Try the demo

demo image

The Navigation SDK is available as a static library. For more information, see the Navigation SDK reference documentation.

Before you begin

To run the demo, you must have a Google Cloud account and an API key enabled for the Navigation SDK by sales. Once you have a Google Cloud account, see Set up your development project and API key.

Set up your development project and API key

  1. Create or open a project in the Google Cloud Console to use with the Maps SDK for iOS. Wait for a few minutes until the project is visible on the Cloud Console.

  2. Enable Maps SDK for iOS in the Google Cloud Console. In the project, open the APIs section and enable the Maps SDK for iOS.

  3. Create an API key for the project, by selecting APIs & Services > Credentials > Create credentials > API key.

  4. Request provisioning of the Maps SDK for iOS through your Google Maps Platform representative. You need to provide your project ID, which you can find in the Cloud Console main dashboard, under the project name.

Try the demo app

You can now download, build, and run the demo.

Download the demo

Follow these steps to download the demo:

  1. Install Cocoapods:

    sudo gem install cocoapods

  2. Download the demo as a Cocoapod:

    pod try GoogleNavigation

  3. Enter 1 or 2 to open the demo of your choice:

    • 1: Example/GoogleNavXCFrameworkDemos.xcodeproj for an Objective-C demo.
    • 2: SwiftExample/GoogleNavSwiftXCFrameworkDemos.xcodeproj for a Swift demo.

If you prefer to view the demo code, you can find it on GitHub:

Build and run the demo

Follow these steps to build and run the demo app:

  1. Install Xcode.

  2. Add your own API key to the SDKDemoAPIKey file. You must use the API key that you created in the steps in Set up your development project and API key.

  3. To run the demo, build the app in Xcode with an iOS device connected to your computer, or use a simulator.
