Debug Google Chat apps

As a Google Chat apps developer you might need to debug code to test changes or troubleshoot complex issues. Debugging Chat apps can be done in many different ways depending on your app's architecture, what the app does, how your app is deployed, and your preferences.

This page explains how to debug an HTTP Chat app using ngrok, which is a unified ingress platform that you can use to test local development environments. In this guide, you test code changes in a local environment and troubleshoot issues in a remote environment.

Debug from local development environment

In this section, you interact with your Chat app that executes in your local environment.

Debug from local development

Figure 1. Debug in a local development environment.







  • Latest versions of node and npm installed in your local environment.
  • Latest version of nodemon installed in your local environment, it's used for auto-reload purposes:

    npm install -g nodemon
  • An HTTP Chat app that's configured for messaging. You can follow the sections Prerequisites, Set up the environment, and Publish the app to Google Chat of the Quickstart guide. The only differences are that you need to set the App name to Debug App and the HTTP endpoint URL to anything such as

  • An IDE set up in your local environment that can debug. We use the Visual Studio Code IDE and its default debugging features in this guide for illustration purposes.

  • Git installed in your local environment.

  • A ngrok account.



Make the localhost service available publicly

You need to connect your local environment to the internet so that the Chat app can access it. The ngrok application is used to redirect HTTP requests made to a public URL to your local environment.

  1. In a browser in your local environment, sign in to your ngrok account.
  2. Install the application and set up your authtoken in your local environment.
  3. Create a static domain in your ngrok account, it's referenced as NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN in the instructions of this guide.

Configure the Chat app

Configure the Chat app to send all its HTTP requests to your static domain.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, open the Google Chat API page:

    Go to Google Chat API page

  2. Click the Configuration tab.

  3. Go to Interactive features > Connection settings and set the value of the text field HTTP endpoint URL to:


    Replace NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN with the static domain in your ngrok account.

  4. Click Save.

The Chat app sends all its HTTP requests to the
static domain

Figure 2. The Chat app sends all its HTTP requests to the static domain. The ngrok public service acts as a bridge between the Chat app and the application code that executes locally.

Test the Chat app

You can locally deploy, configure, test, debug, and auto-reload your Chat app.


  1. Clone the googleworkspace/google-chat-samples repository from GitHub to your local environment, it contains the code of the application to execute:

    git clone
  2. From the Visual Studio Code IDE installed in your local environment, do the following:

    1. In a new window, open the folder google-chat-samples/node/basic-app.
    2. Configure the application for auto-reload debug by adding two scripts in the package.json file:

          "scripts": {
              "debug": "node --inspect index.js",
              "debug-watch": "nodemon --watch ./ --exec npm run debug"
    3. From the root directory, install the application:

      npm install
    4. Create and configure a launch named Debug Watch that triggers the script debug-watch by creating the file .vscode/launch.json in the root directory:

          "version": "0.2.0",
          "configurations": [{
              "type": "node",
              "request": "launch",
              "name": "Debug Watch",
              "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
              "runtimeExecutable": "npm",
              "runtimeArgs": ["run-script", "debug-watch"]
    5. Add a breakpoint that pauses the HTTP request processing in the index.js file, and start running and debugging with the Debug Watch configuration added before. The application is now running and listening for HTTP requests on the port 9000.

      The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the
port `9000`

      Figure 3. The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the port 9000.

  3. Launch the ngrok application in your local environment:

    ngrok http --domain=NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN 9000

    Replace NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN with the static domain in your ngrok account. All requests are now redirected to your local environment and the port used by the application.

    The terminal with `ngrok` server running and

    Figure 4. The terminal with ngrok server running and redirecting.

  4. A web interface is also started on your localhost by the ngrok application, you can monitor all activities by opening it in a browser.

    The web interface hosted by the `ngrok` application showing no HTTP

    Figure 5. The web interface hosted by the ngrok application showing no HTTP requests.

  5. Test your Chat app by sending it a direct message:

    • Open Google Chat.

      Go to Google Chat

    • Click New chat .

    • In the dialog, enter the name of your Chat app.

    • In the search results, find your Chat app, click Add > Chat.

    • In the direct message space, type Hello and press enter. Your Chat app does not reply because it's being actively debugged.

  6. In the Visual Studio Code in your local environment, you can see that the execution is paused at the breakpoint that was set.

    The execution is paused at the breakpoint that was

    Figure 6. The execution is paused at the breakpoint that was set.

  7. When you resume the execution from the debugger of Visual Studio Code before Google Chat times out the Chat app replies Your message : Hello.

  8. You can check the HTTP request and response logs from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment.

    The HTTP request from the web interface hosted by the `ngrok`

    Figure 7. The HTTP request from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application.

