Membuka dan merespons dialog

Halaman ini menjelaskan cara aplikasi Chat Anda dapat membuka dan merespons dialog.

Dialog adalah antarmuka berbasis kartu dan berjendela yang dibuka oleh aplikasi Chat untuk berinteraksi dengan pengguna. Untuk membantu pengguna menyelesaikan proses multi-langkah, aplikasi Chat dapat membuka dialog berurutan.

Dialog berguna untuk jenis interaksi pengguna berikut:

  • Mengumpulkan informasi dari pengguna
  • Mengautentikasi pengguna dengan layanan web
  • Mengonfigurasi setelan aplikasi Chat

Membuka, mengirimkan, atau membatalkan dialog memerlukan respons sinkron dari aplikasi Chat dengan DialogEventType. Dialog tidak didukung oleh aplikasi Chat yang dibuat dengan arsitektur asinkron, seperti Pub/Sub atau metode pesan create. Jika aplikasi Chat Anda menggunakan arsitektur asinkron, gunakan pesan kartu, bukan dialog.



Contoh kode Node.js ditulis untuk dijalankan sebagai Cloud Function.

Apps Script


Contoh kode Python ditulis untuk dijalankan sebagai Cloud Function, menggunakan Python 3.9.

Membuka dialog

Aplikasi Chat Anda dapat membuka dialog sebagai respons terhadap pengguna yang mengklik tombol pada pesan kartu.

Mengklik tombol pada kartu untuk membuka dialog.
Gambar 1: Mengklik tombol pada kartu untuk membuka dialog.

Aplikasi Chat Anda dapat membuka dialog sebagai respons terhadap pengguna yang mengeluarkan perintah garis miring.

Mengklik tombol pada kartu untuk membuka dialog.
Gambar 2: Memberikan perintah garis miring untuk membuka dialog.

Saat pengguna membuka dialog, aplikasi Chat Anda akan menerima peristiwa interaksi dengan informasi berikut:

  • isDialogEvent adalah true.
  • DialogEventType menentukan salah satu tindakan berikut yang dilakukan pengguna:

    • REQUEST_DIALOG: Membuka dialog.
    • SUBMIT_DIALOG: Mengklik tombol dalam dialog.
    • CANCEL_DIALOG: Membatalkan dialog.

Misalnya, saat pengguna membuka dialog, aplikasi Chat Anda menerima peristiwa interaksi yang mirip dengan berikut ini:


  "type": enum (EventType),
  "eventTime": string,
  "threadKey": string,
  "message": {
    object (Message)
  "user": {
    object (User)
  "space": {
    object (Space)
  "action": {
    object (FormAction)
  "configCompleteRedirectUrl": string,
  "isDialogEvent": true,
  "dialogEventType": "REQUEST_DIALOG",
  "common": {
    object (CommonEventObject)

Aplikasi Chat Anda dapat membuka dialog dengan menampilkan ActionResponse dari "type": "DIALOG" dengan DialogAction yang menyertakan deskripsi JSON dialog tersebut:


  "action_response": {
    "type": "DIALOG",
    "dialog_action": {
      "dialog": {
        "body": {
          "sections": [
              "header": "Add new contact",
              "widgets": [
                  "textInput": {
                    "label": "Name",
                    "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                    "name": "contactName"
                  "textInput": {
                    "label": "Address",
                    "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                    "name": "address"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "text": "Add to favorites",
                    "switchControl": {
                      "controlType": "SWITCH",
                      "name": "saveFavorite"
                  "decoratedText": {
                    "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                    "switchControl": {
                      "controlType": "SWITCH",
                      "name": "mergeContact",
                      "selected": true
                  "buttonList": {
                    "buttons": [
                        "text": "Next",
                        "onClick": {
                          "action": {
                            "function": "openSequentialDialog"

Membuka dialog sebagai respons terhadap klik tombol kartu

Untuk membuat tombol kartu membuka dialog, tentukan hal berikut:

Saat pengguna mengklik tombol pada kartu, aplikasi Chat Anda akan menerima peristiwa interaksi dengan informasi berikut:

Untuk membuka dialog, berikan respons berikut:

Dalam contoh ini, aplikasi Chat merespons peristiwa interaksi MESSAGE dengan kartu yang memiliki tombol yang membuka dialog:


* Responds to messages that have links whose URLs
* match URL patterns configured for link previews.
* @param {Object} event The event object from Chat
* API.
* @return {Object} Response from the Chat app
* attached to the message with the previewed link.
exports.onMessage = function onMessage(req, res) {

  // Store the Google Chat event as a variable.
  const event = req.body;

  if (req.method === "GET" || !event.message) {
    res.send("Hello! This function is meant to be used in a Google Chat " +

  // Responds with a card that prompts the user to add a contact
  else {
      "cardsV2": [{
        "cardId": "addContact",
        "card": {
          "header": {
            "title": "Rolodex",
            "subtitle": "Manage your contacts!",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "imageType": "CIRCLE"
          "sections": [
              "widgets": [
                  "buttonList": {
                    "buttons": [
                        "text": "Add Contact",
                        "onClick": {
                          "action": {
                            "function": "openDialog",
                            "interaction": "OPEN_DIALOG"


  // Respond to button clicks on attached cards
  if (event.type === "CARD_CLICKED") {

    if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openDialog") {

    * Opens and starts a dialog that lets users add details about a contact.
    * @param {object} event the event object from Google Chat.
    * @return {object} open a dialog.
    function openDialog(event) {
        "action_response": {
          "type": "DIALOG",
          "dialog_action": {
            "dialog": {
              "body": {
                "sections": [
                    "header": "Add new contact",
                    "widgets": [
                        "textInput": {
                          "label": "Name",
                          "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                          "name": "name"
                        "textInput": {
                          "label": "Address",
                          "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                          "name": "address"
                        "decoratedText": {
                          "text": "Add to favorites",
                          "switchControl": {
                            "controlType": "SWITCH",
                            "name": "saveFavorite"
                        "decoratedText": {
                          "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                          "switchControl": {
                            "controlType": "SWITCH",
                            "name": "mergeContact",
                            "selected": true
                        "buttonList": {
                          "buttons": [
                              "text": "Next",
                              "onClick": {
                                "action": {
                                  "function": "openSequentialDialog"

Apps Script

Contoh ini mengirimkan pesan kartu dengan menampilkan JSON kartu. Anda juga dapat menggunakan layanan kartu Apps Script.

