


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an account.


Possible statuses of an account.

UNSPECIFIED Default value.
UNKNOWN Unknown value.
ENABLED Account is able to serve ads.
PAUSED Account is deactivated by the user.
SUSPENDED Account is deactivated by an internal process.
REMOVED Account is irrevocably deactivated.
DRAFT Account is still in the process of setup, not ENABLED yet.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing engine account types.


Possible engine account types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
BAIDU Baidu account.
ENGINE_TRACK Engine track account.
FACEBOOK Facebook account.
FACEBOOK_GATEWAY Facebook account managed through gateway.
GOOGLE_ADS Google Ads account.
MICROSOFT Microsoft Advertising account.
SEARCH_ADS_360 Search Ads 360 manager account.
YAHOO_JAPAN Yahoo Japan account.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible AdGroupAd engine statuses.


Enumerates AdGroupAd engine statuses.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.

Deprecated. Do not use.

AD_GROUP_AD_INAPPROPRIATE_FOR_CAMPAIGN Baidu: Creative was not approved.
AD_GROUP_AD_MOBILE_URL_UNDER_REVIEW Baidu: Mobile URL in process to be reviewed.
AD_GROUP_AD_PARTIALLY_INVALID Baidu: Creative is invalid on mobile device but valid on desktop.
AD_GROUP_AD_TO_BE_ACTIVATED Baidu: Creative is ready for activation.
AD_GROUP_AD_NOT_REVIEWED Baidu: Creative not reviewed.

Deprecated. Do not use. Previously used by Gemini

AD_GROUP_AD_PAUSED Creative has been paused.
AD_GROUP_AD_REMOVED Creative has been removed.
AD_GROUP_AD_PENDING_REVIEW Creative is pending review.
AD_GROUP_AD_UNDER_REVIEW Creative is under review.
AD_GROUP_AD_APPROVED Creative has been approved.
AD_GROUP_AD_DISAPPROVED Creative has been disapproved.
AD_GROUP_AD_SERVING Creative is serving.
AD_GROUP_AD_ACCOUNT_PAUSED Creative has been paused because the account is paused.
AD_GROUP_AD_CAMPAIGN_PAUSED Creative has been paused because the campaign is paused.
AD_GROUP_AD_AD_GROUP_PAUSED Creative has been paused because the ad group is paused.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible ad rotation modes of ads within an ad group.


The possible ad rotation modes of an ad group.

UNSPECIFIED The ad rotation mode has not been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

OPTIMIZE Optimize ad group ads based on clicks or conversions.
ROTATE_FOREVER Rotate evenly forever.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an AdGroupAd.


The possible statuses of an AdGroupAd.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

ENABLED The ad group ad is enabled.
PAUSED The ad group ad is paused.
REMOVED The ad group ad is removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible AdGroupCriterion engine statuses.


Enumerates AdGroupCriterion engine statuses.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.

Deprecated. Do not use.

AD_GROUP_CRITERION_INAPPROPRIATE_FOR_CAMPAIGN Baidu: Bid or quality too low to be displayed.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_LOW_SEARCH_VOLUME Baidu: Paused by Baidu due to low search volume.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_MOBILE_URL_UNDER_REVIEW Baidu: Mobile URL in process to be reviewed.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_PARTIALLY_INVALID Baidu: The landing page for one device is invalid, while the landing page for the other device is valid.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_TO_BE_ACTIVATED Baidu: Keyword has been created and paused by Baidu account management, and is now ready for you to activate it.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_UNDER_REVIEW Baidu: In process to be reviewed by Baidu. Gemini: Criterion under review.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_NOT_REVIEWED Baidu: Criterion to be reviewed.

Deprecated. Do not use. Previously used by Gemini

AD_GROUP_CRITERION_PENDING_REVIEW Y!J : Criterion pending review
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_PAUSED Criterion has been paused.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_REMOVED Criterion has been removed.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_APPROVED Criterion has been approved.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_DISAPPROVED Criterion has been disapproved.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_SERVING Criterion is active and serving.
AD_GROUP_CRITERION_ACCOUNT_PAUSED Criterion has been paused since the account is paused.


This type has no fields.

Message describing AdGroupCriterion statuses.


The possible statuses of an AdGroupCriterion.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

ENABLED The ad group criterion is enabled.
PAUSED The ad group criterion is paused.
REMOVED The ad group criterion is removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible AdGroup engine statuses.


Status of the ad group engine.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.

Deprecated. Do not use.

AD_GROUP_EXPIRED No ads are running for this ad group, because the ad group's end date has passed.
AD_GROUP_REMOVED The ad group has been deleted.
AD_GROUP_DRAFT No ads are running for this ad group because the associated ad group is still in draft form.
AD_GROUP_PAUSED The ad group has been paused.
AD_GROUP_SERVING The ad group is active and currently serving ads.
AD_GROUP_SUBMITTED The ad group has been submitted (Microsoft Bing Ads legacy status).
CAMPAIGN_PAUSED No ads are running for this ad group, because the campaign has been paused.
ACCOUNT_PAUSED No ads are running for this ad group, because the account has been paused.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an ad group.


The possible statuses of an ad group.

UNSPECIFIED The status has not been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

ENABLED The ad group is enabled.
PAUSED The ad group is paused.
REMOVED The ad group is removed.


This type has no fields.

Defines types of an ad group, specific to a particular campaign channel type. This type drives validations that restrict which entities can be added to the ad group.


Enum listing the possible types of an ad group.

UNSPECIFIED The type has not been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

SEARCH_STANDARD The default ad group type for Search campaigns.
DISPLAY_STANDARD The default ad group type for Display campaigns.
SHOPPING_PRODUCT_ADS The ad group type for Shopping campaigns serving standard product ads.
SHOPPING_SHOWCASE_ADS The type for ad groups that are limited to serving Showcase or Merchant ads in Shopping results.
HOTEL_ADS The default ad group type for Hotel campaigns.
SHOPPING_SMART_ADS The type for ad groups in Smart Shopping campaigns.
VIDEO_BUMPER Short unskippable in-stream video ads.
VIDEO_TRUE_VIEW_IN_STREAM TrueView (skippable) in-stream video ads.
VIDEO_TRUE_VIEW_IN_DISPLAY TrueView in-display video ads.
VIDEO_NON_SKIPPABLE_IN_STREAM Unskippable in-stream video ads.
VIDEO_OUTSTREAM Outstream video ads.
SEARCH_DYNAMIC_ADS Ad group type for Dynamic Search Ads ad groups.
SHOPPING_COMPARISON_LISTING_ADS The type for ad groups in Shopping Comparison Listing campaigns.
PROMOTED_HOTEL_ADS The ad group type for Promoted Hotel ad groups.
VIDEO_RESPONSIVE Video responsive ad groups.
VIDEO_EFFICIENT_REACH Video efficient reach ad groups.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_ADS Ad group type for Smart campaigns.
TRAVEL_ADS Ad group type for Travel campaigns.


