
本頁面說明 Chat 應用程式如何開啟對話方塊,回應使用者。

對話框是從 Chat 聊天室或訊息開啟的窗格式卡片介面。只有開啟對話方塊的使用者才能查看對話方塊及其內容。

Chat 應用程式可以使用對話方塊,向 Chat 使用者要求及收集資訊,包括多步驟表單。如要進一步瞭解如何建構表單輸入內容,請參閱「收集並處理使用者提供的資訊」。



已啟用互動功能的 Google Chat 應用程式。如要使用 HTTP 服務建立互動式 Chat 應用程式,請完成這個快速入門導覽課程


已啟用互動功能的 Google Chat 應用程式。如要使用 HTTP 服務建立互動式 Chat 應用程式,請完成這個快速入門導覽課程


已啟用互動功能的 Google Chat 應用程式。如要使用 HTTP 服務建立互動式 Chat 應用程式,請完成這個快速入門導覽課程

Apps Script

已啟用互動功能的 Google Chat 應用程式。如要在 Apps Script 中建立互動式 Chat 應用程式,請完成這個快速入門


圖 1範例 Chat 應用程式,會開啟對話方塊來收集聯絡資訊。


  1. 透過使用者互動觸發對話方塊要求。
  2. 透過傳回並開啟對話方塊來處理要求。
  3. 使用者提交資訊後,請關閉對話方塊或傳回另一個對話方塊,以便處理提交內容。


Chat 應用程式只能開啟對話方塊,回應使用者的互動行為,例如點按資訊卡中的訊息或指令。

如要透過對話方塊回覆使用者,Chat 應用程式必須建立可觸發對話方塊要求的互動,例如:

  • 回應指令如要透過指令觸發要求,請在設定指令時勾選「Opens a dialog」核取方塊。
  • 回應訊息中的按鈕點擊動作,可在資訊卡中或訊息底部執行。如要透過訊息中的按鈕觸發要求,請將按鈕的 interaction 設為 OPEN_DIALOG,藉此設定按鈕的 onClick 動作。
  • 回應 Chat 應用程式首頁中的按鈕點擊動作。如要瞭解如何從首頁開啟對話方塊,請參閱「為 Google Chat 應用程式建立首頁」。
圖 2:Chat 應用程式傳送訊息,提示使用者使用 /addContact 斜線指令。

以下程式碼範例說明如何透過卡片訊息中的按鈕觸發對話方塊要求。如要開啟對話方塊,請將 button.interaction 欄位設為 OPEN_DIALOG


buttonList: { buttons: [{
  text: "Add Contact",
  onClick: { action: {
    function: "openInitialDialog",
    interaction: "OPEN_DIALOG"


'buttonList': { 'buttons': [{
  'text': "Add Contact",
  'onClick': { 'action': {
    'function': "openInitialDialog",
    'interaction': "OPEN_DIALOG"


.setButtonList(new GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList().setButtons(List.of(new GoogleAppsCardV1Button()
  .setText("Add Contact")
  .setOnClick(new GoogleAppsCardV1OnClick().setAction(new GoogleAppsCardV1Action()

Apps Script

這個範例會傳回 卡片 JSON,藉此傳送資訊卡訊息。您也可以使用 Apps Script 卡片服務

buttonList: { buttons: [{
  text: "Add Contact",
  onClick: { action: {
    function: "openInitialDialog",
    interaction: "OPEN_DIALOG"


當使用者觸發對話方塊要求時,Chat 應用程式會收到互動事件,在 Chat API 中以 event 類型表示。如果互動觸發對話方塊要求,事件的 dialogEventType 欄位會設為 REQUEST_DIALOG

如要開啟對話方塊,Chat 應用程式可以傳回 actionResponse 物件,並將 type 設為 DIALOGMessage 物件,藉此回應要求。如要指定對話方塊的內容,請加入下列物件:

  • actionResponse 物件,其 type 設為 DIALOG
  • dialogAction 物件。body 欄位包含資訊卡中要顯示的使用者介面 (UI) 元素,包括一或多個 sections 小工具。如要向使用者收集資訊,您可以指定表單輸入小工具和按鈕小工具。如要進一步瞭解如何設計表單輸入內容,請參閱「收集並處理使用者提供的資訊」。

