Migrate to Place Photo (New)

Places SDK for iOS supports the existing Place Photo. If you are familiar with the existing Place Photo, the new version of Place Photo makes the following changes:

Example request

The following example method takes a place ID and gets the first photo in the returned list. You can use this method as a template for the method you will create in your own app.


// A hotel in Saigon with an attribution.
let placeID = "ChIJV4k8_9UodTERU5KXbkYpSYs"

// Request list of photos for a place
placesClient.lookUpPhotos(forPlaceID: placeID) { (photos, error) in

  guard let photoMetadata: GMSPlacePhotoMetadata = photos?.results[0] else {
    return }

  // Request individual photos in the response list
  let fetchPhotoRequest = GMSFetchPhotoRequest(photoMetadata: photoMetadata, maxSize: CGSizeMake(4800, 4800))
  self.client.fetchPhoto(with: fetchPhotoRequest, callback: {
    (photoImage: UIImage?, error: Error?) in
      guard let photoImage, error == nil else {
        print("Handle photo error: ")
        return }
      print("Display photo Image: ")


// A hotel in Saigon with an attribution.
NSString *placeID = @"ChIJV4k8_9UodTERU5KXbkYpSYs";

[placesClient lookUpPhotosForPlaceID:placeID callback: ^(GMSPlacePhotoMetadataList *list, NSError *error) {
  GMSPlacePhotoMetadata *photoMetadata = [list results][0];

  // Request individual photos in the response list
  GMSFetchPhotoRequest *fetchPhotoRequest = [[GMSFetchPhotoRequest alloc] initWithPhotoMetadata:photoMetadata maxSize:CGSizeMake(4800, 4800)];
  [placesClient fetchPhotoWithRequest:fetchPhotoRequest callback: ^(UIImage *_Nullable photoImage, NSError *_Nullable error) {
    if (error == nil) {
      // Display photo