
A campaign.

JSON representation
  "resourceName": string,
  "primaryStatus": enum (CampaignPrimaryStatus),
  "primaryStatusReasons": [
    enum (CampaignPrimaryStatusReason)
  "status": enum (CampaignStatus),
  "servingStatus": enum (CampaignServingStatus),
  "biddingStrategySystemStatus": enum (BiddingStrategySystemStatus),
  "adServingOptimizationStatus": enum (AdServingOptimizationStatus),
  "advertisingChannelType": enum (AdvertisingChannelType),
  "advertisingChannelSubType": enum (AdvertisingChannelSubType),
  "urlCustomParameters": [
      object (CustomParameter)
  "localServicesCampaignSettings": {
    object (LocalServicesCampaignSettings)
  "travelCampaignSettings": {
    object (TravelCampaignSettings)
  "discoveryCampaignSettings": {
    object (DiscoveryCampaignSettings)
  "realTimeBiddingSetting": {
    object (RealTimeBiddingSetting)
  "networkSettings": {
    object (NetworkSettings)
  "hotelSetting": {
    object (HotelSettingInfo)
  "dynamicSearchAdsSetting": {
    object (DynamicSearchAdsSetting)
  "shoppingSetting": {
    object (ShoppingSetting)
  "targetingSetting": {
    object (TargetingSetting)
  "geoTargetTypeSetting": {
    object (GeoTargetTypeSetting)
  "localCampaignSetting": {
    object (LocalCampaignSetting)
  "appCampaignSetting": {
    object (AppCampaignSetting)
  "labels": [
  "experimentType": enum (CampaignExperimentType),
  "biddingStrategyType": enum (BiddingStrategyType),
  "accessibleBiddingStrategy": string,
  "frequencyCaps": [
      object (FrequencyCapEntry)
  "videoBrandSafetySuitability": enum (BrandSafetySuitability),
  "vanityPharma": {
    object (VanityPharma)
  "selectiveOptimization": {
    object (SelectiveOptimization)
  "optimizationGoalSetting": {
    object (OptimizationGoalSetting)
  "trackingSetting": {
    object (TrackingSetting)
  "paymentMode": enum (PaymentMode),
  "excludedParentAssetFieldTypes": [
    enum (AssetFieldType)
  "excludedParentAssetSetTypes": [
    enum (AssetSetType)
  "performanceMaxUpgrade": {
    object (PerformanceMaxUpgrade)
  "id": string,
  "name": string,
  "trackingUrlTemplate": string,
  "audienceSetting": {
    object (AudienceSetting)
  "baseCampaign": string,
  "campaignBudget": string,
  "startDate": string,
  "campaignGroup": string,
  "endDate": string,
  "finalUrlSuffix": string,
  "optimizationScore": number,
  "urlExpansionOptOut": boolean,
  "hotelPropertyAssetSet": string,
  "listingType": enum (ListingType),

  // Union field campaign_bidding_strategy can be only one of the following:
  "biddingStrategy": string,
  "commission": {
    object (Commission)
  "manualCpa": {
    object (ManualCpa)
  "manualCpc": {
    object (ManualCpc)
  "manualCpm": {
    object (ManualCpm)
  "manualCpv": {
    object (ManualCpv)
  "maximizeConversions": {
    object (MaximizeConversions)
  "maximizeConversionValue": {
    object (MaximizeConversionValue)
  "targetCpa": {
    object (TargetCpa)
  "targetImpressionShare": {
    object (TargetImpressionShare)
  "targetRoas": {
    object (TargetRoas)
  "targetSpend": {
    object (TargetSpend)
  "percentCpc": {
    object (PercentCpc)
  "targetCpm": {
    object (TargetCpm)
  // End of list of possible types for union field campaign_bidding_strategy.


Immutable. The resource name of the campaign. Campaign resource names have the form:



enum (CampaignPrimaryStatus)

Output only. The primary status of the campaign.

Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. Modification to the campaign and its related entities might take a while to be reflected in this status.


enum (CampaignPrimaryStatusReason)

Output only. The primary status reasons of the campaign.

Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall CampaignPrimaryStatus.


enum (CampaignStatus)

The status of the campaign.

When a new campaign is added, the status defaults to ENABLED.


enum (CampaignServingStatus)

Output only. The ad serving status of the campaign.


enum (BiddingStrategySystemStatus)

Output only. The system status of the campaign's bidding strategy.


enum (AdServingOptimizationStatus)

The ad serving optimization status of the campaign.


enum (AdvertisingChannelType)

Immutable. The primary serving target for ads within the campaign. The targeting options can be refined in networkSettings.

