Enum describing possible campaign errors.
Enums | |
Enum unspecified. |
The received error code is not known in this version. |
Cannot target content network. |
Cannot target search network. |
Cannot cover search network without google search network. |
Cannot target Google Search network for a CPM campaign. |
Must target at least one network. |
Only some Google partners are allowed to target partner search network. |
Cannot target content network only as campaign has criteria-level bidding strategy. |
Cannot modify the start or end date such that the campaign duration would not contain the durations of all runnable trials. |
Cannot modify dates, budget or status of a trial campaign. |
Trying to modify the name of an active or paused campaign, where the name is already assigned to another active or paused campaign. |
Two fields are in conflicting modes. |
Campaign name cannot be used. |
Given status is invalid. |
Error in the campaign level tracking URL. |
Cannot set both tracking URL template and tracking setting. A user has to clear legacy tracking setting in order to add tracking URL template. |
The maximum number of impressions for Frequency Cap should be an integer greater than 0. |
Only the Day, Week and Month time units are supported. |
Operation not allowed on a campaign whose serving status has ended |
This budget is exclusively linked to a Campaign that is using experiments so it cannot be shared. |
Campaigns using experiments cannot use a shared budget. |
A different budget cannot be assigned to a campaign when there are running or scheduled trials. |
No link found between the campaign and the label. |
The label has already been attached to the campaign. |
A ShoppingSetting was not found when creating a shopping campaign. |
The country in shopping setting is not an allowed country. |
The requested channel type is not available according to the customer's account setting. |
The AdvertisingChannelSubType is not a valid subtype of the primary channel type. |
At least one conversion must be selected. |
Setting ad rotation mode for a campaign is not allowed. Ad rotation mode at campaign is deprecated. |
Trying to change start date on a campaign that has started. |
Trying to modify a date into the past. |
Hotel center id in the hotel setting does not match any customer links. |
Hotel center id in the hotel setting must match an active customer link. |
Hotel setting was not found when creating a hotel ads campaign. |
A Campaign cannot use shared campaign budgets and be part of a campaign group. |
The app ID was not found. |
Campaign.shopping_setting.enable_local is not supported for the specified campaign type. |
The merchant does not support the creation of campaigns for Shopping Comparison Listing Ads. |
The App campaign for engagement cannot be created because there aren't enough installs. |
The App campaign for engagement cannot be created because the app is sensitive. |
Customers with Housing, Employment, or Credit ads must accept updated personalized ads policy to continue creating campaigns. |
The field is not compatible with view through conversion optimization. |
The field type cannot be excluded because an active campaign-asset link of this type exists. |
The app pre-registration campaign cannot be created for non-Android applications. |
The campaign cannot be created since the app is not available for pre-registration in any country. |
The type of the Budget is not compatible with this Campaign. |
Category bid list in the local services campaign setting contains multiple bids for the same category ID. |
Category bid list in the local services campaign setting contains a bid for an invalid category ID. |
Category bid list in the local services campaign setting is missing a bid for a category ID that must be present. |
The requested change in status is not supported. |
Travel Campaign's travel_account_id does not match any customer links. |
Travel Campaign's travel_account_id matches an existing customer link but the customer link is not active. |
The asset set type is invalid to be set in excluded_parent_asset_set_types field. |
Campaign.hotel_property_asset_set must point to an asset set of type HOTEL_PROPERTY. |
The hotel property asset set can only be set on Performance Max for travel goals campaigns. |
Customer's average daily spend is too high to enable this feature. |
Cannot attach the campaign to a deleted campaign group. |
Cannot attach the campaign to this bidding strategy. |
A budget with a different period cannot be assigned to the campaign. |
Customer does not have enough conversions to enable this feature. |
This campaign type can only have one conversion action. |
The field is not compatible with the budget type. |
The feature is incompatible with ConversionActionType.UPLOAD_CLICKS. |
App campaign setting app ID must match selective optimization conversion action app ID. |
Selective optimization conversion action with Download category is not allowed. |
One software download for selective optimization conversion action is required for this campaign conversion action. |
Conversion tracking is not enabled and is required for this feature. |
The field is not compatible with the bidding strategy type. |
Campaign is not compatible with a conversion tracker that has Google attribution enabled. |
Customer level conversion lag is too high. |
The advertiser set as an advertising partner is not an actively linked advertiser to this customer. |
Invalid number of advertising partner IDs. |
Cannot target the display network without also targeting YouTube. |
This campaign type cannot be linked to a Comparison Shopping Service account. |
Standard Shopping campaigns that are linked to a Comparison Shopping Service account cannot target this network. |
Text asset automation settings can not be modified when there is an active Performance Max optimization automatically created assets experiment. End the experiment to modify these settings. |
Dynamic text asset cannot be opted out when final URL expansion is opted in. |
Can not set a campaign level match type. |
The campaign level keyword match type cannot be switched to non-broad when keyword conversion to broad match is in process. |
The campaign level keyword match type cannot be switched to non-broad when the campaign has any attached brand list or when a brand hint shared set is attached to the campaign. |
Cannot set campaign level keyword match type to BROAD if the campaign is a base campaign with an associated trial that is currently promoting. |
Cannot set campaign level keyword match type to BROAD if the campaign is a trial currently promoting. |
Performance Max campaigns with Brand Guidelines enabled require at least one business name to be linked as a CampaignAsset. Performance Max campaigns for online sales with a product feed must meet this requirement only when there are assets that are linked to the campaign's asset groups. |
Performance Max campaigns with Brand Guidelines enabled require at least one square logo to be linked as a CampaignAsset. Performance Max campaigns for online sales with a product feed must meet this requirement only when there are assets that are linked to the campaign's asset groups. |
Brand Guideline fields can only be set for campaigns that have Brand Guidelines enabled. |
When a Brand Guidelines color field is set, both main color and accent color are required. |
Brand Guidelines colors must be hex colors matching the regular expression '#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}', for example '#abc123' |
Brand Guidelines font family must be one of the supported Google Fonts. See Campaign.brand_guidelines.predefined_font_family for the list of supported fonts. |
Brand Guidelines cannot be set for this channel type. Brand Guidelines supports Performance Max campaigns. |
Brand Guidelines cannot be enabled for Performance Max for travel goals campaigns. |
This customer is not allowlisted for enabling Brand Guidelines. |