Rota alın

Routes API'yi kullanarak şu şekilde bir rota alabilirsiniz: bir HTTP POST isteği göndererek computeRoutes yöntemini (REST) veya ComputeRoutes yöntemini (gRPC) kullanır.

Aşağıdaki örnekte, computeRoutes yöntemine gönderilen bir REST isteğinin URL'si gösterilmektedir:

İstek seçeneklerinizi JSON dosyasına ekleyin istek gövdesi. İstek gövdesi, kaynak ve hedef konumların yanı sıra tüm seçenekleri içerir istediğiniz bir yeri seçebilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi için Konumları belirtme ve Kullanılabilir rota seçenekleri başlıklı makaleleri inceleyin.

Yanıt, yanıt alanı maskesinde belirttiğiniz alanları içerir Bunun için $fields URL parametresi veya field bilginden yararlanın: HTTP gRPC başlığı X-Goog-FieldMask. Ayrıntılar için bkz. İade edilecek bilgileri seçin.

Toplu taşıma rotası isteği örneği için bkz. Örnek: Toplu taşımada rota bulma.

Örnek: HTTP rota isteği

Aşağıdaki kodda, computeRoutes isteği için istek gövdesinin nasıl oluşturulacağı gösterilmektedir. Bu örnekte, kaynak ve hedef konumları ayarlayıp şunu da belirtin:

  • DRIVE travelMode ve trafiğe duyarlı sürüş rotası.

  • imperial mesafe birimi olan en-US dili.

  • X-Goog-FieldMask başlığında, aşağıdaki koşulları karşılayan aşağıdaki alanları döndürmesini belirtir:

    • routes.duration
    • routes.distanceMeters
    • routes.polyline.encodedPolyline
curl -X POST -d '{
        "latitude": 37.419734,
        "longitude": -122.0827784
        "latitude": 37.417670,
        "longitude": -122.079595
  "travelMode": "DRIVE",
  "routingPreference": "TRAFFIC_AWARE",
  "computeAlternativeRoutes": false,
  "routeModifiers": {
    "avoidTolls": false,
    "avoidHighways": false,
    "avoidFerries": false
  "languageCode": "en-US",
  "units": "IMPERIAL"
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: routes.duration,routes.distanceMeters,routes.polyline.encodedPolyline' \

Örnek: HTTP rota yanıtı gövdesi

Yukarıdaki çağrı aşağıdaki JSON yanıtını oluşturur:

  "routes": [
      "distanceMeters": 772,
      "duration": "165s",
      "polyline": {
        "encodedPolyline": "ipkcFfichVnP@j@BLoFVwM{E?"

Örnek: gRPC isteği

gRPC yüksek performanslı, açık kaynaklı evrensel bir evrensel RPC'dir temel çerçevedir. gRPC'de bir istemci uygulaması doğrudan farklı bir makinedeki sunucu uygulamasında yerel bir uygulamaymış gibi nesnesini tanımlayın.

Aşağıda örnek bir gRPC isteği gösterilmektedir.


package main

import (

  routespb ""

const (
  fieldMask  = "*"
  apiKey     = "INSERT_API_KEY_HERE"
  serverAddr = ""

func main() {
  config := tls.Config{}
  conn, err := grpc.Dial(serverAddr,
  if err != nil {
      log.Fatalf("Failed to connect: %v", err)
  defer conn.Close()
  client := routespb.NewRoutesClient(conn)
  ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
  ctx = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, "X-Goog-Api-Key", apiKey)
  ctx = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, "X-Goog-Fieldmask", fieldMask)
  defer cancel()

  // create the origin using a latitude and longitude
  origin := &routespb.Waypoint{
      LocationType: &routespb.Waypoint_Location{
          Location: &routespb.Location{
              LatLng: &latlng.LatLng{
                  Latitude:  37.417670,
                  Longitude: -122.0827784,

  // create the destination using a latitude and longitude
  destination := &routespb.Waypoint{
      LocationType: &routespb.Waypoint_Location{
          Location: &routespb.Location{
              LatLng: &latlng.LatLng{
                  Latitude:  37.417670,
                  Longitude: -122.079595,
  req := &routespb.ComputeRoutesRequest{
      Origin:                   origin,
      Destination:              destination,
      TravelMode:               routespb.RouteTravelMode_DRIVE,
      RoutingPreference:        routespb.RoutingPreference_TRAFFIC_AWARE,
      ComputeAlternativeRoutes: true,
      Units:                    routespb.Units_METRIC,
      RouteModifiers: &routespb.RouteModifiers{
          AvoidTolls:    false,
          AvoidHighways: true,
          AvoidFerries:  true,
      PolylineQuality: routespb.PolylineQuality_OVERVIEW,