  9. To change the application behavior, replace Your message with Here was your message inline 35 of the index.json. When you save the file, nodemon automatically reloads the application with the updated source code and Visual Studio Code remains in debug mode.

    The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the port
`9000` with the code change

    Figure 8. The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the port 9000 with the code change loaded.

  10. This time, instead of sending a second message Hello in the space, you can select the last HTTP request logged on the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment and click Replay. Same as last time, your Chat app does not reply because it's being actively debugged.

  11. When you resume the execution from the debugger of Visual Studio Code you can see from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment that the application generates a response with the updated version of the message Here was your message : Hello.


  1. Acquire new user credentials to use for Application Default Credentials:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
    gcloud auth application-default login

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the project ID for the Cloud project of the app.

  2. Clone the googleworkspace/google-chat-samples repository from GitHub to your local environment, it contains the application code:

    git clone
  3. From the Visual Studio Code IDE installed in your local environment, do the following:

    1. In a new window, open the folder google-chat-samples/python/avatar-app.
    2. Create a new virtual environment for Python env and activate it:

      virtualenv env
      source env/bin/activate
    3. Install all project dependencies using pip in the virtual environment:

      pip install -r requirements.txt
    4. Create the file .vscode/launch.json in the root directory and configure a launch named Debug Watch that triggers the application from the module functions-framework on port 9000 in debug mode on the virtual environment env:

          "version": "0.2.0",
          "configurations": [{
              "type": "python",
              "request": "launch",
              "name": "Debug Watch",
              "python": "${workspaceFolder}/env/bin/python3",
              "module": "functions_framework",
              "args": [
                  "--target", "avatar_app",
                  "--port", "9000",
    5. Add a breakpoint that pauses the HTTP request processing in the file, and start running and debugging with the Debug Watch configuration added before. The application is now running and listening for HTTP requests on the port 9000.

      The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the
port `9000`

      Figure 3. The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the port 9000.

  4. Launch the ngrok application in your local environment:

    ngrok http --domain=NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN 9000

    Replace NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN with the static domain in your ngrok account. All requests are now redirected to your local environment and the port used by the application.

    The terminal with `ngrok` server running and

    Figure 4. The terminal with ngrok server running and redirecting.

  5. A web interface is also started on your localhost by the ngrok application, you can monitor all activities by opening it in a browser.

    The web interface hosted by the `ngrok` application showing no HTTP

    Figure 5. The web interface hosted by the ngrok application showing no HTTP requests.

  6. Test your Chat app by sending it a direct message:

    • Open Google Chat.

      Go to Google Chat

    • Click New chat .

    • In the dialog, enter the name of your Chat app.

    • In the search results, find your Chat app, click Add > Chat.

    • In the direct message space, type Hey! and press enter. Your Chat app doesn't reply because it's being actively debugged.

  7. In the Visual Studio Code in your local environment, you can see that the execution is paused at the breakpoint that was set.

    The execution is paused at the breakpoint that was

    Figure 6. The execution is paused at the breakpoint that was set.

  8. When you resume the execution from the debugger of Visual Studio Code before Google Chat times out the Chat app replies with your name and avatar picture in the message.

  9. You can check the HTTP request and response logs from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment.

    The HTTP request from the web interface hosted by the `ngrok`

    Figure 7. The HTTP request from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application.

  10. To change the application behavior, replace Hello with Hey inline 51 of the file. When you save the file, Visual Studio Code automatically reloads the application with the updated source code and remains in debug mode.

    The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the port
`9000` with the code change

    Figure 8. The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the port 9000 with the code change loaded.

  11. This time, instead of sending a second message Hey! in the space, you can select the last HTTP request logged on the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment and click Replay. Same as last time, your Chat app doesn't reply because it's being actively debugged.

  12. When you resume the execution from the debugger of Visual Studio Code you can see from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment that the application generates a response with the updated version of the message.


  1. Acquire new user credentials to use for Application Default Credentials:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
    gcloud auth application-default login

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the project ID for the Cloud project of the app.

  2. Clone the googleworkspace/google-chat-samples repository from GitHub in your local environment, it contains the application code:

    git clone
  3. From the Visual Studio Code IDE installed in your local environment, do the following:

    1. In a new window, open the folder google-chat-samples/java/avatar-app.
    2. Configure the Maven project to run the application App on port 9000 locally by adding the Cloud Functions Framework build plugin function-maven-plugin in the pom.xml file:

    3. You can now launch it locally in debug mode:

      mvnDebug function:run
      Preparing to execute Maven in debug mode
      Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
    4. Create the file .vscode/launch.json in the root directory and configure a launch named Remote Debug Watch that attaches to the application previously launched with port 8000:

          "version": "0.2.0",
          "configurations": [{
              "type": "java",
              "request": "attach",
              "name": "Remote Debug Watch",
              "projectName": "http-function",
              "hostName": "localhost",
              "port": 8000
    5. Add a breakpoint that pauses the HTTP request processing in the file, and start attaching and debugging with the Remote Debug Watch configuration added before. The application is now running and listening for HTTP requests on the port 9000.

