Cocoa Probability model 2024a
Note: This dataset is not yet peer-reviewed. Please see the GitHub README associated with this model for more information. This image collection provides per-pixel probability that the underlying area is occupied by cocoa. The probability estimates are provided at 10 meter resolution, and have been … biodiversity conservation crop eudr forestdatapartnership landuse -
Forest Persistence v0
Note: This dataset is not yet peer-reviewed. Please see the GitHub README associated with this model for more information. This image provides a per-pixel score (in [0, 1]) that indicates whether the pixel area is occupied by undisturbed forest in year 2020. These scores are … biodiversity conservation deforestation eudr forestdatapartnership pre-review -
Palm Probability model 2024a
Note: This dataset is not yet peer-reviewed. Please see the GitHub README associated with this model for more information. This image collection provides per-pixel probability that the underlying area is occupied by palm. The probability estimates are provided at 10 meter resolution, and have been … biodiversity conservation crop eudr forestdatapartnership landuse -
Rubber Tree Probability model 2024a
Note: This dataset is not yet peer-reviewed. Please see the GitHub README associated with this model for more information. This image collection provides per-pixel probability that the underlying area is occupied by rubber trees. The probability estimates are provided at 10 meter resolution, and have … biodiversity conservation crop eudr forestdatapartnership landuse -
WeatherNext Gen Forecasts
WeatherNext Gen is an experimental dataset of global medium-range ensemble weather forecasts produced by an operational version of Google DeepMind's diffusion-based ensemble weather model. The experimental dataset includes real-time and historic data. Real-time data is any data that relates to a time that is no … forecast gcp-public-data-weathernext precipitation publisher-dataset temperature weather -
WeatherNext Graph Forecasts
WeatherNext Graph is an experimental dataset of global medium-range weather forecasts produced by an operational version of Google DeepMind's graphical neural network weather model. The experimental dataset includes real-time and historic data. Real-time data is any data that relates to a time that is no … forecast gcp-public-data-weathernext precipitation publisher-dataset temperature weather -
GPW Annual Probabilities of Cultivated Grasslands v1
This dataset provides global annual probability maps of cultivated grassland from 2000 to 2022 at 30-m spatial resolution. Produced by Land & Carbon Lab Global Pasture Watch initiative, the mapped grassland extent includes any land cover type, which contains at least 30% of dry or … global global-pasture-watch land landcover landuse publisher-dataset -
GPW Annual Dominant Class of Grasslands v1
This dataset provides global annual dominant class maps of grasslands (cultivated and natural/semi-natural) from 2000 to 2022 at 30-m spatial resolution. Produced by Land & Carbon Lab Global Pasture Watch initiative, the mapped grassland extent includes any land cover type, which contains at least 30% … global global-pasture-watch land landcover landuse publisher-dataset -
GPW Annual Probabilities of Natural/Semi-natural Grasslands v1
This dataset provides global annual probability maps of natural/semi-natural grassland from 2000 to 2022 at 30-m spatial resolution. Produced by Land & Carbon Lab Global Pasture Watch initiative, the mapped grassland extent includes any land cover type, which contains at least 30% of dry or … global global-pasture-watch land landcover landuse publisher-dataset -
NEON Canopy Height Model (CHM)
Height of the top of canopy above bare earth (Canopy Height Model; CHM). The CHM is derived from the LiDAR point cloud and is generated by creating a continuous surface of canopy height estimates across the entire spatial domain of the LiDAR survey. The point … airborne canopy forest lidar neon neon-prod-earthengine -
NEON Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Digital models of the surface (DSM) and terrain (DTM) derived from NEON LiDAR data. DSM: Surface features (topographic information with vegetation and man-made structures present). DTM: Bare earth elevation (topographic information with vegetation and man-made structures removed). Images are given in meters above mean sea … airborne dem forest lidar neon neon-prod-earthengine -
NEON Directional Surface Reflectance
The NEON AOP surface directional reflectance data is a hyperspectral VSWIR (visible to shortwave infrared) data product, containing 426 bands spanning wavelengths from ~380 nm to 2510 nm. Wavelengths between 1340-1445 nm and 1790-1955 nm are set to -100; these are water vapor absorption bands … airborne forest hyperspectral neon neon-prod-earthengine publisher-dataset -
NEON Bidirectional Surface Reflectance
The NEON AOP surface bidirectional reflectance data is a hyperspectral VSWIR (visible to shortwave infrared) data product, containing 426 bands spanning wavelengths from ~380 nm to 2510 nm. Wavelengths between 1340-1445 nm and 1790-1955 nm are set to -100; these are water vapor absorption bands … airborne forest hyperspectral neon neon-prod-earthengine publisher-dataset -
NEON RGB Camera Imagery
High resolution Red-Green-Blue (RGB) orthorectified camera images mosaicked and output onto a fixed, uniform spatial grid using nearest-neighbor resampling; spatial resolution is 0.1 m. The digital camera is part of a suite of instruments on the NEON Airborne Observation Platform (AOP) that also includes a … airborne forest highres neon neon-prod-earthengine orthophoto -
NICFI Satellite Data Program Basemaps for Tropical Forest Monitoring - Africa
This image collection provides access to high-resolution satellite monitoring of the tropics for the primary purpose of reducing and reversing the loss of tropical forests, contributing to combating climate change, conserving biodiversity, contributing to forest regrowth, restoration and enhancement, and facilitating sustainable development, all of … basemaps forest nicfi planet planet-nicfi publisher-dataset -
NICFI Satellite Data Program Basemaps for Tropical Forest Monitoring - Americas
This image collection provides access to high-resolution satellite monitoring of the tropics for the primary purpose of reducing and reversing the loss of tropical forests, contributing to combating climate change, conserving biodiversity, contributing to forest regrowth, restoration and enhancement, and facilitating sustainable development, all of … basemaps forest nicfi planet planet-nicfi publisher-dataset -
NICFI Satellite Data Program Basemaps for Tropical Forest Monitoring - Asia
This image collection provides access to high-resolution satellite monitoring of the tropics for the primary purpose of reducing and reversing the loss of tropical forests, contributing to combating climate change, conserving biodiversity, contributing to forest regrowth, restoration and enhancement, and facilitating sustainable development, all of … basemaps forest nicfi planet planet-nicfi publisher-dataset