Integrate Line with Mediation (Beta)

This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from Line using mediation, covering waterfall integrations. It covers how to add Line to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the Line SDK and adapter into an Android app.

The dashboard interface for Line uses Japanese text for its labels, buttons, and descriptions. The screenshots in this guide have not been translated. In this guide's descriptions and instructions however, labels and buttons are translated with their English language equivalents in parentheses.

Supported integrations and ad formats

The mediation adapter for Line has the following capabilities:

Waterfall  1

1 Waterfall integration is in closed beta, reach out to your account manager to request access.


  • Android API level 21 or higher

Step 1: Set up configurations in Line UI

Log in to your Line account.

Add a new application

Click 広告枠管理 (Ad Slot Management) > メディア (Media). Then, click 新規作成 (Create New).

Fill out the form and click 登録 (Register).

Take note of the Application ID.

Create an ad placement

Click the ID of the application you want to add an ad placement. Then, select 詳細 (Detail).

Click スロット 追加 (Add Slot).

Fill out the form and once done, click (登録) Register.

Take note of the Slot ID.

Step 2: Set up Line demand in Ad Manager UI

Configure mediation settings for your ad unit

Sign in to your Ad Manager account.

Navigate to Delivery > Yield groups and click the New yield group button.

Enter a unique Name for your yield group, set the Status to Active, select your Ad Format, and set the Inventory type to Mobile App. Under the Targeting > Inventory section, select the ad unit under Inventory and Mobile application to which you want to add mediation.

Next, click the Add yield partner button.

If you already have a Yield partner for Line, you can select it. Otherwise, select Create a new yield partner.

Select Line as the Ad network, enter a unique Name and enable Mediation.

Once the Yield partner is selected, choose Mobile SDK Mediation as the Integration type, Android as the Platform, and Active as the Status. Enter the Application ID and Slot ID obtained in the previous section. Then, enter a Default CPM value.

Click Save at the bottom of the page when done.

Step 3: Import the Line SDK and Adapter

In your app-level build.gradle.kts file, add the following implementation dependencies and configurations. Use the latest versions of the Line SDK and adapter:

dependencies {

Manual integration

  1. Download the latest version of the Line SDK's .aar file and add it to your project.

  2. Navigate to the Line adapter artifacts on Google's Maven Repository. Select the latest version, download the Line adapter's .aar file, and add it to your project.

Step 4: Add required code

No additional code is required for Line integration.

Step 5: Test your implementation

Enable test ads

Make sure you register your test device for Ad Manager.

Follow the instructions in Line's documentation on how to enable Line test ads.

Verify test ads

To verify that you are receiving test ads from Line, enable single ad source testing in ad inspector using the Line (Waterfall) ad source(s).

Optional steps

Network-specific parameters

The Line adapter supports an additional request parameter which can be passed to the adapter using the LineExtras class. This class constructor includes the following parameters:

A boolean to specify the default sound start state of banner, interstitial and rewarded ads.

Here's a code example of how to create an ad request that sets these parameters:


LineExtras lineExtras = new LineExtras(true);
Bundle extras =;

AdManagerAdRequest request = new AdManagerAdRequest.Builder()
   .addNetworkExtrasBundle(LineMediationAdapter.class, extras)


val lineExtras = LineExtras(true)
val extras =

val request = AdManagerAdRequest.Builder()
   .addNetworkExtrasBundle(, extras)

Using native ads

Ad rendering

The Line adapter populates the following fields for a NativeAd.

Field Assets always included by Line adapter
App icon 1
Call to action
Star rating

1 For native ads, the Line SDK does not provide an app icon asset. Instead, the Line adapter populates the app icon with a transparent image.

Error codes

If the adapter fails to receive an ad from Line, you can check the underlying error from the ad response using ResponseInfo.getAdapterResponses() under the following classes:

Here are the codes and accompanying messages thrown by the Line adapter when an ad fails to load:

Error code Domain Reason
1-10 Line SDK returned an SDK-specific error. See Line's documentation for more details.
101 Missing or invalid Application ID.
102 Missing or invalid Slot ID.
103 The requested ad size does not match a Line supported banner ad size.
104 Failed to load an interstitial or rewarded ad due to missing activity context.
105 Line SDK failed to show an interstitial or rewarded ad.
106 Failed to load a native ad due to missing assets.

LINE Android Mediation Adapter Changelog

Next Version

  • Implemented AdLoader to enable RTB for Banner Ads.
  • Implemented AdLoader to enable RTB for Interstitial Ads.
  • Implemented AdLoader to enable RTB for Rewarded Ads.

Version 2.8.20240827.0

  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.8.20240827.0

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.3.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.8.20240827.0

Version 2.8.20240808.0

  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.8.20240808.0

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.2.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.8.20240808.0

Version 2.8.20240722.0

  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.8.20240722.0

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.2.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.8.20240722.0

Version 2.7.20240515.0

  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240515.0

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.1.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240515.0

Version 2.7.20240214.1

  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 23.0.0.
  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240214.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.0.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240214.0.

Version 2.7.20240214.0

  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240214.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.6.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240214.0.

Version 2.7.20240126.0

  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240126.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.6.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240126.0.

Version 2.7.20240112.0

  • Removed deprecated FiveAdViewEventListener in favor of FiveAdCustomLayoutEventListener, FiveAdVideoRewardEventListener, FiveAdInterstitialEventListener and FiveAdNativeEventListener.
  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240112.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 22.6.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.6.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.7.20240112.

Version 2.6.20230607.1

  • Added LineExtras class for publishers to define default sound settings for banner, interstitial and rewarded ad formats.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 22.4.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.4.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.6.20230607.

Version 2.6.20230607.0

  • Initial release.
  • Adds support for banner, interstitial, rewarded and native ad formats.
  • Verified compatibility with FiveAd SDK version 2.6.20230607.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.1.0.
  • FiveAd SDK version 2.6.20230607.