This type has no fields.

Container for enumeration of Google Ads network types.


Enumerates Google Ads network types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
SEARCH Google search.
SEARCH_PARTNERS Search partners.
CONTENT Display Network.
MIXED Cross-network.


This type has no fields.

Possible ad serving statuses of a campaign.


Enum describing possible serving statuses.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

OPTIMIZE Ad serving is optimized based on CTR for the campaign.
CONVERSION_OPTIMIZE Ad serving is optimized based on CTR * Conversion for the campaign. If the campaign is not in the conversion optimizer bidding strategy, it will default to OPTIMIZED.
ROTATE Ads are rotated evenly for 90 days, then optimized for clicks.
ROTATE_INDEFINITELY Show lower performing ads more evenly with higher performing ads, and do not optimize.
UNAVAILABLE Ad serving optimization status is not available.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible ad strengths.


Enum listing the possible ad strengths.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
PENDING The ad strength is currently pending.
NO_ADS No ads could be generated.
POOR Poor strength.
AVERAGE Average strength.
GOOD Good strength.
EXCELLENT Excellent strength.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible types of an ad.


The possible types of an ad.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

TEXT_AD The ad is a text ad.
EXPANDED_TEXT_AD The ad is an expanded text ad.
CALL_ONLY_AD The ad is a call only ad.
EXPANDED_DYNAMIC_SEARCH_AD The ad is an expanded dynamic search ad.
HOTEL_AD The ad is a hotel ad.
SHOPPING_SMART_AD The ad is a Smart Shopping ad.
SHOPPING_PRODUCT_AD The ad is a standard Shopping ad.
VIDEO_AD The ad is a video ad.
GMAIL_AD This ad is a Gmail ad.
IMAGE_AD This ad is an Image ad.
RESPONSIVE_SEARCH_AD The ad is a responsive search ad.
LEGACY_RESPONSIVE_DISPLAY_AD The ad is a legacy responsive display ad.
APP_AD The ad is an app ad.
LEGACY_APP_INSTALL_AD The ad is a legacy app install ad.
RESPONSIVE_DISPLAY_AD The ad is a responsive display ad.
LOCAL_AD The ad is a local ad.
HTML5_UPLOAD_AD The ad is a display upload ad with the HTML5_UPLOAD_AD product type.
DYNAMIC_HTML5_AD The ad is a display upload ad with one of the DYNAMIC_HTML5_* product types.
APP_ENGAGEMENT_AD The ad is an app engagement ad.
SHOPPING_COMPARISON_LISTING_AD The ad is a Shopping Comparison Listing ad.
VIDEO_BUMPER_AD Video bumper ad.
VIDEO_NON_SKIPPABLE_IN_STREAM_AD Video non-skippable in-stream ad.
VIDEO_OUTSTREAM_AD Video outstream ad.
VIDEO_TRUEVIEW_DISCOVERY_AD Video TrueView in-display ad.
VIDEO_TRUEVIEW_IN_STREAM_AD Video TrueView in-stream ad.
VIDEO_RESPONSIVE_AD Video responsive ad.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_AD Smart campaign ad.
APP_PRE_REGISTRATION_AD Universal app pre-registration ad.
DISCOVERY_MULTI_ASSET_AD Discovery multi asset ad.
TRAVEL_AD Travel ad.
DISCOVERY_VIDEO_RESPONSIVE_AD Discovery video responsive ad.
MULTIMEDIA_AD Multimedia ad.


This type has no fields.

An immutable specialization of an Advertising Channel.


Enum describing the different channel subtypes.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used as a return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
SEARCH_MOBILE_APP Mobile app campaigns for Search.
DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP Mobile app campaigns for Display.
SEARCH_EXPRESS AdWords express campaigns for search.
DISPLAY_EXPRESS AdWords Express campaigns for display.
SHOPPING_SMART_ADS Smart Shopping campaigns.
DISPLAY_GMAIL_AD Gmail Ad campaigns.
DISPLAY_SMART_CAMPAIGN Smart display campaigns. New campaigns of this sub type cannot be created.
VIDEO_OUTSTREAM Video Outstream campaigns.
VIDEO_ACTION Video TrueView for Action campaigns.
VIDEO_NON_SKIPPABLE Video campaigns with non-skippable video ads.
APP_CAMPAIGN App Campaign that lets you easily promote your Android or iOS app across Google's top properties including Search, Play, YouTube, and the Google Display Network.
APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_ENGAGEMENT App Campaign for engagement, focused on driving re-engagement with the app across several of Google's top properties including Search, YouTube, and the Google Display Network.
LOCAL_CAMPAIGN Campaigns specialized for local advertising.
SHOPPING_COMPARISON_LISTING_ADS Shopping Comparison Listing campaigns.
SMART_CAMPAIGN Standard Smart campaigns.
VIDEO_SEQUENCE Video campaigns with sequence video ads.
APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_PRE_REGISTRATION App Campaign for pre registration, specialized for advertising mobile app pre-registration, that targets multiple advertising channels across Google Play, YouTube and Display Network.
VIDEO_REACH_TARGET_FREQUENCY Video reach campaign with Target Frequency bidding strategy.
TRAVEL_ACTIVITIES Travel Activities campaigns.
SOCIAL_FACEBOOK_TRACKING_ONLY Facebook tracking only social campaigns.


This type has no fields.

The channel type a campaign may target to serve on.


Enum describing the various advertising channel types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
SEARCH Search Network. Includes display bundled, and Search+ campaigns.
DISPLAY Google Display Network only.
SHOPPING Shopping campaigns serve on the shopping property and on search results.
HOTEL Hotel Ads campaigns.
VIDEO Video campaigns.
MULTI_CHANNEL App Campaigns, and App Campaigns for Engagement, that run across multiple channels.
LOCAL Local ads campaigns.
SMART Smart campaigns.
PERFORMANCE_MAX Performance Max campaigns.
LOCAL_SERVICES Local services campaigns.
DISCOVERY Discovery campaigns.
TRAVEL Travel campaigns.
SOCIAL Social campaigns.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the type of demographic age ranges.


The type of demographic age ranges (for example, between 18 and 24 years old).

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
AGE_RANGE_18_24 Between 18 and 24 years old.
AGE_RANGE_25_34 Between 25 and 34 years old.
AGE_RANGE_35_44 Between 35 and 44 years old.
AGE_RANGE_45_54 Between 45 and 54 years old.
AGE_RANGE_55_64 Between 55 and 64 years old.
AGE_RANGE_65_UP 65 years old and beyond.
AGE_RANGE_UNDETERMINED Undetermined age range.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible Asset engine statuses.


