List reactions for a message

This guide explains how to use the list() method on the Reaction resource of the Google Chat API to list reactions for a message—like 👍, 🚲, and 🌞.

The Reaction resource represents an emoji that people can use to react to a message, such as 👍, 🚲, and 🌞.



List reactions

To list the reactions for a message, pass the following in your request:

  • Specify the chat.messages.reactions.readonly, chat.messages.reactions, chat.messages.readonly, or chat.messages authorization scope.
  • Call the ListReactions() method, passing the parent as the resource name of the message.

The following example lists reactions for a specified message:


import {createClientWithUserCredentials} from './authentication-utils.js';


// This sample shows how to list reactions to a message with user credential
async function main() {
  // Create a client
  const chatClient = await createClientWithUserCredentials(USER_AUTH_OAUTH_SCOPES);

  // Initialize request argument(s)
  const request = {
    // Replace SPACE_NAME and MESSAGE_NAME here.
    parent: 'spaces/SPACE_NAME/messages/MESSAGE_NAME'

  // Make the request
  const pageResult = chatClient.listReactionsAsync(request);

  // Handle the response. Iterating over pageResult will yield results and
  // resolve additional pages automatically.
  for await (const response of pageResult) {


To run this sample, replace the following:

  • SPACE_NAME: the ID from the space's name. You can obtain the ID by calling the ListSpaces() method or from the space's URL.
  • MESSAGE_NAME: the ID from the message's name. You can obtain the ID from the response body returned after creating a message asynchronously with the Chat API, or with the custom name assigned to the message at creation.

The Chat API returns a paginated list of reactions.