This field is required and should not be empty when creating new campaigns.

Can be set only when creating campaigns. After the campaign is created, the field can not be changed.


enum (AdvertisingChannelSubType)

Immutable. Optional refinement to advertisingChannelType. Must be a valid sub-type of the parent channel type.

Can be set only when creating campaigns. After campaign is created, the field can not be changed.


object (CustomParameter)

The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a trackingUrlTemplate, finalUrls, or mobile_final_urls.


object (LocalServicesCampaignSettings)

The Local Services Campaign related settings.


object (TravelCampaignSettings)

Settings for Travel campaign.


object (DiscoveryCampaignSettings)

Settings for Discovery campaign.


object (RealTimeBiddingSetting)

Settings for Real-Time Bidding, a feature only available for campaigns targeting the Ad Exchange network.


object (NetworkSettings)

The network settings for the campaign.


object (HotelSettingInfo)

Immutable. The hotel setting for the campaign.


object (DynamicSearchAdsSetting)

The setting for controlling Dynamic Search Ads (DSA).


object (ShoppingSetting)

The setting for controlling Shopping campaigns.


object (TargetingSetting)

Setting for targeting related features.


object (GeoTargetTypeSetting)

The setting for ads geotargeting.


object (LocalCampaignSetting)

The setting for local campaign.


object (AppCampaignSetting)

The setting related to App Campaign.



Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this campaign.


enum (CampaignExperimentType)

Output only. The type of campaign: normal, draft, or experiment.


enum (BiddingStrategyType)

Output only. The type of bidding strategy.

A bidding strategy can be created by setting either the bidding scheme to create a standard bidding strategy or the biddingStrategy field to create a portfolio bidding strategy.

This field is read-only.



Output only. Resource name of AccessibleBiddingStrategy, a read-only view of the unrestricted attributes of the attached portfolio bidding strategy identified by 'biddingStrategy'. Empty, if the campaign does not use a portfolio strategy. Unrestricted strategy attributes are available to all customers with whom the strategy is shared and are read from the AccessibleBiddingStrategy resource. In contrast, restricted attributes are only available to the owner customer of the strategy and their managers. Restricted attributes can only be read from the BiddingStrategy resource.


object (FrequencyCapEntry)

A list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.


enum (BrandSafetySuitability)

Output only. Brand Safety setting at the individual campaign level. Allows for selecting an inventory type to show your ads on content that is the right fit for your brand. See


object (VanityPharma)

Describes how unbranded pharma ads will be displayed.


object (SelectiveOptimization)

Selective optimization setting for this campaign, which includes a set of conversion actions to optimize this campaign towards. This feature only applies to app campaigns that use MULTI_CHANNEL as AdvertisingChannelType and APP_CAMPAIGN or APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_ENGAGEMENT as AdvertisingChannelSubType.


object (OptimizationGoalSetting)

Optimization goal setting for this campaign, which includes a set of optimization goal types.


object (TrackingSetting)

Output only. Campaign-level settings for tracking information.


enum (PaymentMode)

Payment mode for the campaign.


enum (AssetFieldType)

The asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from the upper level.


enum (AssetSetType)

The asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset set links with these types will not be inherited by this campaign from the upper level. Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP, CHAIN_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP, and STATIC_LOCATION_GROUP) are child types of LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this campaign, and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE) will not be served under this campaign. Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.


object (PerformanceMaxUpgrade)

Output only. Information about campaigns being upgraded to Performance Max.


string (int64 format)

Output only. The ID of the campaign.



The name of the campaign.

This field is required and should not be empty when creating new campaigns.

It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.



The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.


object (AudienceSetting)

Immutable. Setting for audience related features.



Output only. The resource name of the base campaign of a draft or experiment campaign. For base campaigns, this is equal to resourceName.

This field is read-only.



The budget of the campaign.



The date when campaign started in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD format.



The campaign group this campaign belongs to.



The last day of the campaign in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD format. On create, defaults to 2037-12-30, which means the campaign will run indefinitely. To set an existing campaign to run indefinitely, set this field to 2037-12-30.



Suffix used to append query parameters to landing pages that are served with parallel tracking.



Output only. Optimization score of the campaign.

Optimization score is an estimate of how well a campaign is set to perform. It ranges from 0% (0.0) to 100% (1.0), with 100% indicating that the campaign is performing at full potential. This field is null for unscored campaigns.

See "About optimization score" at

This field is read-only.



