在 Android 上使用 ML Kit 掃描條碼

您可以使用 ML Kit 辨識條碼並加以解碼。

導入作業模型會透過 Google Play 服務動態下載。模型會在建構期間與應用程式建立靜態連結。
應用程式大小大小約增加 200 KB。檔案大小約增加 2.4 MB。



  1. 在專案層級的 build.gradle 檔案中,請務必在 buildscriptallprojects 區段中納入 Google 的 Maven 存放區。

  2. 將 ML Kit Android 程式庫的依附元件新增至模組的 應用程式層級的 Gradle 檔案,通常為 app/build.gradle。請根據您的需求選擇下列其中一個依附元件:


    dependencies {
      // ...
      // Use this dependency to bundle the model with your app
      implementation 'com.google.mlkit:barcode-scanning:17.3.0'

    如要在 Google Play 服務中使用模型:

    dependencies {
      // ...
      // Use this dependency to use the dynamically downloaded model in Google Play Services
      implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-mlkit-barcode-scanning:18.3.1'
  3. 如果您選擇使用 Google Play 服務中的模型,可以設定應用程式,在從 Play 商店安裝應用程式後,自動將模型下載到裝置。如要這麼做,請在應用程式的 AndroidManifest.xml 檔案中加入以下宣告:

    <application ...>
              android:value="barcode" >
          <!-- To use multiple models: android:value="barcode,model2,model3" -->

    您也可以透過 Google Play 服務的 ModuleInstallClient API,明確檢查模型的可用性,並要求下載。

    如果您沒有啟用安裝期間模型下載功能或要求明確下載, 模型會在您初次執行掃描器時下載在下載完成前提出的要求不會產生任何結果。


  • 如要讓 ML Kit 準確讀取條碼,輸入圖片必須包含由足夠像素資料代表的條碼。

    具體的像素資料需求取決於條碼類型和其中編碼的資料量,因為許多條碼都支援可變大小的酬載。一般來說,條碼的最小有效單位寬度至少應為 2 像素,而 2D 條碼的高度則應為 2 像素。

    舉例來說,EAN-13 條碼由寬度為 1、2、3 或 4 個單位的條紋和空白組成,因此 EAN-13 條碼圖片的條紋和空白寬度應至少為 2、4、6 和 8 像素。因為 EAN-13 條碼的總寬為 95 個單位,條碼至少應為 190 像素寬。

    密集格式 (例如 PDF417) 需要更大的像素尺寸,ML Kit 才能可靠地讀取這些格式。舉例來說,PDF417 代碼在單一列中最多可容納 34 個 17 個單位寬的「字元」,因此寬度至少應為 1156 像素。

  • 圖片對焦不佳可能會影響掃描準確度。如果應用程式無法取得可接受的結果,請要求使用者重新拍攝圖片。

  • 對於一般應用程式,建議提供解析度較高的圖片,例如 1280x720 或 1920x1080,這樣就能在較遠的距離掃描條碼。


1. 設定條碼掃描器

如果您知道預期會讀取哪些條碼格式,則可加快速度 ,藉此選擇只偵測這些格式。

舉例來說,如果只要偵測 Aztec 代碼和 QR code,請建立 BarcodeScannerOptions 物件,如以下範例所示:


val options = BarcodeScannerOptions.Builder()


BarcodeScannerOptions options =
        new BarcodeScannerOptions.Builder()


  • Code 128 (FORMAT_CODE_128)
  • Code 39 (FORMAT_CODE_39)
  • 代碼 93 (FORMAT_CODE_93)
  • Codabar (FORMAT_CODABAR)
  • EAN-13 (FORMAT_EAN_13)
  • EAN-8 (FORMAT_EAN_8)
  • 通用產品代碼 (FORMAT_UPC_A)
  • QR code (FORMAT_QR_CODE)
  • PDF417 (FORMAT_PDF417)
  • 阿茲特克 (FORMAT_AZTEC)

從套件模型 17.1.0 和未套件模型 18.2.0 開始,您也可以呼叫 enableAllPotentialBarcodes() 來傳回所有可能的條碼,即使無法解碼也一樣。這可用於進一步偵測,例如將相機鏡頭縮放至更清楚的圖像,以便在傳回的邊界框中偵測任何條碼。


val options = BarcodeScannerOptions.Builder()
        .enableAllPotentialBarcodes() // Optional


