Service to manage experiments.
EndExperiment | |
Immediately ends an experiment, changing the experiment's scheduled end date and without waiting for end of day. End date is updated to be the time of the request. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError ExperimentError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError
GraduateExperiment | |
Graduates an experiment to a full campaign. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError ExperimentError HeaderError InternalError MutateError QuotaError RequestError
ListExperimentAsyncErrors | |
Returns all errors that occurred during the last Experiment update (either scheduling or promotion). Supports standard list paging. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError
MutateExperiments | |
Creates, updates, or removes experiments. Operation statuses are returned. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError ExperimentError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError
PromoteExperiment | |
Promotes the trial campaign thus applying changes in the trial campaign to the base campaign. This method returns a long running operation that tracks the promotion of the experiment campaign. If it fails, a list of errors can be retrieved using the ListExperimentAsyncErrors method. The operation's metadata will be a string containing the resource name of the created experiment. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError ExperimentError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError
ScheduleExperiment | |
Schedule an experiment. The in design campaign will be converted into a real campaign (called the experiment campaign) that will begin serving ads if successfully created. The experiment is scheduled immediately with status INITIALIZING. This method returns a long running operation that tracks the forking of the in design campaign. If the forking fails, a list of errors can be retrieved using the ListExperimentAsyncErrors method. The operation's metadata will be a string containing the resource name of the created experiment. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError ExperimentError DatabaseError DateError DateRangeError FieldError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RangeError RequestError