Elevation Widget (alpha)

ElevationElement class

google.maps.elevation.ElevationElement class

An HTML element that visually displays elevation data. Set the element's path property to show a graph of elevation along the path. To use the Elevation Element, enable the Places UI Kit API for your project in the Google Cloud console.

Custom element:
<gmp-elevation unit-system="imperial"></gmp-elevation>

This class extends HTMLElement.

This class implements ElevationElementOptions.

Access by calling const {ElevationElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("elevation").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

The path along which to show elevation data. Line segments will be interpolated in between the points of the array; even a small number of points will still produce a detailed elevation graph.
If only one point is provided, the widget will show the elevation number for that point.
Type:  UnitSystem optional
Determines if elevation will be shown in feet/miles or meters/km. If undefined, the widget will default to the preferred unit system for the region specified in the API loader.
HTML attribute:
  • <gmp-elevation unit-system="imperial"></gmp-elevation>
  • <gmp-elevation unit-system="metric"></gmp-elevation>
addEventListener(type, listener[, options])
  • typestring A case-sensitive string representing the event type to listen for.
  • listenerEventListener|EventListenerObject The object that receives a notification. This must be a function or an object with the handleEvent method
  • optionsboolean|AddEventListenerOptions optional See options. Custom events only support capture and passive.
Return Value:  void
Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. See addEventListener.
removeEventListener(type, listener[, options])
Return Value:  void
Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener from the target. See removeEventListener.
This event is fired when the element loads and renders its content. This event does not bubble.
This event is fired when a request to the backend was denied (e.g. incorrect API key). This event does not bubble.

ElevationElementOptions interface

google.maps.elevation.ElevationElementOptions interface

Options for ElevationElement.

path optional
Type:  Array<LatLng|LatLngLiteral> optional
unitSystem optional
Type:  UnitSystem optional