Account status

You can use the accountstatuses resource to see the status of your Merchant Center account, or an MCA (multi-client account) and all sub-accounts associated with it.

Merchants who have multiple online stores or brands that are sold on separate websites may choose to have sub-accounts under an MCA.

Merchants are responsible for complying with the Shopping ads and free listings policies. Google Shopping reserves the right to enforce these policies and respond appropriately if we find content or behavior that violates these policies.

See the Account issues reference for details of common account issues.


You can use accountstatuses.get to view the account status information for a single merchant account.

You can use the destination parameter to control which product issues are are returned. When a destination isn't specified, the default response includes statuses for destination: Shopping.

Here's a sample request, where the merchantId is a MCA account ID and accountId is a sub-account of that MCA:


To get account status information for a standalone account, call accountstatuses.get with the same account ID for merchantId and accountId.

This method returns account and item level issues. You can use the Shopping ads and Free listings resources to fix accountLevelIssues returned in the response from accountstatuses.get.

Here's a sample response for a sub-account that was suspended for a "landing page not working" violation.

 "kind": "content#accountStatus",
 "accountId": "123456789",
 "websiteClaimed": true,
 "accountLevelIssues": [
   "id": "editorial_and_professional_standards_destination_url_down_policy",
   "title": "Account suspended due to policy violation: landing page not working",
   "country": "US",
   "severity": "critical",
   "documentation": ""
   "id": "missing_ad_words_link",
   "title": "No Google Ads account linked",
   "severity": "error",
   "documentation": ""
 "products": [
   "channel": "online",
   "destination": "Shopping",
   "country": "US",
   "statistics": {
    "active": "0",
    "pending": "0",
    "disapproved": "5",
    "expiring": "0"
   "itemLevelIssues": [
     "code": "image_link_broken",
     "servability": "disapproved",
     "resolution": "merchant_action",
     "attributeName": "image link",
     "description": "Invalid image [image link]",
     "detail": "Ensure the image is accessible and uses an accepted image format (JPEG, PNG, GIF)",
     "documentation": "",
     "numItems": "2"
     "code": "landing_page_error",
     "servability": "disapproved",
     "resolution": "merchant_action",
     "attributeName": "link",
     "description": "Unavailable desktop landing page",
     "detail": "Update your website or landing page URL to enable access from desktop devices",
     "documentation": "",
     "numItems": "5"
     "code": "missing_condition_microdata",
     "servability": "unaffected",
     "resolution": "merchant_action",
     "description": "Missing or invalid data [condition]",
     "detail": "Add valid structured data markup to your landing page",
     "documentation": "",
     "numItems": "5"
     "code": "mobile_landing_page_error",
     "servability": "disapproved",
     "resolution": "merchant_action",
     "attributeName": "link",
     "description": "Unavailable mobile landing page",
     "detail": "Update your website or landing page URL to enable access from mobile devices",
     "documentation": "",
     "numItems": "3"


You can use accountstatuses.list to view account status information on all sub-accounts of your MCA.

You can use filters with accountstatuses.list to filter product issues by destination. When a destination isn't specified, the response includes statuses for destination: Shopping.

Here's a sample request to get account status information for all sub-accounts under the MCA merchantId:


Here's a sample response:

 "kind": "content#accountstatusesListResponse",
 "resources": [
   "kind": "content#accountStatus",
   "accountId": "1234567",
   "websiteClaimed": true,
   "accountLevelIssues": [
     "id": "editorial_and_professional_standards_destination_url_down_policy",
     "title": "Account suspended due to policy violation: landing page not working",
     "country": "US",
     "severity": "critical",
     "documentation": ""
     "id": "missing_ad_words_link",
     "title": "No Google Ads account linked",
     "severity": "error",
     "documentation": ""
   "products": [
     "channel": "online",
     "destination": "Shopping",
     "country": "US",
     "statistics": {
      "active": "0",
      "pending": "0",
      "disapproved": "0",
      "expiring": "0"
   "kind": "content#accountStatus",
   "accountId": "123456789",
   "websiteClaimed": true,
   "accountLevelIssues": [
     "id": "home_page_issue",
     "title": "Website URL not provided",
     "severity": "critical",
     "documentation": ""
     "id": "missing_ad_words_link",
     "title": "No Google Ads account linked",
     "severity": "error",
     "documentation": ""
   "products": [
     "channel": "online",
     "destination": "Shopping",
     "country": "US",
     "statistics": {
      "active": "0",
      "pending": "0",
      "disapproved": "0",
      "expiring": "0"

