Direct Users to Google Maps Places Details and Directions with Maps URL or Places API

In today's location-aware world, users expect seamless access to place information, directions, and navigation. Whether it’s through a messenger app, a local context discovery app, a logistics and transportation platform, a travel planner, or a real estate listing platform, users often need to quickly view location details or find the best route from A to B. While developers can build their own in-app experience, leveraging the comprehensive and familiar interface of Google Maps provides a superior experience.

A well-structured Google Maps URL is essential for a seamless user experience. Incorrect URLs compromise this experience, directing users to the wrong location, displaying a generic map view instead of specific details, or even resulting in a broken link. This frustrates users and prevents them from achieving their goal. For example, even with a valid Maps URL, a user expecting details about a specific business might instead land on a general map view with no relevant information. See example below:

This Maps URL is valid for opening Google Maps and displaying a location based on latitude and longitude. However it does not provide users with details about a specific place.

Search only using latitude and longitude
Search only using latitude and longitude

Seamlessly bridging your application with Google Maps through accurate URLs

Open Place Details page on Google Maps
A Maps URL with a unique place name directs users to that place's details page on Google Maps

Google Maps Platform (GMP) offers two primary methods for constructing accurate URLs: Places API(New), which requires an API key, and Maps URLs, which are free and don't require a key. The following solutions address different scenarios and use cases:

The GMP Places API(New) returns a comprehensive set of information about a specific place. When requesting the googleMapsUri or googleMapsLinks field (by specifying it in field mask), the API response includes a place object. This object contains pre-formatted URLs, which can be used to directly open the corresponding view, such as place details view, in Google Maps.


Place Details Request

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "X-Goog-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "X-Goog-FieldMask: googleMapsUri,googleMapsLinks" \

Place Details Response:

    "googleMapsUri": "",
    "googleMapsLinks": {
        "directionsUri": "''/data=!4m7!4m6!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x6b12ae665e892fdd:0x3133f8d75a1ac251!3e0",
        "placeUri": "",
        "writeAReviewUri": "!4m3!3m2!1s0x6b12ae665e892fdd:0x3133f8d75a1ac251!12e1",
        "reviewsUri": "!4m4!3m3!1s0x6b12ae665e892fdd:0x3133f8d75a1ac251!9m1!1b1",
        "photosUri": "!4m3!3m2!1s0x6b12ae665e892fdd:0x3133f8d75a1ac251!10e5"

ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE in the above example is the Place ID of Sydney Opera House in the above example. A Place ID is a textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps.

Retrieving Place IDs at zero cost

To programmatically retrieve Place IDs, you can use the Places API: Text Search(ID Only) functionality. This is a zero cost method for obtaining Place IDs. Learn more about Place ID, and Place API(New) request.

Places API Text Search(ID Only) Request:

curl -X POST -d '{"textQuery" : "Sydney Opera House"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask:' \

Places API Text Search(ID Only) Response:

  "places": [
      "id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"

Place IDs can also be retrieved when a user clicks or taps a POI on maps. Find out more details about clickable POI icons(JavaScript, Android, iOS)


When using the Places API, developers can simply extract the googleMapsUri or googleMapsLinks field from the response and use it to launch the corresponding view in Google Maps app or in a browser if the app is not installed.

Feature Description
directionsUri Link to open Google Maps to display directions from the user’s current location to this place
placeUri Link to open Google Maps to the place details page for this place
writeAReviewUri Link to open Google Maps to the review writing page for this place
reviewsUri Link to open Google Maps to the reviews page for this place
photosUri Link to open Google Maps to the photos page for this place

Check out the developer guidance and try the feature today.

Utilizing the Maps URLs

Using Maps URLs, you can build a universal, cross-platform URL to launch Google Maps and perform searches, get directions and navigation, and display map views and panoramic images. The URL syntax is the same regardless of the platform in use. You don't need a Google API key to use Maps URLs.

The map actions available are:

  • The Search function launches a Google Maps app or in a browser if the app is not installed that displays a pin for a specific place, or performs a general search and launches a map to display the results.