      The application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the
port `9000`

      Figure 3. he application is running and listening for HTTP requests on the port 9000.

  4. Launch the ngrok application in your local environment:

    ngrok http --domain=NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN 9000

    Replace NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN with the static domain in your ngrok account. All requests are now redirected to your local environment and the port used by the application.

    The terminal with `ngrok` server running and

    Figure 4. The terminal with ngrok server running and redirecting.

  5. A web interface is also started on your localhost by the ngrok application, you can monitor all activities by opening it in a browser.

    The web interface hosted by the `ngrok` application showing no HTTP

    Figure 5. The web interface hosted by the ngrok application showing no HTTP requests.

  6. Test your Chat app by sending it a direct message:

    • Open Google Chat.

      Go to Google Chat

    • Click New chat .

    • In the dialog, enter the name of your Chat app.

    • In the search results, find your Chat app, click Add > Chat.

    • In the direct message space, type Hey! and press enter. Your Chat app doesn't reply because it's being actively debugged.

  7. In the Visual Studio Code in your local environment, you can see that the execution is paused at the breakpoint that was set.

    The execution is paused at the breakpoint that was

    Figure 6. The execution is paused at the breakpoint that was set.

  8. When you resume the execution from the debugger of Visual Studio Code before Google Chat times out the Chat app replies with your name and avatar picture in the message.

  9. You can check the HTTP request and response logs from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment.

    The HTTP request from the web interface hosted by the `ngrok`

    Figure 7. The HTTP request from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application.

  10. To change the application behavior, replace Hello with Hey inline 55 of the file, restart the mvnDebug process, and relaunch Remote Debug Watch to reattach and restart debugging.

  11. This time, instead of sending a second message Hey! in the space, you can select the last HTTP request logged on the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment and click Replay. Same as last time, your Chat app does not reply because it's being actively debugged.

  12. When you resume the execution from the debugger of Visual Studio Code you can see from the web interface hosted by the ngrok application in your local environment that the application generates a response with the updated version of the message.

Debug from remote environment

In this section, you interact with your Chat app that executes on a remote environment.

Debug from remote

Figure 9. Debug from remote environment.


  • A direct message space with your Chat app. You can follow the section Test your Chat app of the Quickstart guide and search for your Chat app to start one.
  • Your application running in your remote environment with the debugger enabled on a given port, it's referenced as REMOTE_DEBUG_PORT in the instructions of this guide.
  • Your local environment can ssh to your remote environment.
  • An IDE set up in your local environment that can debug. We use the Visual Studio Code IDE and its default debugging features in this guide for illustration purposes.

Connect your local and remote environments

In your local environment from where you want to initiate a debug client connection, set up an SSH tunnel:


Replace the following:

  • LOCAL_DEBUG_PORT: The debug port in your local environment.
  • REMOTE_USERNAME: The username in your remote environment.
  • REMOTE_ADDRESS: The address of your remote environment.
  • REMOTE_DEBUG_PORT: The debug port in your remote environment.

The debug port in your local environment is now linked to the debug port in your remote environment.

Start debugging

From the Visual Studio Code IDE installed in your local environment, do the following:

  1. In a new window, open the source code of your app.
  2. Create the file .vscode/launch.json in the root directory and configure a launch named Debug Remote that attaches to the debug port in your local environment:


        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [{
            "type": "node",
            "request": "attach",
            "name": "Debug Remote",
            "address": "",
            "port": LOCAL_DEBUG_PORT


        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [{
            "type": "python",
            "request": "attach",
            "name": "Debug Remote",
            "connect": {
                "host": "",
                "port": LOCAL_DEBUG_PORT


        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [{
            "type": "java",
            "request": "attach",
            "name": "Debug Remote",
            "hostName": "",
            "port": LOCAL_DEBUG_PORT

    Replace LOCAL_DEBUG_PORT with the debug port in your local environment.

  3. Add a breakpoint in the source code of your app that pauses the HTTP request processing, and start running and debugging with the Debug Remote configuration added before.

In the direct message space with your Chat app, type anything you want to test and press enter. Your Chat app does not reply because it's being actively debugged in the Visual Studio Code IDE.