Next ID = 11

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
SERVING The asset is active.
SERVING_LIMITED The asset is active limited.
DISAPPROVED The asset is disapproved (not eligible).
DISABLED The asset is inactive (pending).
REMOVED The asset has been removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the possible placements of an asset.


Enum describing the possible placements of an asset.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
HEADLINE The asset is linked for use as a headline.
DESCRIPTION The asset is linked for use as a description.
MANDATORY_AD_TEXT The asset is linked for use as mandatory ad text.
MARKETING_IMAGE The asset is linked for use as a marketing image.
MEDIA_BUNDLE The asset is linked for use as a media bundle.
YOUTUBE_VIDEO The asset is linked for use as a YouTube video.
BOOK_ON_GOOGLE The asset is linked to indicate that a hotels campaign is "Book on Google" enabled.
LEAD_FORM The asset is linked for use as a Lead Form extension.
PROMOTION The asset is linked for use as a Promotion extension.
CALLOUT The asset is linked for use as a Callout extension.
STRUCTURED_SNIPPET The asset is linked for use as a Structured Snippet extension.
MOBILE_APP The asset is linked for use as a Mobile App extension.
HOTEL_CALLOUT The asset is linked for use as a Hotel Callout extension.
CALL The asset is linked for use as a Call extension.
PRICE The asset is linked for use as a Price extension.
LONG_HEADLINE The asset is linked for use as a long headline.
BUSINESS_NAME The asset is linked for use as a business name.
SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE The asset is linked for use as a square marketing image.
PORTRAIT_MARKETING_IMAGE The asset is linked for use as a portrait marketing image.
VIDEO The asset is linked for use as a non YouTube logo.
CALL_TO_ACTION_SELECTION The asset is linked for use to select a call-to-action.
AD_IMAGE The asset is linked for use to select an ad image.
HOTEL_PROPERTY The asset is linked for use as a hotel property in a Performance Max for travel goals campaign.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset group.


The possible statuses of an asset group.

UNSPECIFIED The status has not been specified.
UNKNOWN The received value is not known in this version.
ENABLED The asset group is enabled.
PAUSED The asset group is paused.
REMOVED The asset group is removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset link.


Enum describing statuses of an asset link.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED Asset link is enabled.
REMOVED Asset link has been removed.
PAUSED Asset link is paused.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset set asset.


The possible statuses of an asset set asset.

UNSPECIFIED The status has not been specified.
UNKNOWN The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value.
ENABLED The asset set asset is enabled.
REMOVED The asset set asset is removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of the linkage between asset set and its container.


The possible statuses of the linkage between asset set and its container.

UNSPECIFIED The status has not been specified.
UNKNOWN The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value.
ENABLED The linkage between asset set and its container is enabled.
REMOVED The linkage between asset set and its container is removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset.


The possible statuses of an asset.

UNSPECIFIED The status has not been specified.
UNKNOWN The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value.
ENABLED The asset is enabled.
REMOVED The asset is removed.
ARCHIVED The asset is archived.
PENDING_SYSTEM_GENERATED The asset is system generated pending user review.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the types of asset.


Enum describing possible types of asset.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
YOUTUBE_VIDEO YouTube video asset.
MEDIA_BUNDLE Media bundle asset.
IMAGE Image asset.
TEXT Text asset.
LEAD_FORM Lead form asset.
BOOK_ON_GOOGLE Book on Google asset.
PROMOTION Promotion asset.
CALLOUT Callout asset.
STRUCTURED_SNIPPET Structured Snippet asset.
PAGE_FEED Page Feed asset.
DYNAMIC_EDUCATION Dynamic Education asset.
MOBILE_APP Mobile app asset.
HOTEL_CALLOUT Hotel callout asset.
CALL Call asset.
PRICE Price asset.
CALL_TO_ACTION Call to action asset.
DYNAMIC_REAL_ESTATE Dynamic real estate asset.
DYNAMIC_CUSTOM Dynamic custom asset.
DYNAMIC_HOTELS_AND_RENTALS Dynamic hotels and rentals asset.
DYNAMIC_FLIGHTS Dynamic flights asset.
DYNAMIC_TRAVEL Dynamic travel asset.
DYNAMIC_LOCAL Dynamic local asset.
DYNAMIC_JOBS Dynamic jobs asset.
LOCATION Location asset.
HOTEL_PROPERTY Hotel property asset.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum representing the attribution model that describes how to distribute credit for a particular conversion across potentially many prior interactions.


The attribution model that describes how to distribute credit for a particular conversion across potentially many prior interactions.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
EXTERNAL Uses external attribution.
GOOGLE_ADS_LAST_CLICK Attributes all credit for a conversion to its last click.
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_FIRST_CLICK Attributes all credit for a conversion to its first click using Google Search attribution.
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_LINEAR Attributes credit for a conversion equally across all of its clicks using Google Search attribution.
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_TIME_DECAY Attributes exponentially more credit for a conversion to its more recent clicks using Google Search attribution (half-life is 1 week).
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_POSITION_BASED Attributes 40% of the credit for a conversion to its first and last clicks. Remaining 20% is evenly distributed across all other clicks. This uses Google Search attribution.
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_DATA_DRIVEN Flexible model that uses machine learning to determine the appropriate distribution of credit among clicks using Google Search attribution.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing conversion attribution type in SearchAds360


Conversion attribution type in SearchAds360

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
VISIT The conversion is attributed to a visit.
CRITERION_AD The conversion is attributed to a criterion and ad pair.


This type has no fields.

Message describing BiddingStrategy statuses.


The possible statuses of a BiddingStrategy.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

ENABLED The bidding strategy is enabled.
REMOVED The bidding strategy is removed.


This type has no fields.

Message describing BiddingStrategy system statuses.


The possible system statuses of a BiddingStrategy.

