/images/branding/product/1x/avatar_square_blue_512dp.png"

function createListCard() {
  var LIST1 = createContactListEntry("John Dolittle", "President", "john@gmail.com", "800-555-0100", "Markham, ON");
  var LIST2 = createContactListEntry("Huckleberry Finn", "CFO", "huck@gmail.com", "800-555-0111", "Kingston, ON");
  var LIST3 = createContactListEntry("Grace Harlowe", "Senior Director", "grace@gmail.com", "800-555-0122", "Toronto, ON");
  return {
    "action": {
      "navigations": [
          "pushCard": {
            "sections": [
                "widgets": [

مجوز شخص ثالث

برای آشنایی با مجوز شخص ثالث، به اتصال افزونه Google Workspace خود به سرویس شخص ثالث مراجعه کنید.

  "custom_authorization_prompt": {
    "action": {
      "navigations": [
          "pushCard": {
            "sections": [
                "widgets": [
                    "image": {
                      "imageUrl": "https://www.example.com/images/logo",
                      "altText": "Example organization logo"
                    "divider": {}
                    "textParagraph": {
                      "text": "Sign in to get started."
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Sign in",
                          "onClick": {
                            "openLink": {
                              "url": "https://www.example.com/auth",
                              "onClose": "RELOAD",
                              "openAs": "OVERLAY"
                          "color": {
                            "red": 0,
                            "green": 0,
                            "blue": 1,
                            "alpha": 1,
                    "textParagraph": {
                      "text": "If you don't have an account, <a href=\"https://www.example.com/signup\">sign up</a> here."

