Add Advanced Features to Your iOS App

Ad Breaks

The iOS Sender SDK provides support for Ad Breaks and companion ads within a given media stream.

See the Web Receiver Ad Breaks Overview for more information on how Ad Breaks work.

While breaks can be specified on both the sender and receiver, it is recommended for them to be specified on the Web Receiver and Android TV Receiver to maintain consistent behavior across platforms.

On iOS, specify Ad Breaks in a load command using GCKAdBreakClipInfo and GCKAdBreakInfo:

let breakClip1Builder = GCKAdBreakClipInfoBuilder(adBreakClipID: "bc0")
breakClip1Builder.title = "Clip title"
if let posterUrl = URL(string: "https://www.some.url") {
  breakClip1Builder.posterURL = posterUrl
breakClip1Builder.duration = 60
breakClip1Builder.whenSkippable = 5  // Set this field so that the ad is skippable
let breakClip1 =

let breakClip2 = ...
let breakClip3 = ...

let break1 = GCKAdBreakInfoBuilder(adBreakID: "b0", adBreakClipIds: ["bc0", "bc1", "bc2"]).build()
let mediaInfoBuilder = GCKMediaInformationBuilder(entity: "entity")
mediaInfoBuilder.adBreaks = [break1]
mediaInfoBuilder.adBreakClips = [breakClip1, breakClip2, breakClip3]
mediaInformation =

let mediaLoadRequestDataBuilder = GCKMediaLoadRequestDataBuilder()
mediaLoadRequestDataBuilder.mediaInformation = mediaInformation

GCKAdBreakClipInfoBuilder *breakClipInfoBuilder = [[GCKAdBreakClipInfoBuilder alloc] initWithAdBreakClipID:@"bc0"];
breakClipInfoBuilder.title = @"Clip title";
breakClipInfoBuilder.posterURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"https://www.some.url"];
breakClipInfoBuilder.duration = 60;
breakClipInfoBuilder.whenSkippable = 5;
GCKAdBreakClipInfo *breakClip1 =;

GCKAdBreakClipInfo *breakClip2 = ...
GCKAdBreakClipInfo *breakClip3 = ...

GCKAdBreakInfo *break1 = [[GCKAdBreakInfoBuilder alloc] initWithAdBreakID:@"b0"
                                                           adBreakClipIds:@[@"bc0", @"bc1", @"bc2"]].build;

GCKMediaInformationBuilder *mediaInfoBuilder = [[GCKMediaInformationBuilder alloc]
mediaInfoBuilder.adBreaks = @[break1];
mediaInfoBuilder.adBreakClips = @[breakClip1, breakClip2, breakClip3];
self.mediaInformation = [mediaInfoBuilder build];

GCKMediaLoadRequestDataBuilder *mediaLoadRequestDataBuilder = [[GCKMediaLoadRequestDataBuilder alloc] init];
mediaLoadRequestDataBuilder.mediaInformation = self.mediaInformation;

// Send a load request to the remote media client.
GCKRequest *request = [self.sessionManager.currentSession.remoteMediaClient
                                loadMediaWithLoadRequestData:[mediaLoadRequestDataBuilder build]];

Variable playback rate

Your app can display and change the playback rate for the current media item. You are able to set the rate using -[setPlaybackRate:] or -[setPlaybackRate:customData:] of the GCKRemoteMediaClient, access the GCKUIPlaybackRateController using playbackRateController of the GCKUIMediaController, and display the current playback rate using playbackRate of the GCKUIPlaybackRateController.

Sample code

The following two files implement GCKUIPlaybackRateController which controls the playback rate using a segmented control that has "normal", "half speed", and "double speed" buttons:

import GoogleCast

 * An implementation of GCKUIPlaybackRateController that controls playback rate
 * using a segmented control that has "normal", "half speed", and "double speed"
 * buttons.
class SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController: GCKUIPlaybackRateController {
  static let kSegmentNormal = 0;
  static let kSegmentHalfSpeed = 1;
  static let kSegmentDoubleSpeed = 2;

  var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!

  override var playbackRate: Float {
    didSet {
      var buttonIndex = 0

      // Map the playback rate to one of our three supported speeds.
      if playbackRate == 1.0 {
        buttonIndex = SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController.kSegmentNormal
      } else if playbackRate < 1.0 {
        buttonIndex = SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController.kSegmentHalfSpeed
      } else {
        buttonIndex = SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController.kSegmentDoubleSpeed

      segmentedControl?.selectedSegmentIndex = buttonIndex
  override var inputEnabled: Bool {
    didSet {
      segmentedControl?.isEnabled = inputEnabled

   * Designated initializer.
   * @param segmentedControl The segmented control for changing/displaying the
   * playback rate.
  convenience init(_ segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl) {
    self.segmentedControl = segmentedControl;

                               action: #selector(segmentedControlTapped(sender:)),
                               for: UIControl.Event.valueChanged)

  @objc func segmentedControlTapped(sender: UISegmentedControl) {
    var playbackRate: Float = 1.0

    switch segmentedControl?.selectedSegmentIndex {
    case SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController.kSegmentHalfSpeed:
      playbackRate = 0.5;
    case SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController.kSegmentDoubleSpeed:
      playbackRate = 2.0;
    case SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController.kSegmentNormal:
      playbackRate = 1.0;

    self.playbackRate = playbackRate


#import <GoogleCast/GoogleCast.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

