Forecasted traffic metrics for a planned product.
Fields | |
Number of unique people reached that exactly matches the Targeting. Note that a minimum number of unique people must be reached in order for data to be reported. If the minimum number is not met, the on_target_reach value will be rounded to 0. |
Number of unique people reached. This includes people that may fall outside the specified Targeting. Note that a minimum number of unique people must be reached in order for data to be reported. If the minimum number is not met, the total_reach value will be rounded to 0. |
Number of ad impressions that exactly matches the Targeting. |
Total number of ad impressions. This includes impressions that may fall outside the specified Targeting, due to insufficient information on signed-in users. |
Number of times the ad's impressions were considered viewable. See for more information about what makes an ad viewable and how viewability is measured. |
Number of unique people reached that exactly matches the Targeting including co-viewers. |
Number of unique people reached including co-viewers. This includes people that may fall outside the specified Targeting. |
Number of ad impressions that exactly matches the Targeting including co-viewers. |
Total number of ad impressions including co-viewers. This includes impressions that may fall outside the specified Targeting, due to insufficient information on signed-in users. |
The number of times per selected time unit a user will see an ad, averaged over the number of time units in the forecast length. This field will only be populated for a Target Frequency campaign. See for more information about Target Frequency campaigns. |
Number of ad views forecasted for the specified product and targeting. A view is counted when a viewer views a larger portion or the entirety of an ad beyond an impression. See for more information on views. |