ابزارک های JSON

ویجت های عمومی

  "$schema": "/Users/dummy_user/Documents/JSON_schema/renderActionSchema.json",
  "action": {
    "navigations": [
        "pushCard": {
          "header": {
            "title": "Main Card"
          "name": "Main Card",
          "peekCardHeader": {
            "title": "This is a peek card",
            "imageType": "SQUARE",
            "imageUrl": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png",
            "imageAltText": "Image of Cards",
            "subtitle": "No Subtitle"
          "cardActions": [
              "actionLabel": "This is Card action - 1",
              "onClick": {
                "openDynamicLinkAction": {
                  "function": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/openLinkCallback"
              "actionLabel": "This is Card action - 2",
              "onClick": {
                "action": {
                  "function": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/generic_submit_form_response"
              "actionLabel": "This is Card action - 3",
              "onClick": {
                "openLink": {
                  "onClose": "RELOAD",
                  "openAs": "OVERLAY",
                  "url": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/open_link_sample"
              "actionLabel": "This is Card action - 4",
              "onClick": {
                "card": {
                  "header": {
                    "title": "This card is shown after card action 4 is clicked"
                  "sections": [
                      "widgets": [
                          "textParagraph": {
                            "text": "This is a sample text for the card that's shown after action 4 of the card is clicked"
          "fixedFooter": {
            "primaryButton": {
              "text": "Primary Button",
              "color": {
                "red": 0,
                "blue": 0,
                "green": 0
              "onClick": {
                "openLink": {
                  "url": "www.google.ca",
                  "onClose": "NOTHING",
                  "openAs": "FULL_SIZE"
            "secondaryButton": {
              "text": "Secondary Button - Disabled",
              "disabled": true,
              "color": {
                "red": 0.32421,
                "blue": 0.23421,
                "green": 0.2353614
              "onClick": {
                "openLink": {
                  "url": "www.google.com",
                  "onClose": "NOTHING",
                  "openAs": "FULL_SIZE"
          "sections": [
              "header": "Section 1 - Date Time",
              "collapsible": true,
              "widgets": [
                  "dateTimePicker": {
                    "name": "Date Time Picker - EST",
                    "label": "Date Time Picker - EST",
                    "valueMsEpoch": 1585166673000,
                    "onChangeAction": {
                      "function": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/sample_notification"
                    "timezoneOffsetDate": -240,
                    "type": "DATE_AND_TIME"
                  "dateTimePicker": {
                    "name": "Date Picker - CST",
                    "label": "Date Time Picker - CST",
                    "valueMsEpoch": 1585166673000,
                    "onChangeAction": {
                      "function": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/sample_notification"
                    "timezoneOffsetDate": -300,
                    "type": "DATE_AND_TIME"
                  "dateTimePicker": {
                    "name": "Date Time Picker - PST",
                    "label": "Date Time Picker - PST",
                    "valueMsEpoch": 1585166673000,
                    "onChangeAction": {
                      "function": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/sample_notification"
                    "timezoneOffsetDate": -420,
                    "type": "DATE_AND_TIME"
              "header": "Section 2 - Decorated Text",
              "collapsible": true,
              "uncollapsibleWidgetsCount": 2,
              "widgets": [
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Top Label - Decorated Text CHECKBOX",
                    "switchControl": {
                      "controlType": "CHECKBOX",
                      "name": "Name - Check Box Sample",
                      "value": "Value - Check Box Sample"
                    "text": "Text - Decorated Text",
                    "bottomLabel": "Bottom Label - Decorated Text CHECKBOX",
                    "wrapText": false,
                    "onClick": {
                      "card": {
                        "header": {
                          "title": "Decorated Text - On Click Action Card"
                        "sections": [
                            "widgets": [
                                "image": {
                                  "imageUrl": "https://cataas.com/cat/says/hello%20world!",
                                  "altText": "Hello World - Cat Image"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Top Label - Decorated Text SWITCH",
                    "switchControl": {
                      "controlType": "SWITCH",
                      "name": "Name - SWITCH Sample",
                      "value": "Value - SWITCH Sample"
                    "text": "Text - Decorated Text",
                    "bottomLabel": "Bottom Label - Decorated Text SWITCH",
                    "wrapText": false,
                    "onClick": {
                      "card": {
                        "header": {
                          "title": "Decorated Text - On Click Action Card"
                        "sections": [
                            "widgets": [
                                "image": {
                                  "imageUrl": "https://cataas.com/cat/says/hello%20world!",
                                  "altText": "Hello World - Cat Image",
                                  "onClick": {
                                    "action": {
                                      "function": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/pop_to_root"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Top Label - Decorated Text Button",
                    "bottomLabel": "Bottom Label - Decorated Text Button",
                    "text": "Text - Decorated Text Button",
                    "button": {
                      "icon": {
                        "altText": "Assessment Blue",
                        "icon_url": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png"
                      "text": "Assessment Blue",
                      "onClick": {
                        "openLink": {
                          "url": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png",
                          "openAs": "OVERLAY",
                          "onClose": "RELOAD"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Top Label - Decorated Text CHECKBOX",
                    "switchControl": {
                      "controlType": "CHECKBOX",
                      "name": "Name - Check Box Sample",
                      "value": "Value - Check Box Sample"
                    "text": "Text - Decorated Text",
                    "bottomLabel": "Bottom Label - Decorated Text CHECKBOX",
                    "wrapText": false,
                    "onClick": {
                      "card": {
                        "header": {
                          "title": "Decorated Text - On Click Action Card"
                        "sections": [
                            "widgets": [
                                "image": {
                                  "imageUrl": "https://cataas.com/cat/says/hello%20world!",
                                  "altText": "Hello World - Cat Image"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Top Label - Decorated Text Icon",
                    "bottomLabel": "Bottom Label - Decorated Text Icon",
                    "text": "Text - Decorated Text Icon",
                    "icon": {
                      "iconUrl": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png",
                      "altText": "Arrow Right Blue"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Top Label - Decorated Text Wrap",
                    "bottomLabel": "Bottom Label - Decorated Text Wrap",
                    "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla facilisis ne.",
                    "wrapText": true
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "topLabel": "Top Label - Decorated Text Non-Wrap",
                    "bottomLabel": "Bottom Label - Decorated Text Non-Wrap",
                    "text": "Nunc ultrices massa ut nisl porttitor, ut euismod nisl tincidunt. Vivamus pharetra, est sed sagittis consequat, arcu nisi.",
                    "wrapText": false
              "header": "Section 3 - Button List",
              "collapsible": true,
              "widgets": [
                  "buttonList": {
                    "buttons": [
                        "icon": {
                          "iconUrl": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png",
                          "altText": "G - Button"
                        "color": {
                          "red": 0,
                          "blue": 0,
                          "green": 1
                        "disabled": false,
                        "onClick": {
                          "openLink": {
                            "url": "www.google.ca/"
                        "text": "Green - Google.ca"
                        "color": {
                          "red": 1,
                          "blue": 0,
                          "green": 0
                        "disabled": false,
                        "onClick": {
                          "action": {
                            "function": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/pop_to_card_2"
                        "text": "Pop to Card 2"
                        "color": {
                          "red": 0,
                          "blue": 1,
                          "green": 0
                        "disabled": false,
                        "onClick": {
                          "openLink": {
                            "url": "www.google.ca/"
                        "text": "Blue - Google"
                        "color": {
                          "red": 1,
                          "blue": 1,
                          "green": 1
                        "disabled": true,
                        "onClick": {
                          "openLink": {
                            "url": "www.google.ca/"

