Upgrade Link attachments to Classroom add-on attachments

One way that teachers add third-party content to Classroom is by pasting a link as a Link attachment in the assignment creation page. To build on what teachers are already familiar with, you can now configure your add-on to let teachers upgrade a Link attachment to an add-on attachment.


If you configure your add-on with this capability, teachers are prompted to upgrade a link to an add-on attachment when they paste a Link attachment in the assignment creation page. Teachers are only prompted to do so if they already have the add-on installed.

Once the teacher agrees to upgrade the link to an add-on attachment, the Link Upgrade iframe is launched with the following query parameters:

  • courseId
  • itemId
  • itemType
  • addOnToken
  • urlToUpgrade
  • login_hint (only if the user has already authorized your app)

The first four query parameters mirror the query parameters launched on the Attachment Discovery iframe. The urlToUpgrade query parameter is new and can help you evaluate how the add-on attachment should be created. Then, you can use the other query parameters to check if the user is signed-in and call the CreateAddOnAttachment method of courseWork, courseWorkMaterials or announcements based on the itemType value. Within the iframe, you can display a loading screen to indicate to the teacher that the add-on attachment is being created.

Once the add-on attachment has been created, the iframe is closed and the teacher can view the attachment in the assignment as they normally would.

Technical implementation details

This section highlights some important technical details for the feature.

Read the urlToUpgrade query parameter

The urlToUpgrade query parameter is URI encoded when it's passed on the Link Upgrade iframe. You must decode the URL to obtain it in its original form. If you're using JavaScript, for example, you can use the decodeURIComponent() function to do so.

To ensure an optimal user experience for this feature, send a postMessage once the add-on attachment has been successfully created. This closes the iframe. See the iframe implementation details page for more details.

Configuration details

The following configurations are required to integrate this feature into your add-on:

  • URL for the Link Upgrade iframe: This is the URL that opens in the iframe when a teacher agrees to upgrade.

  • URL patterns that Classroom should detect and attempt to upgrade: The URL patterns can consist of a host and multiple path prefixes.

    • You can provide multiple URL patterns.
    • If you don't provide any path prefixes, any URL that matches the host can be upgraded.
    • Only URLs with an https scheme can be upgraded.
    • URL patterns must not contain localhost.
    • Path prefixes must not contain query parameters or URL fragments.
    • Path prefixes can support wildcards at this time, but hosts can't:
      • example.com is a valid host, and /foo and /bar/*/baz are valid path prefixes.
      • example.*.host.com is not a valid host.
    • A wildcard between path prefix components only matches a single component, and doesn't match multiple components separated by slashes. Consider a URL pattern with the host example.com and path prefix /bar/*/baz:
      • https://example.com/bar/123/baz is a valid match for the URL pattern.
      • https://example.com/bar/123/baz/456/789 is a valid match for the URL pattern.
      • https://example.com/bar/123/456/baz is not a valid match for the URL pattern because the wildcard in the path prefix doesn't match /123/456/.

Development process

Send the Link Upgrade iframe URL and URL patterns for your test or production add-on by emailing classroom-link-upgrade-external@google.com.

You can provide configurations for any Google Cloud project that represents a Classroom add-on. We recommend that you first provide configurations for an add-on with private visibility so that you can develop and test in a demo domain without affecting live users.

You will receive a response to your email when the configurations have been enabled. Note that URL patterns that use localhost are not supported for this feature.

Format the email to include the following:

Google Cloud Project number: GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER


URL Patterns:
-   Host:HOST_1
-   Path prefixes:

-   Host:HOST_2
-   Path prefixes:

// add more hosts and path prefixes as needed

Replace the following:

  • GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER: The number of the Google Cloud project that the add-on is associated with.
  • LINK_UPGRADE_IFRAME_URL: The URL that should open in the Link Upgrade iframe.
  • HOST_1: A host that Classroom should detect. Only the https scheme is supported.
  • PATH_PREFIX_1 and PATH_PREFIX_2: Path prefixes associated with HOST_1 that Classroom should detect and attempt to upgrade.
  • HOST_2: A host that Classroom should detect. Only the https scheme is supported.
  • PATH_PREFIX_3 and PATH_PREFIX_4: Path prefixes associated with HOST_2 that Classroom should detect and attempt to upgrade.

The following are suggestions to consider when implementing this feature.

Avoid extra work for teachers

We strongly recommend that you use the iframe to facilitate sign-in, if required, or display a loading indicator. For the best user experience, the teacher shouldn't be prompted for any additional information after they have agreed to upgrade the pasted link to an add-on attachment. However, if this is not possible for your add-on, you can use the Link Upgrade iframe to collect additional information that you need. The iframe can also be used to inform the teacher if upgrading the link is not possible or if an error occurred.

Include user-friendly access error messages

If teachers paste and upgrade a link that they don't have access to, display a user-friendly error message in the iframe so teachers are aware of the issue. The iframe can also be used to provide the teacher with the appropriate permissions to access the content.