Secrets Gradle plugin

Google strongly recommends that you not check an API key into your version control system. Instead, you should store it in a local file, which is located in the root directory of your project but excluded from version control, and then use the Secrets Gradle Plugin for Android to read the API key.

The Secrets Gradle Plugin for Android reads secrets, including the API key, from a properties file not checked into a version control system. The plugin then exposes those properties as variables in the Gradle-generated BuildConfig class and in the Android manifest file.

For a complete example of using the Secrets Gradle Plugin for Android to access an API key, see Set up an Android Studio project.

Installation and usage

To install the Secrets Gradle Plugin for Android in your Google Maps project:

  1. In Android Studio, open your top-level build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file and add the following code to the dependencies element under buildscript.


    buildscript {
        dependencies {
            classpath ""


    buildscript {
        dependencies {
  2. Open your module-level build.gradle file and add the following code to the plugins element.


    plugins {
        // ...
        id ''


    plugins {
  3. In your module-level build.gradle file, ensure that targetSdk and compileSdk are set to 34.
  4. Save the file and sync your project with Gradle.
  5. Open the file in your top-level directory, and then add the following code. Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key. Store your key in this file because is excluded from being checked into a version control system.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Create the file in your top-level directory, the same folder as the file, and then add the following code.


    The purpose of this file is to provide a backup location for the API key if the file is not found so that builds don't fail. This can happen if you clone the app from a version control system which omits and you have not yet created a file locally to provide your API key.

  8. Save the file.
  9. In Android Studio, open your module-level build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file and edit the secrets property. If the secrets property does not exist, add it.

    Edit the properties of the plugin to set propertiesFileName to, set defaultPropertiesFileName to, and set any other properties.


    secrets {
        // Optionally specify a different file name containing your secrets.
        // The plugin defaults to ""
        propertiesFileName = ""
        // A properties file containing default secret values. This file can be
        // checked in version control.
        defaultPropertiesFileName = ""
        // Configure which keys should be ignored by the plugin by providing regular expressions.
        // "sdk.dir" is ignored by default.
        ignoreList.add("keyToIgnore") // Ignore the key "keyToIgnore"
        ignoreList.add("sdk.*")       // Ignore all keys matching the regexp "sdk.*"


    secrets {
        // Optionally specify a different file name containing your secrets.
        // The plugin defaults to ""
        propertiesFileName = ""
        // A properties file containing default secret values. This file can be
        // checked in version control.
        defaultPropertiesFileName = ""
        // Configure which keys should be ignored by the plugin by providing regular expressions.
        // "sdk.dir" is ignored by default.
        ignoreList.add("keyToIgnore") // Ignore the key "keyToIgnore"
        ignoreList.add("sdk.*")       // Ignore all keys matching the regexp "sdk.*"

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