REST Resource: subscriptions

Resource: Subscription

A subscription to receive events about a Google Workspace resource. To learn more about subscriptions, see the Google Workspace Events API overview.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "uid": string,
  "targetResource": string,
  "eventTypes": [
  "payloadOptions": {
    object (PayloadOptions)
  "notificationEndpoint": {
    object (NotificationEndpoint)
  "state": enum (State),
  "suspensionReason": enum (ErrorType),
  "authority": string,
  "createTime": string,
  "updateTime": string,
  "reconciling": boolean,
  "etag": string,

  // Union field expiration can be only one of the following:
  "expireTime": string,
  "ttl": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field expiration.


Optional. Immutable. Identifier. Resource name of the subscription.

Format: subscriptions/{subscription}



Output only. System-assigned unique identifier for the subscription.



Required. Immutable. The Google Workspace resource that's monitored for events, formatted as the full resource name. To learn about target resources and the events that they support, see Supported Google Workspace events.

A user can only authorize your app to create one subscription for a given target resource. If your app tries to create another subscription with the same user credentials, the request returns an ALREADY_EXISTS error.



Required. Immutable. Unordered list. Input for creating a subscription. Otherwise, output only. One or more types of events to receive about the target resource. Formatted according to the CloudEvents specification.

The supported event types depend on the target resource of your subscription. For details, see Supported Google Workspace events.

By default, you also receive events about the lifecycle of your subscription. You don't need to specify lifecycle events for this field.

If you specify an event type that doesn't exist for the target resource, the request returns an HTTP 400 Bad Request status code.


object (PayloadOptions)

Optional. Options about what data to include in the event payload. Only supported for Google Chat events.


object (NotificationEndpoint)

Required. Immutable. The endpoint where the subscription delivers events, such as a Pub/Sub topic.


enum (State)

Output only. The state of the subscription. Determines whether the subscription can receive events and deliver them to the notification endpoint.


enum (ErrorType)

Output only. The error that suspended the subscription.

To reactivate the subscription, resolve the error and call the subscriptions.reactivate method.



Output only. The user who authorized the creation of the subscription.

Format: users/{user}

For Google Workspace users, the {user} value is the field from the Directory API.


string (Timestamp format)

Output only. The time when the subscription is created.


string (Timestamp format)

Output only. The last time that the subscription is updated.



Output only. If true, the subscription is in the process of being updated.



Optional. This checksum is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and might be sent on update requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.

Union field expiration. The time when the subscription expires.

The maximum expiration time depends on whether your subscription includes resource data in event payloads (specified in the PayloadOptions field):

  • If payloads omit resource data, up to 7 days.
  • If payloads include resource data, up to 4 hours. If your Google Workspace organization grants access to the resource through domain-wide delegation, you can extend the subscription's expiration time to up to 24 hours.

After a subscription expires, it's deleted automatically. You receive lifecycle events to the notification_endpoint 12 hours and one hour before the subscription expires. For details, see Receive and respond to lifecycle events.

To prevent a subscription from expiring, you can use the UpdateSubscription method to extend its expiration date. For details, see Update or renew a subscription. expiration can be only one of the following:


string (Timestamp format)

Non-empty default. The timestamp in UTC when the subscription expires. Always displayed on output, regardless of what was used on input.


string (Duration format)

Input only. The time-to-live (TTL) or duration for the subscription. If unspecified or set to 0, uses the maximum possible duration.


Options about what data to include in the event payload. Only supported for Google Chat events.

JSON representation
  "includeResource": boolean,
  "fieldMask": string


Optional. Whether the event payload includes data about the resource that changed. For example, for an event where a Google Chat message was created, whether the payload contains data about the Message resource. If false, the event payload only includes the name of the changed resource.


string (FieldMask format)

Optional. If includeResource is set to true, the list of fields to include in the event payload. Separate fields with a comma. For example, to include a Google Chat message's sender and create time, enter message.sender,message.createTime. If omitted, the payload includes all fields for the resource.

If you specify a field that doesn't exist for the resource, the system ignores the field.


The endpoint where the subscription delivers events.

JSON representation

  // Union field endpoint can be only one of the following:
  "pubsubTopic": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field endpoint.

Union field endpoint.

endpoint can be only one of the following:



Immutable. The Cloud Pub/Sub topic that receives events for the subscription.

Format: projects/{project}/topics/{topic}

You must create the topic in the same Google Cloud project where you create this subscription.

When the topic receives events, the events are encoded as Cloud Pub/Sub messages. For details, see the Google Cloud Pub/Sub Protocol Binding for CloudEvents.


Possible states for the subscription.

STATE_UNSPECIFIED Default value. This value is unused.
ACTIVE The subscription is active and can receive and deliver events to its notification endpoint.
SUSPENDED The subscription is unable to receive events due to an error. To identify the error, see the suspensionReason field.
DELETED The subscription is deleted.


Possible errors for a subscription.

ERROR_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Default value. This value is unused.
USER_SCOPE_REVOKED The authorizing user has revoked the grant of one or more OAuth scopes. To learn more about authorization for Google Workspace, see Configure the OAuth consent screen.
RESOURCE_DELETED The target resource for the subscription no longer exists.
USER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE The user that authorized the creation of the subscription no longer has access to the subscription's target resource.
ENDPOINT_PERMISSION_DENIED The Google Workspace application doesn't have access to deliver events to your subscription's notification endpoint.
ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND The subscription's notification endpoint doesn't exist, or the endpoint can't be found in the Google Cloud project where you created the subscription.
ENDPOINT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED The subscription's notification endpoint failed to receive events due to insufficient quota or reaching rate limiting.
OTHER An unidentified error has occurred.



Creates a Google Workspace subscription.


Deletes a Google Workspace subscription.


Gets details about a Google Workspace subscription.


Lists Google Workspace subscriptions.


Updates or renews a Google Workspace subscription.


Reactivates a suspended Google Workspace subscription.