Migration overview

The Places SDK for Android (New) provides improved performance and a new pricing model, making it worthwhile to update apps that use Places SDK for Android. For more details on comparing features, see Choose your SDK.

Use this guide to understand key differences in Places SDK for Android (New) compared to Places SDK for Android, along with how to handle necessary changes.

Enable Places SDK for Android (New)

Places SDK for Android relies on the Places API service. To use the features of Places SDK for Android (New), you must first enable Places API (New) in your Google Cloud project. For more information, see Set up your Google Cloud project.

You then must ensure that you have added Places API (New) to the API key used by your app. For more information, see Use API Keys.

General changes

Some general changes that apply to multiple APIs include:

  • Uses a new pricing model. For pricing information for all APIs, see Places SDK for Android (New).

  • Field masking is required by Place Details (New), Nearby Search (New), and Text Search (New) to specify which fields you want returned in the response.

  • New classes have been added to define the requests or to add new fields to the response.

  • The response Place object contains the new getReviews() method that returns a List of Review objects. When your app displays information obtained from the Place object, such as photos and reviews, the app must also display the required attributions.

    For more information, see the documentation on attributions.

API-specific changes

This section includes the following migration guides for each API: