@interface UMPConsentForm : NSObject
A single use consent form object.
Loads a consent form and calls completionHandler on completion. Must be called on the main queue.
class func load() async throws -> UMPConsentForm
+ (void)loadWithCompletionHandler: (nonnull UMPConsentFormLoadCompletionHandler)completionHandler;
Loads a consent form and immediately presents it from the provided viewController if UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.consentStatus is UMPConsentStatusRequired. Calls completionHandler after the user selects an option and the form is dismissed, or on the next run loop if no form is presented. Must be called on the main queue. If viewController is nil, uses the top view controller of the application’s main window.
class func loadAndPresentIfRequired(from viewController: UIViewController?) async throws
+ (void) loadAndPresentIfRequiredFromViewController: (nullable UIViewController *)viewController completionHandler: (nullable UMPConsentFormPresentCompletionHandler) completionHandler;
Presents a privacy options form from the provided viewController if UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.privacyOptionsRequirementStatus is UMPPrivacyOptionsRequirementStatusRequired. Calls completionHandler with nil error after the user selects an option and the form is dismissed, or on the next run loop with a non-nil error if no form is presented. Must be called on the main queue.
This method should only be called in response to a user input to request a privacy options form to be shown. The privacy options form is preloaded by the SDK automatically when a form becomes available. If no form is preloaded, the SDK will invoke the completionHandler on the next run loop, but will asynchronously retry to load one. If viewController is nil, uses the top view controller of the application’s main window.
class func presentPrivacyOptionsForm(from viewController: UIViewController?) async throws
+ (void) presentPrivacyOptionsFormFromViewController: (nullable UIViewController *)viewController completionHandler: (nullable UMPConsentFormPresentCompletionHandler) completionHandler;
Unavailable. Use +loadWithCompletionHandler: instead.
- (nonnull instancetype)init;
Presents the full screen consent form over viewController. The form is dismissed and completionHandler is called after the user selects an option. UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.consentStatus is updated prior to completionHandler being called. completionHandler is called on the main queue. If viewController is nil, uses the top view controller of the application’s main window.
func present(from viewController: UIViewController?) async throws
- (void)presentFromViewController:(nullable UIViewController *)viewController completionHandler: (nullable UMPConsentFormPresentCompletionHandler) completionHandler;