BarcodeScannerOptions options =
        new BarcodeScannerOptions.Builder()
        .enableAllPotentialBarcodes() // Optional

Further on, starting from bundled library 17.2.0 and unbundled library 18.3.0, a new feature called auto-zoom has been introduced to further enhance the barcode scanning experience. With this feature enabled, the app is notified when all barcodes within the view are too distant for decoding. As a result, the app can effortlessly adjust the camera's zoom ratio to the recommended setting provided by the library, ensuring optimal focus and readability. This feature will significantly enhance the accuracy and success rate of barcode scanning, making it easier for apps to capture information precisely.

To enable auto-zooming and customize the experience, you can utilize the setZoomSuggestionOptions() method along with your own ZoomCallback handler and desired maximum zoom ratio, as demonstrated in the code below.


val options = BarcodeScannerOptions.Builder()
            new ZoomSuggestionOptions.Builder(zoomCallback)
                .build()) // Optional


BarcodeScannerOptions options =
        new BarcodeScannerOptions.Builder()
            new ZoomSuggestionOptions.Builder(zoomCallback)
                .build()) // Optional

zoomCallback is required to be provided to handle whenever the library suggests a zoom should be performed and this callback will always be called on the main thread.

The following code snippet shows an example of defining a simple callback.


fun setZoom(ZoomRatio: Float): Boolean {
    if (camera.isClosed()) return false
    return true


boolean setZoom(float zoomRatio) {
    if (camera.isClosed()) {
        return false;
    return true;

maxSupportedZoomRatio is related to the camera hardware, and different camera libraries have different ways to fetch it (see the javadoc of the setter method). In case this is not provided, an unbounded zoom ratio might be produced by the library which might not be supported. Refer to the setMaxSupportedZoomRatio() method introduction to see how to get the max supported zoom ratio with different Camera libraries.

When auto-zooming is enabled and no barcodes are successfully decoded within the view, BarcodeScanner triggers your zoomCallback with the requested zoomRatio. If the callback correctly adjusts the camera to this zoomRatio, it is highly probable that the most centered potential barcode will be decoded and returned.

A barcode may remain undecodable even after a successful zoom-in. In such cases, BarcodeScanner may either invoke the callback for another round of zoom-in until the maxSupportedZoomRatio is reached, or provide an empty list (or a list containing potential barcodes that were not decoded, if enableAllPotentialBarcodes() was called) to the OnSuccessListener (which will be defined in step 4. Process the image).

2. Prepare the input image

To recognize barcodes in an image, create an InputImage object from either a Bitmap, media.Image, ByteBuffer, byte array, or a file on the device. Then, pass the InputImage object to the BarcodeScanner's process method.

You can create an InputImage object from different sources, each is explained below.

Using a media.Image

To create an InputImage object from a media.Image object, such as when you capture an image from a device's camera, pass the media.Image object and the image's rotation to InputImage.fromMediaImage().

If you use the CameraX library, the OnImageCapturedListener and ImageAnalysis.Analyzer classes calculate the rotation value for you.


private class YourImageAnalyzer : ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {

    override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
        val mediaImage = imageProxy.image
        if (mediaImage != null) {
            val image = InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees)
            // Pass image to an ML Kit Vision API
            // ...


private class YourAnalyzer implements ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {

    public void analyze(ImageProxy imageProxy) {
        Image mediaImage = imageProxy.getImage();
        if (mediaImage != null) {
          InputImage image =
                InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageProxy.getImageInfo().getRotationDegrees());
          // Pass image to an ML Kit Vision API
          // ...



private val ORIENTATIONS = SparseIntArray()

init {
    ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_0, 0)
    ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_90, 90)
    ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_180, 180)
    ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_270, 270)

 * Get the angle by which an image must be rotated given the device's current
 * orientation.
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
private fun getRotationCompensation(cameraId: String, activity: Activity, isFrontFacing: Boolean): Int {
    // Get the device's current rotation relative to its "native" orientation.
    // Then, from the ORIENTATIONS table, look up the angle the image must be
    // rotated to compensate for the device's rotation.
    val deviceRotation = activity.windowManager.defaultDisplay.rotation
    var rotationCompensation = ORIENTATIONS.get(deviceRotation)

