- JSON representation
- AccountBudget
- AccountBudgetStatus
- PendingAccountBudgetProposal
- AdGroupAdAssetCombinationView
- AssetUsage
- AdGroupAdAssetView
- AdGroupAdAssetPolicySummary
- AdGroupAudienceView
- AdGroupCriterionSimulation
- SimulationType
- SimulationModificationMethod
- CpcBidSimulationPointList
- CpcBidSimulationPoint
- PercentCpcBidSimulationPointList
- PercentCpcBidSimulationPoint
- AdGroupSimulation
- CpvBidSimulationPointList
- CpvBidSimulationPoint
- TargetCpaSimulationPointList
- TargetCpaSimulationPoint
- TargetRoasSimulationPointList
- TargetRoasSimulationPoint
- AgeRangeView
- AdScheduleView
- DomainCategory
- AssetFieldTypeView
- ChannelAggregateAssetView
- CampaignAggregateAssetView
- AssetGroupProductGroupView
- AssetGroupTopCombinationView
- AssetGroupAssetCombinationData
- AssetSetTypeView
- BiddingStrategySimulation
- CallView
- CallTrackingDisplayLocation
- CallType
- GoogleVoiceCallStatus
- CampaignAudienceView
- CampaignSearchTermInsight
- CampaignSimulation
- TargetImpressionShareSimulationPointList
- TargetImpressionShareSimulationPoint
- BudgetSimulationPointList
- BudgetSimulationPoint
- CarrierConstant
- ChangeEvent
- ChangeEventResourceType
- ChangeClientType
- ChangedResource
- ResourceChangeOperation
- ChangeStatus
- ChangeStatusResourceType
- ChangeStatusOperation
- CombinedAudience
- CombinedAudienceStatus
- ClickView
- ClickLocation
- CurrencyConstant
- AccessibleBiddingStrategy
- MaximizeConversionValue
- MaximizeConversions
- TargetCpa
- TargetImpressionShare
- TargetRoas
- TargetSpend
- CustomerClient
- CustomerSearchTermInsight
- DetailPlacementView
- PlacementType
- DetailedDemographic
- CriterionCategoryAvailability
- CriterionCategoryChannelAvailability
- CriterionCategoryChannelAvailabilityMode
- CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailability
- CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailabilityMode
- DisplayKeywordView
- DistanceView
- DistanceBucket
- DynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView
- ExpandedLandingPageView
- FeedPlaceholderView
- GenderView
- GeographicView
- GeoTargetingType
- GroupPlacementView
- HotelGroupView
- HotelPerformanceView
- HotelReconciliation
- HotelReconciliationStatus
- IncomeRangeView
- KeywordView
- LandingPageView
- LanguageConstant
- LocationView
- ManagedPlacementView
- MediaFile
- MediaType
- MediaImage
- MediaBundle
- MediaAudio
- MediaVideo
- LocalServicesEmployee
- LocalServicesEmployeeStatus
- LocalServicesEmployeeType
- UniversityDegree
- Residency
- Fellowship
- LocalServicesVerificationArtifact
- LocalServicesVerificationArtifactStatus
- LocalServicesVerificationArtifactType
- BackgroundCheckVerificationArtifact
- InsuranceVerificationArtifact
- LocalServicesInsuranceRejectionReason
- LocalServicesDocumentReadOnly
- LicenseVerificationArtifact
- LocalServicesLicenseRejectionReason
- BusinessRegistrationCheckVerificationArtifact
- LocalServicesBusinessRegistrationType
- LocalServicesBusinessRegistrationCheckRejectionReason
- BusinessRegistrationNumber
- BusinessRegistrationDocument
- MobileAppCategoryConstant
- MobileDeviceConstant
- MobileDeviceType
- OfflineConversionUploadClientSummary
- OfflineEventUploadClient
- OfflineConversionDiagnosticStatus
- OfflineConversionSummary
- OfflineConversionAlert
- OfflineConversionError
- CollectionSizeError
- ConversionAdjustmentUploadError
- ConversionUploadError
- DateError
- DistinctError
- FieldError
- MutateError
- NotAllowlistedError
- StringFormatError
- StringLengthError
- OfflineConversionUploadConversionActionSummary
- OperatingSystemVersionConstant
- OperatingSystemVersionOperatorType
- PaidOrganicSearchTermView
- QualifyingQuestion
- ParentalStatusView
- PerStoreView
- ProductCategoryConstant
- ProductCategoryState
- ProductCategoryLocalization
- ProductGroupView
- SearchTermView
- SearchTermTargetingStatus
- ShoppingPerformanceView
- ShoppingProduct
- ProductAvailability
- ProductStatus
- ProductIssue
- ProductIssueSeverity
- SmartCampaignSearchTermView
- ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsLink
- TopicView
- TravelActivityGroupView
- TravelActivityPerformanceView
- UserInterest
- UserInterestTaxonomyType
- LifeEvent
- UserLocationView
- TopicConstant
- Video
- WebpageView
- LeadFormSubmissionData
- LeadFormSubmissionField
- CustomLeadFormSubmissionField
- LocalServicesLead