以下程式碼範例說明 Chat 應用程式如何傳回可開啟對話方塊的回應:


 * Opens the initial step of the dialog that lets users add contact details.
 * @return {Object} a message with an action response to open a dialog.
function openInitialDialog() {
  return { actionResponse: {
    type: "DIALOG",
    dialogAction: { dialog: { body: { sections: [{
      header: "Add new contact",
      widgets: CONTACT_FORM_WIDGETS.concat([{
        buttonList: { buttons: [{
          text: "Review and submit",
          onClick: { action: { function: "openConfirmation" }}


def open_initial_dialog() -> dict:
  """Opens the initial step of the dialog that lets users add contact details."""
  return { 'actionResponse': {
    'type': "DIALOG",
    'dialogAction': { 'dialog': { 'body': { 'sections': [{
      'header': "Add new contact",
      'widgets': CONTACT_FORM_WIDGETS + [{
        'buttonList': { 'buttons': [{
          'text': "Review and submit",
          'onClick': { 'action': { 'function': "openConfirmation" }}


// Opens the initial step of the dialog that lets users add contact details.
Message openInitialDialog() {
  return new Message().setActionResponse(new ActionResponse()
    .setDialogAction(new DialogAction().setDialog(new Dialog().setBody(new GoogleAppsCardV1Card()
      .setSections(List.of(new GoogleAppsCardV1Section()
        .setHeader("Add new contact")
          List.of(new GoogleAppsCardV1Widget()
            .setButtonList(new GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList().setButtons(List.of(new GoogleAppsCardV1Button()
            .setText("Review and submit")
            .setOnClick(new GoogleAppsCardV1OnClick().setAction(new GoogleAppsCardV1Action()

Apps Script

這個範例會傳回 卡片 JSON,藉此傳送資訊卡訊息。您也可以使用 Apps Script 卡片服務

 * Opens the initial step of the dialog that lets users add contact details.
 * @return {Object} a message with an action response to open a dialog.
function openInitialDialog() {
  return { actionResponse: {
    type: "DIALOG",
    dialogAction: { dialog: { body: { sections: [{
      header: "Add new contact",
      widgets: CONTACT_FORM_WIDGETS.concat([{
        buttonList: { buttons: [{
          text: "Review and submit",
          onClick: { action: { function: "openConfirmation" }}


當使用者按下提交對話方塊的按鈕時,Chat 應用程式會收到 CARD_CLICKED 互動事件,其中 dialogEventTypeSUBMIT_DIALOG

Chat 應用程式必須透過下列任一方式處理互動事件:


使用者提交初始對話方塊後,Chat 應用程式可以傳回一或多個額外對話方塊,協助使用者在提交前查看資訊、完成多步驟表單,或動態填入表單內容。

為了處理使用者輸入的資料,Chat 應用程式會使用 event.common.formInputs 物件。如要進一步瞭解如何從輸入小工具擷取值,請參閱「收集使用者資訊並加以處理」。


在這個範例中,Chat 應用程式會開啟初始對話方塊,並在提交前顯示第二個確認對話方塊:


 * Responds to CARD_CLICKED interaction events in Google Chat.
 * @param {Object} event the CARD_CLICKED interaction event from Google Chat.
 * @return {Object} message responses specific to the dialog handling.
function onCardClick(event) {
  // Initial dialog form page
  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openInitialDialog") {
    return openInitialDialog();
  // Confirmation dialog form page
  } else if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openConfirmation") {
    return openConfirmation(event);
  // Submission dialog form page
  } else if (event.common.invokedFunction === "submitForm") {
    return submitForm(event);

 * Opens the initial step of the dialog that lets users add contact details.
 * @return {Object} a message with an action response to open a dialog.
function openInitialDialog() {
  return { actionResponse: {
    type: "DIALOG",
    dialogAction: { dialog: { body: { sections: [{
      header: "Add new contact",
      widgets: CONTACT_FORM_WIDGETS.concat([{
        buttonList: { buttons: [{
          text: "Review and submit",
          onClick: { action: { function: "openConfirmation" }}