Represents opting out of URL expansion to more targeted URLs. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant Center or business data feeds are targeted. If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. This field can only be set for Performance Max campaigns, where the default value is false.



Immutable. The set of hotel properties for Performance Max for travel goals campaigns.


enum (ListingType)

Immutable. Listing type of ads served for this campaign. Field is restricted for usage with Performance Max campaigns.

Union field campaign_bidding_strategy. The bidding strategy for the campaign.

Must be either portfolio (created through BiddingStrategy service) or standard, that is embedded into the campaign. campaign_bidding_strategy can be only one of the following:



Portfolio bidding strategy used by campaign.


object (Commission)

Commission is an automatic bidding strategy in which the advertiser pays a certain portion of the conversion value.


object (ManualCpa)

Standard Manual CPA bidding strategy. Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per advertiser-specified action. Supported only for Local Services campaigns.


object (ManualCpc)

Standard Manual CPC bidding strategy. Manual click-based bidding where user pays per click.


object (ManualCpm)

Standard Manual CPM bidding strategy. Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand impressions.


object (ManualCpv)

A bidding strategy that pays a configurable amount per video view.


object (MaximizeConversions)

Standard Maximize Conversions bidding strategy that automatically maximizes number of conversions while spending your budget.


object (MaximizeConversionValue)

Standard Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategy that automatically sets bids to maximize revenue while spending your budget.


object (TargetCpa)

Standard Target CPA bidding strategy that automatically sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set.


object (TargetImpressionShare)

Target Impression Share bidding strategy. An automated bidding strategy that sets bids to achieve a chosen percentage of impressions.


object (TargetRoas)

Standard Target ROAS bidding strategy that automatically maximizes revenue while averaging a specific target return on ad spend (ROAS).


object (TargetSpend)

Standard Target Spend bidding strategy that automatically sets your bids to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget.


object (PercentCpc)

Standard Percent Cpc bidding strategy where bids are a fraction of the advertised price for some good or service.


object (TargetCpm)

A bidding strategy that automatically optimizes cost per thousand impressions.


Enum describing the possible campaign primary status. Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. Modification to the campaign and its related entities might take a while to be reflected in this status.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ELIGIBLE The campaign is eligible to serve.
PAUSED The user-specified campaign status is paused.
REMOVED The user-specified campaign status is removed.
ENDED The user-specified time for this campaign to end has passed.
PENDING The campaign may serve in the future.
MISCONFIGURED The campaign or its associated entities have incorrect user-specified settings.
LIMITED The campaign or its associated entities are limited by user-specified settings.
LEARNING The automated bidding system is adjusting to user-specified changes to the campaign or associated entities.
NOT_ELIGIBLE The campaign is not eligible to serve.


Enum describing the possible campaign primary status reasons. Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall campaign primary status.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
CAMPAIGN_REMOVED The user-specified campaign status is removed.
CAMPAIGN_PAUSED The user-specified campaign status is paused.
CAMPAIGN_PENDING The user-specified time for this campaign to start is in the future.
CAMPAIGN_ENDED The user-specified time for this campaign to end has passed.
CAMPAIGN_DRAFT The campaign is a draft.
BIDDING_STRATEGY_MISCONFIGURED The bidding strategy has incorrect user-specified settings.
BIDDING_STRATEGY_LIMITED The bidding strategy is limited by user-specified settings such as lack of data or similar.
BIDDING_STRATEGY_LEARNING The automated bidding system is adjusting to user-specified changes to the bidding strategy.
BIDDING_STRATEGY_CONSTRAINED Campaign could capture more conversion value by adjusting CPA/ROAS targets.
BUDGET_CONSTRAINED The budget is limiting the campaign's ability to serve.
BUDGET_MISCONFIGURED The budget has incorrect user-specified settings.
SEARCH_VOLUME_LIMITED Campaign is not targeting all relevant queries.
AD_GROUPS_PAUSED The user-specified ad group statuses are all paused.
NO_AD_GROUPS No eligible ad groups exist in this campaign.
KEYWORDS_PAUSED The user-specified keyword statuses are all paused.
NO_KEYWORDS No eligible keywords exist in this campaign.
AD_GROUP_ADS_PAUSED The user-specified ad group ad statuses are all paused.
NO_AD_GROUP_ADS No eligible ad group ads exist in this campaign.
HAS_ADS_LIMITED_BY_POLICY At least one ad in this campaign is limited by policy.
HAS_ADS_DISAPPROVED At least one ad in this campaign is disapproved.
MOST_ADS_UNDER_REVIEW Most ads in this campaign are pending review.
MISSING_LEAD_FORM_EXTENSION The campaign has a lead form goal, and the lead form extension is missing.
MISSING_CALL_EXTENSION The campaign has a call goal, and the call extension is missing.
LEAD_FORM_EXTENSION_UNDER_REVIEW The lead form extension is under review.
LEAD_FORM_EXTENSION_DISAPPROVED The lead extension is disapproved.
CALL_EXTENSION_UNDER_REVIEW The call extension is under review.
CALL_EXTENSION_DISAPPROVED The call extension is disapproved.
NO_MOBILE_APPLICATION_AD_GROUP_CRITERIA No eligible mobile application ad group criteria exist in this campaign.
CAMPAIGN_GROUP_PAUSED The user-specified campaign group status is paused.
CAMPAIGN_GROUP_ALL_GROUP_BUDGETS_ENDED The user-specified times of all group budgets associated with the parent campaign group has passed.
APP_NOT_RELEASED The app associated with this ACi campaign is not released in the target countries of the campaign.
APP_PARTIALLY_RELEASED The app associated with this ACi campaign is partially released in the target countries of the campaign.
HAS_ASSET_GROUPS_DISAPPROVED At least one asset group in this campaign is disapproved.
HAS_ASSET_GROUPS_LIMITED_BY_POLICY At least one asset group in this campaign is limited by policy.
MOST_ASSET_GROUPS_UNDER_REVIEW Most asset groups in this campaign are pending review.


