
Service to manage Keyword Plan campaign keywords. KeywordPlanCampaign is required to add the campaign keywords. Only negative keywords are supported. A maximum of 1000 negative keywords are allowed per plan. This includes both campaign negative keywords and ad group negative keywords.


rpc MutateKeywordPlanCampaignKeywords(MutateKeywordPlanCampaignKeywordsRequest) returns (MutateKeywordPlanCampaignKeywordsResponse)

Creates, updates, or removes Keyword Plan campaign keywords. Operation statuses are returned.

List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError DatabaseError FieldError HeaderError InternalError KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordError KeywordPlanCampaignKeywordError QuotaError RequestError ResourceCountLimitExceededError

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Overview.