A call to the accountstatuses.list for a non-MCA account (for example, a standalone Merchant Center account) returns a 403 error.

Here's a sample response for calling accountstatuses.list for a standalone account:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "reason": "forbidden",
    "message": "111111111 is not a multi-client account (MCA). The only account
                service operations allowed on non-MCAs are 'get', 'update',
                'authinfo' and 'claimwebsite'."
  "code": 403,
  "message": "111111111 is not a multi-client account (MCA). The only account
              service operations allowed on non-MCAs are 'get', 'update',
              'authinfo' and 'claimwebsite'."

Batch mode

An accountstatuses.custombatch with a GET method returns account status information for multiple sub-accounts in a multi-client account.

The request JSON includes the merchantId of the MCA account number, the accountId of the sub-account, a unique batchId and the method set to get.


The following is a sample request JSON body:

  "entries": [
      "accountId": 1212121212,
      "merchantId": 4444444444,
      "method": "get",
      "batchId": 9
      "accountId": 1313131313,
      "merchantId": 4444444444,
      "method": "get",
      "batchId": 99

The following is a sample JSON response body:

 "kind": "content#accountstatusesCustomBatchResponse",
 "entries": [
   "batchId": 9,
   "accountStatus": {
    "kind": "content#accountStatus",
    "accountId": "1212121212",
    "websiteClaimed": true,
    "accountLevelIssues": [
      "id": "home_page_issue",
      "title": "Website URL not provided",
      "severity": "critical",
      "documentation": ""
      "id": "missing_ad_words_link",
      "title": "No Google Ads account linked",
      "severity": "error",
      "documentation": ""
    "products": [
      "channel": "online",
      "destination": "Shopping",
      "country": "US",
      "statistics": {
       "active": "0",
       "pending": "0",
       "disapproved": "0",
       "expiring": "0"
   "batchId": 99,
   "accountStatus": {
    "kind": "content#accountStatus",
    "accountId": "1313131313",
    "websiteClaimed": true,
    "accountLevelIssues": [
      "id": "editorial_and_professional_standards_destination_url_down_policy",
      "title": "Account suspended due to policy violation: landing page not working",
      "country": "US",
      "severity": "critical",
      "documentation": ""
      "id": "missing_ad_words_link",
      "title": "No Google Ads account linked",
      "severity": "error",
      "documentation": ""
    "products": [
      "channel": "online",
      "destination": "Shopping",
      "country": "US",
      "statistics": {
       "active": "0",
       "pending": "0",
       "disapproved": "0",
       "expiring": "0"

Test the Account Statuses resource

In the following example we get, list, and custombatch.get account status for MCA accounts:

  1. Get sub-account status for an MCA using accountstatuses.get.

    1. Get the merchantId and accountId by performing a GET to the API endpoint:

    2. You should receive an HTTP 200 status code for success and the account status list in JSON.

  2. View all sub-account status for an MCA using accountstatuses.list.

    1. Perform a GET to the API endpoint with your merchantId:

    2. You should receive an HTTP 200 status code for success and the account status list in JSON for the merchantId submitted.

  3. View multiple sub-accounts for MCA in batch mode using accountstatuses.custombatch.

    1. Construct valid JSON using your accountID, merchant ID, and a get method.

    2. Perform a POST to the API endpoint:

    3. You should receive an HTTP 200 status code for success and the account status list in JSON.