Enum describing possible request errors.
Enums | |
Enum unspecified. |
The received error code is not known in this version. |
Resource name is required for this request. |
Resource name provided is malformed. |
Resource name provided is malformed. |
Customer ID is invalid. |
Mutate operation should have either create, update, or remove specified. |
Requested resource not found. |
Next page token specified in user request is invalid. |
Next page token specified in user request has expired. |
Page size specified in user request is invalid. |
Required field is missing. |
The field cannot be modified because it's immutable. It's also possible that the field can be modified using 'create' operation but not 'update'. |
Received too many entries in request. |
Request cannot be executed by a manager account. |
Mutate request was attempting to modify a readonly field. For instance, Budget fields can be requested for Ad Group, but are read-only for adGroups:mutate. |
Enum value is not permitted. |
The developer-token parameter is required for all requests. |
The login-customer-id parameter is required for this request. |
page_token is set in the validate only request |
return_summary_row cannot be enabled if request did not select any metrics field. |
return_summary_row should not be enabled for validate only requests. |
return_summary_row parameter value should be the same between requests with page_token field set and their original request. |
The total results count cannot be returned if it was not requested in the original request. |
Deadline specified by the client was too short. |
This API version has been sunset and is no longer supported. |
The Google Cloud project in the request was not found. |