UNSPECIFIED Signals that an unexpected error occurred, for example, no bidding strategy type was found, or no status information was found.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED The bid strategy is active, and AdWords cannot find any specific issues with the strategy.
LEARNING_NEW The bid strategy is learning because it has been recently created or recently reactivated.
LEARNING_SETTING_CHANGE The bid strategy is learning because of a recent setting change.
LEARNING_BUDGET_CHANGE The bid strategy is learning because of a recent budget change.
LEARNING_COMPOSITION_CHANGE The bid strategy is learning because of recent change in number of campaigns, ad groups or keywords attached to it.
LEARNING_CONVERSION_TYPE_CHANGE The bid strategy depends on conversion reporting and the customer recently modified conversion types that were relevant to the bid strategy.
LEARNING_CONVERSION_SETTING_CHANGE The bid strategy depends on conversion reporting and the customer recently changed their conversion settings.
LIMITED_BY_CPC_BID_CEILING The bid strategy is limited by its bid ceiling.
LIMITED_BY_CPC_BID_FLOOR The bid strategy is limited by its bid floor.
LIMITED_BY_DATA The bid strategy is limited because there was not enough conversion traffic over the past weeks.
LIMITED_BY_BUDGET A significant fraction of keywords in this bid strategy are limited by budget.
LIMITED_BY_LOW_PRIORITY_SPEND The bid strategy cannot reach its target spend because its spend has been de-prioritized.
LIMITED_BY_LOW_QUALITY A significant fraction of keywords in this bid strategy have a low Quality Score.
LIMITED_BY_INVENTORY The bid strategy cannot fully spend its budget because of narrow targeting.
MISCONFIGURED_ZERO_ELIGIBILITY Missing conversion tracking (no pings present) and/or remarketing lists for SSC.
MISCONFIGURED_CONVERSION_TYPES The bid strategy depends on conversion reporting and the customer is lacking conversion types that might be reported against this strategy.
MISCONFIGURED_CONVERSION_SETTINGS The bid strategy depends on conversion reporting and the customer's conversion settings are misconfigured.
MISCONFIGURED_SHARED_BUDGET There are campaigns outside the bid strategy that share budgets with campaigns included in the strategy.
MISCONFIGURED_STRATEGY_TYPE The campaign has an invalid strategy type and is not serving.
PAUSED The bid strategy is not active. Either there are no active campaigns, ad groups or keywords attached to the bid strategy. Or there are no active budgets connected to the bid strategy.
UNAVAILABLE This bid strategy currently does not support status reporting.
MULTIPLE_LEARNING There were multiple LEARNING_* system statuses for this bid strategy during the time in question.
MULTIPLE_LIMITED There were multiple LIMITED_* system statuses for this bid strategy during the time in question.
MULTIPLE_MISCONFIGURED There were multiple MISCONFIGURED_* system statuses for this bid strategy during the time in question.
MULTIPLE There were multiple system statuses for this bid strategy during the time in question.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible bidding strategy types.


Enum describing possible bidding strategy types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
COMMISSION Commission is an automatic bidding strategy in which the advertiser pays a certain portion of the conversion value.
ENHANCED_CPC Enhanced CPC is a bidding strategy that raises bids for clicks that seem more likely to lead to a conversion and lowers them for clicks where they seem less likely.
INVALID Used for return value only. Indicates that a campaign does not have a bidding strategy. This prevents the campaign from serving. For example, a campaign may be attached to a manager bidding strategy and the serving account is subsequently unlinked from the manager account. In this case the campaign will automatically be detached from the now inaccessible manager bidding strategy and transition to the INVALID bidding strategy type.
MANUAL_CPA Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per advertiser-specified action.
MANUAL_CPC Manual click based bidding where user pays per click.
MANUAL_CPM Manual impression based bidding where user pays per thousand impressions.
MANUAL_CPV A bidding strategy that pays a configurable amount per video view.
MAXIMIZE_CONVERSIONS A bidding strategy that automatically maximizes number of conversions given a daily budget.
MAXIMIZE_CONVERSION_VALUE An automated bidding strategy that automatically sets bids to maximize revenue while spending your budget.
PAGE_ONE_PROMOTED Page-One Promoted bidding scheme, which sets max cpc bids to target impressions on page one or page one promoted slots on This enum value is deprecated.
PERCENT_CPC Percent Cpc is bidding strategy where bids are a fraction of the advertised price for some good or service.
TARGET_CPA Target CPA is an automated bid strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set.
TARGET_CPM Target CPM is an automated bid strategy that sets bids to help get as many impressions as possible at the target cost per one thousand impressions (CPM) you set.
TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE An automated bidding strategy that sets bids so that a certain percentage of search ads are shown at the top of the first page (or other targeted location).
TARGET_OUTRANK_SHARE Target Outrank Share is an automated bidding strategy that sets bids based on the target fraction of auctions where the advertiser should outrank a specific competitor. This enum value is deprecated.
TARGET_ROAS Target ROAS is an automated bidding strategy that helps you maximize revenue while averaging a specific target Return On Average Spend (ROAS).
TARGET_SPEND Target Spend is an automated bid strategy that sets your bids to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget.


This type has no fields.

Message describing Budget delivery methods. A delivery method determines the rate at which the Budget is spent.


Possible delivery methods of a Budget.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
STANDARD The budget server will throttle serving evenly across the entire time period.
ACCELERATED The budget server will not throttle serving, and ads will serve as fast as possible.


This type has no fields.

Message describing Budget period.


Possible period of a Budget.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
DAILY Daily budget.
FIXED_DAILY Fixed daily budget.
CUSTOM_PERIOD Custom budget can be used with total_amount to specify lifetime budget limit.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible data types for call conversion reporting state.


Possible data types for a call conversion action state.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
DISABLED Call conversion action is disabled.
USE_ACCOUNT_LEVEL_CALL_CONVERSION_ACTION Call conversion action will use call conversion type set at the account level.
USE_RESOURCE_LEVEL_CALL_CONVERSION_ACTION Call conversion action will use call conversion type set at the resource (call only ads/call extensions) level.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the call to action types.


Enum describing possible types of call to action.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
LEARN_MORE The call to action type is learn more.
GET_QUOTE The call to action type is get quote.
APPLY_NOW The call to action type is apply now.
SIGN_UP The call to action type is sign up.
CONTACT_US The call to action type is contact us.
SUBSCRIBE The call to action type is subscribe.
DOWNLOAD The call to action type is download.
BOOK_NOW The call to action type is book now.
SHOP_NOW The call to action type is shop now.
BUY_NOW The call to action type is buy now.
DONATE_NOW The call to action type is donate now.
ORDER_NOW The call to action type is order now.
PLAY_NOW The call to action type is play now.
SEE_MORE The call to action type is see more.
START_NOW The call to action type is start now.
VISIT_SITE The call to action type is visit site.
WATCH_NOW The call to action type is watch now.


This type has no fields.

Message describing CampaignCriterion statuses.


The possible statuses of a CampaignCriterion.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

ENABLED The campaign criterion is enabled.
PAUSED The campaign criterion is paused.
REMOVED The campaign criterion is removed.


This type has no fields.

Message describing Campaign serving statuses.


Possible serving statuses of a campaign.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

SERVING Serving.
NONE None.
ENDED Ended.
PENDING Pending.
SUSPENDED Suspended.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a campaign.