                        "text": "Disabled Button"
              "header": "Section 4 - Images",
              "collapsible": true,
              "widgets": [
                  "image": {
                    "imageUrl": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png",
                    "onClick": {
                      "openLink": {
                        "url": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png",
                        "openAs": "FULL_SIZE",
                        "onClose": "NOTHING"
                  "image": {
                    "imageUrl": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png",
                    "altText": "Commute - Black",
                    "onClick": {
                      "openLink": {
                        "url": "http://ssl.gstatic.com/travel-trips-fe/icon_hotel_grey_64.png",
                        "openAs": "FULL_SIZE",
                        "onClose": "RELOAD"
              "header": "Section 5 - Text Paragraph",
              "collapsible": true,
              "widgets": [
                  "textParagraph": {
                    "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla facilisis neque, condimentum egestas dolor dapibus id."
              "header": "Section 6 - Selection Input",
              "collapsible": true,
              "widgets": [
                  "selectionInput": {
                    "name": "Selection Input Check box",
                    "label": "Selection Input Check box",
                    "type": "CHECK_BOX",
                    "items": [
                        "text": "Selection Input item 1 Text",
                        "value": "Selection Input item 1 Value"
                        "text": "Selection Input item 2 Text",
                        "value": "Selection Input item 2 Value"
                  "selectionInput": {
                    "name": "Selection Input Dropdown",
                    "label": "Selection Input Dropdown",
                    "type": "DROPDOWN",
                    "items": [
                        "text": "Selection Input item 1 Text",
                        "value": "Selection Input item 1 Value"
                        "text": "Selection Input item 2 Text",
                        "value": "Selection Input item 2 Value"
                  "selectionInput": {
                    "name": "Selection Input Radio",
                    "label": "Selection Input Radio",
                    "type": "RADIO_BUTTON",
                    "items": [
                        "text": "Selection Input item 1 Text",
                        "value": "Selection Input item 1 Value"
                        "text": "Selection Input item 2 Text",
                        "value": "Selection Input item 2 Value"
                  "selectionInput": {
                    "name": "Selection Input Switch",
                    "label": "Selection Input Switch",
                    "type": "SWITCH",
                    "items": [
                        "text": "Selection Input item 1 Text",
                        "value": "Selection Input item 1 Value"
                        "text": "Selection Input item 2 Text",
                        "value": "Selection Input item 2 Value"

نمایش یک اعلان

  "$schema": "/Users/dummy_user/Documents/JSON_schema/submit_form_response_schema.json",
  "renderActions": {
    "action": {
      "notification": {
        "text": "This is a sample notification"

به کارت ریشه بروید

  "$schema": "/Users/dummy_user/Documents/JSON_schema/submit_form_response_schema.json",
  "renderActions": {
    "action": {
      "navigations": [
          "popToRoot": true

به یک کارت خاص بروید

  "$schema": "/Users/dummy_user/Documents/JSON_schema/submit_form_response_schema.json",
  "render_actions": {
    "action": {
      "navigations": [
          "popToCard": "card_2"
  "$schema": "/Users/dummy_user/Documents/JSON_schema/render_action_schema.json",
  "action": {
    "navigations": [
        "pushCard": {
          "header": {
            "title": "Open Link Test Case - HTTP"
          "sections": [
              "widgets": [
                  "textParagraph": {
                    "text": "Verify a link is opened in a new tab. When returned to Gmail, the bolded text should say AFTER.

\nText BEFORE opening the link." } }, { "buttonList": { "buttons": [ { "text": "Open tab, close, refresh", "onClick": { "openLink": { "url": "https://www.google.ca/", "onClose": "RELOAD", "openAs": "OVERLAY" } } } ] } } ] } ] } } ] } }

پاسخ به ارسال فرم

  "$schema": "/Users/dummy_user/Documents/JSON_schema/submit_form_response_schema.json",
  "stateChanged": true,
  "renderActions": {
    "action": {
      "navigations": [
          "pushCard": {
            "peekCardHeader": {
              "title": "Peek Card"
            "header": {
              "title": "Generic Submit Form Response Card"
            "sections": [
                "widgets": [
                    "image": {
                      "imageUrl": "https://cataas.com/cat"


  "$schema": "/Users/dummy_user/Documents/JSON_schema/render_action_schema.json",
  "action": {
    "navigations": [
        "pushCard": {
          "header": {
            "title": "Main Card"
          "sections": [
              "header": "Grid Widget",
              "widgets": [
                  "grid": {
                    "title": "A fine collection of cats",
                    "borderStyle": {
                      "type": "STROKE",
                      "cornerRadius": 5.0
                    "columnCount": 2,
                    "items": [
                        "id": "itemA",
                        "image": {
                          "imageUri": "https://cataas.com/cat?0.001",
                          "cropStyle": {
                            "type": "CIRCLE"
                        "title": "First cat"
                        "id": "itemB",
                        "image": {
                          "imageUri": "https://cataas.com/cat?0.002",
                          "cropStyle": {
                            "type": "CIRCLE"
                        "title": "Second cat",
                        "subtitle": "Top rated"
                        "id": "itemC",
                        "image": {
                          "imageUri": "https://cataas.com/cat?0.003",
                          "cropStyle": {
                            "type": "CIRCLE"
                        "title": "Third cat"
                        "id": "itemD",
                        "image": {
                          "imageUri": "https://cataas.com/cat?0.004",
                          "cropStyle": {
                            "type": "CIRCLE"
                        "title": "Fourth cat",
                        "id": "itemE",
                        "image": {
                          "imageUri": "https://cataas.com/cat?0.005",
                          "cropStyle": {
                            "type": "CIRCLE"
                        "title": "Fifth cat",
                        "subtitle": "Top rated"
                        "id": "itemF",
                        "image": {
                          "imageUri": "https://cataas.com/cat?0.006",
                          "cropStyle": {
                            "type": "CIRCLE"
                        "title": "Sixth cat"
                    "onClick": {
                      "action": {
                        "function": "https://dummy-function-from-resources.net/grid_item_clicked",
                        "parameters": [
                            "key": "datasource",
                            "value": "Favorite cat pics"

