Historical metrics specific to the targeting options selected. Targeting options include geographies, network, and so on. Refer to https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575 for more details.
Fields | |
Approximate number of searches on this query for the past twelve months. |
The competition level for the query. |
Approximate number of monthly searches on this query, averaged for the past 12 months. |
The competition index for the query in the range [0, 100]. Shows how competitive ad placement is for a keyword. The level of competition from 0-100 is determined by the number of ad slots filled divided by the total number of ad slots available. If not enough data is available, null is returned. |
Top of page bid low range (20th percentile) in micros for the keyword. |
Top of page bid high range (80th percentile) in micros for the keyword. |
Average Cost Per Click in micros for the keyword. |