
Service to manage campaign drafts.


rpc ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrors(ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrorsRequest) returns (ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrorsResponse)

Returns all errors that occurred during CampaignDraft promote. Throws an error if called before campaign draft is promoted. Supports standard list paging.

List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Overview.


rpc MutateCampaignDrafts(MutateCampaignDraftsRequest) returns (MutateCampaignDraftsResponse)

Creates, updates, or removes campaign drafts. Operation statuses are returned.

List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError CampaignDraftError DatabaseError FieldError HeaderError InternalError MutateError QuotaError RequestError

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Overview.


rpc PromoteCampaignDraft(PromoteCampaignDraftRequest) returns (Operation)

Promotes the changes in a draft back to the base campaign.

This method returns a Long Running Operation (LRO) indicating if the Promote is done. Use [Operations.GetOperation] to poll the LRO until it is done. Only a done status is returned in the response. See the status in the Campaign Draft resource to determine if the promotion was successful. If the LRO failed, use CampaignDraftService.ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrors to view the list of error reasons.

List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError CampaignDraftError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Overview.