اشیاء رویداد JSON

رایج (Gmail، Calendar، Drive، و Editors)

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "definitions": {
    "eventObject": {
      "$id": "/properties/eventObject",
      "description": "Event objects are JSON structures that are automatically constructed and passed as parameters to trigger or callback functions when a user interacts with an add-on (https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/concepts/event-objects)",
      "properties": {
        "commonEventObject": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/commonEventObject"
        "authorizationEventObject": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/authorizationEventObject",
          "description": "Set for requests to HTTP endpoints"
        "gmail": {
          "$ref": "./gmail_event_object_schema.json#/definitions/gmailEventObject",
          "description": "An object containing Gmail information."
        "drive": {
          "$ref": "./drive_event_object_schema.json#/definitions/driveEventObject",
          "description": "An object containing Drive information."
        "docs": {
          "$ref": "./docs_event_object_schema.json#/definitions/docsEventObject",
          "description": "An object containing Docs information."
        "sheets": {
          "$ref": "./sheets_event_object_schema.json#/definitions/sheetsEventObject",
          "description": "An object containing Sheets information."
        "slides": {
          "$ref": "./slides_event_object_schema.json#/definitions/slidesEventObject",
          "description": "An object containing Slides information."
        "calendar": {
          "$ref": "./calendar_event_object_schema.json#/definitions/calendarEventObject",
          "description": "An object containing calendar and event information."
    "commonEventObject": {
      "$id": "/properties/commonEventObject",
      "description": "An object containing information common to all event objects, regardless of the host application.",
      "properties": {
        "userLocale": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The user's language and country/region identifier in the format of ISO 639 language code-ISO 3166 country/region code. For example, en-US."
        "hostApp": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Indicates the host app the add-on is active in when the event object is generated. Possible values include the following:\nGMAIL\nCALENDAR\nDRIVE",
          "enum": ["GMAIL", "DRIVE", "CALENDAR"]
        "platform": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Indicates where the event originates (`WEB`, `IOS`, or `ANDROID`)",
          "enum": ["WEB", "ANDRIOD", "IOS"]
        "timeZone": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/timeZone",
          "description": "The timezone ID and offset. To enable this field, you must set `addOns.common.useLocaleFromApp` to `true` in your add-on's manifest. Your add-on's scope list must also include `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.locale`\n See https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/how-tos/access-user-locale for more details"
        "formInputs": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "A map containing the current values of the widgets in the displayed card. The map keys are the string IDs assigned with each widget, and each value is another wrapper object with a single \"\" key.",
          "additionalProperties": {
            "properties": {
              "stringInputs": {
                "$ref": "#/definitions/stringInputs"
              "dateTimeInput": {
                "$ref": "#/definitions/dateTimeInput"
              "dateInput": {
                "$ref": "#/definitions/dateInput"
              "timeInput": {
                "$ref": "#/definitions/timeInput"
        "parameters": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Any additional parameters.",
          "additionalProperties": {
            "type": "string"
    "authorizationEventObject": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "userOAuthToken": {
          "description": "The end user OAuth access token, authorized with the requested scopes",
          "type": "string"
        "userIdToken": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An end-user ID token, if appropriate ID scopes are requested"
        "systemIdToken": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An ID token for the Google Workspace Add-ons service account for this deployment"
    "timeZone": {
      "$id": "/properties/timeZone",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "description": "The timezone identifier of the user's timezone. Examples include: America/New_York, Europe/Vienna, and Asia/Seoul. To enable this field, you must set `addOns.common.useLocaleFromApp` to `true` in your add-on's manifest. Your add-on's scope list must also include `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.locale`. See https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/how-tos/access-user-locale for more details"
        "offset": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The time offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the user's timezone, measured in milliseconds. See https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/how-tos/access-user-locale for more details",
          "minimum": -2147483648,
          "maximum": 2147483647
    "stringInputs": {
      "$id": "/properties/stringInputs",
      "description": "Input parameter for regular widgets.\nFor single-valued widgets, it will be a single value list; for\nmulti-valued widgets, such as checkbox, all the values are presented.",
      "properties": {
        "value": {
          "items": {
    "dateTimeInput": {
      "$id": "/properties/dateTimeInput",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Input Parameter for Date and Time Picker widget.",
      "properties": {
        "msSinceEpoch": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The time selected by the user, in milliseconds since epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970).",
          "minimum": -9223372036854775808,
          "maximum": 9223372036854775807
        "hasDate": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "true if the input date time includes a date; if false only a time is included."
        "hasTime": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "true if the input date time includes a time; if false only a date is included."
    "dateInput": {
      "$id": "/properties/dateInput",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Input Parameter for Date Picker widget.",
      "properties": {
        "msSinceEpoch": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The time selected by the user, in milliseconds since epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970).",
          "minimum": -9223372036854775808,
          "maximum": 9223372036854775807
    "timeInput": {
      "description": "Input Parameter for Time Picker widget.",
      "$id": "/properties/timeInput",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "hours": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The hour number selected by the user.",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 23
        "minutes": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The minute number selected by the user.",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 59
  "$ref": "#/definitions/eventObject"


