
Content Label for category exclusion.

JSON representation
  "type": enum (ContentLabelType)

enum (ContentLabelType)

Content label type, required for CREATE operations.


Enum listing the content label types supported by ContentLabel criterion.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
SEXUALLY_SUGGESTIVE Sexually suggestive content.
BELOW_THE_FOLD Below the fold placement.
PARKED_DOMAIN Parked domain.
JUVENILE Juvenile, gross & bizarre content.
PROFANITY Profanity & rough language.
TRAGEDY Death & tragedy.
VIDEO Video.
VIDEO_RATING_DV_G Content rating: G.
VIDEO_RATING_DV_PG Content rating: PG.
VIDEO_RATING_DV_T Content rating: T.
VIDEO_RATING_DV_MA Content rating: MA.
VIDEO_NOT_YET_RATED Content rating: not yet rated.
EMBEDDED_VIDEO Embedded video.
LIVE_STREAMING_VIDEO Live streaming video.
SOCIAL_ISSUES Sensitive social issues.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_CONTENT_FOR_FAMILIES Content that's suitable for families to view together, including Made for Kids videos on YouTube.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_GAMES_FIGHTING Video games that simulate hand-to-hand fighting or combat with the use of modern or medieval weapons.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_GAMES_MATURE Video games that feature mature content, such as violence, inappropriate language, or sexual suggestiveness.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_HEALTH_SENSITIVE Health content that people might find sensitive or upsetting, such as medical procedures or images and descriptions of various medical conditions.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_HEALTH_SOURCE_UNDETERMINED Health content from sources that may provide accurate information but aren't as commonly cited as other, more well-known sources.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_NEWS_RECENT News content that's been recently announced, regardless of the themes or people being reported on.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_NEWS_SENSITIVE News content that people might find sensitive or upsetting, such as crimes, accidents, and natural incidents, or commentary on potentially controversial social and political issues.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_POLITICS Political content, such as political statements made by well-known politicians, political elections, or events widely perceived to be political in nature.
BRAND_SUITABILITY_RELIGION Content with religious themes, such as religious teachings or customs, holy sites or places of worship, well-known religious figures or people dressed in religious attire, or religious opinions on social and political issues.