- ContactDetails
- LeadType
- LeadStatus
- Note
- CreditDetails
- CreditState
- LocalServicesLeadConversation
- ConversationType
- ParticipantType
- PhoneCallDetails
- MessageDetails
- AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleAdGroup
- AndroidPrivacyInteractionType
- AndroidPrivacyNetworkType
- AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleCampaign
- AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleNetworkType
- Metrics
- InteractionEventType
- SearchVolumeRange
- Segments
- AdDestinationType
- AdFormatType
- AdNetworkType
- BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus
- BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus
- ClickType
- ConversionAttributionEventType
- ConversionLagBucket
- ConversionOrAdjustmentLagBucket
- ExternalConversionSource
- HotelRateType
- HotelPriceBucket
- Keyword
- SearchEngineResultsPageType
- SearchTermMatchType
- Slot
- ConversionValueRulePrimaryDimension
- SkAdNetworkUserType
- SkAdNetworkAdEventType
- SkAdNetworkSourceApp
- SkAdNetworkAttributionCredit
- SkAdNetworkSourceType
- AssetInteractionTarget
- ConvertingUserPriorEngagementTypeAndLtvBucket
A returned row from the query.
JSON representation |
{ "accountBudget": { object ( |
Fields | |
accountBudget |
The account budget in the query. |
accountBudgetProposal |
The account budget proposal referenced in the query. |
accountLink |
The AccountLink referenced in the query. |
ad |
The Ad referenced in the query. |
adGroup |
The ad group referenced in the query. |
adGroupAd |
The ad referenced in the query. |
adGroupAdAssetCombinationView |
The ad group ad asset combination view in the query. |
adGroupAdAssetView |
The ad group ad asset view in the query. |
adGroupAdLabel |
The ad group ad label referenced in the query. |
adGroupAsset |
The ad group asset referenced in the query. |
adGroupAssetSet |
The ad group asset set referenced in the query. |
adGroupAudienceView |
The ad group audience view referenced in the query. |
adGroupBidModifier |
The bid modifier referenced in the query. |
adGroupCriterion |
The criterion referenced in the query. |
adGroupCriterionCustomizer |
The ad group criterion customizer referenced in the query. |
adGroupCriterionLabel |
The ad group criterion label referenced in the query. |
adGroupCriterionSimulation |
The ad group criterion simulation referenced in the query. |
adGroupCustomizer |
The ad group customizer referenced in the query. |
adGroupExtensionSetting |
The ad group extension setting referenced in the query. |
adGroupFeed |
The ad group feed referenced in the query. |
adGroupLabel |
The ad group label referenced in the query. |
adGroupSimulation |
The ad group simulation referenced in the query. |
adParameter |
The ad parameter referenced in the query. |
ageRangeView |
The age range view referenced in the query. |
adScheduleView |
The ad schedule view referenced in the query. |
domainCategory |
The domain category referenced in the query. |
asset |
The asset referenced in the query. |
assetFieldTypeView |
The asset field type view referenced in the query. |
channelAggregateAssetView |
The channel aggregate asset view referenced in the query. |
campaignAggregateAssetView |
The campaign aggregate asset view referenced in the query. |
assetGroupAsset |
The asset group asset referenced in the query. |
assetGroupSignal |
The asset group signal referenced in the query. |
assetGroupListingGroupFilter |
The asset group listing group filter referenced in the query. |
assetGroupProductGroupView |
The asset group product group view referenced in the query. |
assetGroupTopCombinationView |
The asset group top combination view referenced in the query. |
assetGroup |
The asset group referenced in the query. |
assetSetAsset |
The asset set asset referenced in the query. |
assetSet |
The asset set referenced in the query. |
assetSetTypeView |
The asset set type view referenced in the query. |
batchJob |
The batch job referenced in the query. |
biddingDataExclusion |
The bidding data exclusion referenced in the query. |
biddingSeasonalityAdjustment |
The bidding seasonality adjustment referenced in the query. |
biddingStrategy |
The bidding strategy referenced in the query. |
biddingStrategySimulation |
The bidding strategy simulation referenced in the query. |
billingSetup |
The billing setup referenced in the query. |