Possible statuses of a campaign.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED Campaign is active and can show ads.
PAUSED Campaign has been paused by the user.
REMOVED Campaign has been removed.


Possible serving statuses of a campaign.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

SERVING Serving.
NONE None.
ENDED Ended.
PENDING Pending.
SUSPENDED Suspended.


The possible system statuses of a BiddingStrategy.

UNSPECIFIED Signals that an unexpected error occurred, for example, no bidding strategy type was found, or no status information was found.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED The bid strategy is active, and AdWords cannot find any specific issues with the strategy.
LEARNING_NEW The bid strategy is learning because it has been recently created or recently reactivated.
LEARNING_SETTING_CHANGE The bid strategy is learning because of a recent setting change.
LEARNING_BUDGET_CHANGE The bid strategy is learning because of a recent budget change.
LEARNING_COMPOSITION_CHANGE The bid strategy is learning because of recent change in number of campaigns, ad groups or keywords attached to it.
LEARNING_CONVERSION_TYPE_CHANGE The bid strategy depends on conversion reporting and the customer recently modified conversion types that were relevant to the bid strategy.
LEARNING_CONVERSION_SETTING_CHANGE The bid strategy depends on conversion reporting and the customer recently changed their conversion settings.
LIMITED_BY_CPC_BID_CEILING The bid strategy is limited by its bid ceiling.
LIMITED_BY_CPC_BID_FLOOR The bid strategy is limited by its bid floor.
LIMITED_BY_DATA The bid strategy is limited because there was not enough conversion traffic over the past weeks.
LIMITED_BY_BUDGET A significant fraction of keywords in this bid strategy are limited by budget.
LIMITED_BY_LOW_PRIORITY_SPEND The bid strategy cannot reach its target spend because its spend has been de-prioritized.
LIMITED_BY_LOW_QUALITY A significant fraction of keywords in this bid strategy have a low Quality Score.
LIMITED_BY_INVENTORY The bid strategy cannot fully spend its budget because of narrow targeting.
MISCONFIGURED_ZERO_ELIGIBILITY Missing conversion tracking (no pings present) and/or remarketing lists for SSC.
MISCONFIGURED_CONVERSION_TYPES The bid strategy depends on conversion reporting and the customer is lacking conversion types that might be reported against this strategy.
MISCONFIGURED_CONVERSION_SETTINGS The bid strategy depends on conversion reporting and the customer's conversion settings are misconfigured.
MISCONFIGURED_SHARED_BUDGET There are campaigns outside the bid strategy that share budgets with campaigns included in the strategy.
MISCONFIGURED_STRATEGY_TYPE The campaign has an invalid strategy type and is not serving.
PAUSED The bid strategy is not active. Either there are no active campaigns, ad groups or keywords attached to the bid strategy. Or there are no active budgets connected to the bid strategy.
UNAVAILABLE This bid strategy currently does not support status reporting.
MULTIPLE_LEARNING There were multiple LEARNING_* system statuses for this bid strategy during the time in question.
MULTIPLE_LIMITED There were multiple LIMITED_* system statuses for this bid strategy during the time in question.
MULTIPLE_MISCONFIGURED There were multiple MISCONFIGURED_* system statuses for this bid strategy during the time in question.
MULTIPLE There were multiple system statuses for this bid strategy during the time in question.