Possible statuses of a campaign.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED Campaign is active and can show ads.
PAUSED Campaign has been paused by the user.
REMOVED Campaign has been removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the category of conversions that are associated with a ConversionAction.


The category of conversions that are associated with a ConversionAction.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
DEFAULT Default category.
PAGE_VIEW User visiting a page.
PURCHASE Purchase, sales, or "order placed" event.
SIGNUP Signup user action.
LEAD Lead-generating action.
DOWNLOAD Software download action (as for an app).
ADD_TO_CART The addition of items to a shopping cart or bag on an advertiser site.
BEGIN_CHECKOUT When someone enters the checkout flow on an advertiser site.
SUBSCRIBE_PAID The start of a paid subscription for a product or service.
PHONE_CALL_LEAD A call to indicate interest in an advertiser's offering.
IMPORTED_LEAD A lead conversion imported from an external source into Google Ads.
SUBMIT_LEAD_FORM A submission of a form on an advertiser site indicating business interest.
BOOK_APPOINTMENT A booking of an appointment with an advertiser's business.
REQUEST_QUOTE A quote or price estimate request.
GET_DIRECTIONS A search for an advertiser's business location with intention to visit.
OUTBOUND_CLICK A click to an advertiser's partner's site.
CONTACT A call, SMS, email, chat or other type of contact to an advertiser.
ENGAGEMENT A website engagement event such as long site time or a Google Analytics (GA) Smart Goal. Intended to be used for GA, Firebase, GA Gold goal imports.
STORE_VISIT A visit to a physical store location.
STORE_SALE A sale occurring in a physical store.
QUALIFIED_LEAD A lead conversion imported from an external source into Google Ads, that has been further qualified by the advertiser (marketing/sales team). In the lead-to-sale journey, advertisers get leads, then act on them by reaching out to the consumer. If the consumer is interested and may end up buying their product, the advertiser marks such leads as "qualified leads".
CONVERTED_LEAD A lead conversion imported from an external source into Google Ads, that has further completed a chosen stage as defined by the lead gen advertiser.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion action.


Possible statuses of a conversion action.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED Conversions will be recorded.
REMOVED Conversions will not be recorded.
HIDDEN Conversions will not be recorded and the conversion action will not appear in the UI.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible types of a conversion action.


Possible types of a conversion action.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
AD_CALL Conversions that occur when a user clicks on an ad's call extension.
CLICK_TO_CALL Conversions that occur when a user on a mobile device clicks a phone number.
GOOGLE_PLAY_DOWNLOAD Conversions that occur when a user downloads a mobile app from the Google Play Store.
GOOGLE_PLAY_IN_APP_PURCHASE Conversions that occur when a user makes a purchase in an app through Android billing.
UPLOAD_CALLS Call conversions that are tracked by the advertiser and uploaded.
UPLOAD_CLICKS Conversions that are tracked by the advertiser and uploaded with attributed clicks.
WEBPAGE Conversions that occur on a webpage.
WEBSITE_CALL Conversions that occur when a user calls a dynamically-generated phone number from an advertiser's website.
STORE_SALES_DIRECT_UPLOAD Store Sales conversion based on first-party or third-party merchant data uploads. Only customers on the allowlist can use store sales direct upload types.
STORE_SALES Store Sales conversion based on first-party or third-party merchant data uploads and/or from in-store purchases using cards from payment networks. Only customers on the allowlist can use store sales types. Read only.
FIREBASE_ANDROID_FIRST_OPEN Android app first open conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_ANDROID_IN_APP_PURCHASE Android app in app purchase conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_ANDROID_CUSTOM Android app custom conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_IOS_FIRST_OPEN iOS app first open conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_IOS_IN_APP_PURCHASE iOS app in app purchase conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_IOS_CUSTOM iOS app custom conversions tracked through Firebase.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_ANDROID_FIRST_OPEN Android app first open conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_ANDROID_IN_APP_PURCHASE Android app in app purchase conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_ANDROID_CUSTOM Android app custom conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_IOS_FIRST_OPEN iOS app first open conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_IOS_IN_APP_PURCHASE iOS app in app purchase conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_IOS_CUSTOM iOS app custom conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
ANDROID_APP_PRE_REGISTRATION Conversions that occur when a user pre-registers a mobile app from the Google Play Store. Read only.
ANDROID_INSTALLS_ALL_OTHER_APPS Conversions that track all Google Play downloads which aren't tracked by an app-specific type. Read only.
FLOODLIGHT_ACTION Floodlight activity that counts the number of times that users have visited a particular webpage after seeing or clicking on one of an advertiser's ads. Read only.
FLOODLIGHT_TRANSACTION Floodlight activity that tracks the number of sales made or the number of items purchased. Can also capture the total value of each sale. Read only.
GOOGLE_HOSTED Conversions that track local actions from Google's products and services after interacting with an ad. Read only.
LEAD_FORM_SUBMIT Conversions reported when a user submits a lead form. Read only.
SALESFORCE Conversions that come from Salesforce. Read only.
SEARCH_ADS_360 Conversions imported from Search Ads 360 Floodlight data. Read only.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_AD_CLICKS_TO_CALL Call conversions that occur on Smart campaign Ads without call tracking setup, using Smart campaign custom criteria. Read only.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_MAP_CLICKS_TO_CALL The user clicks on a call element within Google Maps. Smart campaign only. Read only.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_MAP_DIRECTIONS The user requests directions to a business location within Google Maps. Smart campaign only. Read only.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_TRACKED_CALLS Call conversions that occur on Smart campaign Ads with call tracking setup, using Smart campaign custom criteria. Read only.
STORE_VISITS Conversions that occur when a user visits an advertiser's retail store. Read only.
WEBPAGE_CODELESS Conversions created from website events (such as form submissions or page loads), that don't use individually coded event snippets. Read only.
UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS_GOAL Conversions that come from linked Universal Analytics goals.
UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS_TRANSACTION Conversions that come from linked Universal Analytics transactions.
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_4_CUSTOM Conversions that come from linked Google Analytics 4 custom event conversions.
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_4_PURCHASE Conversions that come from linked Google Analytics 4 purchase conversions.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the family of a conversion custom variable.