callView |
The call view referenced in the query. |
campaignBudget |
The campaign budget referenced in the query. |
campaign |
The campaign referenced in the query. |
campaignAsset |
The campaign asset referenced in the query. |
campaignAssetSet |
The campaign asset set referenced in the query. |
campaignAudienceView |
The campaign audience view referenced in the query. |
campaignBidModifier |
The campaign bid modifier referenced in the query. |
campaignConversionGoal |
The CampaignConversionGoal referenced in the query. |
campaignCriterion |
The campaign criterion referenced in the query. |
campaignCustomizer |
The campaign customizer referenced in the query. |
campaignDraft |
The campaign draft referenced in the query. |
campaignExtensionSetting |
The campaign extension setting referenced in the query. |
campaignFeed |
The campaign feed referenced in the query. |
campaignGroup |
Campaign Group referenced in AWQL query. |
campaignLabel |
The campaign label referenced in the query. |
campaignLifecycleGoal |
The campaign lifecycle goal referenced in the query. |
campaignSearchTermInsight |
The campaign search term insight referenced in the query. |
campaignSharedSet |
Campaign Shared Set referenced in AWQL query. |
campaignSimulation |
The campaign simulation referenced in the query. |
carrierConstant |
The carrier constant referenced in the query. |
changeEvent |
The ChangeEvent referenced in the query. |
changeStatus |
The ChangeStatus referenced in the query. |
combinedAudience |
The CombinedAudience referenced in the query. |
audience |
The Audience referenced in the query. |
conversionAction |
The conversion action referenced in the query. |
conversionCustomVariable |
The conversion custom variable referenced in the query. |
conversionGoalCampaignConfig |
The ConversionGoalCampaignConfig referenced in the query. |
conversionValueRule |
The conversion value rule referenced in the query. |
conversionValueRuleSet |
The conversion value rule set referenced in the query. |
clickView |
The ClickView referenced in the query. |
currencyConstant |
The currency constant referenced in the query. |
customAudience |
The CustomAudience referenced in the query. |
customConversionGoal |
The CustomConversionGoal referenced in the query. |
customInterest |
The CustomInterest referenced in the query. |
customer |
The customer referenced in the query. |
customerAsset |
The customer asset referenced in the query. |
customerAssetSet |
The customer asset set referenced in the query. |
accessibleBiddingStrategy |
The accessible bidding strategy referenced in the query. |
customerCustomizer |
The customer customizer referenced in the query. |
customerManagerLink |
The CustomerManagerLink referenced in the query. |
customerClientLink |
The CustomerClientLink referenced in the query. |
customerClient |
The CustomerClient referenced in the query. |
customerConversionGoal |
The CustomerConversionGoal referenced in the query. |
customerExtensionSetting |
The customer extension setting referenced in the query. |
customerFeed |
The customer feed referenced in the query. |
customerLabel |
The customer label referenced in the query. |
customerLifecycleGoal |
The customer lifecycle goal referenced in the query. |
customerNegativeCriterion |
The customer negative criterion referenced in the query. |
customerSearchTermInsight |
The customer search term insight referenced in the query. |
customerUserAccess |
The CustomerUserAccess referenced in the query. |
customerUserAccessInvitation |
The CustomerUserAccessInvitation referenced in the query. |
customizerAttribute |
The customizer attribute referenced in the query. |
detailPlacementView |
The detail placement view referenced in the query. |
detailedDemographic |
The detailed demographic referenced in the query. |
displayKeywordView |
The display keyword view referenced in the query. |
distanceView |
The distance view referenced in the query. |
dynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView |
The dynamic search ads search term view referenced in the query. |
expandedLandingPageView |
The expanded landing page view referenced in the query. |
extensionFeedItem |
The extension feed item referenced in the query. |
feed |
The feed referenced in the query. |
feedItem |
The feed item referenced in the query. |
feedItemSet |
The feed item set referenced in the query. |