Enum describing possible serving statuses.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

OPTIMIZE Ad serving is optimized based on CTR for the campaign.
CONVERSION_OPTIMIZE Ad serving is optimized based on CTR * Conversion for the campaign. If the campaign is not in the conversion optimizer bidding strategy, it will default to OPTIMIZED.
ROTATE Ads are rotated evenly for 90 days, then optimized for clicks.
ROTATE_INDEFINITELY Show lower performing ads more evenly with higher performing ads, and do not optimize.
UNAVAILABLE Ad serving optimization status is not available.


Settings for LocalServicesCampaign subresource.

JSON representation
  "categoryBids": [
      object (CategoryBid)

object (CategoryBid)

Categorical level bids associated with MANUAL_CPA bidding strategy.


Category bids in LocalServicesReportingCampaignSettings.

JSON representation
  "categoryId": string,
  "manualCpaBidMicros": string


Category for which the bid will be associated with. For example, xcat:service_area_business_plumber.


string (int64 format)

Manual CPA bid for the category. Bid must be greater than the reserve price associated for that category. Value is in micros and in the advertiser's currency.


Settings for Travel campaign.

JSON representation
  "travelAccountId": string

string (int64 format)

Immutable. The Travel account ID associated with the Travel campaign.


Settings for Discovery campaign.

JSON representation
  "upgradedTargeting": boolean


Immutable. Specifies whether this campaign uses upgraded targeting options. When this field is set to true, you can use location and language targeting at the ad group level as opposed to the standard campaign-level targeting. This field defaults to false, and can only be set when creating a campaign.


Settings for Real-Time Bidding, a feature only available for campaigns targeting the Ad Exchange network.

JSON representation
  "optIn": boolean


Whether the campaign is opted in to real-time bidding.


The network settings for the campaign.

JSON representation
  "targetGoogleSearch": boolean,
  "targetSearchNetwork": boolean,
  "targetContentNetwork": boolean,
  "targetPartnerSearchNetwork": boolean


Whether ads will be served on partner sites in the Google Search Network (requires targetGoogleSearch to also be true).



Whether ads will be served on specified placements in the Google Display Network. Placements are specified using the Placement criterion.



Whether ads will be served on the Google Partner Network. This is available only to some select Google partner accounts.


Campaign-level settings for hotel ads.

JSON representation
  "hotelCenterId": string

string (int64 format)

Immutable. The linked Hotel Center account.


The setting for controlling Dynamic Search Ads (DSA).

JSON representation
  "domainName": string,
  "languageCode": string,
  "feeds": [
  "useSuppliedUrlsOnly": boolean


Required. The Internet domain name that this setting represents, for example, "" or "".



Required. The language code specifying the language of the domain, for example, "en".



The list of page feeds associated with the campaign.



Whether the campaign uses advertiser supplied URLs exclusively.


The setting for Shopping campaigns. Defines the universe of products that can be advertised by the campaign, and how this campaign interacts with other Shopping campaigns.

JSON representation
  "feedLabel": string,
  "useVehicleInventory": boolean,
  "advertisingPartnerIds": [
  "merchantId": string,
  "salesCountry": string,
  "campaignPriority": integer,
  "enableLocal": boolean


Feed label of products to include in the campaign. Only one of feedLabel or salesCountry can be set. If used instead of salesCountry, the feedLabel field accepts country codes in the same format for example: 'XX'. Otherwise can be any string used for feed label in Google Merchant Center.



Immutable. Whether to target Vehicle Listing inventory. This field is supported only in Smart Shopping Campaigns. For setting Vehicle Listing inventory in Performance Max campaigns, use listingType instead.


string (int64 format)

Immutable. The ads account IDs of advertising partners cooperating within the campaign.


string (int64 format)

Immutable. ID of the Merchant Center account. This field is required for create operations. This field is immutable for Shopping campaigns.



Sales country of products to include in the campaign. Only one of feedLabel or salesCountry can be set. Field is immutable except for clearing. Once this field is cleared, you must use feedLabel if you want to set the sales country.



Priority of the campaign. Campaigns with numerically higher priorities take precedence over those with lower priorities. This field is required for Shopping campaigns, with values between 0 and 2, inclusive. This field is optional for Smart Shopping campaigns, but must be equal to 3 if set.



Whether to include local products.


Settings for the audience targeting.

