Audio tracks
For audio track selection, the Web Receiver SDK provides a
class that simplifies and streamlines track selection, giving you more control
and better access to properties, such as name, URL, and language. This class is
best used in the event handler for the
The API provides various ways to query and select the active audio tracks. Here is an example of how to select a track to be active by specifying its ID:
const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();
playerManager.addEventListener(, () => {
const audioTracksManager = playerManager.getAudioTracksManager();
// Get all audio tracks
const tracks = audioTracksManager.getTracks();
// Choose the first audio track to be active by specifying its ID
The AudioTracksManager
class also provides a method
Here is an example of how to select the first audio track for a specified language, in this case English:
const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();
playerManager.addEventListener(, () => {
const audioTracksManager = playerManager.getAudioTracksManager();
// Set the first matching language audio track to be active
The AudioTracksManager
class also provides a method
that returns all tracks for the specified language.
The audio language code is retrieved from the media manifest and should follow RFC 5646. Language codes can be presented in 2-character nomenclature (such as "es", "en" or "de"), or 4 character nomenclature (such as "en-us", "es-es" or "fr-ca").
If the media manifest follows a different language code standard, the Web
Receiver app needs to convert it into an RFC 5646 conforming language code. Web
Receiver SDK provides an interceptor EDIT_AUDIO_TRACKS
to perform
const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();
// Intercept the EDIT_AUDIO_TRACKS request
playerManager.setMessageInterceptor(cast.framework.messages.MessageType.EDIT_AUDIO_TRACKS, request => {
// write logic to convert language codes here
When playing through ad breaks, any audio track selection, such as language, made before a break will persist after the break for the same content, even if the ads are in a different language.
Closed captions (subtitles)
For closed caption track selection, the Web Receiver SDK provides the
class that simplifies and streamlines track selection, giving you more control
and better access to properties, such as name, URL and language.
The TextTracksManager
class is best used in the event handler for the
Closed captions selection in the Web Receiver SDK is simplified and streamlined with other parts of the SDK.
The API supports controlling WebVTT, TTML and CEA-608.
The TextTracksManager
class provides various ways to query and select a closed
caption track to be active. Here is an example of how to select the first track
to be active by specifying its ID:
const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();
playerManager.addEventListener(, () => {
const textTracksManager = playerManager.getTextTracksManager();
// Get all text tracks
const tracks = textTracksManager.getTracks();
// Choose the first text track to be active by its ID
The TextTracksManager
class also provides a method
Here is an example of how to select the first text track for a specific language:
const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();
playerManager.addEventListener(, () => {
const textTracksManager = playerManager.getTextTracksManager();
// Set the first matching language text track to be active
The TextTracksManager
class also provides a method
that returns all tracks for the specified language.
The text language code is retrieved from the media manifest and should follow RFC 5646. Language codes can be presented in 2-character nomenclature (such as "es", "en" or "de"), or 4-character nomenclature (such as "en-us", "es-es" or "fr-ca").
If the media manifest follows a different language code standard, the Web
Receiver app needs to convert any incoming requests to that standard. These
requests, such as voice commands, use RFC 5646 language codes. The Web Receiver
SDK provides an interceptor EDIT_TRACKS_INFO
to translate the requests to your
manifest's standard:
const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();
// intercept the EDIT_TRACKS_INFO request
playerManager.setMessageInterceptor(cast.framework.messages.MessageType.EDIT_TRACKS_INFO, request => {
// write logic to convert language codes here
The API allows a developer to dynamically add new closed caption tracks, in this case for different languages and out-of-band tracks, and then select a track to be the new active track:
const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();
playerManager.addEventListener(, () => {
// Create text tracks object
const textTracksManager = playerManager.getTextTracksManager();
// Create track 1 for English text
const track1 = textTracksManager.createTrack();
track1.trackContentType = 'text/vtt';
track1.trackContentId = '';
track1.language = 'en';
// Create track 2 for Spanish text
const track2 = textTracksManager.createTrack();
const track2Id = track2.trackId;
track2.trackContentType = 'text/vtt';
track2.trackContentId = '';
track2.language = 'spa';
// Add tracks
textTracksManager.addTracks([track1, track2]);
// Set the first matching language text track to be active
When playing through ad breaks, any text track selection, such as language, made before a break will persist after the break for the same content, even if the ads are in a different language.
Forced captions
Forced captions or forced narrative is text overlay that is displayed so the viewer can understand when alternative language is used or to clarify audio. Unlike closed captions, a viewer does not need to enable forced captions as they are auto-selected based on the viewer's audio preferences.
To add forced captions to your Cast application, you will need to include it as
part of your manifest. In your manifest, set the role of the track to be
. When the Cask SDK picks up these tracks, it will identify
them as forced captions. There is no sender work needed as the Cast SDK will
separate out forced captions and closed captions. This means a viewer will not
be able to select a forced caption.
When closed captions are enabled, forced captions are disabled to prevent overlap of captions. When closed captions are turned off and if forced captions are provided in the manifest, then forced captions are displayed based on the viewer's audio language preference.