- JSON representation
- AdGroupCriterionStatus
- QualityInfo
- CriterionSystemServingStatus
- AdGroupCriterionApprovalStatus
- PositionEstimates
- AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus
- AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatusReason
- ListingGroupInfo
- ListingGroupType
- ListingDimensionPath
- AppPaymentModelInfo
- AppPaymentModelType
- CustomIntentInfo
An ad group criterion. The adGroupCriterion report only returns criteria that were explicitly added to the ad group.
JSON representation |
{ "resourceName": string, "displayName": string, "status": enum ( |
Fields | |
resourceName |
Immutable. The resource name of the ad group criterion. Ad group criterion resource names have the form:
displayName |
Output only. The display name of the criterion. This field is ignored for mutates. |
status |
The status of the criterion. This is the status of the ad group criterion entity, set by the client. Note: UI reports may incorporate additional information that affects whether a criterion is eligible to run. In some cases a criterion that's REMOVED in the API can still show as enabled in the UI. For example, campaigns by default show to users of all age ranges unless excluded. The UI will show each age range as "enabled", since they're eligible to see the ads; but AdGroupCriterion.status will show "removed", since no positive criterion was added. |
qualityInfo |
Output only. Information regarding the quality of the criterion. |
type |
Output only. The type of the criterion. |
systemServingStatus |
Output only. Serving status of the criterion. |
approvalStatus |
Output only. Approval status of the criterion. |
disapprovalReasons[] |
Output only. List of disapproval reasons of the criterion. The different reasons for disapproving a criterion can be found here: https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/6008942 This field is read-only. |
labels[] |
Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group criterion. |
effectiveCpcBidSource |
Output only. Source of the effective CPC bid. |
effectiveCpmBidSource |
Output only. Source of the effective CPM bid. |
effectiveCpvBidSource |
Output only. Source of the effective CPV bid. |
effectivePercentCpcBidSource |
Output only. Source of the effective Percent CPC bid. |
positionEstimates |
Output only. Estimates for criterion bids at various positions. |
finalUrls[] |
The list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad. |
finalMobileUrls[] |
The list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross-domain redirects. |
urlCustomParameters[] |
The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a |
primaryStatusReasons[] |
Output only. The primary status reasons for the ad group criterion. |
criterionId |
Output only. The ID of the criterion. This field is ignored for mutates. |
adGroup |
Immutable. The ad group to which the criterion belongs. |
negative |
Immutable. Whether to target ( This field is immutable. To switch a criterion from positive to negative, remove then re-add it. |
bidModifier |
The modifier for the bid when the criterion matches. The modifier must be in the range: 0.1 - 10.0. Most targetable criteria types support modifiers. |
cpcBidMicros |
The CPC (cost-per-click) bid. |
cpmBidMicros |
The CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid. |
cpvBidMicros |
The CPV (cost-per-view) bid. |
percentCpcBidMicros |
The CPC bid amount, expressed as a fraction of the advertised price for some good or service. The valid range for the fraction is [0,1) and the value stored here is 1,000,000 * [fraction]. |
effectiveCpcBidMicros |
Output only. The effective CPC (cost-per-click) bid. |
effectiveCpmBidMicros |
Output only. The effective CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid. |
effectiveCpvBidMicros |
Output only. The effective CPV (cost-per-view) bid. |
effectivePercentCpcBidMicros |
Output only. The effective Percent CPC bid amount. |
finalUrlSuffix |
URL template for appending params to final URL. |
trackingUrlTemplate |
The URL template for constructing a tracking URL. |
primaryStatus |
Output only. The primary status for the ad group criterion. |
Union field Exactly one must be set. |
keyword |
Immutable. Keyword. |
placement |
Immutable. Placement. |
mobileAppCategory |
Immutable. Mobile app category. |
mobileApplication |
Immutable. Mobile application. |
listingGroup |
Immutable. Listing group. |
ageRange |
Immutable. Age range. |
gender |
Immutable. Gender. |
incomeRange |
Immutable. Income range. |
parentalStatus |
Immutable. Parental status. |
userList |
Immutable. User List. |
youtubeVideo |
Immutable. YouTube Video. |
youtubeChannel |
Immutable. YouTube Channel. |
topic |
Immutable. Topic. |
userInterest |
Immutable. User Interest. |
webpage |
Immutable. Webpage |
appPaymentModel |
Immutable. App Payment Model. |
customAffinity |
Immutable. Custom Affinity. |
customIntent |
Immutable. Custom Intent. |
customAudience |
Immutable. Custom Audience. |
combinedAudience |
Immutable. Combined Audience. |
audience |
Immutable. Audience. |
location |
Immutable. Location. |
language |
Immutable. Language. |
The possible statuses of an AdGroupCriterion.