JSON representation
  "useAudienceGrouped": boolean


Immutable. If true, this campaign uses an Audience resource for audience targeting. If false, this campaign may use audience segment criteria instead.


Represents a collection of settings related to ads geotargeting.

JSON representation
  "positiveGeoTargetType": enum (PositiveGeoTargetType),
  "negativeGeoTargetType": enum (NegativeGeoTargetType)

enum (PositiveGeoTargetType)

The setting used for positive geotargeting in this particular campaign.


enum (NegativeGeoTargetType)

The setting used for negative geotargeting in this particular campaign.


The possible positive geo target types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
PRESENCE_OR_INTEREST Specifies that an ad is triggered if the user is in, or shows interest in, advertiser's targeted locations.
SEARCH_INTEREST Specifies that an ad is triggered if the user searches for advertiser's targeted locations. This can only be used with Search and standard Shopping campaigns.
PRESENCE Specifies that an ad is triggered if the user is in or regularly in advertiser's targeted locations.


The possible negative geo target types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
PRESENCE_OR_INTEREST Specifies that a user is excluded from seeing the ad if they are in, or show interest in, advertiser's excluded locations.
PRESENCE Specifies that a user is excluded from seeing the ad if they are in advertiser's excluded locations.


Campaign setting for local campaigns.

JSON representation
  "locationSourceType": enum (LocationSourceType)

enum (LocationSourceType)

The location source type for this local campaign.


The possible types of a location source.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
GOOGLE_MY_BUSINESS Locations associated with the customer's linked Business Profile.
AFFILIATE Affiliate (chain) store locations. For example, Best Buy store locations.


Campaign-level settings for App Campaigns.

JSON representation
  "biddingStrategyGoalType": enum (AppCampaignBiddingStrategyGoalType),
  "appStore": enum (AppCampaignAppStore),
  "appId": string

enum (AppCampaignBiddingStrategyGoalType)

Represents the goal which the bidding strategy of this app campaign should optimize towards.


enum (AppCampaignAppStore)

Immutable. The application store that distributes this specific app.



Immutable. A string that uniquely identifies a mobile application.


Goal type of App campaign BiddingStrategy.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
OPTIMIZE_INSTALLS_TARGET_INSTALL_COST Aim to maximize the number of app installs. The cpa bid is the target cost per install.
OPTIMIZE_IN_APP_CONVERSIONS_TARGET_INSTALL_COST Aim to maximize the long term number of selected in-app conversions from app installs. The cpa bid is the target cost per install.
OPTIMIZE_IN_APP_CONVERSIONS_TARGET_CONVERSION_COST Aim to maximize the long term number of selected in-app conversions from app installs. The cpa bid is the target cost per in-app conversion. Note that the actual cpa may seem higher than the target cpa at first, since the long term conversions haven't happened yet.
OPTIMIZE_RETURN_ON_ADVERTISING_SPEND Aim to maximize all conversions' value, for example, install + selected in-app conversions while achieving or exceeding target return on advertising spend.
OPTIMIZE_PRE_REGISTRATION_CONVERSION_VOLUME Aim to maximize the pre-registration of the app.
OPTIMIZE_INSTALLS_WITHOUT_TARGET_INSTALL_COST Aim to maximize installation of the app without target cost-per-install.


Enum describing app campaign app store.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
APPLE_APP_STORE Apple app store.


Indicates if this campaign is a normal campaign, a draft campaign, or an experiment campaign.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
BASE This is a regular campaign.
DRAFT This is a draft version of a campaign. It has some modifications from a base campaign, but it does not serve or accrue metrics.
EXPERIMENT This is an experiment version of a campaign. It has some modifications from a base campaign, and a percentage of traffic is being diverted from the BASE campaign to this experiment campaign.


A rule specifying the maximum number of times an ad (or some set of ads) can be shown to a user over a particular time period.

JSON representation
  "key": {
    object (FrequencyCapKey)
  "cap": integer

object (FrequencyCapKey)

The key of a particular frequency cap. There can be no more than one frequency cap with the same key.



Maximum number of events allowed during the time range by this cap.


A group of fields used as keys for a frequency cap. There can be no more than one frequency cap with the same key.

JSON representation
  "level": enum (FrequencyCapLevel),
  "eventType": enum (FrequencyCapEventType),
  "timeUnit": enum (FrequencyCapTimeUnit),
  "timeLength": integer

enum (FrequencyCapLevel)

The level on which the cap is to be applied (for example, ad group ad, ad group). The cap is applied to all the entities of this level.


enum (FrequencyCapEventType)

The type of event that the cap applies to (for example, impression).


enum (FrequencyCapTimeUnit)

Unit of time the cap is defined at (for example, day, week).