* Responds to a MESSAGE event in Google Chat with a card with a button
* that opens a dialog.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Chat API.
* @return {object} open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.
function onMessage(event) {
  return {
    "cardsV2": [{
      "cardId": "addContact",
      "card": {
        "header": {
          "title": "Rolodex",
          "subtitle": "Manage your contacts!",
          "imageUrl": "",
          "imageType": "CIRCLE"
        "sections": [
            "widgets": [
                "buttonList": {
                  "buttons": [
                      "text": "Add Contact",
                      "onClick": {
                        "action": {
                          "function": "openDialog",
                          "interaction": "OPEN_DIALOG"
                "horizontalAlignment": "CENTER"

* Responds to a CARD_CLICKED event in Google Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Google Chat
function onCardClick(event) {
  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openDialog") {
    return openDialog(event);

* Opens a dialog in Google Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Chat API.
* @return {object} open a Dialog in Google Chat.
function openDialog(event) {
  return {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Name",
                      "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                      "name": "contactName"
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Address",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "address"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Add to favorites",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "saveFavorite"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "mergeContact",
                        "selected": true
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Next",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "openSequentialDialog"


from typing import Any, Mapping

import flask
import functions_framework

def main(req: flask.Request) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Responds to a MESSAGE event in Google Chat that includes the /createContact
     slash command by opening a dialog.

      req (flask.Request): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.

  if req.method == 'GET':
    return 'Sorry, this function must be called from a Google Chat.'

  request = req.get_json(silent=True)

  if request.get('type') == 'CARD_CLICKED':
    if request.get('common', dict()).get('invokedFunction') == 'open_dialog':
      return open_dialog(request)

    return {
      'cardsV2': [{
        'cardId': 'addContact',
        'card': {
          'header': {
            'title': 'Rolodex',
            'subtitle': 'Manage your contacts!',
            'imageUrl': '',
            'imageType': 'CIRCLE'
          'sections': [
              'widgets': [
                  'buttonList': {
                    'buttons': [
                        'text': 'Add Contact',
                        'onClick': {
                          'action': {
                            'function': 'open_dialog',
                            'interaction': 'OPEN_DIALOG'

def open_dialog(request: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Opens a dialog in Google Chat.

      request (Mapping[str, Any]): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.
  return {
    'action_response': {
      'type': 'DIALOG',
      'dialog_action': {
        'dialog': {
          'body': {
            'sections': [
                'header': 'Add new contact',
                'widgets': [
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Name',
                      'type': 'SINGLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'name'
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Address',
                      'type': 'MULTIPLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'address'
                    'decoratedText': {
                      'text': 'Add to favorites',
                      'switchControl': {
                        'controlType': 'SWITCH',
                        'name': 'saveFavorite'
                    'decoratedText': {
                      'text': 'Merge with existing contacts',
                      'switchControl': {
                        'controlType': 'SWITCH',
                        'name': 'mergeContact',
                        'selected': True
                    'buttonList': {
                      'buttons': [
                          'text': 'Next',
                          'onClick': {
                            'action': {
                              'function': 'open_sequential_dialog'

Membuka dialog yang merespons perintah garis miring

Saat pengguna membuka dialog dengan perintah garis miring yang dikonfigurasi untuk membuka dialog, aplikasi Chat Anda akan menerima peristiwa interaksi dengan informasi berikut:

Untuk membuka dialog, berikan respons berikut:

Dalam contoh ini, aplikasi Chat merespons perintah garis miring /createContact dengan membuka dialog:


* Responds to messages that have links whose URLs
* match URL patterns configured for link previews.
* @param {Object} event The event object from Chat
* API.
* @return {Object} Response from the Chat app
* attached to the message with the previewed link.
exports.onMessage = function onMessage(req, res) {

  // Store the Google Chat event as a variable.
  const event = req.body;

  if (req.method === "GET" || !event.message) {
    res.send("Hello! This function is meant to be used in a Google Chat " +

  // Checks for the presence of event.message.slashCommand.
  // If the slash command is "/help", responds with a text message.
  // If the slash command is "/createContact", opens a dialog.
  if (event.message.slashCommand) {
    switch (event.message.slashCommand.commandId) {
      case 1: // /help
        res.json({"text": "Contact bot helps you update your address book!"});
      case 2:  // /createContact

* Opens and starts a dialog that lets users add details about a contact.
* @param {object} event the event object from Google Chat.
* @return {object} open a dialog.
function openDialog(event) {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Name",
                      "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                      "name": "name"
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Address",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "address"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Add to favorites",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "saveFavorite"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "mergeContact",
                        "selected": true
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Next",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "openSequentialDialog"

Apps Script

Contoh ini mengirimkan pesan kartu dengan menampilkan JSON kartu. Anda juga dapat menggunakan layanan kartu Apps Script.