Enums | |
No value has been specified. |
The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value. |
The ad group criterion is enabled. |
The ad group criterion is paused. |
The ad group criterion is removed. |
A container for ad group criterion quality information.
JSON representation |
{ "creativeQualityScore": enum ( |
Fields | |
creativeQualityScore |
Output only. The performance of the ad compared to other advertisers. |
postClickQualityScore |
Output only. The quality score of the landing page. |
searchPredictedCtr |
Output only. The click-through rate compared to that of other advertisers. |
qualityScore |
Output only. The quality score. This field may not be populated if Google does not have enough information to determine a value. |
Enumerates criterion system serving statuses.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
The value is unknown in this version. |
Eligible. |
Low search volume. |
Enumerates AdGroupCriterion approval statuses.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
The value is unknown in this version. |
Approved. |
Disapproved. |
Pending Review. |
Under review. |
Estimates for criterion bids at various positions.
JSON representation |
{ "firstPageCpcMicros": string, "firstPositionCpcMicros": string, "topOfPageCpcMicros": string, "estimatedAddClicksAtFirstPositionCpc": string, "estimatedAddCostAtFirstPositionCpc": string } |
Fields | |
firstPageCpcMicros |
Output only. The estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be shown on first page of search results. |
firstPositionCpcMicros |
Output only. The estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be displayed in first position, at the top of the first page of search results. |
topOfPageCpcMicros |
Output only. The estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be displayed at the top of the first page of search results. |
estimatedAddClicksAtFirstPositionCpc |
Output only. Estimate of how many clicks per week you might get by changing your keyword bid to the value in firstPositionCpcMicros. |
estimatedAddCostAtFirstPositionCpc |
Output only. Estimate of how your cost per week might change when changing your keyword bid to the value in firstPositionCpcMicros. |
Enum describing the possible ad group criterion primary status. Provides insight into why an ad group criterion is not serving or not serving optimally.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version. |
The ad group criterion is eligible to serve. |
The ad group criterion is paused. |
The ad group criterion is removed. |
The ad group criterion is pending. |
The ad group criterion is not eligible to serve. |
Enum describing the possible Ad Group Criterion primary status reasons. Provides insight into why an Ad Group Criterion is not serving or not serving optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall Ad Group Criterion primary status.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Used for return value only. Represents unknown value in this version. |
The user-specified time for this campaign to start is in the future. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.PENDING. |
The ad group criterion is overridden by negative campaign criterion. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.NOT_ELIGIBLE. |
The user-specified campaign status is paused. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.PAUSED. |
The user-specified campaign status is removed. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.REMOVED. |
The user-specified time for this campaign to end has passed. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.ENDED. |
The user-specified ad group status is paused. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.PAUSED. |
The user-specified ad group status is removed. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.REMOVED. |
The ad group criterion is disapproved by the ads approval system. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.NOT_ELIGIBLE. |
The ad group criterion is rarely served. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.NOT_ELIGIBLE. |
The ad group criterion has a low quality score. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.LIMITED. |
The ad group criterion is under review. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.PENDING. |
The ad group criterion is pending review. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.NOT_ELIGIBLE. |
The ad group criterion's bid is below the value necessary to serve on the first page. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.LIMITED. |
The ad group criterion is negative. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.NOT_ELIGIBLE. |
The ad group criterion is restricted. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.NOT_ELIGIBLE. |
The user-specified ad group criterion status is paused. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.PAUSED. |
The ad group criterion has been paused due to prolonged low activity in serving. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.PAUSED. |
The user-specified ad group criterion status is removed. Contributes to AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus.REMOVED. |
A listing group criterion.
JSON representation |
{ "type": enum ( |
Fields | |
type |
Type of the listing group. |
caseValue |
Dimension value with which this listing group is refining its parent. Undefined for the root group. |
parentAdGroupCriterion |
Resource name of ad group criterion which is the parent listing group subdivision. Null for the root group. |
path |
The path of dimensions defining this listing group. |
The type of the listing group.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version. |
Subdivision of products along some listing dimension. These nodes are not used by serving to target listing entries, but is purely to define the structure of the tree. |
Listing group unit that defines a bid. |
The path of dimensions defining a listing group.
JSON representation |
"dimensions": [
object ( |
Fields | |
dimensions[] |
The complete path of dimensions through the listing group hierarchy, from the root (excluding the root itself) to this listing group. |
An app payment model criterion.
JSON representation |
"type": enum ( |
Fields | |
type |
Type of the app payment model. |
Enum describing possible app payment models.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version. |
Represents paid-for apps. |
A custom intent criterion. A criterion of this type is only targetable.
JSON representation |
{ "customIntent": string } |
Fields | |
customIntent |
The CustomInterest resource name. |