Number of time units the cap lasts.


The level on which the cap is to be applied (e.g ad group ad, ad group). Cap is applied to all the resources of this level.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
AD_GROUP_AD The cap is applied at the ad group ad level.
AD_GROUP The cap is applied at the ad group level.
CAMPAIGN The cap is applied at the campaign level.


The type of event that the cap applies to (for example, impression).

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
IMPRESSION The cap applies on ad impressions.
VIDEO_VIEW The cap applies on video ad views.


3-Tier brand safety suitability control.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
EXPANDED_INVENTORY This option lets you show ads across all inventory on YouTube and video partners that meet our standards for monetization. This option may be an appropriate choice for brands that want maximum access to the full breadth of videos eligible for ads, including, for example, videos that have strong profanity in the context of comedy or a documentary, or excessive violence as featured in video games.
STANDARD_INVENTORY This option lets you show ads across a wide range of content that's appropriate for most brands, such as popular music videos, documentaries, and movie trailers. The content you can show ads on is based on YouTube's advertiser-friendly content guidelines that take into account, for example, the strength or frequency of profanity, or the appropriateness of subject matter like sensitive events. Ads won't show, for example, on content with repeated strong profanity, strong sexual content, or graphic violence.
LIMITED_INVENTORY This option lets you show ads on a reduced range of content that's appropriate for brands with particularly strict guidelines around inappropriate language and sexual suggestiveness; above and beyond what YouTube's advertiser-friendly content guidelines address. The videos accessible in this sensitive category meet heightened requirements, especially for inappropriate language and sexual suggestiveness. For example, your ads will be excluded from showing on some of YouTube's most popular music videos and other pop culture content across YouTube and Google video partners.


Describes how unbranded pharma ads will be displayed.

JSON representation
  "vanityPharmaDisplayUrlMode": enum (VanityPharmaDisplayUrlMode),
  "vanityPharmaText": enum (VanityPharmaText)

enum (VanityPharmaDisplayUrlMode)

The display mode for vanity pharma URLs.


enum (VanityPharmaText)

The text that will be displayed in display URL of the text ad when website description is the selected display mode for vanity pharma URLs.


Enum describing possible display modes for vanity pharma URLs.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
MANUFACTURER_WEBSITE_URL Replace vanity pharma URL with manufacturer website url.
WEBSITE_DESCRIPTION Replace vanity pharma URL with description of the website.


Enum describing possible text.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
PRESCRIPTION_TREATMENT_WEBSITE_EN Prescription treatment website with website content in English.
PRESCRIPTION_TREATMENT_WEBSITE_ES Prescription treatment website with website content in Spanish (Sitio de tratamientos con receta).
PRESCRIPTION_DEVICE_WEBSITE_EN Prescription device website with website content in English.
PRESCRIPTION_DEVICE_WEBSITE_ES Prescription device website with website content in Spanish (Sitio de dispositivos con receta).
MEDICAL_DEVICE_WEBSITE_EN Medical device website with website content in English.
MEDICAL_DEVICE_WEBSITE_ES Medical device website with website content in Spanish (Sitio de dispositivos médicos).
PREVENTATIVE_TREATMENT_WEBSITE_EN Preventative treatment website with website content in English.
PREVENTATIVE_TREATMENT_WEBSITE_ES Preventative treatment website with website content in Spanish (Sitio de tratamientos preventivos).
PRESCRIPTION_CONTRACEPTION_WEBSITE_EN Prescription contraception website with website content in English.
PRESCRIPTION_CONTRACEPTION_WEBSITE_ES Prescription contraception website with website content in Spanish (Sitio de anticonceptivos con receta).
PRESCRIPTION_VACCINE_WEBSITE_EN Prescription vaccine website with website content in English.
PRESCRIPTION_VACCINE_WEBSITE_ES Prescription vaccine website with website content in Spanish (Sitio de vacunas con receta).


Selective optimization setting for this campaign, which includes a set of conversion actions to optimize this campaign towards. This feature only applies to app campaigns that use MULTI_CHANNEL as AdvertisingChannelType and APP_CAMPAIGN or APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_ENGAGEMENT as AdvertisingChannelSubType.

JSON representation
  "conversionActions": [


The selected set of conversion actions for optimizing this campaign.


Optimization goal setting for this campaign, which includes a set of optimization goal types.

JSON representation
  "optimizationGoalTypes": [
    enum (OptimizationGoalType)

enum (OptimizationGoalType)

The list of optimization goal types.