  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "type": "object",
  "definitions": {
    "gmailEventObject": {
      "$id": "/properties/gmailEventObject",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "The Gmail event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's Gmail messages. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Gmail.",
      "properties": {
        "messageId": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of the currently open Gmail message."
        "threadId": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The currently open Gmail thread ID."
        "accessToken": {
          "description": "The Gmail-specific access token. You can use this token with the \"X-Goog-Gmail-Access-Token\" HTTP header to grant your add-on temporary access to a user's currently open Gmail message or let your add-on compose new drafts.",
          "type": "string"
        "toRecipients": {
          "description": "The list of \"To:\" recipient email addresses currently included in a draft the add-on is composing",
          "items": {
        "ccRecipients": {
          "description": "The list of \"CC:\" recipient email addresses currently included in a draft the add-on is composing",
          "items": {
        "bccRecipients": {
          "description": "The list of \"BCC:\" recipient email addresses currently included in a draft the add-on is composing",
          "items": {
  "$ref": "#/definitions/gmailEventObject"


  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "type": "object",
  "definitions": {
    "calendarEventObject": {
      "$id": "/properties/calendarEventObject",
      "description": "The Calendar event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's calendar and calendar events. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Calendar.",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The event ID."
        "recurringEventId": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of a recurring event."
        "calendarId": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The calendar ID."
        "organizer": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "An object representing the organizer of the event.",
          "properties": {
            "email": {
              "description": "The event organizer's email address.",
              "type": "string"
        "attendees": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "A list of the attendees of the calendar event.",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#definitions/attendee"
        "conferenceData": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "An object representing any conference data associated with this event, such as Google Meet conference details.",
          "$ref": "#definitions/conferenceData"
        "capabilities": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "An object describing the capabilities of the add-on to view or update event information.",
          "properties": {
            "canSeeAttendees": {
              "type": "boolean",
              "description": "true if the add-on can read the event attendee list; false otherwise."
            "canAddAttendees": {
              "type": "boolean",
              "description": "true if the add-on can add new attendees to the event attendee list; false otherwise."
            "canSeeConferenceData": {
              "type": "boolean",
              "description": "true if the add-on can read the event conference data; false otherwise."
            "canSetConferenceData": {
              "type": "boolean",
              "description": "true if the add-on can update the event conference data; false otherwise."
    "attendee": {
      "type": "object",
      "$id": "/properties/attendee",
      "properties": {
        "email": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The attendee email address."
        "optional": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "true if the attendance for this attendee is marked as optional; false otherwise."
        "displayName": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The attendee displayed name."
        "organizer": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "true if the attendee is an organizer for this event."
        "self": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "true if this attendee represents the calendar in which this event appears; false otherwise."
        "resource": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "true if the attendee represents a resource, such as room or piece of equipment; false otherwise."
        "responseStatus": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The attendee's response status. Possible values include the following:\naccepted: The attendee has accepted the event invitation.\ndeclined: The attendee has declined the event invitation.\nneedsAction: The attendee has not responded to the event invitation.\ntentative: The attendee has tentatively accepted the event invitation."
        "comment": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The attendee's response comment, if any."
        "additionalGuests": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The number of additional guests the attendee had indicated they are bringing. Defaults to zero.",
          "default": 0,
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 2147483647
    "conferenceData": {
      "$id": "/properties/conferenceData",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "conferenceId": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of the conference. This ID is meant to allow applications to keep track of conferences; you shouldn't display this ID to users."
        "conferenceSolution": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "An object representing the conference solution, such as Hangouts or Google Meet.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/conferenceSolution"
        "entryPoints": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "The list of conference entry points, such as URLs or phone numbers.",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/entryPoint"
        "notes": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Additional notes (such as instructions from the domain administrator or legal notices) about the conference to display to the user. Can contain HTML. The maximum length is 2048 characters."
        "parameters": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/parameters",
          "description": "An object containing a map of defined parameter data for use by the add-on."
    "conferenceSolution": {
      "type": "object",
      "description": "An object representing the conference solution, such as Hangouts or Google Meet.",
      "$id": "/properties/conferenceSolution",
      "properties": {
        "iconUri": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The URI for the user-visible icon representing this conference solution."