 * Returns the second step as a dialog or card message that lets users confirm details.
 * @param {Object} event the interactive event with form inputs.
 * @return {Object} returns a dialog or private card message.
function openConfirmation(event) {
  const name = fetchFormValue(event, "contactName") ?? "";
  const birthdate = fetchFormValue(event, "contactBirthdate") ?? "";
  const type = fetchFormValue(event, "contactType") ?? "";
  const cardConfirmation = {
    header: "Your contact",
    widgets: [{
      textParagraph: { text: "Confirm contact information and submit:" }}, {
      textParagraph: { text: "<b>Name:</b> " + name }}, {
      textParagraph: {
        text: "<b>Birthday:</b> " + convertMillisToDateString(birthdate)
      }}, {
      textParagraph: { text: "<b>Type:</b> " + type }}, {
      buttonList: { buttons: [{
        text: "Submit",
        onClick: { action: {
          function: "submitForm",
          parameters: [{
            key: "contactName", value: name }, {
            key: "contactBirthdate", value: birthdate }, {
            key: "contactType", value: type

  // Returns a dialog with contact information that the user input.
  if (event.isDialogEvent) {
    return { action_response: {
      type: "DIALOG",
      dialogAction: { dialog: { body: { sections: [ cardConfirmation ]}}}

  // Updates existing card message with contact information that the user input.
  return {
    actionResponse: { type: "UPDATE_MESSAGE" },
    privateMessageViewer: event.user,
    cardsV2: [{
      card: { sections: [cardConfirmation]}


def on_card_click(event: dict) -> dict:
  """Responds to CARD_CLICKED interaction events in Google Chat."""
  # Initial dialog form page
  if "openInitialDialog" == event.get('common').get('invokedFunction'):
    return open_initial_dialog()
  # Confirmation dialog form page
  elif "openConfirmation" == event.get('common').get('invokedFunction'):
    return open_confirmation(event)
  # Submission dialog form page
  elif "submitForm" == event.get('common').get('invokedFunction'):
    return submit_form(event)

def open_initial_dialog() -> dict:
  """Opens the initial step of the dialog that lets users add contact details."""
  return { 'actionResponse': {
    'type': "DIALOG",
    'dialogAction': { 'dialog': { 'body': { 'sections': [{
      'header': "Add new contact",
      'widgets': CONTACT_FORM_WIDGETS + [{
        'buttonList': { 'buttons': [{
          'text': "Review and submit",
          'onClick': { 'action': { 'function': "openConfirmation" }}

def open_confirmation(event: dict) -> dict:
  """Returns the second step as a dialog or card message that lets users confirm details."""
  name = fetch_form_value(event, "contactName") or ""
  birthdate = fetch_form_value(event, "contactBirthdate") or ""
  type = fetch_form_value(event, "contactType") or ""
  card_confirmation = {
    'header': "Your contact",
    'widgets': [{
      'textParagraph': { 'text': "Confirm contact information and submit:" }}, {
      'textParagraph': { 'text': "<b>Name:</b> " + name }}, {
      'textParagraph': {
        'text': "<b>Birthday:</b> " + convert_millis_to_date_string(birthdate)
      }}, {
      'textParagraph': { 'text': "<b>Type:</b> " + type }}, {
      'buttonList': { 'buttons': [{
        'text': "Submit",
        'onClick': { 'action': {
          'function': "submitForm",
          'parameters': [{
            'key': "contactName", 'value': name }, {
            'key': "contactBirthdate", 'value': birthdate }, {
            'key': "contactType", 'value': type

  # Returns a dialog with contact information that the user input.
  if event.get('isDialogEvent'): 
    return { 'action_response': {
      'type': "DIALOG",
      'dialogAction': { 'dialog': { 'body': { 'sections': [card_confirmation] }}}

  # Updates existing card message with contact information that the user input.
  return {
    'actionResponse': { 'type': "UPDATE_MESSAGE" },
    'privateMessageViewer': event.get('user'),
    'cardsV2': [{
      'card': { 'sections': [card_confirmation] }