  • The Directions function launches a Google Maps app or in a browser if the app is not installed that displays directions between points or enables turn-by-turn navigation on Google Maps for mobile devices.

  • The Street View panorama function lets you launch a viewer to display Street View images as interactive panoramas.

Visit GMP Maps URLs developer documentation to explore more functions and examples.

Here we dive into two key functionalities of Maps URLs:

  • Displaying place details on Google Maps: This section explains how to construct URLs that will display details for a specific location on Google Maps. It also details how to work with places that have non-unique names by using Place IDs and precise queries.

  • Providing Directions using Maps URLs: This section explains how to create URLs that provide directions between locations, including directions with multiple waypoints and turn-by-turn navigation.

Displaying place details on Google Maps

The Search function takes two parameters to complete the places search, which are query(required) and query_place_id(optional).

The query parameter is required for all search requests. It accepts a place name, or comma-separated latitude/longitude coordinates, or a general search term.

The Search URL structure:

Scenario 1: Displaying place details for a unique place name
In this example, only the place name is specified. This URL opens the details page for the Sydney Opera House.

Open Place Details page on Google Maps
Search place name and display place details

Now, consider a place with a non-unique name. What happens when you search only by this non-unique name? See next scenaro.

Scenario 2: Search places for a non-unique place name

Since the place name is not unique, this URL opens a list of nearby 7-Eleven locations within the viewport. Users can then choose a specific store to see its details.

Open Place List page on Google Maps
Place list page for searching non-unique name

To avoid the list of locations and directly access a specific details page, you can use a more precise method. See next example.

Scenario 3: Displaying place details for a non-unique place name

When dealing with common place names, a simple name search often returns a list of locations. To directly link to a specific details page, you can use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Using a precise query with Place Name and Address

In this URL, the query parameter is formatted as place name, address. This helps narrow down the search and directly link to the intended location.

Method 2: Using the Place ID

Place IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps.

Here, ChIJGcmcg7ZC1moRAOacd3HoEwM is the unique Place ID for the specific place. The query parameter is still required but will be only used if Google Maps cannot find the place ID.

Scenario 4: Displaying place details using latitude and longitude coordinates as well as the place ID

Using the Place ID ensures Google Maps shows detailed place information.
Place Detail page using latitude and longitude as well as Place ID
Place Detail page using latitude and longitude as well as Place ID

Retrieving Place IDs at zero cost

To programmatically retrieve Place IDs, you can use the Places API: Text Search(ID Only) functionality. This is a zero cost method for obtaining Place IDs. Learn more about Place ID, and Place API(New) request.

Places API Text Search(ID Only) Request:

curl -X POST -d '{"textQuery" : "Sydney Opera House"}'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask:'

Places API Text Search(ID Only) Response:

  "places": [
      "id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"

Place IDs can also be retrieved when a user clicks or taps a POI on maps. Find out more details about clickable POI icons(JavaScript, Android, iOS)


Providing accurate place details is critical for a positive experience. To ensure users land on the correct place details page, construct the Search URLs using one of the following recommended formats:

  • query=PLACE_NAME&query_place_id=PLACE_ID

Avoid using only latitude/longitude coordinates in the query parameter when your goal is to display a specific place’s details. Formats like query=latitude,longitude, query=PLACE_NAME,latitude,longitude, or query=ADDRESS,latitude,longitude will not consistently lead to the desired place details page. Instead, it will show the latitude and longitude of the location.

Categorical search using Maps URLs

In a categorical search, you pass a general search term, and Google Maps attempts to find listings that match your criteria near the location you specify. If no location is specified, Google Maps attempts to find listings nearby your current location.

Scenario 1: Nearby places search
Categorical search - neaby places
Categorical search - neaby places

Providing Directions using Maps URLs

The Directions function displays the path between two or more specified points on the map, as well as the distance and travel time. It offers developers more control over the directions provided. GMP's Maps URLs Directions documentation provides detailed instructions on constructing URLs for customized directions.

The Directions URL structure:

Scenario 1: Finding the best route from the user’s current location to a destination

This URL opens Google Maps and displays driving directions from the user’s current location.

