
Before you add Sign In With Google, One Tap, or Automatic sign-in to your website setup your OAuth configuration and optionally configure your site Content Security Policy.

Get your Google API client ID

To enable Sign In With Google on your website, you first need to set up your Google API client ID. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Clients page of the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create or select a Cloud Console project. If you already have a project for the Sign In With Google button or Google One Tap, use the existing project and the web client ID. When creating production applications, multiple projects may be necessary, repeat the remaining steps of this section for each project you manage.
  3. Click Create client and for Application type select Web application to create a new client ID. To use an existing client ID select one of type Web application.
  4. Add the URI of your website to Authorized JavaScript origins. The URI includes the scheme and fully qualified hostname only. For example,

  5. Optionally, credentials may be returned using a redirect to an endpoint you host rather than through a JavaScript callback. If this is the case, add your redirect URIs to Authorized redirect URIs. Redirect URIs include the scheme, fully qualified hostname, and path and must comply with Redirect URI validation rules. For example,

Both Sign In With Google and One Tap authentication include a consent screen which tells users the application requesting access to their data, what kind of data they are asked for and the terms that apply.

  1. Open the Branding page of the Google Auth Platform section of the Cloud Console.
  2. If prompted, select the project you just created.
  3. On the Branding page, fill out the form and click the "Save" button.

    1. Application name: The name of the application asking for consent. The name should accurately reflect your application and be consistent with the application name users see elsewhere.

    2. Application logo: This image is shown on the consent screen to help users to recognize your app. The logo is shown on Sign In With Google consent screen and on account settings, but is not shown on One Tap dialog.

    3. Support email: Shown on the consent screen for user support and to G Suite administrators evaluating access to your application for their users. This email address is shown to users on the Sign In With Google consent screen when the user clicks the application name.

    4. Authorized domains: To protect you and your users, Google only allows applications that authenticate using OAuth to use Authorized Domains. Your applications' links must be hosted on Authorized Domains. Learn more.

    5. Application Homepage link: Shown on Sign In With Google consent screen and One-Tap GDPR compliant disclaimer information under the "Continue as" button. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

    6. Application Privacy Policy link: Shown on Sign In With Google consent screen and One-Tap GDPR compliant disclaimer information under the "Continue as" button. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

    7. Application Terms of Service link (Optional): Shown on Sign In With Google consent screen and One-Tap GDPR compliant disclaimer information under the "Continue as" button. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

  4. Navigate to the Data Access page to configure scopes for your app.

    1. Scopes for Google APIs: Scopes allow your application to access your user's private data. For the authentication, default scope (email, profile, openid) is sufficient, you don't need to add any sensitive scopes. It is generally a best practice to request scopes incrementally, at the time access is required, rather than upfront.
  5. Check "Verification Status", if your application needs verification then click the "Submit For Verification" button to submit your application for verification. Refer to OAuth verification requirements for details.

Display of OAuth settings during sign-in

OAuth consent settings as displayed by Chrome One Tap using FedCM

The top-level Authorized domain is displayed during user consent in Chrome. Only using One Tap in cross-origin but same-site iframes is a supported method.

OAuth consent settings as displayed by One Tap

The Application name is displayed during user consent.

Figure 1. OAuth consent settings displayed by One Tap in Chrome.

Content Security Policy

While optional, a Content Security Policy is recommended to secure your app and prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. To learn more, see an Introduction to CSP and CSP and XSS.

Your Content Security Policy might include one or more directives, such as connect-src, frame-src, script-src, style-src, or default-src.

If your CSP includes the:

  • connect-src directive, add to allow a page to load the parent URL for Google Identity Services server-side endpoints.
  • frame-src directive, add to allow the parent URL of the One Tap and Sign In With Google button iframes.
  • script-src directive, add to allow the URL of the Google Identity Services JavaScript library.
  • style-src directive, add to allow the URL of the Google Identity Services Stylesheets.
  • default-src directive, if used, ist a fallback if any of the preceding directives (connect-src, frame-src, script-src, or style-src) is not specified, add to allow a page to load the parent URL for Google Identity Services server-side endpoints.

Avoid listing individual GIS URLs when using connect-src. This helps minimize failures when GIS is updated. For example, instead of adding use the GIS parent URL

This example response header allows Google Identity Services to load and execute successfully:

Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: script-src; frame-src; connect-src;

Cross Origin Opener Policy

The Sign In With Google button and Google One Tap may require changes to your Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) in order to successfully create popups.

When FedCM is enabled the browser directly renders popups and no changes are necessary.

However, when FedCM is disabled, set the COOP header:

  • to same-origin and
  • include same-origin-allow-popups.

Failing to set the proper header breaks communication between windows, leading to a blank pop-up window or similar bugs.