feedItemSetLink |
The feed item set link referenced in the query. |
feedItemTarget |
The feed item target referenced in the query. |
feedMapping |
The feed mapping referenced in the query. |
feedPlaceholderView |
The feed placeholder view referenced in the query. |
genderView |
The gender view referenced in the query. |
geoTargetConstant |
The geo target constant referenced in the query. |
geographicView |
The geographic view referenced in the query. |
groupPlacementView |
The group placement view referenced in the query. |
hotelGroupView |
The hotel group view referenced in the query. |
hotelPerformanceView |
The hotel performance view referenced in the query. |
hotelReconciliation |
The hotel reconciliation referenced in the query. |
incomeRangeView |
The income range view referenced in the query. |
keywordView |
The keyword view referenced in the query. |
keywordPlan |
The keyword plan referenced in the query. |
keywordPlanCampaign |
The keyword plan campaign referenced in the query. |
keywordPlanCampaignKeyword |
The keyword plan campaign keyword referenced in the query. |
keywordPlanAdGroup |
The keyword plan ad group referenced in the query. |
keywordPlanAdGroupKeyword |
The keyword plan ad group referenced in the query. |
keywordThemeConstant |
The keyword theme constant referenced in the query. |
label |
The label referenced in the query. |
landingPageView |
The landing page view referenced in the query. |
languageConstant |
The language constant referenced in the query. |
locationView |
The location view referenced in the query. |
managedPlacementView |
The managed placement view referenced in the query. |
mediaFile |
The media file referenced in the query. |
localServicesEmployee |
The local services employee referenced in the query. |
localServicesVerificationArtifact |
The local services verification artifact referenced in the query. |
mobileAppCategoryConstant |
The mobile app category constant referenced in the query. |
mobileDeviceConstant |
The mobile device constant referenced in the query. |
offlineConversionUploadClientSummary |
Offline conversion upload summary at customer level. |
offlineConversionUploadConversionActionSummary |
Offline conversion upload summary at conversion type level. |
offlineUserDataJob |
The offline user data job referenced in the query. |
operatingSystemVersionConstant |
The operating system version constant referenced in the query. |
paidOrganicSearchTermView |
The paid organic search term view referenced in the query. |
qualifyingQuestion |
The qualifying question referenced in the query. |
parentalStatusView |
The parental status view referenced in the query. |
perStoreView |
The per store view referenced in the query. |
productCategoryConstant |
The product category referenced in the query. |
productGroupView |
The product group view referenced in the query. |
productLink |
The product link referenced in the query. |
productLinkInvitation |
The product link invitation in the query. |
recommendation |
The recommendation referenced in the query. |
recommendationSubscription |
The recommendation subscription referenced in the query. |
searchTermView |
The search term view referenced in the query. |
sharedCriterion |
The shared set referenced in the query. |
sharedSet |
The shared set referenced in the query. |
smartCampaignSetting |
The Smart campaign setting referenced in the query. |
shoppingPerformanceView |
The shopping performance view referenced in the query. |
shoppingProduct |
The shopping product referenced in the query. |
smartCampaignSearchTermView |
The Smart campaign search term view referenced in the query. |
thirdPartyAppAnalyticsLink |
The AccountLink referenced in the query. |
topicView |
The topic view referenced in the query. |
travelActivityGroupView |
The travel activity group view referenced in the query. |
travelActivityPerformanceView |
The travel activity performance view referenced in the query. |
experiment |
The experiment referenced in the query. |
experimentArm |
The experiment arm referenced in the query. |
userInterest |
The user interest referenced in the query. |
lifeEvent |
The life event referenced in the query. |
userList |
The user list referenced in the query. |
userListCustomerType |
The user list customer type in the query. |
userLocationView |
The user location view referenced in the query. |