Cardinality of a conversion custom variable.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
BELOW_ALL_LIMITS The conversion custom variable has cardinality below all limits. The variable can be used for segmentation, and stats can accrue for new values if the variable is enabled.
EXCEEDS_SEGMENTATION_LIMIT_BUT_NOT_STATS_LIMIT The conversion custom variable has cardinality that exceeds the segmentation limit, but does not exceed the stats limit. Segmentation will be disabled, but stats can accrue for new values if the variable is enabled.
APPROACHES_STATS_LIMIT The conversion custom variable has exceeded the segmentation limits, and is approaching the stats limits (> 90%). Segmentation will be disabled, but stats can accrue for new values if the variable is enabled.
EXCEEDS_STATS_LIMIT The conversion custom variable has exceeded both the segmentation limits and stats limits. Segmentation will be disabled, and stats for enabled variables can accrue only if the existing values do not increase the cardinality of the variable any further.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the family of a conversion custom variable.


Family of a conversion custom variable.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
STANDARD The standard conversion custom variable. Customers are required to activate before use.
FLOODLIGHT The conversion custom variable imported from a custom floodlight variable.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion custom variable.


Possible statuses of a conversion custom variable.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.

The conversion custom variable is pending activation and will not accrue stats until set to ENABLED.

This status can't be used in CREATE and UPDATE requests.

ENABLED The conversion custom variable is enabled and will accrue stats.
PAUSED The conversion custom variable is paused and will not accrue stats until set to ENABLED again.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion.


Possible statuses of a conversion.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED The conversion is enabled.
REMOVED The conversion has been removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum representing the conversion tracking status of the customer.


Conversion Tracking status of the customer.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
NOT_CONVERSION_TRACKED Customer does not use any conversion tracking.
CONVERSION_TRACKING_MANAGED_BY_SELF The conversion actions are created and managed by this customer.
CONVERSION_TRACKING_MANAGED_BY_THIS_MANAGER The conversion actions are created and managed by the manager specified in the request's login-customer-id.
CONVERSION_TRACKING_MANAGED_BY_ANOTHER_MANAGER The conversion actions are created and managed by a manager different from the customer or manager specified in the request's login-customer-id.


This type has no fields.

The possible types of a criterion.


Enum describing possible criterion types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
KEYWORD Keyword, for example, 'mars cruise'.
PLACEMENT Placement, also known as Website, for example, ''
MOBILE_APP_CATEGORY Mobile application categories to target.
MOBILE_APPLICATION Mobile applications to target.
DEVICE Devices to target.
LOCATION Locations to target.
LISTING_GROUP Listing groups to target.
AD_SCHEDULE Ad Schedule.
AGE_RANGE Age range.
GENDER Gender.
INCOME_RANGE Income Range.
PARENTAL_STATUS Parental status.
USER_LIST User list.
PROXIMITY Proximity.
TOPIC A topic target on the display network (for example, "Pets & Animals").
LISTING_SCOPE Listing scope to target.
LANGUAGE Language.
CONTENT_LABEL Content Label for category exclusion.
CARRIER Carrier.
USER_INTEREST A category the user is interested in.
WEBPAGE Webpage criterion for dynamic search ads.
OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION Operating system version.
APP_PAYMENT_MODEL App payment model.
MOBILE_DEVICE Mobile device.
CUSTOM_AFFINITY Custom affinity.
CUSTOM_INTENT Custom intent.
LOCATION_GROUP Location group.
CUSTOM_AUDIENCE Custom audience
COMBINED_AUDIENCE Combined audience
KEYWORD_THEME Smart Campaign keyword theme
LOCAL_SERVICE_ID Local Services Ads Service ID.


This type has no fields.

The render type of custom columns.


Enum containing the different ways a custom column can be interpreted.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Unknown.
NUMBER The custom column is a raw numerical value. See value_type field to determine if it is an integer or a double.
PERCENT The custom column should be multiplied by 100 to retrieve the percentage value.
MONEY The custom column value is a monetary value and is in micros.
STRING The custom column value is a string.
BOOLEAN The custom column value is a boolean.
DATE The custom column value is a date represented as an integer in YYYYMMDD format.


This type has no fields.

The value type of custom columns.


Enum containing possible custom column value types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Unknown.
STRING The custom column value is a string.
INT64 The custom column value is an int64 number.
DOUBLE The custom column value is a double number.
BOOLEAN The custom column value is a boolean.
DATE The custom column value is a date, in YYYYMMDD format.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a customer.


Possible statuses of a customer.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED Indicates an active account able to serve ads.
CANCELED Indicates a canceled account unable to serve ads. Can be reactivated by an admin user.
SUSPENDED Indicates a suspended account unable to serve ads. May only be activated by Google support.
CLOSED Indicates a closed account unable to serve ads. Test account will also have CLOSED status. Status is permanent and may not be reopened.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum indicating data driven model status.


Enumerates data driven model statuses.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
AVAILABLE The data driven model is available.
STALE The data driven model is stale. It hasn't been updated for at least 7 days. It is still being used, but will become expired if it does not get updated for 30 days.
EXPIRED The data driven model expired. It hasn't been updated for at least 30 days and cannot be used. Most commonly this is because there hasn't been the required number of events in a recent 30-day period.
NEVER_GENERATED The data driven model has never been generated. Most commonly this is because there has never been the required number of events in any 30-day period.


This type has no fields.

Container for enumeration of days of the week, for example, "Monday".


Enumerates days of the week, for example, "Monday".

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
MONDAY Monday.
TUESDAY Tuesday.
WEDNESDAY Wednesday.
THURSDAY Thursday.
FRIDAY Friday.
SATURDAY Saturday.
SUNDAY Sunday.


This type has no fields.

Container for enumeration of Google Ads devices available for targeting.


Enumerates Google Ads devices available for targeting.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
MOBILE Mobile devices with full browsers.
TABLET Tablets with full browsers.
DESKTOP Computers.
CONNECTED_TV Smart TVs and game consoles.
OTHER Other device types.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing Floodlight variable type defined in Search Ads 360.


The data type of the floodlight variable, as defined in Search Ads 360. See to learn more.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
NUMBER Represents a floodlight variable of "Number" type. This variable may be assigned to floodlight variables of DIMENSION or METRIC types.
STRING Represents a floodlight variable of "String" type. This variable may be assigned to floodlight variables of DIMENSION type.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing Floodlight variable type defined in Search Ads 360.


Type of the floodlight variable, as defined in the Search Ads 360. See to learn more.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
DIMENSION Dimension floodlight variable type.
METRIC Metric floodlight variable type.
UNSET Floodlight variable type is unset.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the type of demographic genders.


The type of demographic genders (for example, female).

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
MALE Male.
FEMALE Female.
UNDETERMINED Undetermined gender.


This type has no fields.

Container for describing the status of a geo target constant.


The possible statuses of a geo target constant.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

ENABLED The geo target constant is valid.
REMOVAL_PLANNED The geo target constant is obsolete and will be removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing types of payable and free interactions.