// Responds to CARD_CLICKED interaction events in Google Chat.
Message onCardClick(JsonNode event) {
  String invokedFunction = event.at("/common/invokedFunction").asText();
  // Initial dialog form page
  if ("openInitialDialog".equals(invokedFunction)) {
    return openInitialDialog();
  // Confirmation dialog form page
  } else if ("openConfirmation".equals(invokedFunction)) {
    return openConfirmation(event);
  // Submission dialog form page
  } else if ("submitForm".equals(invokedFunction)) {
    return submitForm(event);
  return null; 

// Opens the initial step of the dialog that lets users add contact details.
Message openInitialDialog() {
  return new Message().setActionResponse(new ActionResponse()
    .setDialogAction(new DialogAction().setDialog(new Dialog().setBody(new GoogleAppsCardV1Card()
      .setSections(List.of(new GoogleAppsCardV1Section()
        .setHeader("Add new contact")
          List.of(new GoogleAppsCardV1Widget()
            .setButtonList(new GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList().setButtons(List.of(new GoogleAppsCardV1Button()
            .setText("Review and submit")
            .setOnClick(new GoogleAppsCardV1OnClick().setAction(new GoogleAppsCardV1Action()

// Returns the second step as a dialog or card message that lets users confirm details.
Message openConfirmation(JsonNode event) {
  String name = fetchFormValue(event, "contactName") != null ?
    fetchFormValue(event, "contactName") : "";
  String birthdate = fetchFormValue(event, "contactBirthdate") != null ?
    fetchFormValue(event, "contactBirthdate") : "";
  String type = fetchFormValue(event, "contactType") != null ?
    fetchFormValue(event, "contactType") : "";
  GoogleAppsCardV1Section cardConfirmationSection = new GoogleAppsCardV1Section()
    .setHeader("Your contact")
      new GoogleAppsCardV1Widget().setTextParagraph(new GoogleAppsCardV1TextParagraph()
        .setText("Confirm contact information and submit:")),
      new GoogleAppsCardV1Widget().setTextParagraph(new GoogleAppsCardV1TextParagraph()
        .setText("<b>Name:</b> " + name)),
      new GoogleAppsCardV1Widget().setTextParagraph(new GoogleAppsCardV1TextParagraph()
        .setText("<b>Birthday:</b> " + convertMillisToDateString(birthdate))),
      new GoogleAppsCardV1Widget().setTextParagraph(new GoogleAppsCardV1TextParagraph()
        .setText("<b>Type:</b> " + type)),
      new GoogleAppsCardV1Widget().setButtonList(new GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList().setButtons(List.of(new GoogleAppsCardV1Button()
        .setOnClick(new GoogleAppsCardV1OnClick().setAction(new GoogleAppsCardV1Action()
            new GoogleAppsCardV1ActionParameter().setKey("contactName").setValue(name),
            new GoogleAppsCardV1ActionParameter().setKey("contactBirthdate").setValue(birthdate),
            new GoogleAppsCardV1ActionParameter().setKey("contactType").setValue(type))))))))));

  // Returns a dialog with contact information that the user input.
  if (event.at("/isDialogEvent") != null && event.at("/isDialogEvent").asBoolean()) {
    return new Message().setActionResponse(new ActionResponse()
      .setDialogAction(new DialogAction().setDialog(new Dialog().setBody(new GoogleAppsCardV1Card()

  // Updates existing card message with contact information that the user input.
  return new Message()
    .setActionResponse(new ActionResponse()
    .setPrivateMessageViewer(new User().setName(event.at("/user/name").asText()))
    .setCardsV2(List.of(new CardWithId().setCard(new GoogleAppsCardV1Card()

Apps Script

這個範例會傳回 卡片 JSON,藉此傳送資訊卡訊息。您也可以使用 Apps Script 卡片服務

 * Responds to CARD_CLICKED interaction events in Google Chat.
 * @param {Object} event the CARD_CLICKED interaction event from Google Chat.
 * @return {Object} message responses specific to the dialog handling.
function onCardClick(event) {
  // Initial dialog form page
  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openInitialDialog") {
    return openInitialDialog();
  // Confirmation dialog form page
  } else if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openConfirmation") {
    return openConfirmation(event);
  // Submission dialog form page
  } else if (event.common.invokedFunction === "submitForm") {
    return submitForm(event);