* Responds to a MESSAGE event in Google Chat that includes the /createContact
* slash command by opening a dialog.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Chat API.
* @return {object} open a Dialog in response to a slash command.
function onMessage(event) {

  // Checks for the presence of event.message.slashCommand.
  // If the slash command is "/help", responds with a text message.
  // If the slash command is "/createContact", opens a dialog.
  if (event.message.slashCommand) {
    switch (event.message.slashCommand.commandId) {
      case 1: // /help
        return {"text": "Contact bot helps you update your address book!"}
      case 2:  // /createContact
        return openDialog(event);

* Opens a dialog in Google Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Chat API.
* @return {object} open a Dialog in Google Chat.
function openDialog(event) {
  return {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Name",
                      "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                      "name": "contactName"
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Address",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "address"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Add to favorites",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "saveFavorite"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "mergeContact",
                        "selected": true
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Next",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "openSequentialDialog"


from typing import Any, Mapping

import flask
import functions_framework

def main(req: flask.Request) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Responds to a MESSAGE event in Google Chat that includes the /createContact
     slash command by opening a dialog.

      req (flask.Request): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a slash command.
  if req.method == 'GET':
    return 'Sorry, this function must be called from a Google Chat.'

  request = req.get_json(silent=True)

  if slash_command := request.get('message', dict()).get('slashCommand'):
    command_id = slash_command['commandId']
    if command_id == 1:
      return {'text': 'Contact bot helps you update your address book!'}

    elif command_id == 2:
      return open_dialog(request)

def open_dialog(request: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Opens a dialog in Google Chat.

      request (Mapping[str, Any]): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a slash command.
  return {
    'action_response': {
      'type': 'DIALOG',
      'dialog_action': {
        'dialog': {
          'body': {
            'sections': [
                'header': 'Add new contact',
                'widgets': [
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Name',
                      'type': 'SINGLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'name'
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Address',
                      'type': 'MULTIPLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'address'
                    'decoratedText': {
                      'text': 'Add to favorites',
                      'switchControl': {
                        'controlType': 'SWITCH',
                        'name': 'saveFavorite'
                    'decoratedText': {
                      'text': 'Merge with existing contacts',
                      'switchControl': {
                        'controlType': 'SWITCH',
                        'name': 'mergeContact',
                        'selected': True
                    'buttonList': {
                      'buttons': [
                          'text': 'Next',
                          'onClick': {
                            'action': {
                              'function': 'open_sequential_dialog'

Membuka dialog berurutan

Jika interaksi pengguna memerlukan lebih dari satu dialog, Anda dapat membuka dialog lain dengan menampilkan dialog berikutnya dalam urutan sebagai respons terhadap SUBMIT_DIALOG DialogEventType.

Dialog yang menampilkan berbagai widget yang berbeda.
Gambar 3: Dialog terbuka yang meminta pengguna untuk menambahkan kontak.

Pada tombol kartu yang memperbarui dialog, tampilkan onClick.action.function sebagai nama fungsi yang membuka dialog berikutnya dan biarkan onClick.action.interaction tidak ditentukan.

Dialog yang menampilkan berbagai widget yang berbeda.
Gambar 4: Dialog kedua meminta pengguna untuk memberikan informasi selengkapnya.

Setelah selesai, aplikasi Chat menerima nilai yang dimasukkan pengguna dalam dialog sebagai JSON. Beri tahu pengguna bahwa interaksi mereka berhasil dengan merespons menggunakan pesan teks atau kartu.

Saat pengguna mengklik tombol dalam dialog, aplikasi Chat Anda akan menerima peristiwa interaksi dengan informasi berikut:

Dalam contoh ini, aplikasi Chat merespons peristiwa interaksi CARD_CLICKED dari klik tombol dialog dengan membuka dialog lain:


// Respond to button clicks on attached cards
if (event.type === "CARD_CLICKED") {

  // Open the first dialog.
  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openDialog") {

  // Open the second dialog.
  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openSequentialDialog") {

* Opens and starts a dialog that lets users add details about a contact.
* @param {object} event the event object from Google Chat.
* @return {object} open a dialog.
function openDialog(event) {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Name",
                      "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                      "name": "name"
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Address",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "address"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Add to favorites",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "saveFavorite"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "mergeContact",
                        "selected": true
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Next",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "openSequentialDialog"

* Opens a second dialog that lets users add more contact details.
* @param {object} event the event object from Google Chat.
* @return {object} open a dialog.
function openSequentialDialog(event) {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Notes",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "notes"
                    "selectionInput": {
                      "type": "RADIO_BUTTON",
                      "label": "Contact type",
                      "name": "contactType",
                      "items": [
                          "text": "Work",
                          "value": "Work",
                          "selected": false
                          "text": "Personal",
                          "value": "Personal",
                          "selected": false
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Submit",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "confirmDialogSuccess",
                              "parameters": [
                                  "key": "confirmDialogSuccess",
                                  "value": "confirmDialogSuccess"
                    "horizontalAlignment": "END"

Apps Script

Contoh ini mengirimkan pesan kartu dengan menampilkan JSON kartu. Anda juga dapat menggunakan layanan kartu Apps Script.