 * An implementation of GCKUIPlaybackRateController that controls playback rate
 * using a segmented control that has "normal", "half speed", and "double speed"
 * buttons.
@interface SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController : GCKUIPlaybackRateController

 * Designated initializer.
 * @param segmentedControl The segmented control for changing/displaying the
 * playback rate.
- (instancetype)initWithSegmentedControl:(UISegmentedControl *)segmentedControl;



#import "SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController.h"

@interface SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController () {
  UISegmentedControl *_segmentedControl;


static const NSInteger kSegmentNormal = 0;
static const NSInteger kSegmentHalfSpeed = 1;
static const NSInteger kSegmentDoubleSpeed = 2;

@implementation SegmentedButtonPlaybackRateController

- (instancetype)initWithSegmentedControl:(UISegmentedControl *)segmentedControl {
  if (self = [super init]) {
    _segmentedControl = segmentedControl;
    [_segmentedControl addTarget:self
  return self;

- (void)setPlaybackRate:(float)playbackRate {
  [super setPlaybackRate:playbackRate];

  NSInteger buttonIndex = 0;

  // Map the playback rate to one of our three supported speeds.
  if (playbackRate == 1.0) {
    buttonIndex = kSegmentNormal;
  } else if (playbackRate < 1.0) {
    buttonIndex = kSegmentHalfSpeed;
  } else {
    buttonIndex = kSegmentDoubleSpeed;

  _segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = buttonIndex;

- (void)setInputEnabled:(BOOL)inputEnabled {
  _segmentedControl.enabled = inputEnabled;
  [super setInputEnabled:inputEnabled];

- (void)segmentedControlTapped:(id)sender {
  float playbackRate;

  switch (_segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex) {
    case kSegmentHalfSpeed:
      playbackRate = 0.5;

    case kSegmentDoubleSpeed:
      playbackRate = 2.0;

    case kSegmentNormal:
      playbackRate = 1.0;

  self.playbackRate = playbackRate;


Add a custom channel

The Cast framework provides two ways to create a channel to send custom messages to a Web Receiver:

  1. GCKCastChannel is meant to be subclassed to implement non-trivial channels that have associated state.
  2. GCKGenericChannel is provided as an alternative to subclassing; it passes its received messages to a delegate so that they can be processed elsewhere.

Here is an example of a GCKCastChannel implementation:

class HGCTextChannel: GCKCastChannel {
  override func didReceiveTextMessage(_ message: String) {
    print("received message: \(message)")


#import <GoogleCast/GCKCastChannel.h>

@interface HGCTextChannel : GCKCastChannel



#import "HGCTextChannel.h"

@implementation HGCTextChannel
- (void)didReceiveTextMessage:(NSString*)message {
  NSLog(@"received message: %@", message);


A channel can be registered at any time; if the session is not currently in a connected state, the channel will automatically become connected when the session itself is connected, provided that the channel's namespace is present in the Web Receiver app metadata's list of supported namespaces.

Each custom channel is defined by a unique namespace and must start with the prefix urn:x-cast:, for example, urn:x-cast:com.example.custom. It is possible to have multiple custom channels, each with a unique namespace. The Web Receiver app can also send and receive messages using the same namespace.

var error: GCKError?
let textChannel = HGCTextChannel.init(namespace: "")
textChannel.sendTextMessage("Hello World", error: &error)

if error != nil {
  print("Error sending text message \(error.debugDescription)")
NSError *error;
HGCTextChannel *textChannel = [[HGCTextChannel alloc] initWithNamespace:@""];
[sessionManager.currentCastSession addChannel:textChannel];
[textChannel sendTextMessage:@"Hello World"

if (error != nil) {
  NSLog(@"Error sending text message: %@", error);

To provide logic that needs to execute when a particular channel becomes connected or disconnected, override the -[didConnect] and -[didDisconnect] methods if using GCKCastChannel, or provide implementations for the -[castChannelDidConnect:] and -[castChannelDidDisconnect:] methods of the GCKGenericChannelDelegate if using GCKGenericChannel.

Supporting Autoplay

See Autoplay & Queueing APIs.

Override image selection and caching

Various components of the framework (namely the Cast dialog, the mini controller, the expanded controller, and the GCKUIMediaController if so configured) will display artwork for the currently casting media. The URLs to the image artwork are typically included in the GCKMediaMetadata for the media, but the sender app may have an alternate source for the URLs.

The GCKUIImagePicker protocol defines a means for selecting an appropriate image for a given usage and desired size. It has a single method, -[getImageWithHints:fromMetadata:], which takes a GCKUIImageHints object and a GCKMediaMetadata object as parameters, and returns a GCKImage object as a result. The framework provides a default implementation of GCKUIImagePicker which always selects the first image in the list of images in the GCKMediaMetadata object, but the app can provide an alternate implementation by setting the imagePicker property of the GCKCastContext singleton.

The GCKUIImageCache protocol also defines a means of caching images that are downloaded by the framework using HTTPS. The framework provides a default implementation of GCKUIImageCache which stores downloaded image files in the app's cache directory, but the app can provide an alternate implementation by setting the imageCache property of the GCKCastContext singleton.

Next steps

This concludes the features that you can add to your iOS Sender app. You can now build a sender app for another platform (Android or Web), or build a Web Receiver.