        "key": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The key which uniquely identifies the conference solution for this event.",
          "properties": {
            "type": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The conference solution type. Possible values include the following:\neventHangout for Hangouts for consumers (http://hangouts.google.com).\neventNamedHangout for classic Hangouts for Google Workspace users (http://hangouts.google.com).\nhangoutsMeet for Google Meet (http://meet.google.com)."
        "name": {
          "description": "The user-visible name of this conference solution (not localized)."
    "entryPoint": {
      "$id": "/properties/entryPoint",
      "description": "Entry point objects carry information about the established means of accessing a given conference, such as by phone or video. This information is present in the event object if and only if the data is present in the Calendar event and the add-on sets its addOns.calendar.currentEventAccess manifest (https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/concepts/manifests#calendar_fields) field to READ or READ_WRITE.",
      "properties": {
        "accessCode": {
          "description": "The access code used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of {accessCode, meetingCode, passcode, password, pin} to provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields the conference provider uses."
        "entryPointFeatures": {
          "description": "Features of the entry point. Currently these features only apply to phone entry points:\ntoll: The entry point is a toll phone call.\ntoll_free: The entry point is a toll-free phone call.",
          "items": {
            "type": "string"
        "entryPointType": {
          "description": "The type of entry point. Possible values are the following:\nmore: Additional conference joining instructions, such as alternate phone numbers. A conference can only have one more entry point; if present at least one other type of entry point is also required.\nphone: Join the conference via a phone number. A conference can have zero or more phone entry points. Google Calendar only displays the first two phone entry points, after formatting and sorting alphabetically.\nsip: Join the conference over SIP. A conference can have at most one sip entry point.\nvideo: Join the conference over HTTP. A conference can have at most one video entry point."
        "label": {
          "description": "The user-visible label for the entry point URI (not localized)."
        "meetingCode": {
          "description": "The meeting code used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of {accessCode, meetingCode, passcode, password, pin} to provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields the conference provider uses."
        "passcode": {
          "description": "The passcode used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of {accessCode, meetingCode, passcode, password, pin} to provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields the conference provider uses."
        "password": {
          "description": "The password used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of {accessCode, meetingCode, passcode, password, pin} to provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields the conference provider uses."
        "pin": {
          "description": "The PIN used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of {accessCode, meetingCode, passcode, password, pin} to provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields the conference provider uses."
        "regionCode": {
          "description": "Region code of the phone number. Needed by users if the URI doesn't include a country code. Values are based on the public CLDR list of region codes (http://cldr.unicode.org/translation/country-names)."
        "uri": {
          "description": "The URI of the entry point. The maximum length is 1300 characters. The formatting depends on the entry point type:\nmore: A http: or https: schema is required.\nphone: A tel: schema is required. The URI should include the entire dial sequence (for example, \"tel:+12345678900,,,12345678;1234\").\nsip: A sip: or sips: schema is required. For example \"sip:12345678@myprovider.com\".\nvideo: A http: or https: schema is required."
    "parameters": {
      "$id": "/properties/parameters",
      "description": "An object containing a map of defined parameter data for use by the add-on.",
      "properties": {
        "addOnParameters": {
          "description": "A map of parameter string keys and values. These keys and values are defined by the add-on developer to attach information to a specific conference for the add-on's use.",
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/addOnParameters"
    "addOnParameters": {
      "$id": "/properties/addOnParameters",
      "description": "A map of parameter string keys and values. These keys and values are defined by the add-on developer to attach information to a specific conference for the add-on's use.",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "parameters": {
          "type": "object",
          "additionalProperties": {
            "type": "string"
  "$ref": "#/definitions/calendarEventObject"

رانندگی کنید

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "type": "object",
  "definitions": {
    "driveEventObject": {
      "$id": "/properties/driveEventObject",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "The Drive event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's Google Drive and its contents. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Drive.",
      "properties": {
        "activeCursorItem": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "The Drive item currently active.",
          "$ref": "#definitions/driveItemMetaData"
        "selectedItems": {
          "description": "A list of items (files or folders) selected in Drive.",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#definitions/driveItemMetaData"
    "driveItemMetaData": {
      "$id": "/properties/driveItemMetaData",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of the selected item."
        "iconUrl": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The URL of the icon that represents the selected item."
        "mimeType": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The MIME type of the selected item."
        "title": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The title of the selected item."
        "addonHasFileScopePermission": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "If true, the add-on has requested and received https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file scope authorization for this item; otherwise this field is false."
  "$ref": "#/definitions/driveEventObject"