In this URL, the origin is omitted. When origin is omitted, the path defaults to the most relevant starting location, such as device location, if available. If none, the resulting map provides a form to allow a user to enter the origin. The value of origin and destination can be either a place name, address, or comma-separated latitude/longitude coordinates.

The travelmode is an optional parameter. It defines the method of travel. This parameter can be set as:

  • driving
  • walking
  • bicycling
  • two-wheeler
  • transit

If no travelmode is specified, the Google Map shows one or more of the most relevant modes for the specified route and/or user preferences.

Developers can also specify Place IDs by using origin_place_id parameter and destination_place_id. Using a Place ID is the best guarantee that you will link to the right place.

Retrieving Place IDs at zero cost

To programmatically retrieve Place IDs, you can use the Places API: Text Search(ID Only) functionality. This is a zero cost method for obtaining Place IDs. Learn more about Place ID, and Place API(New) request.

Places API Text Search(ID Only) Request:

curl -X POST -d '{"textQuery" : "Sydney Opera House"}'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask:'

Places API Text Search(ID Only) Response:

  "places": [
      "id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"

Place IDs can also be retrieved when a user clicks or taps a POI on maps. Find out more details about clickable POI icons(JavaScript, Android, iOS)

Directions from user’s current location
Directions from user’s current location

Scenario 3: Providing Turn-by-Turn Navigation

Setting dir_action=navigate in the URL will launch Google Maps in turn-by-turn navigation mode if the user’s current location(device location) is available and used as the origin (either explicitly provided or implicitly used when the origin parameter is omitted). Otherwise, a route preview will be displayed.

Turn-by-turn navigation is launched when dir_action=navigate is set and:

  • The origin is specified and it is close to the user’s current location
  • The origin is omitted and the user’s current location is available

Route preview is launched when:

  • dir_action=navigate is not set
  • dir_action=navigate is set and the origin is specified, and the origin is not close to the user’s current location
  • dir_action=navigate is set and the origin is omitted, and the user’s current location is unavailable

Note that navigation is not available on all Google Maps products such as Google Maps Web, and/or between all destinations. In those cases this parameter will be ignored.

Turn-by-Turn Navigation Route Preview
Turn-by-Turn Navigation
Route Preview


By correctly constructing the Maps URLs, you can ensure users get the right information they need quickly and efficiently.

  • Always specify the destination, and use Place ID whenever possible for guaranteed accuracy

  • When the goal is to provide immediate navigation, include dir_action=navigate parameter to trigger turn-by-turn navigation. Navigation will start from the user's current location if the device location is available and used as the origin (either explicitly set or omitted)

Choosing the right approach for your application

You have two primary options: leveraging the pre-formatted URLs provided by the Places API or manually constructing Maps URLs in your application. Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Places API:

  • The googleMapsUri and googleMapsLinks fields in the Place Details response provide ready-to-use URLs. This reduces development time and minimizes the risk of errors in URL formatting.

  • Provides less control over the configuration of directions. While googleMapsLinks offers basic directions, it doesn't support waypoints or advanced customization. Also, it is relatively less straightforward to trigger turn-by-turn navigation directly.

Maps URLs:

  • Offers greater flexibility and control. Developers can construct URLs to display place details and configure various aspects of directions, including adding waypoints, specifying travel modes, and initiating turn-by-turn navigation.

  • Requires a deeper understanding of the URL parameters and structure. Manual construction increases the potential for errors if not done carefully.

Improving Maps URLs with UTM parameters

To help Google better understand how developers are integrating Maps URLs and to ensure optimal performance, we encourage you to include UTM tracking parameters in your URL construction. By adding utm_source and utm_campaign parameters, you provide valuable data that allows us to analyze usage patterns and improve the Maps URLs product.

For the utm_source parameter, use the name of your application. The utm_campaign parameter should reflect the user's intended action, such as "location_sharing," "place_details_search," or "directions_request".

For example, a URL with UTM parameters might look like this:

Consistently using these parameters helps us identify areas for improvement, troubleshoot issues more effectively, and ultimately deliver a better experience for all users.

Next Steps

Suggested further reading:


Principal authors:

Teresa Qin | Google Maps Platform Solutions Engineer