remarketingAction |
The remarketing action referenced in the query. |
topicConstant |
The topic constant referenced in the query. |
video |
The video referenced in the query. |
webpageView |
The webpage view referenced in the query. |
leadFormSubmissionData |
The lead form user submission referenced in the query. |
localServicesLead |
The local services lead referenced in the query. |
localServicesLeadConversation |
The local services lead conversationreferenced in the query. |
androidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleAdGroup |
The android privacy shared key google ad group referenced in the query. |
androidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleCampaign |
The android privacy shared key google campaign referenced in the query. |
androidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleNetworkType |
The android privacy shared key google network type referenced in the query. |
metrics |
The metrics. |
segments |
The segments. |
An account-level budget. It contains information about the budget itself, as well as the most recently approved changes to the budget and proposed changes that are pending approval. The proposed changes that are pending approval, if any, are found in 'pendingProposal'. Effective details about the budget are found in fields prefixed 'approved_', 'adjusted_' and those without a prefix. Since some effective details may differ from what the user had originally requested (for example, spending limit), these differences are juxtaposed through 'proposed_', 'approved_', and possibly 'adjusted_' fields.
This resource is mutated using AccountBudgetProposal and cannot be mutated directly. A budget may have at most one pending proposal at any given time. It is read through pendingProposal.
Once approved, a budget may be subject to adjustments, such as credit adjustments. Adjustments create differences between the 'approved' and 'adjusted' fields, which would otherwise be identical.
JSON representation |
{ "resourceName": string, "status": enum ( |
Fields | |
resourceName |
Output only. The resource name of the account-level budget. AccountBudget resource names have the form:
status |
Output only. The status of this account-level budget. |
totalAdjustmentsMicros |
Output only. The total adjustments amount. An example of an adjustment is courtesy credits. |
amountServedMicros |
Output only. The value of Ads that have been served, in micros. This includes overdelivery costs, in which case a credit might be automatically applied to the budget (see totalAdjustmentsMicros). |
pendingProposal |
Output only. The pending proposal to modify this budget, if applicable. |
id |
Output only. The ID of the account-level budget. |
billingSetup |
Output only. The resource name of the billing setup associated with this account-level budget. BillingSetup resource names have the form:
name |
Output only. The name of the account-level budget. |
proposedStartDateTime |
Output only. The proposed start time of the account-level budget in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. If a start time type of NOW was proposed, this is the time of request. |
approvedStartDateTime |
Output only. The approved start time of the account-level budget in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. For example, if a new budget is approved after the proposed start time, the approved start time is the time of approval. |
purchaseOrderNumber |
Output only. A purchase order number is a value that helps users reference this budget in their monthly invoices. |
notes |
Output only. Notes associated with the budget. |
Union field proposed_end_time . The proposed end time of the account-level budget. proposed_end_time can be only one of the following: |
proposedEndDateTime |
Output only. The proposed end time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. |
proposedEndTimeType |
Output only. The proposed end time as a well-defined type, for example, FOREVER. |
Union field For example, if a budget's end time is updated and the proposal is approved after the proposed end time, the approved end time is the time of approval. |
approvedEndDateTime |
Output only. The approved end time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. |
approvedEndTimeType |
Output only. The approved end time as a well-defined type, for example, FOREVER. |