Enum describing possible feed errors.
Enums | |
Enum unspecified. |
The received error code is not known in this version. |
The names of the FeedAttributes must be unique. |
The attribute list must be an exact copy of the existing list if the attribute ID's are present. |
Cannot specify USER origin for a system generated feed. |
Cannot specify GOOGLE origin for a non-system generated feed. |
Cannot specify feed attributes for system feed. |
Cannot update FeedAttributes on feed with origin GOOGLE. |
The given ID refers to a removed Feed. Removed Feeds are immutable. |
The origin of the feed is not valid for the client. |
A user can only create and modify feeds with USER origin. |
Invalid auth token for the given email. |
Invalid email specified. |
Feed name matches that of another active Feed. |
Name of feed is not allowed. |
Missing OAuthInfo. |
New FeedAttributes must not affect the unique key. |
Too many FeedAttributes for a Feed. |
The business account is not valid. |
Business account cannot access Business Profile. |
Invalid chain ID provided for affiliate location feed. |
There is already a feed with the given system feed generation data. |
An error occurred accessing Business Profile. |
A customer cannot have both LOCATION and AFFILIATE_LOCATION feeds. |
Feed-based extension is read-only for this extension type. |