
public abstract class PolylineStyleOptions extends Object

Options available for customizing a polyline managed by the ConsumerMapFragment.

Nested Class Summary

class PolylineStyleOptions.Builder Builder for PolylineStyleOptions

Constant Summary

float TRAFFIC_JAM_Z_INDEX_ADDITION Additional Z index for jammed traffic
float TRAFFIC_NORMAL_Z_INDEX_ADDITION Additional Z index for normal traffic
float TRAFFIC_SLOW_Z_INDEX_ADDITION Additional Z index for slow traffic

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

static PolylineStyleOptions.Builder
abstract int
Color of polyline as a 32-bit ARGB color.
abstract Cap
Style of the cap at the end vertex of the polyline.
abstract boolean
Specifies whether to draw each polyline segment as a geodesic.
abstract boolean
Visibility setting of the polyline.
abstract Cap
Style of the cap at the start vertex of the polyline.
abstract int
Color of traffic segments of TrafficData.SpeedReadingInterval.SpeedType NO_DATA speed.
abstract int
Color of traffic segments of TrafficData.SpeedReadingInterval.SpeedType NORMAL speed.
abstract int
Color of traffic segments of TrafficData.SpeedReadingInterval.SpeedType SLOW speed.
abstract int
Color of traffic segments of TrafficData.SpeedReadingInterval.SpeedType TRAFFIC_JAM speed.
abstract boolean
Whether traffic is enabled for this polyline.
abstract int
Width of the polyline in screen pixels.
abstract float
z-index of the polyline.
abstract PolylineStyleOptions.Builder

Inherited Method Summary


public static final float TRAFFIC_JAM_Z_INDEX_ADDITION

Additional Z index for jammed traffic

Constant Value: 0.03

public static final float TRAFFIC_NORMAL_Z_INDEX_ADDITION

Additional Z index for normal traffic

Constant Value: 0.01

public static final float TRAFFIC_SLOW_Z_INDEX_ADDITION

Additional Z index for slow traffic

Constant Value: 0.02

Public Constructors

public PolylineStyleOptions ()

Public Methods

public static PolylineStyleOptions.Builder builder ()

Builder for PolylineStyleOptions.

public abstract int getColor ()

Color of polyline as a 32-bit ARGB color.

public abstract Cap getEndCap ()

Style of the cap at the end vertex of the polyline.

public abstract boolean getIsGeodesic ()

Specifies whether to draw each polyline segment as a geodesic.

public abstract boolean getIsVisible ()

Visibility setting of the polyline.

public abstract Cap getStartCap ()

Style of the cap at the start vertex of the polyline.

public abstract int getTrafficColorNoData ()

Color of traffic segments of TrafficData.SpeedReadingInterval.SpeedType NO_DATA speed.

public abstract int getTrafficColorNormal ()

Color of traffic segments of TrafficData.SpeedReadingInterval.SpeedType NORMAL speed.

public abstract int getTrafficColorSlow ()

Color of traffic segments of TrafficData.SpeedReadingInterval.SpeedType SLOW speed.

public abstract int getTrafficColorTrafficJam ()

Color of traffic segments of TrafficData.SpeedReadingInterval.SpeedType TRAFFIC_JAM speed.

public abstract boolean getTrafficEnabled ()

Whether traffic is enabled for this polyline.

public abstract int getWidth ()

Width of the polyline in screen pixels.

public abstract float getZIndex ()

z-index of the polyline. It specifies the stack order relative to other polylines, higher z-index is drawn on top of those with lower z-index.

public abstract PolylineStyleOptions.Builder toBuilder ()