  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "type": "object",
  "definitions": {
    "docsEventObject": {
      "$id": "/properties/docsEventObject",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "The Docs event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's Google Docs document. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Docs.",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of the document open in the Docs UI"
        "title": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The title of the document open in the Docs UI"
        "matchedUrl": {
          "$id": "/properties/matchedUrlObject",
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Object that contains the URL that matches the pattern set in the link preview trigger."
          "properties": {
            "url": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "URL that matches the pattern set in the link preview trigger."
        "addonHasFileScopePermission": {
          "description": " Whether or not the add-on has drive.file scope permission for this document."
  "$ref": "#/definitions/docsEventObject"

Google Sheets

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "type": "object",
  "definitions": {
    "docsEventObject": {
      "$id": "/properties/docsEventObject",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "The Docs event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's Google Sheet and its contents. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Sheets.",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of the document open in the Sheets UI"
        "title": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The title of the document open in the Sheets UI"
        "addonHasFileScopePermission": {
          "description": " Whether or not the add-on has drive.file scope permission for this document."
  "$ref": "#/definitions/docsEventObject"

اسلایدهای گوگل

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "type": "object",
  "definitions": {
    "docsEventObject": {
      "$id": "/properties/docsEventObject",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "The Slides event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's Google Slides document. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Slides.",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of the document open in the Slides UI"
        "title": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The title of the document open in the Slides UI"
        "addonHasFileScopePermission": {
          "description": " Whether or not the add-on has drive.file scope permission for this document."
  "$ref": "#/definitions/docsEventObject"

اشیاء پاسخ JSON

فرم ارسال کنید

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "description": "The response to a form submit from the add-on.  The most common response will contain a navigation of cards - e.g.  pushing a card to render content to reflected the modified content.",
  "definitions": {
    "submitFormResponse": {
      "$id": "/properties/submitFormResponse",
      "type": "object",
      "required": ["renderActions"],
      "properties": {
        "renderActions": {
          "type" : "object",
          "$ref": "./renderActionSchema.json#/definitions/renderAction"
        "stateChanged": {
          "type" : "boolean",
          "description": "Whether the state of the cards has changed and data in existing cards is stale."
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/submitFormResponse"

عمل رندر

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "description": "The response to the invocation of the add-on. The most common response will contain a navigation for cards - e.g. pushing a card to render content.",
  "definitions": {
    "notification": {
      "$id": "/properties/notification",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Card action which displays a notification in the host app.",
        "text": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Plain text to display for the notification, without html tags."
    "navigation": {
      "$id": "/properties/navigation",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "popToRoot": {
          "type" : "boolean",
          "description": "Card stack pops all card off except the root card."
        "pop": {
          "type" : "boolean",
          "description": "Card stack pops one card off."
        "popToCard": {
          "type" : "string",
          "description": "Card stack pops all cards above the specified card with given card name."
        "pushCard": {
          "type" : "object",
          "description": "A card to push on top of the stack, which will be shown to end users.",
          "$ref": "./cardSchema.json#/definitions/card"
        "updateCard": {
          "type" : "object",
          "description": "Card stack updates the top card with a new card, preserving filled form\nfields values. For non-equivalent field, the value is dropped.",
          "$ref": "./cardSchema.json#/definitions/card"
    "action": {
      "$id": "/properties/action",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Google Workspace add-on response to interact with the end user. The most common interaction is to render a card with a navigation.",
      "properties": {
        "navigations": {
          "description": "Specify the navigation within the card stack.",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/navigation"
        "link": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Immediately open the target link in a new tab or a popup.",
          "$ref": "./cardSchema.json#/definitions/openLink"
        "notification": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Display a notification to the end-user.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/notification"
    "renderAction": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "action": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/action",
          "description": "Google Workspace add-on response to interact with the end user. The most common interaction is to render a card with a navigation."
        "hostAppAction": {
          "description": "Actions handled by individual host apps.",
          "$ref": "./hostAppActionSchema.json#/definitions/hostAppActionMarkup"
        "schema": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "This is a no-op schema field that may be present in the markup for syntax\n checking."
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/renderAction"

نشانه‌گذاری عملکرد برنامه میزبان

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "definitions": {
    "hostAppActionMarkup": {
      "$id": "/properties/hostAppActionMarkup",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "gmailAction": {
          "$id": "/properties/gmailAction",
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "./gmailSchema.json#/definitions/gmailClientActionMarkup"
        "calendarAction": {
          "$id": "/properties/calendarAction",
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "./calendarSchema.json#/definitions/calendarClientActionMarkup"
        "driveAction": {
          "$id": "/properties/driveAction",
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "./drive_schema.json#/definitions/drive_client_action_markup"
        "editor_action": {
          "$id": "/properties/editor_action",
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "./editor_schema.json#/definitions/editor_client_action_markup"
      "description": ""
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/hostAppActionMarkup"