The type of optimization goal

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used as a return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
CALL_CLICKS Optimize for call clicks. Call click conversions are times people selected 'Call' to contact a store after viewing an ad.
DRIVING_DIRECTIONS Optimize for driving directions. Driving directions conversions are times people selected 'Get directions' to navigate to a store after viewing an ad.
APP_PRE_REGISTRATION Optimize for pre-registration. Pre-registration conversions are the number of pre-registration signups to receive a notification when the app is released.


Campaign-level settings for tracking information.

JSON representation
  "trackingUrl": string


Output only. The url used for dynamic tracking.


Enum describing possible payment modes.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
CLICKS Pay per interaction.
CONVERSION_VALUE Pay per conversion value. This mode is only supported by campaigns with AdvertisingChannelType.HOTEL, BiddingStrategyType.COMMISSION, and BudgetType.STANDARD.
CONVERSIONS Pay per conversion. This mode is only supported by campaigns with AdvertisingChannelType.DISPLAY (excluding AdvertisingChannelSubType.DISPLAY_GMAIL), BiddingStrategyType.TARGET_CPA, and BudgetType.FIXED_CPA. The customer must also be eligible for this mode. See Customer.eligibility_failure_reasons for details.
GUEST_STAY Pay per guest stay value. This mode is only supported by campaigns with AdvertisingChannelType.HOTEL, BiddingStrategyType.COMMISSION, and BudgetType.STANDARD.


Information about a campaign being upgraded to Performance Max.

JSON representation
  "performanceMaxCampaign": string,
  "preUpgradeCampaign": string,
  "status": enum (PerformanceMaxUpgradeStatus)


Output only. Indicates which Performance Max campaign the campaign is upgraded to.



Output only. Indicates legacy campaign upgraded to Performance Max.


enum (PerformanceMaxUpgradeStatus)

Output only. The upgrade status of a campaign requested to be upgraded to Performance Max.


Performance Max Upgrade status enum for campaign.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
UPGRADE_ELIBIGLE The campaign is eligible for upgrade to a Performance Max campaign.
UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS The upgrade to a Performance Max campaign is in progress.
UPGRADE_COMPLETE The upgrade to a Performance Max campaign is complete.
UPGRADE_FAILED The upgrade to a Performance Max campaign failed. The campaign will still serve as it was before upgrade was attempted.


Possible listing types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
VEHICLES This campaign serves vehicle ads.


Commission is an automatic bidding strategy in which the advertiser pays a certain portion of the conversion value.

JSON representation
  "commissionRateMicros": string

string (int64 format)

Commission rate defines the portion of the conversion value that the advertiser will be billed. A commission rate of x should be passed into this field as (x * 1,000,000). For example, 106,000 represents a commission rate of 0.106 (10.6%).


This type has no fields.

Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per advertiser-specified action.


Manual click-based bidding where user pays per click.

JSON representation
  "enhancedCpcEnabled": boolean


Whether bids are to be enhanced based on conversion optimizer data.


This type has no fields.

Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand impressions.


This type has no fields.

View based bidding where user pays per video view.


A bidding strategy where bids are a fraction of the advertised price for some good or service.

JSON representation
  "cpcBidCeilingMicros": string,
  "enhancedCpcEnabled": boolean

string (int64 format)

Maximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. This is an optional field entered by the advertiser and specified in local micros. Note: A zero value is interpreted in the same way as having bid_ceiling undefined.



Adjusts the bid for each auction upward or downward, depending on the likelihood of a conversion. Individual bids may exceed cpcBidCeilingMicros, but the average bid amount for a campaign should not.


Target CPM (cost per thousand impressions) is an automated bidding strategy that sets bids to optimize performance given the target CPM you set.

JSON representation

  // Union field goal can be only one of the following:
  "targetFrequencyGoal": {
    object (TargetCpmTargetFrequencyGoal)
  // End of list of possible types for union field goal.
Union field goal. Additional information related to bidding goal. goal can be only one of the following:

object (TargetCpmTargetFrequencyGoal)

Target Frequency bidding goal details.


Target Frequency bidding goal details.

JSON representation
  "targetCount": string,
  "timeUnit": enum (TargetFrequencyTimeUnit)

string (int64 format)

Target Frequency count representing how many times you want to reach a single user.


enum (TargetFrequencyTimeUnit)

Time window expressing the period over which you want to reach the specified targetCount.


Enum describing time window over which we want to reach Target Frequency.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
WEEKLY Optimize bidding to reach Target Frequency in a week.