* Responds to a CARD_CLICKED event in Google Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Google Chat
function onCardClick(event) {

  // When a user clicks a card, the Chat app checks to see which function to run.
  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openDialog") {
    return openDialog(event);

  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openSequentialDialog") {
    return openSequentialDialog(event);

* Opens and starts a dialog that lets users add details about a contact.
* @param {object} event the event object from Google Chat.
* @return {object} open a dialog.
function openDialog(event) {
  return {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Name",
                      "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                      "name": "contactName"
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Address",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "address"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Add to favorites",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "saveFavorite"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "mergeContact",
                        "selected": true
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Next",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {

                              // Specifies which function to run
                              // in response to the card click.
                              "function": "openSequentialDialog"

* Opens a second dialog that lets users add more contact details.
* @param {object} event the event object from Google Chat.
* @return {object} open a dialog.
function openSequentialDialog(event) {
  return {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Notes",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "notes"
                    "selectionInput": {
                      "type": "RADIO_BUTTON",
                      "label": "Contact type",
                      "name": "contactType",
                      "items": [
                          "text": "Work",
                          "value": "Work",
                          "selected": false
                          "text": "Personal",
                          "value": "Personal",
                          "selected": false
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Submit",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {

                              // Specifies which function to run
                              // in response to the card click.
                              "function": "receiveDialog",
                              "parameters": [
                                  "key": "receiveDialog",
                                  "value": "receiveDialog"
                    "horizontalAlignment": "END"


from typing import Any, Mapping

import flask
import functions_framework

def main(req: flask.Request) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Responds to a MESSAGE event in Google Chat that includes the /createContact
     slash command by opening a dialog.

      req (flask.Request): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.

  if req.method == 'GET':
    return 'Sorry, this function must be called from a Google Chat.'

  request = req.get_json(silent=True)

  if request.get('type') == 'CARD_CLICKED':
    if invoked_function := request.get('common', dict()).get('invokedFunction'):
      if invoked_function == 'open_dialog':
        return open_dialog(request)

      elif invoked_function == 'open_sequential_dialog':
        return open_dialog(request)

def open_dialog(request: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Opens a dialog in Google Chat.

      request (Mapping[str, Any]): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.
  return {
    'action_response': {
      'type': 'DIALOG',
      'dialog_action': {
        'dialog': {
          'body': {
            'sections': [
                'header': 'Add new contact',
                'widgets': [
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Name',
                      'type': 'SINGLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'name'
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Address',
                      'type': 'MULTIPLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'address'
                    'decoratedText': {
                      'text': 'Add to favorites',
                      'switchControl': {
                        'controlType': 'SWITCH',
                        'name': 'saveFavorite'
                    'decoratedText': {
                      'text': 'Merge with existing contacts',
                      'switchControl': {
                        'controlType': 'SWITCH',
                        'name': 'mergeContact',
                        'selected': True
                    'buttonList': {
                      'buttons': [
                          'text': 'Next',
                          'onClick': {
                            'action': {
                              'function': 'open_sequential_dialog'

def open_sequential_dialog(request: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Opens a second dialog that lets users add more contact details.

      request (Mapping[str, Any]): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.
  return {
    'action_response': {
      'type': 'DIALOG',
      'dialog_action': {
        'dialog': {
          'body': {
            'sections': [
                'header': 'Add new contact',
                'widgets': [
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Notes',
                      'type': 'MULTIPLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'notes'
                    'selectionInput': {
                      'type': 'RADIO_BUTTON',
                      'label': 'Contact type',
                      'name': 'contactType',
                      'items': [
                          'text': 'Work',
                          'value': 'Work',
                          'selected': False
                          'text': 'Personal',
                          'value': 'Personal',
                          'selected': False
                    'buttonList': {
                      'buttons': [
                          'text': 'Submit',
                          'onClick': {
                            'action': {
                              'function': 'receiveDialog',
                              'parameters': [
                                  'key': 'receiveDialog',
                                  'value': 'receiveDialog'
                    'horizontalAlignment': 'END'

Membuka dialog sebagai respons terhadap pesan kartu layar utama aplikasi

Khusus untuk pesan kartu layar utama aplikasi, gunakan render_actions, bukan action_response, untuk membuka dialog:

Apps Script

Contoh ini mengirimkan pesan kartu dengan menampilkan JSON kartu. Anda juga dapat menggunakan layanan kartu Apps Script.

function openDialog() {
  return {
    render_actions: {
      action: {
        navigations: [{
          update_card: {
            "sections": [
              "header": "Add new contact",
              "widgets": [
                "textInput": {
                  "label": "Name",
                  "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                  "name": "contactName"
                "textInput": {
                  "label": "Address",
                  "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                  "name": "address"
                "decoratedText": {
                  "text": "Add to favorites",
                  "switchControl": {
                    "controlType": "SWITCH",
                    "name": "saveFavorite"
                "decoratedText": {
                  "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                  "switchControl": {
                    "controlType": "SWITCH",
                    "name": "mergeContact",
                    "selected": true
                "buttonList": {
                  "buttons": [
                      "text": "Next",
                      "onClick": {
                        "action": {
                          "function": "openSequentialDialog"

Menerima data formulir dari dialog

Saat pengguna mengklik tombol pada dialog, data yang mereka masukkan akan dikirim ke aplikasi Chat, dan aplikasi Chat Anda akan menerima peristiwa interaksi dengan informasi berikut:

Data yang dimasukkan pengguna dalam dialog tersedia pada peristiwa interaksi sebagai Event.common.formInputs, peta dengan kunci adalah ID string yang ditetapkan ke setiap widget dialog dan nilai mewakili input pengguna untuk setiap widget. Objek yang berbeda merepresentasikan tipe data input yang berbeda. Misalnya, Event.common.formInputs.stringInputs mewakili input string.

