Known issues

This page documents known developer concerns with the Classroom add-ons API.

Error messages

Error messages may not yet offer enough information needed to diagnose an issue. Most errors are covered in the descriptions of specific methods in the reference documentation. Some errors are specific to add-ons.

If you're unable to troubleshoot an error on your own, reach out to your Google contacts for support.

CourseWork API compatibility

See the Create attachments from a third-party site guide to creating add-on attachments through a CourseWork flow.

Pop-up blockers

The add-on sign-in flow can be disrupted if the end user has enabled a pop-up blocker. See the manage pop-up blockers section of the frictionless sign-in page for more information about how to implement the sign-in flow in the event that end users enable pop-up blockers.


Multi-login is not supported for add-ons. See the multi-login section of the frictionless sign-in page for more information about multi-login issues and possible workarounds.