Enum describing possible types of payable and free interactions.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
CLICK Click to site. In most cases, this interaction navigates to an external location, usually the advertiser's landing page. This is also the default InteractionEventType for click events.
ENGAGEMENT The user's expressed intent to engage with the ad in-place.
VIDEO_VIEW User viewed a video ad.
NONE The default InteractionEventType for ad conversion events. This is used when an ad conversion row does NOT indicate that the free interactions (for example, the ad conversions) should be 'promoted' and reported as part of the core metrics. These are simply other (ad) conversions.


This type has no fields.

Message describing Keyword match types.


Possible Keyword match types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
EXACT Exact match.
PHRASE Phrase match.
BROAD Broad match.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible status of a label.


Possible statuses of a label.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED Label is enabled.
REMOVED Label is removed.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the levels of bidding category used in ListingGroupFilterDimension.


The level of the listing group filter bidding category.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
LEVEL1 Level 1.
LEVEL2 Level 2.
LEVEL3 Level 3.
LEVEL4 Level 4.
LEVEL5 Level 5.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the indexes of custom attribute used in ListingGroupFilterDimension.


The index of customer attributes.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
INDEX0 First listing group filter custom attribute.
INDEX1 Second listing group filter custom attribute.
INDEX2 Third listing group filter custom attribute.
INDEX3 Fourth listing group filter custom attribute.
INDEX4 Fifth listing group filter custom attribute.


This type has no fields.

Locality of a product offer.


Enum describing the locality of a product offer.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ONLINE The item is sold online.
LOCAL The item is sold in local stores.


This type has no fields.

Condition of a product offer.


Enum describing the condition of a product offer.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
NEW The product condition is new.
REFURBISHED The product condition is refurbished.
USED The product condition is used.


This type has no fields.

Level of the type of a product offer.


Enum describing the level of the type of a product offer.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
LEVEL1 Level 1.
LEVEL2 Level 2.
LEVEL3 Level 3.
LEVEL4 Level 4.
LEVEL5 Level 5.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the type of the listing group filter node.


The type of the listing group filter.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
SUBDIVISION Subdivision of products along some listing dimensions.
UNIT_INCLUDED An included listing group filter leaf node.
UNIT_EXCLUDED An excluded listing group filter leaf node.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the type of the vertical a listing group filter tree represents.


The type of the listing group filter vertical.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
SHOPPING Represents the shopping vertical. The vertical is allowed only in Performance Max for Retail campaigns.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the type of the listing group.


The type of the listing group.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
SUBDIVISION Subdivision of products along some listing dimension. These nodes are not used by serving to target listing entries, but is purely to define the structure of the tree.
UNIT Listing group unit that defines a bid.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing unit of radius in location group.


The unit of radius distance in location group (for example, MILES)

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible types of a location ownership.


Possible types of a location ownership.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
BUSINESS_OWNER Business Owner of location(legacy location extension - LE).
AFFILIATE Affiliate location(Third party location extension - ALE).


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible status of a manager and client link.


Possible statuses of a link.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ACTIVE Indicates current in-effect relationship
INACTIVE Indicates terminated relationship
PENDING Indicates relationship has been requested by manager, but the client hasn't accepted yet.
REFUSED Relationship was requested by the manager, but the client has refused.
CANCELED Indicates relationship has been requested by manager, but manager canceled it.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the mime types.


The mime type

UNSPECIFIED The mime type has not been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

IMAGE_JPEG MIME type of image/jpeg.
IMAGE_GIF MIME type of image/gif.
IMAGE_PNG MIME type of image/png.
FLASH MIME type of application/x-shockwave-flash.
TEXT_HTML MIME type of text/html.
PDF MIME type of application/pdf.
MSWORD MIME type of application/msword.
MSEXCEL MIME type of application/
RTF MIME type of application/rtf.
AUDIO_WAV MIME type of audio/wav.
AUDIO_MP3 MIME type of audio/mp3.
HTML5_AD_ZIP MIME type of application/x-html5-ad-zip.


This type has no fields.

Container for enumeration of quarter-hours.


Enumerates of quarter-hours. For example, "FIFTEEN"

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
ZERO Zero minutes past the hour.
FIFTEEN Fifteen minutes past the hour.
THIRTY Thirty minutes past the hour.
FORTY_FIVE Forty-five minutes past the hour.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing different types of mobile app vendors.


The type of mobile app vendor

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
APPLE_APP_STORE Mobile app vendor for Apple app store.
GOOGLE_APP_STORE Mobile app vendor for Google app store.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible negative geo target types.


The possible negative geo target types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
PRESENCE_OR_INTEREST Specifies that a user is excluded from seeing the ad if they are in, or show interest in, advertiser's excluded locations.
PRESENCE Specifies that a user is excluded from seeing the ad if they are in advertiser's excluded locations.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing the type of optimization goal.


The type of optimization goal

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used as a return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
CALL_CLICKS Optimize for call clicks. Call click conversions are times people selected 'Call' to contact a store after viewing an ad.
DRIVING_DIRECTIONS Optimize for driving directions. Driving directions conversions are times people selected 'Get directions' to navigate to a store after viewing an ad.
APP_PRE_REGISTRATION Optimize for pre-registration. Pre-registration conversions are the number of pre-registration signups to receive a notification when the app is released.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible positive geo target types.


The possible positive geo target types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
PRESENCE_OR_INTEREST Specifies that an ad is triggered if the user is in, or shows interest in, advertiser's targeted locations.
SEARCH_INTEREST Specifies that an ad is triggered if the user searches for advertiser's targeted locations. This can only be used with Search and standard Shopping campaigns.
PRESENCE Specifies that an ad is triggered if the user is in or regularly in advertiser's targeted locations.


This type has no fields.

Level of a product bidding category.


Enum describing the level of the product bidding category.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
LEVEL1 Level 1.
LEVEL2 Level 2.
LEVEL3 Level 3.
LEVEL4 Level 4.
LEVEL5 Level 5.


This type has no fields.

Status of the product bidding category.


Enum describing the status of the product bidding category.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ACTIVE The category is active and can be used for bidding.
OBSOLETE The category is obsolete. Used only for reporting purposes.


This type has no fields.

Locality of a product offer.


Enum describing the locality of a product offer.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ONLINE The item is sold online.
LOCAL The item is sold in local stores.


This type has no fields.

Availability of a product offer.


Enum describing the availability of a product offer.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
SINGLE_CHANNEL The item is sold through one channel only, either local stores or online as indicated by its ProductChannel.
MULTI_CHANNEL The item is matched to its online or local stores counterpart, indicating it is available for purchase in both ShoppingProductChannels.


This type has no fields.

Condition of a product offer.


