GMTCPolylineStyleOptions Class Reference

GMTCPolylineStyleOptions Class Reference


Data object that holds polyline customization properties.

Inherits GMTCImmutableData.

Inherited by GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions.

Public Member Functions

(UIColor *) - trafficColorForSpeed:
 Returns the color for the given speed type.
(instancetype) - init
 Initializes the object with default values: `strokeWidth:2.0f`, `strokeColor:[UIColor blueColor]`, `isVisible:YES`, `zIndex:10`, `isGeodesic:NO`, `isTrafficEnabled:NO`.


CGFloat strokeWidth
 The width of the line stroke in screen points.
UIColor * strokeColor
 Used to specify the color of one or more segments of a polyline.
BOOL isVisible
 Boolean that determines the visibility of the polyline.
int32_t zIndex
 Value that determines the z index of the polyline.
BOOL isGeodesic
 Indicates whether the segments of the polyline should be drawn as geodesics, as opposed to straight lines on the Mercator projection.
BOOL isTrafficEnabled
 Boolean that determines the visibility of the traffic polyline.

Member Function Documentation

- (UIColor *) trafficColorForSpeed: (GMTSSpeedType speedType

Returns the color for the given speed type.

If traffic is enabled and no color is set, returns the default color for the given speed. If traffic is not enabled, returns the default stroke color.
- (instancetype) init

Initializes the object with default values: `strokeWidth:2.0f`, `strokeColor:[UIColor blueColor]`, `isVisible:YES`, `zIndex:10`, `isGeodesic:NO`, `isTrafficEnabled:NO`.

Property Documentation

- (CGFloat) strokeWidth [read, assign]

The width of the line stroke in screen points.

Defaults to 2.0f.

Implemented in GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions.

- (UIColor*) strokeColor [read, copy]

Used to specify the color of one or more segments of a polyline.

Defaults to [UIColor blueColor].

Implemented in GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions.

- (BOOL) isVisible [read, assign]

Boolean that determines the visibility of the polyline.

Defaults to YES.

Implemented in GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions.

- (int32_t) zIndex [read, assign]

Value that determines the z index of the polyline.

Defaults to 10.

Implemented in GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions.

- (BOOL) isGeodesic [read, assign]

Indicates whether the segments of the polyline should be drawn as geodesics, as opposed to straight lines on the Mercator projection.

Implemented in GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions.

- (BOOL) isTrafficEnabled [read, assign]

Boolean that determines the visibility of the traffic polyline.

Defaults to NO.

Implemented in GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions.