Response message for the resource mutate.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field response . The mutate response. response can be only one of the following: |
adGroupAdLabelResult |
The result for the ad group ad label mutate. |
adGroupAdResult |
The result for the ad group ad mutate. |
adGroupAssetResult |
The result for the ad group asset mutate. |
adGroupBidModifierResult |
The result for the ad group bid modifier mutate. |
adGroupCriterionCustomizerResult |
The result for the ad group criterion customizer mutate. |
adGroupCriterionLabelResult |
The result for the ad group criterion label mutate. |
adGroupCriterionResult |
The result for the ad group criterion mutate. |
adGroupCustomizerResult |
The result for the ad group customizer mutate. |
adGroupExtensionSettingResult |
The result for the ad group extension setting mutate. |
adGroupFeedResult |
The result for the ad group feed mutate. |
adGroupLabelResult |
The result for the ad group label mutate. |
adGroupResult |
The result for the ad group mutate. |
adParameterResult |
The result for the ad parameter mutate. |
adResult |
The result for the ad mutate. |
assetResult |
The result for the asset mutate. |
assetGroupAssetResult |
The result for the asset group asset mutate. |
assetGroupListingGroupFilterResult |
The result for the asset group listing group filter mutate. |
assetGroupSignalResult |
The result for the asset group signal mutate. |
assetGroupResult |
The result for the asset group mutate. |
assetSetAssetResult |
The result for the asset set asset mutate. |
assetSetResult |
The result for the asset set mutate. |
audienceResult |
The result for the audience mutate. |
biddingDataExclusionResult |
The result for the bidding data exclusion mutate. |
biddingSeasonalityAdjustmentResult |
The result for the bidding seasonality adjustment mutate. |
biddingStrategyResult |
The result for the bidding strategy mutate. |
campaignAssetResult |
The result for the campaign asset mutate. |
campaignAssetSetResult |
The result for the campaign asset set mutate. |
campaignBidModifierResult |
The result for the campaign bid modifier mutate. |
campaignBudgetResult |
The result for the campaign budget mutate. |
campaignConversionGoalResult |
The result for the campaign conversion goal mutate. |
campaignCriterionResult |
The result for the campaign criterion mutate. |
campaignCustomizerResult |
The result for the campaign customizer mutate. |
campaignDraftResult |
The result for the campaign draft mutate. |
campaignExtensionSettingResult |
The result for the campaign extension setting mutate. |
campaignFeedResult |
The result for the campaign feed mutate. |
campaignGroupResult |
The result for the campaign group mutate. |
campaignLabelResult |
The result for the campaign label mutate. |
campaignResult |
The result for the campaign mutate. |
campaignSharedSetResult |
The result for the campaign shared set mutate. |
conversionActionResult |
The result for the conversion action mutate. |
conversionCustomVariableResult |
The result for the conversion custom variable mutate. |
conversionGoalCampaignConfigResult |
The result for the conversion goal campaign config mutate. |
conversionValueRuleResult |
The result for the conversion value rule mutate. |
conversionValueRuleSetResult |
The result for the conversion value rule set mutate. |
customConversionGoalResult |
The result for the custom conversion goal mutate. |
customerAssetResult |
The result for the customer asset mutate. |
customerConversionGoalResult |
The result for the customer conversion goal mutate. |
customerCustomizerResult |
The result for the customer customizer mutate. |
customerExtensionSettingResult |
The result for the customer extension setting mutate. |
customerFeedResult |
The result for the customer feed mutate. |
customerLabelResult |
The result for the customer label mutate. |
customerNegativeCriterionResult |
The result for the customer negative criterion mutate. |
customerResult |
The result for the customer mutate. |
customizerAttributeResult |
The result for the customizer attribute mutate. |
experimentResult |
The result for the experiment mutate. |
experimentArmResult |
The result for the experiment arm mutate. |
extensionFeedItemResult |
The result for the extension feed item mutate. |
feedItemResult |
The result for the feed item mutate. |
feedItemSetResult |
The result for the feed item set mutate. |
feedItemSetLinkResult |
The result for the feed item set link mutate. |
feedItemTargetResult |
The result for the feed item target mutate. |
feedMappingResult |
The result for the feed mapping mutate. |
feedResult |
The result for the feed mutate. |
keywordPlanAdGroupResult |
The result for the keyword plan ad group mutate. |
keywordPlanCampaignResult |
The result for the keyword plan campaign mutate. |
keywordPlanAdGroupKeywordResult |
The result for the keyword plan ad group keyword mutate. |
keywordPlanCampaignKeywordResult |
The result for the keyword plan campaign keyword mutate. |
keywordPlanResult |
The result for the keyword plan mutate. |
labelResult |
The result for the label mutate. |
recommendationSubscriptionResult |
The result for the recommendation subscription mutate. |
remarketingActionResult |
The result for the remarketing action mutate. |
sharedCriterionResult |
The result for the shared criterion mutate. |
sharedSetResult |
The result for the shared set mutate. |
smartCampaignSettingResult |
The result for the Smart campaign setting mutate. |
userListResult |
The result for the user list mutate. |