Saat pengguna mengirimkan dialog, aplikasi Chat Anda menerima peristiwa interaksi seperti ini dari Chat:


  "type": enum (EventType),
  "eventTime": string,
  "threadKey": string,
  "message": {
    object (Message)
  "user": {
    object (User)
  "space": {
    object (Space)
  "action": {
    object (FormAction)
  "configCompleteRedirectUrl": string,

  // Indicates that this event is dialog-related.
  "isDialogEvent": true,

  // Indicates that a user clicked a button, and all data
  // they entered in the dialog is included in Event.common.formInputs.
  "dialogEventType": "SUBMIT_DIALOG",
  "common": {
    "userLocale": string,
    "hostApp": enum (HostApp),
    "platform": enum (Platform),
    "timeZone": {
      object (TimeZone)

    // Represents user data entered in a dialog.
    "formInputs": {

      // Represents user data entered for a specific field in a dialog.
      "NAME": {

        // Represents string data entered in a dialog, like text input fields
        // and check boxes.
        "stringInputs": {

          // An array of strings entered by the user in a dialog.
          "value": [
    "parameters": {
      string: string,
    "invokedFunction": string

Aplikasi Chat Anda dapat mengakses nilai yang pertama kali dimasukkan pengguna di event.common.formInputs.NAME.stringInputs.value[0], dengan NAME adalah kolom name dari widget TextInput.

Setelah menerima data formulir dialog, aplikasi Chat harus merespons dengan ActionResponse:

  • Untuk mengonfirmasi tanda terima yang berhasil, balas dengan ActionResponse yang memiliki "actionStatus": "OK". Tindakan ini akan menutup dialog tanpa memposting respons.
  • Untuk membalas dengan SMS atau pesan kartu, balas dengan ActionResponse yang memiliki ResponseType dari NEW_MESSAGE, UPDATE_MESSAGE, atau UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_CARDS. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Merespons dialog.
  • Untuk menampilkan error, respons dengan ActionResponse yang memiliki "actionStatus": "ERROR MESSAGE".

Contoh berikut memeriksa keberadaan nilai name. Jika tidak ada, aplikasi Chat akan menampilkan error. Jika ada, aplikasi Chat akan mengonfirmasi penerimaan data formulir dan menutup dialog.


* Checks for a form input error, the absence of
* a "name" value, and returns an error if absent.
* Otherwise, confirms successful receipt of a dialog.
* Confirms successful receipt of a dialog.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Chat API.
* @return {Object} open a Dialog in Google Chat.
function receiveDialog(event) {

  // Checks to make sure the user entered a name
  // in a dialog. If no name value detected, returns
  // an error message. Any "actionStatus" value other than "OK"
  // gets returned as an error.
  if (event.common.formInputs.WIDGET_NAME.stringInputs.value[0] === "") {
      "actionResponse": {
        "type": "DIALOG",
        "dialogAction": {
          "actionStatus": "Don't forget to name your new contact!"

    // Otherwise the Chat app indicates that it received
    // form data from the dialog. An "actionStatus" of "OK" is
    // interpreted as code 200, and the dialog closes.
  } else {
      "actionResponse": {
        "type": "DIALOG",
        "dialogAction": {
          "actionStatus": "OK"

Apps Script

Contoh ini mengirimkan pesan kartu dengan menampilkan JSON kartu. Anda juga dapat menggunakan layanan kartu Apps Script.

* Checks for a form input error, the absence of
* a "name" value, and returns an error if absent.
* Otherwise, confirms successful receipt of a dialog.
* Confirms successful receipt of a dialog.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Chat API.
* @return {object} open a Dialog in Google Chat.
function receiveDialog(event) {

  // Checks to make sure the user entered a name
  // in a dialog. If no name value detected, returns
  // an error message. Any "actionStatus" value other than "OK"
  // gets returned as an error.
  if (event.common.formInputs.WIDGET_NAME[""].stringInputs.value[0] === "") {
    return {
      "actionResponse": {
        "type": "DIALOG",
        "dialogAction": {
          "actionStatus": "Don't forget to name your new contact!"

    // Otherwise the Chat app indicates that it received
    // form data from the dialog. An "actionStatus" of "OK" is
    // interpreted as code 200, and the dialog closes.
  } else {
    return {
      "actionResponse": {
        "type": "DIALOG",
        "dialogAction": {
          "actionStatus": "OK"


def receive_dialog(event: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Checks for a form input error, the absence of a "name" value, and returns
     an error if absent. Otherwise, confirms successful receipt of a dialog.

      event (Mapping[str, Any]): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: the response.

  if common := event.get('common'):
    if form_inputs := common.get('formInputs'):
      if contact_name := form_inputs.get('WIDGET_NAME'):
        if string_inputs := contact_name.get('stringInputs'):
          if name := string_inputs.get('value')[0]:
            return {
              'actionResponse': {
                'type': 'DIALOG',
                'dialogAction': {
                  'actionStatus': 'OK'
            return {
              'actionResponse': {
                'type': 'DIALOG',
                'dialogAction': {
                  'actionStatus': 'Don\'t forget to name your new contact!'

Merespons dialog

Anda dapat merespons dialog dengan pesan baru atau pembaruan pesan yang sudah ada.

Merespons dialog yang berisi pesan baru

Untuk merespons pengiriman formulir dialog dengan pesan baru, aplikasi Chat akan menampilkan ActionResponse dengan jenis NEW_MESSAGE, bersama dengan markup yang menunjukkan konten pesan baru tersebut. Setelah menerima respons ini, dialog akan ditutup dan pesan baru akan diposting.

Kode berikut adalah contoh respons JSON terhadap dialog yang dikirim oleh aplikasi Chat untuk membuat pesan balasan baru:


  "actionResponse": {
    "type": "NEW_MESSAGE",
  "text": "This message is a reply to a dialog form submission.",
  "cardsV2": [
      "cardId": "reply-card-id",
      "card": {
        "header": {
          "title": "Reply card title"
        "sections": [
            "widgets": [
                "textParagraph": {
                  "text": "Reply card message"

Aplikasi Chat juga dapat membalas secara asinkron dengan pesan teks atau kartu.