  // execute rpc
  resp, err := client.ComputeRoutes(ctx, req)

  if err != nil {
      // "rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Request contains an invalid
      // argument" may indicate that your project lacks access to Routes

  fmt.Printf("Response: %v", resp)



package com.example;

import io.grpc.CallOptions;
import io.grpc.Channel;
import io.grpc.ClientCall;
import io.grpc.ClientInterceptor;
import io.grpc.ClientInterceptors;
import io.grpc.ForwardingClientCall;
import io.grpc.Metadata;
import io.grpc.MethodDescriptor;
import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException;
import io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class RoutesClient {
   // For more detail on inserting API keys, see:
   // For more detail on system parameters (such as FieldMask), see:
   private static final class RoutesInterceptor implements ClientInterceptor {
       private final String apiKey;
       private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutesInterceptor.class.getName());
       private static Metadata.Key<String> API_KEY_HEADER = Metadata.Key.of("x-goog-api-key",
       private static Metadata.Key<String> FIELD_MASK_HEADER = Metadata.Key.of("x-goog-fieldmask",

       public RoutesInterceptor(String apiKey) {
           this.apiKey = apiKey;

       public <ReqT, RespT> ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> interceptCall(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method,
               CallOptions callOptions, Channel next) {
 "Intercepted " + method.getFullMethodName());
           ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> call = next.newCall(method, callOptions);
           call = new ForwardingClientCall.SimpleForwardingClientCall<ReqT, RespT>(call) {
               public void start(Listener<RespT> responseListener, Metadata headers) {
                   headers.put(API_KEY_HEADER, apiKey);
                   // Note that setting the field mask to * is OK for testing, but discouraged in
                   // production.
                   // For example, for ComputeRoutes, set the field mask to
                   // "routes.distanceMeters,routes.duration,routes.polyline.encodedPolyline"
                   // in order to get the route distances, durations, and encoded polylines.
                   headers.put(FIELD_MASK_HEADER, "*");
                   super.start(responseListener, headers);
           return call;

   private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutesClient.class.getName());
   private final RoutesGrpc.RoutesBlockingStub blockingStub;

   public RoutesClient(Channel channel) {
       blockingStub = RoutesGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);

   public static Waypoint createWaypointForLatLng(double lat, double lng) {
       return Waypoint.newBuilder()

   public void computeRoutes() {
       ComputeRoutesRequest request = ComputeRoutesRequest.newBuilder()
               .setOrigin(createWaypointForLatLng(37.420761, -122.081356))
               .setDestination(createWaypointForLatLng(37.420999, -122.086894)).setTravelMode(RouteTravelMode.DRIVE)
       ComputeRoutesResponse response;
       try {
 "About to send request: " + request.toString());
           response = blockingStub.withDeadlineAfter(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).computeRoutes(request);
       } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
           logger.log(Level.WARNING, "RPC failed: {0}", e.getStatus());
       }"Response: " + response.toString());

   public void computeRouteMatrix() {
       ComputeRouteMatrixRequest request = ComputeRouteMatrixRequest.newBuilder()
               .addOrigins(RouteMatrixOrigin.newBuilder().setWaypoint(createWaypointForLatLng(37.420761, -122.081356))
               .addOrigins(RouteMatrixOrigin.newBuilder().setWaypoint(createWaypointForLatLng(37.403184, -122.097371)))
                       .setWaypoint(createWaypointForLatLng(37.420999, -122.086894)))
                       .setWaypoint(createWaypointForLatLng(37.383047, -122.044651)))
       Iterator<RouteMatrixElement> elements;
       try {
 "About to send request: " + request.toString());
           elements = blockingStub.withDeadlineAfter(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).computeRouteMatrix(request);
       } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
           logger.log(Level.WARNING, "RPC failed: {0}", e.getStatus());

       while (elements.hasNext()) {
 "Element response: " +;

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
       String apiKey = System.getenv("INSERT_API_KEY_HERE");

       // The standard TLS port is 443
       Channel channel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("", 443).build();
       channel = ClientInterceptors.intercept(channel, new RoutesInterceptor(apiKey));

       RoutesClient client = new RoutesClient(channel);


C# kullanan bir örnek için bkz. Google.Maps.Routing.V2.


const protoPath = "YOUR_PROTO_PATH";
const grpc = require("@grpc/grpc-js");
const protoLoader = require("@grpc/proto-loader");
const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync(protoPath, {
  keepCase: true,
  longs: String,
  enums: String,
  defaults: true,
  oneofs: true,
const protoDescriptor =
const metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
const host = "";
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
const fieldMask = "*";
let ComputeRoutesRequest = {
  origin: {
    location: {
      lat_lng: {
        latitude: -37.816,
        longitude: 144.964,
  destination: {
    location: {
      lat_lng: {
        latitude: -37.815,
        longitude: 144.966,
  routing_preference: "TRAFFIC_AWARE",
  travel_mode: "DRIVE",
const ssl_creds = grpc.credentials.createSsl();
const call_creds = grpc.credentials.createFromMetadataGenerator(
  function (args, callback) {
    metadata.set("X-Goog-Api-Key", apiKey);
    metadata.set("X-Goog-Fieldmask", fieldMask);
    metadata.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
    callback(null, metadata);
const credentials = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials(
const client = new protoDescriptor.Routes(host, credentials);
client.ComputeRoutes(ComputeRoutesRequest, (error, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else if (response) {