 * Opens the initial step of the dialog that lets users add contact details.
 * @return {Object} a message with an action response to open a dialog.
function openInitialDialog() {
  return { actionResponse: {
    type: "DIALOG",
    dialogAction: { dialog: { body: { sections: [{
      header: "Add new contact",
      widgets: CONTACT_FORM_WIDGETS.concat([{
        buttonList: { buttons: [{
          text: "Review and submit",
          onClick: { action: { function: "openConfirmation" }}

 * Returns the second step as a dialog or card message that lets users confirm details.
 * @param {Object} event the interactive event with form inputs.
 * @return {Object} returns a dialog or private card message.
function openConfirmation(event) {
  const name = fetchFormValue(event, "contactName") ?? "";
  const birthdate = fetchFormValue(event, "contactBirthdate") ?? "";
  const type = fetchFormValue(event, "contactType") ?? "";
  const cardConfirmation = {
    header: "Your contact",
    widgets: [{
      textParagraph: { text: "Confirm contact information and submit:" }}, {
      textParagraph: { text: "<b>Name:</b> " + name }}, {
      textParagraph: {
        text: "<b>Birthday:</b> " + convertMillisToDateString(birthdate)
      }}, {
      textParagraph: { text: "<b>Type:</b> " + type }}, {
      buttonList: { buttons: [{
        text: "Submit",
        onClick: { action: {
          function: "submitForm",
          parameters: [{
            key: "contactName", value: name }, {
            key: "contactBirthdate", value: birthdate }, {
            key: "contactType", value: type

  // Returns a dialog with contact information that the user input.
  if (event.isDialogEvent) {
    return { action_response: {
      type: "DIALOG",
      dialogAction: { dialog: { body: { sections: [ cardConfirmation ]}}}

  // Updates existing card message with contact information that the user input.
  return {
    actionResponse: { type: "UPDATE_MESSAGE" },
    privateMessageViewer: event.user,
    cardsV2: [{
      card: { sections: [cardConfirmation]}


當使用者按下對話方塊上的按鈕時,Chat 應用程式會執行相關聯的動作,並為事件物件提供以下資訊:

Chat 應用程式應傳回 ActionResponse 物件,並將其 type 設為 DIALOGdialogAction



Chat 應用程式可以傳回設定 actionStatusActionResponse,以回應成功或錯誤通知。



const contactName = event.common.parameters["contactName"];
// Checks to make sure the user entered a contact name.
// If no name value detected, returns an error message.
if (!contactName) {
  const errorMessage = "Don't forget to name your new contact!";
  if (event.dialogEventType === "SUBMIT_DIALOG") {
    return { actionResponse: {
      type: "DIALOG",
      dialogAction: { actionStatus: {
        statusCode: "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
        userFacingMessage: errorMessage
  } else {
    return {
      privateMessageViewer: event.user,
      text: errorMessage


contact_name = event.get('common').get('parameters')["contactName"]
# Checks to make sure the user entered a contact name.
# If no name value detected, returns an error message.
if contact_name == "":
  error_message = "Don't forget to name your new contact!"
  if "SUBMIT_DIALOG" == event.get('dialogEventType'):
    return { 'actionResponse': {
      'type': "DIALOG",
      'dialogAction': { 'actionStatus': {
        'statusCode': "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
        'userFacingMessage': error_message
    return {
      'privateMessageViewer': event.get('user'),
      'text': error_message


String contactName = event.at("/common/parameters/contactName").asText();
// Checks to make sure the user entered a contact name.
// If no name value detected, returns an error message.
if (contactName.isEmpty()) {
  String errorMessage = "Don't forget to name your new contact!";
  if (event.at("/dialogEventType") != null && "SUBMIT_DIALOG".equals(event.at("/dialogEventType").asText())) {
    return new Message().setActionResponse(new ActionResponse()
      .setDialogAction(new DialogAction().setActionStatus(new ActionStatus()
  } else {
    return new Message()
      .setPrivateMessageViewer(new User().setName(event.at("/user/name").asText()))