Merespons dialog dengan pesan yang diperbarui

Saat Anda merespons dialog dengan pesan yang diperbarui, Anda dapat memperbarui pesan aplikasi Chat yang ada atau memperbarui pratinjau link.

Pesan aplikasi Chat

Untuk merespons pengiriman formulir dialog dengan update pada pesan yang ada yang dikirim oleh aplikasi Chat, metode ini akan menampilkan ActionResponse jenis UPDATE_MESSAGE. Respons tersebut menyertakan markup yang menunjukkan konten pesan yang diperbarui. Setelah menerima respons ini, dialog akan ditutup dan pesan diperbarui dengan konten baru.

Kode berikut adalah contoh respons JSON terhadap dialog yang dikirim oleh aplikasi Chat untuk mengupdate pesan aplikasi Chat yang sudah ada:


  "actionResponse": {
    "type": "UPDATE_MESSAGE",
  "text": "This message has been updated with new content in response to a dialog form submission.",
  "cardsV2": [
      "cardId": "updated-card-id",
      "card": {
        "header": {
          "title": "Updated card title"
        "sections": [
            "widgets": [
                "textParagraph": {
                  "text": "Updated card message"

Aplikasi Chat juga dapat memperbarui pesan aplikasi Chat secara asinkron menggunakan Google Chat API.

Untuk mengupdate pratinjau link dengan konten baru sebagai respons terhadap pengiriman formulir dialog, aplikasi Chat akan menampilkan ActionResponse jenis UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_CARDS. Responsnya mencakup markup untuk pesan kartu baru yang digunakan untuk memperbarui pratinjau link. Setelah menerima respons ini, dialog akan ditutup dan pratinjau link akan diperbarui dengan pesan kartu baru.

Contoh respons JSON berikut memperbarui pratinjau link dengan pesan kartu baru:


  "actionResponse": "UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_CARDS",
  "cardsV2": [
      "cardId" : "updated-card-id",
      "card" : {
        "header": {
          "title": "Updated card title"
        "sections": [
            "widgets" : [
                "textParagraph": {
                  "text": "Updated card message"

Merespons dialog untuk pesan kartu layar utama aplikasi

Khusus untuk pesan kartu layar utama aplikasi, ada dua cara berbeda untuk menutup dialog:

  • CLOSE_DIALOG: Menutup dialog dan kembali ke pesan kartu layar utama aplikasi.
  • CLOSE_DIALOG_AND_EXECUTE: Menutup dialog dan memuat ulang pesan kartu utama aplikasi.


Contoh kode berikut menggunakan CLOSE_DIALOG untuk menutup dialog dan kembali ke pesan kartu layar utama aplikasi:

def close_dialog():
  """Handles dismiss dialog request from Chat."""
  return {
      'render_actions': {
          'action': {
              'navigations': [{
                'end_navigation': {'action': 'CLOSE_DIALOG'}

Apps Script

Contoh ini mengirimkan pesan kartu dengan menampilkan JSON kartu. Anda juga dapat menggunakan layanan kartu Apps Script.

Contoh kode berikut menggunakan CLOSE_DIALOG untuk menutup dialog dan kembali ke pesan kartu layar utama aplikasi:

function closeDialog(event) {
  return {
    render_actions: {
            action: "CLOSE_DIALOG"

Contoh lengkap: Rolodex kontak yang mengelola aplikasi Chat

Dalam contoh ini, aplikasi Chat membuka dialog sehingga pengguna dapat menambahkan detail tentang kontak, seperti nama, email, dan alamat:


* Responds to messages that have links whose URLs
* match URL patterns configured for link previews.
* @param {Object} event The event object from Chat
* API.
* @return {Object} Response from the Chat app
* attached to the message with the previewed link.
exports.onMessage = function onMessage(req, res) {

  // Store the Google Chat event as a variable.
  const event = req.body;

  if (req.method === "GET" || !event.message) {
    res.send("Hello! This function is meant to be used in a Google Chat " +

  // Checks for the presence of event.message.slashCommand.
  // If the slash command is "/help", responds with a text message.
  // If the slash command is "/createContact", opens a dialog.
  if (event.message.slashCommand) {
    switch (event.message.slashCommand.commandId) {
      case 1: // /help
        res.json({"text": "Contact bot helps you update your address book!"});
      case 2:  // /createContact

  // If the Chat app doesn"t detect a slash command, it responds
  // with a card that prompts the user to add a contact
  else {
      "cardsV2": [{
        "cardId": "addContact",
        "card": {
          "header": {
            "title": "Rolodex",
            "subtitle": "Manage your contacts!",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "imageType": "CIRCLE"
          "sections": [
              "widgets": [
                  "buttonList": {
                    "buttons": [
                        "text": "Add Contact",
                        "onClick": {
                          "action": {
                            "function": "openDialog",
                            "interaction": "OPEN_DIALOG"

  // Respond to button clicks on attached cards
  if (event.type === "CARD_CLICKED") {

    if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openDialog") {

    if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openSequentialDialog") {

    if (event.common.invokedFunction === "confirmDialogSuccess") {


* Opens and starts a dialog that lets users add details about a contact.
* @param {object} event the event object from Google Chat.
* @return {object} open a dialog.
function openDialog(event) {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Name",
                      "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                      "name": "name"
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Address",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "address"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Add to favorites",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "saveFavorite"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "mergeContact",
                        "selected": true
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Next",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "openSequentialDialog"