Enum describing the condition of a product offer.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
OLD The product condition is old.
NEW The product condition is new.
REFURBISHED The product condition is refurbished.
USED The product condition is used.


This type has no fields.

The relative performance compared to other advertisers.


Enum listing the possible quality score buckets.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
BELOW_AVERAGE Quality of the creative is below average.
AVERAGE Quality of the creative is average.
ABOVE_AVERAGE Quality of the creative is above average.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum that determines if the described artifact is a resource or a field, and if it is a field, when it segments search queries.


The category of the artifact.

RESOURCE The described artifact is a resource.
ATTRIBUTE The described artifact is a field and is an attribute of a resource. Including a resource attribute field in a query may segment the query if the resource to which it is attributed segments the resource found in the FROM clause.
SEGMENT The described artifact is a field and always segments search queries.
METRIC The described artifact is a field and is a metric. It never segments search queries.


This type has no fields.

Container holding the various data types.


These are the various types a SearchAds360Service artifact may take on.


Maps to google.protobuf.BoolValue

Applicable operators: =, !=


Maps to google.protobuf.StringValue. It can be compared using the set of operators specific to dates however.

Applicable operators: =, <, >, <=, >=, BETWEEN, DURING, and IN


Maps to google.protobuf.DoubleValue

Applicable operators: =, !=, <, >, IN, NOT IN


Maps to an enum. It's specific definition can be found at type_url.

Applicable operators: =, !=, IN, NOT IN


Maps to google.protobuf.FloatValue

Applicable operators: =, !=, <, >, IN, NOT IN


Maps to google.protobuf.Int32Value

Applicable operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, BETWEEN, IN, NOT IN


Maps to google.protobuf.Int64Value

Applicable operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, BETWEEN, IN, NOT IN


Maps to a protocol buffer message type. The data type's details can be found in type_url.

No operators work with MESSAGE fields.


Maps to google.protobuf.StringValue. Represents the resource name (unique id) of a resource or one of its foreign keys.

No operators work with RESOURCE_NAME fields.


Maps to google.protobuf.StringValue.

Applicable operators: =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN


Maps to google.protobuf.UInt64Value

Applicable operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, BETWEEN, IN, NOT IN


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing possible asset field types.


The possible asset field types.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.

The received value is not known in this version.

This is a response-only value.

HEADLINE_1 The asset is used in headline 1.
HEADLINE_2 The asset is used in headline 2.
HEADLINE_3 The asset is used in headline 3.
DESCRIPTION_1 The asset is used in description 1.
DESCRIPTION_2 The asset is used in description 2.
HEADLINE The asset was used in a headline. Use this only if there is only one headline in the ad. Otherwise, use the HEADLINE_1, HEADLINE_2 or HEADLINE_3 enums
HEADLINE_IN_PORTRAIT The asset was used as a headline in portrait image.
LONG_HEADLINE The asset was used in a long headline (used in MultiAssetResponsiveAd).
DESCRIPTION The asset was used in a description. Use this only if there is only one description in the ad. Otherwise, use the DESCRIPTION_1 or DESCRIPTION_@ enums
DESCRIPTION_IN_PORTRAIT The asset was used as description in portrait image.
BUSINESS_NAME_IN_PORTRAIT The asset was used as business name in portrait image.
BUSINESS_NAME The asset was used as business name.
MARKETING_IMAGE The asset was used as a marketing image.
MARKETING_IMAGE_IN_PORTRAIT The asset was used as a marketing image in portrait image.
SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE The asset was used as a square marketing image.
PORTRAIT_MARKETING_IMAGE The asset was used as a portrait marketing image.
CALL_TO_ACTION The asset was used as a call-to-action.
YOU_TUBE_VIDEO The asset was used as a YouTube video.
CALL This asset is used as a call.
MOBILE_APP This asset is used as a mobile app.
CALLOUT This asset is used as a callout.
STRUCTURED_SNIPPET This asset is used as a structured snippet.
PRICE This asset is used as a price.
PROMOTION This asset is used as a promotion.
AD_IMAGE This asset is used as an image.
LEAD_FORM The asset is used as a lead form.


This type has no fields.

Indicates summary row setting in request parameter.


Enum describing return summary row settings.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Represent unknown values of return summary row.
NO_SUMMARY_ROW Do not return summary row.
SUMMARY_ROW_WITH_RESULTS Return summary row along with results. The summary row will be returned in the last batch alone (last batch will contain no results).
SUMMARY_ROW_ONLY Return summary row only and return no results.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing where on the first search results page the automated bidding system should target impressions for the TargetImpressionShare bidding strategy.


Enum describing possible goals.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ANYWHERE_ON_PAGE Any location on the web page.
TOP_OF_PAGE Top box of ads.
ABSOLUTE_TOP_OF_PAGE Top slot in the top box of ads.


This type has no fields.

The dimensions that can be targeted.


Enum describing possible targeting dimensions.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
KEYWORD Keyword criteria, for example, 'mars cruise'. KEYWORD may be used as a custom bid dimension. Keywords are always a targeting dimension, so may not be set as a target "ALL" dimension with TargetRestriction.
AUDIENCE Audience criteria, which include user list, user interest, custom affinity, and custom in market.
TOPIC Topic criteria for targeting categories of content, for example, 'category::Animals>Pets' Used for Display and Video targeting.
GENDER Criteria for targeting gender.
AGE_RANGE Criteria for targeting age ranges.
PLACEMENT Placement criteria, which include websites like '', as well as mobile applications, mobile app categories, YouTube videos, and YouTube channels.
PARENTAL_STATUS Criteria for parental status targeting.
INCOME_RANGE Criteria for income range targeting.


This type has no fields.

The user list types.


Enum containing possible user list types.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
REMARKETING UserList represented as a collection of conversion types.
LOGICAL UserList represented as a combination of other user lists/interests.
EXTERNAL_REMARKETING UserList created in the Google Ad Manager platform.
RULE_BASED UserList associated with a rule.
SIMILAR UserList with users similar to users of another UserList.
CRM_BASED UserList of first-party CRM data provided by advertiser in the form of emails or other formats.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing webpage condition operand in webpage criterion.


The webpage condition operand in webpage criterion.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
URL Operand denoting a webpage URL targeting condition.
CATEGORY Operand denoting a webpage category targeting condition.
PAGE_TITLE Operand denoting a webpage title targeting condition.
PAGE_CONTENT Operand denoting a webpage content targeting condition.
CUSTOM_LABEL Operand denoting a webpage custom label targeting condition.


This type has no fields.

Container for enum describing webpage condition operator in webpage criterion.


The webpage condition operator in webpage criterion.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
EQUALS The argument web condition is equal to the compared web condition.
CONTAINS The argument web condition is part of the compared web condition.