نشانه گذاری اقدام Gmail

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "definitions": {
    "gmailClientActionMarkup": {
      "$id": "/properties/gmailClientActionMarkup",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "updateDraftActionMarkup": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Update Draft Action Markup",
          "$ref": "#definitions/updateDraftActionMarkup"
        "openCreatedDraftActionMarkup": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Open Created Draft Action Markup",
          "$ref": "#definitions/openCreatedDraftActionMarkup"
    "updateDraftActionMarkup": {
      "$id" : "/properties/updateDraftActionMarkup",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "updateBody": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/updateBody"
        "updateToRecipients": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Update To Recipients.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/updateToRecipients"
        "updateCcRecipients": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Update CC Recipients.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/updateCcRecipients"
        "updateBccRecipients": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Update BCC Recipients.",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/updateBccRecipients"
        "updateSubject": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "Update Subject",
          "$ref": "#definitions/updateSubject"
    "updateBody": {
      "$id": "/prioperties/updateBody",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "A field which contains a series of updates action to perform on the draft\n body that user is currently editing.",
      "properties": {
        "insertContents": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "A repeated field which contains a series of insert content to perform\n on the draft that user is currently editing. The content currently\n contains 1) HTML content or 2) plain text content.",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#definitions/insertContent"
        "type": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "",
          "enum": [
    "insertContent": {
      "$id": "/prioperties/insertContent",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "content": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The content to be inserted"
        "contentType": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The type of inserted content",
          "enum": [
    "recipient": {
      "$id": "/properties/recipient",
      "type": "object",
      "description": "recipient",
      "properties": {
        "email": {
          "type": "string"
    "updateToRecipients": {
      "$id": "/properties/updateToRecipients",
      "description": "If set, replaces the existing To recipients of the draft the user is currently editing.",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "toRecipients": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "To Recipients",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/recipient"
    "updateCcRecipients": {
      "$id": "/properties/updateCcRecipients",
      "description": "If set, replaces the existing Cc recipients of the draft the user is currently editing.",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "CcRecipients": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "CC Recipients",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/recipient"
    "updateBccRecipients": {
      "$id": "/properties/updateBccRecipients",
      "description": "If set, replaces the existing Bcc recipients of the draft the user is currently editing.",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "BccRecipients": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "BCC Recipients",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/recipient"
    "updateSubject": {
      "$id": "/properties/updateSubject",
      "description": "If set, replaces the existing subject of the draft the user is currently editing.",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "subject": {
          "type": "string"
    "openCreatedDraftActionMarkup": {
      "type": "object",
      "$id": "/properties/openCreatedDraftActionMarkup",
      "description": "",
      "properties": {
        "draftId": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of the newly-created draft in the form \"r123\"."
        "draftThreadId": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The ID of the thread containing the newly-created draft, e.g., \"15e9fa622ce1029d\"."
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/gmailClientActionMarkup"

نشانه گذاری عملکرد تقویم

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "definitions": {
    "editAttendeesActionMarkup": {
      "$id": "/properties/editAttendeesActionMarkup",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "addAttendeeEmails": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string"
      "description": ""
    "editConferenceDataActionMarkup": {
      "$id": "/properties/editConferenceDataActionMarkup",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "setConferenceData": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "./conferenceDataMarkupSchema.json#/definitions/conferenceDataMarkup"
    "calendarClientActionMarkup": {
      "$id": "/properties/calendarClientActionMarkup",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "editAttendeesActionMarkup": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/editAttendeesActionMarkup"
        "editConferenceDataActionMarkup": {
          "type": "object",
          "description": "",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/editConferenceDataActionMarkup"
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/calendarClientActionMarkup"

درایو اقدام نشانه گذاری

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "definitions": {
    "driveClientActionMarkup": {
      "$id": "/properties/driveClientActionMarkup",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "requestFileScope": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "itemId": {
              "type": "string"
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/driveClientActionMarkup"

نشانه گذاری اقدام ویرایشگر

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "definitions": {
    "editor_client_action_markup": {
      "$id": "/properties/editor_client_action_markup",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "request_file_scope_for_active_document": {
          "type": "object"
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/editor_client_action_markup"

تکمیل خودکار را دریافت کنید

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "description": "A response for getting autocomplete container, which includes elements\n necessary for showing auto complete items for text field.",
  "definitions": {
    "getAutocompletionResponse": {
      "$id": "/properties/getAutocompletionResponse",
      "type": "object",
      "required": ["autoComplete"],
      "properties": {
        "autoComplete": {
          "type" : "object",
          "$ref": "./cardSchema.json#/definitions/suggestions"
        "schema": {
          "type" : "string",
          "description": "This is a no-op schema field that may be present in the markup for syntax checking."
  "type": "object",
  "$ref": "#/definitions/getAutocompletionResponse"