* Opens a second dialog that lets users add more contact details.
* @param {object} event the event object from Google Chat.
* @return {object} open a dialog.
function openSequentialDialog(event) {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Notes",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "notes"
                    "selectionInput": {
                      "type": "RADIO_BUTTON",
                      "label": "Contact type",
                      "name": "contactType",
                      "items": [
                          "text": "Work",
                          "value": "Work",
                          "selected": false
                          "text": "Personal",
                          "value": "Personal",
                          "selected": false
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Submit",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "confirmDialogSuccess",
                              "parameters": [
                                  "key": "confirmDialogSuccess",
                                  "value": "confirmDialogSuccess"
                    "horizontalAlignment": "END"

* Checks for a form input error, the absence of
* a "name" value, and returns an error if absent.
* Otherwise, confirms successful receipt of a dialog.
* Confirms successful receipt of a dialog.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Chat API.
* @return {object} open a Dialog in Google Chat.
function receiveDialog(event) {

  // Checks to make sure the user entered a name
  // in a dialog. If no name value detected, returns
  // an error message. Any "actionStatus" value other than "OK"
  // gets returned as an error.
  if (event.common.formInputs.contactName.stringInputs.value[0] === "") {
      "actionResponse": {
        "type": "DIALOG",
        "dialogAction": {
          "actionStatus": "Don't forget to name your new contact!"

    // Otherwise the Chat app indicates that it received
    // form data from the dialog. An "actionStatus" of "OK" is
    // interpreted as code 200, and the dialog closes.
  } else {
      "actionResponse": {
        "type": "DIALOG",
        "dialogAction": {
          "actionStatus": "OK"

Apps Script

Contoh ini mengirimkan pesan kartu dengan menampilkan JSON kartu. Anda juga dapat menggunakan layanan kartu Apps Script.

* Responds to a MESSAGE event in Google Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Chat API.
* @return {Object} open a Dialog in response to a slash command
* or a card"s button click.
function onMessage(event) {

  // Checks for the presence of event.message.slashCommand.
  // If the slash command is "/help", responds with a text message.
  // If the slash command is "/createContact", opens a dialog.
  if (event.message.slashCommand) {
    switch (event.message.slashCommand.commandId) {
      case 1: // /help
        return {"text": "Contact bot helps you update your address book!"}
      case 2:  // /createContact
        return openDialog(event);

  // If the Chat app doesn"t detect a slash command, it responds
  // with a card that prompts the user to add a contact
  else {
    return {
      "cardsV2": [{
        "cardId": "addContact",
        "card": {
          "header": {
            "title": "Rolodex",
            "subtitle": "Manage your contacts!",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "imageType": "CIRCLE"
          "sections": [
              "widgets": [
                  "buttonList": {
                    "buttons": [
                        "text": "Add Contact",
                        "onClick": {
                          "action": {
                            "function": "openDialog",
                            "interaction": "OPEN_DIALOG"


* Responds to a CARD_CLICKED event in Google Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Google Chat
function onCardClick(event) {

  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openDialog") {
    return openDialog(event);

  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "openSequentialDialog") {
    const contactName = fetchFormValue(event, "contactName");
    const address = fetchFormValue(event, "address");
    return openSequentialDialog(contactName, address);

  if (event.common.invokedFunction === "receiveDialog") {
    const parameters = event.common.parameters;
    parameters["contactType"] = fetchFormValue(event, "contactType");
    parameters["notes"] = fetchFormValue(event, "notes");
    return receiveDialog(parameters);

 * Extracts form input value for a given widget
 * @param {Object} event the event object from Google Chat
 * @param {String} widgetName the widget name
 * @returns the form input value for the widget
function fetchFormValue(event, widgetName) {
  const widget = event.common.formInputs[widgetName];
  if (widget) {
    return widget[""]["stringInputs"]["value"][0];

* Opens and starts a dialog that lets users add details about a contact.
* @return {Object} open a dialog.
function openDialog(event) {
  return {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Name",
                      "type": "SINGLE_LINE",
                      "name": "contactName"
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Address",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "address"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Add to favorites",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "saveFavorite"
                    "decoratedText": {
                      "text": "Merge with existing contacts",
                      "switchControl": {
                        "controlType": "SWITCH",
                        "name": "mergeContact",
                        "selected": true
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Next",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "openSequentialDialog"

* Opens a second dialog that lets users add more contact details.
* @param {String} contactName the contact name from the previous dialog.
* @param {String} address the address from the previous dialog.
* @return {Object} open a dialog.
function openSequentialDialog(contactName, address) {
  return {
    "action_response": {
      "type": "DIALOG",
      "dialog_action": {
        "dialog": {
          "body": {
            "sections": [
                "header": "Add new contact",
                "widgets": [
                    "textInput": {
                      "label": "Notes",
                      "type": "MULTIPLE_LINE",
                      "name": "notes"
                    "selectionInput": {
                      "type": "RADIO_BUTTON",
                      "label": "Contact type",
                      "name": "contactType",
                      "items": [
                          "text": "Work",
                          "value": "Work",
                          "selected": false
                          "text": "Personal",
                          "value": "Personal",
                          "selected": false
                    "buttonList": {
                      "buttons": [
                          "text": "Submit",
                          "onClick": {
                            "action": {
                              "function": "receiveDialog",
                              "parameters": [
                                  "key": "contactName",
                                  "value": contactName
                                  "key": "address",
                                  "value": address
                    "horizontalAlignment": "END"

* Checks for a form input error, the absence of
* a "name" value, and returns an error if absent.
* Otherwise, confirms successful receipt of a dialog.
* Confirms successful receipt of a dialog.
* @param {Object} parameters the form input values.
* @return {Object} open a Dialog in Google Chat.
function receiveDialog(parameters) {

  // Checks to make sure the user entered a name
  // in a dialog. If no name value detected, returns
  // an error message.
  if (!parameters.contactName) {
    return {
      "actionResponse": {
        "type": "DIALOG",
        "dialogAction": {
          "actionStatus": {
            "statusCode": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
            "userFacingMessage": "Don't forget to name your new contact!"