Apps Script

這個範例會傳回 卡片 JSON,藉此傳送資訊卡訊息。您也可以使用 Apps Script 卡片服務

const contactName = event.common.parameters["contactName"];
// Checks to make sure the user entered a contact name.
// If no name value detected, returns an error message.
if (!contactName) {
  const errorMessage = "Don't forget to name your new contact!";
  if (event.dialogEventType === "SUBMIT_DIALOG") {
    return { actionResponse: {
      type: "DIALOG",
      dialogAction: { actionStatus: {
        statusCode: "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
        userFacingMessage: errorMessage
  } else {
    return {
      privateMessageViewer: event.user,
      text: errorMessage




如要傳送新訊息,請傳回 ActionResponse 物件,並將 type 設為 NEW_MESSAGE。以下範例會透過文字通知和確認文字訊息關閉對話方塊:


// The Chat app indicates that it received form data from the dialog or card.
// Sends private text message that confirms submission.
const confirmationMessage = "✅ " + contactName + " has been added to your contacts.";
if (event.dialogEventType === "SUBMIT_DIALOG") {
  return {
    actionResponse: {
      type: "DIALOG",
      dialogAction: { actionStatus: {
        statusCode: "OK",
        userFacingMessage: "Success " + contactName
} else {
  return {
    actionResponse: { type: "NEW_MESSAGE" },
    privateMessageViewer: event.user,
    text: confirmationMessage


# The Chat app indicates that it received form data from the dialog or card.
# Sends private text message that confirms submission.
confirmation_message = "✅ " + contact_name + " has been added to your contacts.";
if "SUBMIT_DIALOG" == event.get('dialogEventType'):
  return {
    'actionResponse': {
      'type': "DIALOG",
      'dialogAction': { 'actionStatus': {
        'statusCode': "OK",
        'userFacingMessage': "Success " + contact_name
  return {
    'actionResponse': { 'type': "NEW_MESSAGE" },
    'privateMessageViewer': event.get('user'),
    'text': confirmation_message


// The Chat app indicates that it received form data from the dialog or card.
// Sends private text message that confirms submission.
String confirmationMessage = "✅ " + contactName + " has been added to your contacts.";
if (event.at("/dialogEventType") != null && "SUBMIT_DIALOG".equals(event.at("/dialogEventType").asText())) {
  return new Message().setActionResponse(new ActionResponse()
    .setDialogAction(new DialogAction().setActionStatus(new ActionStatus()
      .setUserFacingMessage("Success " + contactName))));
} else {
  return new Message()
    .setActionResponse(new ActionResponse().setType("NEW_MESSAGE"))
    .setPrivateMessageViewer(new User().setName(event.at("/user/name").asText()))

Apps Script

這個範例會傳回 卡片 JSON,藉此傳送資訊卡訊息。您也可以使用 Apps Script 卡片服務

// The Chat app indicates that it received form data from the dialog or card.
// Sends private text message that confirms submission.
const confirmationMessage = "✅ " + contactName + " has been added to your contacts.";
if (event.dialogEventType === "SUBMIT_DIALOG") {
  return {
    actionResponse: {
      type: "DIALOG",
      dialogAction: { actionStatus: {
        statusCode: "OK",
        userFacingMessage: "Success " + contactName
} else {
  return {
    actionResponse: { type: "NEW_MESSAGE" },
    privateMessageViewer: event.user,
    text: confirmationMessage

如要更新訊息,請傳回包含更新訊息的 actionResponse 物件,並將 type 設為下列其中一個:


當 Google Chat 應用程式或資訊卡傳回錯誤時,Chat 介面會顯示「發生錯誤」的訊息。或「無法處理您的要求」。有時 Chat UI 不會顯示任何錯誤訊息,但 Chat 應用程式或資訊卡會產生意外結果,例如資訊卡訊息可能不會顯示。

雖然 Chat 使用者介面可能不會顯示錯誤訊息,但當您開啟 Chat 應用程式的錯誤記錄功能時,系統會提供說明性錯誤訊息和記錄資料,協助您修正錯誤。如需查看、偵錯及修正錯誤的相關說明,請參閱「排解及修正 Google Chat 錯誤」。