Sentinel-5P NRTI AER AI: Near Real-Time UV Aerosol Index
NRTI/L3_AER_AI This dataset provides near real-time high-resolution imagery of the UV Aerosol Index (UVAI), also called the Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI). The AAI is based on wavelength-dependent changes in Rayleigh scattering in the UV spectral range for a pair of wavelengths. The difference between observed … aai aerosol air-quality copernicus esa eu -
Sentinel-5P NRTI AER LH: Near Real-Time UV Aerosol Layer Height
NRTI/L3_AER_LH This dataset provides offline high-resolution imagery of the UV Aerosol Index (UVAI), also called the Absorbing Layer Height (ALH). The ALH is very sensitive to cloud contamination. However, aerosols and clouds can be difficult to distinguish, and ALH is computed for all FRESCO effective … aerosol air-quality alh copernicus esa eu -
Sentinel-5P NRTI CO: Near Real-Time Carbon Monoxide
NRTI/L3_CO This dataset provides near real-time high-resolution imagery of CO concentrations. Carbon monoxide (CO) is an important atmospheric trace gas for understanding tropospheric chemistry. In certain urban areas, it is a major atmospheric pollutant. Main sources of CO are combustion of fossil fuels, biomass burning, … air-quality carbon-monoxide copernicus esa eu knmi -
Sentinel-5P NRTI NO2: Near Real-Time Nitrogen Dioxide
NRTI/L3_NO2 This dataset provides near real-time high-resolution imagery of NO2 concentrations. Nitrogen oxides (NO2 and NO) are important trace gases in the Earth's atmosphere, present in both the troposphere and the stratosphere. They enter the atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic activities (notably fossil fuel … air-quality copernicus esa eu knmi nitrogen-dioxide -
Sentinel-5P OFFL AER AI: Offline UV Aerosol Index
OFFL/L3_AER_AI This dataset provides offline high-resolution imagery of the UV Aerosol Index (UVAI), also called the Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI). The AAI is based on wavelength-dependent changes in Rayleigh scattering in the UV spectral range for a pair of wavelengths. The difference between observed and … aai aerosol air-quality copernicus esa eu -
Sentinel-5P OFFL AER LH: Offline UV Aerosol Layer Height
OFFL/L3_AER_LH This dataset provides offline high-resolution imagery of the UV Aerosol Index (UVAI), also called the Absorbing Layer Height (ALH). The ALH is very sensitive to cloud contamination. However, aerosols and clouds can be difficult to distinguish, and ALH is computed for all FRESCO effective … aerosol air-quality alh copernicus esa eu -
Sentinel-5P OFFL CH4: Offline Methane
OFFL/L3_CH4 This dataset provides offline high-resolution imagery of methane concentrations. Methane (CH4) is, after carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important contributor to the anthropogenically enhanced greenhouse effect. Roughly three-quarters of methane emissions are anthropogenic and as such, it is important to continue the record of … climate copernicus esa eu knmi methane -
Sentinel-5P OFFL CO: Offline Carbon Monoxide
OFFL/L3_CO This dataset provides offline high-resolution imagery of CO concentrations. Carbon monoxide (CO) is an important atmospheric trace gas for understanding tropospheric chemistry. In certain urban areas, it is a major atmospheric pollutant. Main sources of CO are combustion of fossil fuels, biomass burning, and … air-quality carbon-monoxide copernicus esa eu knmi -
Sentinel-5P OFFL NO2: Offline Nitrogen Dioxide
OFFL/L3_NO2 This dataset provides offline high-resolution imagery of NO2 concentrations. Nitrogen oxides (NO2 and NO) are important trace gases in the Earth's atmosphere, present in both the troposphere and the stratosphere. They enter the atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic activities (notably fossil fuel combustion … air-quality copernicus esa eu knmi nitrogen-dioxide