    // Otherwise the Chat app indicates that it received
    // form data from the dialog. Any value other than "OK"
    // gets returned as an error. "OK" is interpreted as
    // code 200, and the dialog closes.
  } else {
    return {
      "actionResponse": {
        "type": "DIALOG",
        "dialogAction": {
          "actionStatus": {
            "statusCode": "OK",
            "userFacingMessage": "Success " + JSON.stringify(parameters)


from typing import Any, Mapping

import flask
import functions_framework

def main(req: flask.Request) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Responds to a MESSAGE event in Google Chat that includes the /createContact
     slash command by opening a dialog.

      req (flask.Request): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.

  if req.method == 'GET':
    return 'Sorry, this function must be called from a Google Chat.'

  request = req.get_json(silent=True)

  if request.get('type') == 'CARD_CLICKED':
    invoked_function = request.get('common', dict()).get('invokedFunction')
    if invoked_function == 'open_dialog':
      return open_dialog(request)

    elif invoked_function == 'open_sequential_dialog':
      return open_dialog(request)

    elif invoked_function == "receive_dialog":
      return receive_dialog(request)

    return {
      'cardsV2': [{
        'cardId': 'addContact',
        'card': {
          'header': {
            'title': 'Rolodex',
            'subtitle': 'Manage your contacts!',
            'imageUrl': '',
            'imageType': 'CIRCLE'
          'sections': [
              'widgets': [
                  'buttonList': {
                    'buttons': [
                        'text': 'Add Contact',
                        'onClick': {
                                'action': {
                                  'function': 'open_dialog',
                                  'interaction': 'OPEN_DIALOG'

def open_dialog(request: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Opens a dialog in Google Chat.

      request (Mapping[str, Any]): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.
  return {
    'action_response': {
      'type': 'DIALOG',
      'dialog_action': {
        'dialog': {
          'body': {
            'sections': [
                'header': 'Add new contact',
                'widgets': [
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Name',
                      'type': 'SINGLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'name'
                    'textInput': {
                      'label': 'Address',
                      'type': 'MULTIPLE_LINE',
                      'name': 'address'
                    'decoratedText': {
                      'text': 'Add to favorites',
                      'switchControl': {
                        'controlType': 'SWITCH',
                        'name': 'saveFavorite'
                    'decoratedText': {
                      'text': 'Merge with existing contacts',
                      'switchControl': {
                        'controlType': 'SWITCH',
                        'name': 'mergeContact',
                        'selected': True
                    'buttonList': {
                      'buttons': [
                          'text': 'Next',
                          'onClick': {
                            'action': {
                              'function': 'open_sequential_dialog'

def open_sequential_dialog(request: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Opens a second dialog that lets users add more contact details.

      request (Mapping[str, Any]): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: open a Dialog in response to a card's button click.
  return {
    'action_response': {
      'type': 'DIALOG',
      'dialog_action': {
        'dialog': {
              'body': {
                'sections': [
                    'header': 'Add new contact',
                    'widgets': [
                        'textInput': {
                          'label': 'Notes',
                          'type': 'MULTIPLE_LINE',
                          'name': 'notes'
                        'selectionInput': {
                          'type': 'RADIO_BUTTON',
                          'label': 'Contact type',
                          'name': 'contactType',
                          'items': [
                              'text': 'Work',
                              'value': 'Work',
                              'selected': False
                              'text': 'Personal',
                              'value': 'Personal',
                              'selected': False
                        'buttonList': {
                          'buttons': [
                              'text': 'Submit',
                              'onClick': {
                                'action': {
                                  'function': 'receive_dialog',
                                  'parameters': [
                                      'key': 'receiveDialog',
                                      'value': 'receiveDialog'
                        'horizontalAlignment': 'END'

def receive_dialog(event: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Checks for a form input error, the absence of a "name" value, and returns
     an error if absent. Otherwise, confirms successful receipt of a dialog.

      event (Mapping[str, Any]): the event object from Chat API.

      Mapping[str, Any]: the response.

  if event.get('common', dict()) \
      .get('formInputs', dict()).get('contactName', dict()) \
          .get('stringInputs').get('value', list()):
    return {
      'actionResponse': {
        'type': 'DIALOG',
        'dialogAction': {
          'actionStatus': 'OK'
    return {
      'actionResponse': {
        'type': 'DIALOG',
        'dialogAction': {
          'actionStatus': "Don't forget to name your new contact!"

Memecahkan masalah

Saat aplikasi atau kartu Google Chat menampilkan error, antarmuka Chat akan menampilkan pesan yang menyatakan "Terjadi error". atau "Tidak dapat memproses permintaan Anda". Terkadang UI Chat tidak menampilkan pesan error apa pun, tetapi aplikasi atau kartu Chat memberikan hasil yang tidak diharapkan; misalnya, pesan kartu mungkin tidak muncul.

Meskipun pesan error mungkin tidak ditampilkan di UI Chat, pesan error dan data log deskriptif akan tersedia untuk membantu Anda memperbaiki error saat logging error untuk aplikasi Chat diaktifkan. Untuk mendapatkan bantuan dalam melihat, melakukan proses debug, dan memperbaiki error, lihat Memecahkan masalah dan memperbaiki error Google Chat.