    // Get the device's sensor orientation.
    val cameraManager = activity.getSystemService(CAMERA_SERVICE) as CameraManager
    val sensorOrientation = cameraManager

    if (isFrontFacing) {
        rotationCompensation = (sensorOrientation + rotationCompensation) % 360
    } else { // back-facing
        rotationCompensation = (sensorOrientation - rotationCompensation + 360) % 360
    return rotationCompensation


private static final SparseIntArray ORIENTATIONS = new SparseIntArray();
static {
    ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_0, 0);
    ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_90, 90);
    ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_180, 180);
    ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_270, 270);

 * Get the angle by which an image must be rotated given the device's current
 * orientation.
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
private int getRotationCompensation(String cameraId, Activity activity, boolean isFrontFacing)
        throws CameraAccessException {
    // Get the device's current rotation relative to its "native" orientation.
    // Then, from the ORIENTATIONS table, look up the angle the image must be
    // rotated to compensate for the device's rotation.
    int deviceRotation = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();
    int rotationCompensation = ORIENTATIONS.get(deviceRotation);

    // Get the device's sensor orientation.
    CameraManager cameraManager = (CameraManager) activity.getSystemService(CAMERA_SERVICE);
    int sensorOrientation = cameraManager

    if (isFrontFacing) {
        rotationCompensation = (sensorOrientation + rotationCompensation) % 360;
    } else { // back-facing
        rotationCompensation = (sensorOrientation - rotationCompensation + 360) % 360;
    return rotationCompensation;

然後,請傳遞 media.Image 物件和 將度數值旋轉為 InputImage.fromMediaImage()


val image = InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, rotation)


InputImage image = InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, rotation);

使用檔案 URI

如要從檔案 URI 建立 InputImage 物件,請將應用程式內容和檔案 URI 傳遞至 InputImage.fromFilePath()。當您使用 ACTION_GET_CONTENT 意圖,提示使用者從相片庫應用程式中選取圖片時,這項功能就很實用。


val image: InputImage
try {
    image = InputImage.fromFilePath(context, uri)
} catch (e: IOException) {


InputImage image;
try {
    image = InputImage.fromFilePath(context, uri);
} catch (IOException e) {

使用 ByteBufferByteArray

如要建立InputImage ByteBufferByteArray 的物件,請先計算圖片 與先前 media.Image 輸入中所述的旋轉角度相同。 接著,請使用緩衝區或陣列,搭配圖片的高度、寬度、顏色編碼格式和旋轉角度,建立 InputImage 物件:


val image = InputImage.fromByteBuffer(
        /* image width */ 480,
        /* image height */ 360,
        InputImage.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21 // or IMAGE_FORMAT_YV12
// Or:
val image = InputImage.fromByteArray(
        /* image width */ 480,
        /* image height */ 360,
        InputImage.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21 // or IMAGE_FORMAT_YV12


InputImage image = InputImage.fromByteBuffer(byteBuffer,
        /* image width */ 480,
        /* image height */ 360,
        InputImage.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21 // or IMAGE_FORMAT_YV12
// Or:
InputImage image = InputImage.fromByteArray(
        /* image width */480,
        /* image height */360,
        InputImage.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21 // or IMAGE_FORMAT_YV12

使用 Bitmap

如要從 Bitmap 物件建立 InputImage 物件,請進行下列宣告:


val image = InputImage.fromBitmap(bitmap, 0)


InputImage image = InputImage.fromBitmap(bitmap, rotationDegree);

圖像以 Bitmap 物件和旋轉角度表示。

3. 取得 BarcodeScanner 的例項


val scanner = BarcodeScanning.getClient()
// Or, to specify the formats to recognize:
// val scanner = BarcodeScanning.getClient(options)


BarcodeScanner scanner = BarcodeScanning.getClient();
// Or, to specify the formats to recognize:
// BarcodeScanner scanner = BarcodeScanning.getClient(options);

4. 處理圖片

將圖片傳遞至 process 方法:


val result = scanner.process(image)
        .addOnSuccessListener { barcodes ->
            // Task completed successfully
            // ...
        .addOnFailureListener {
            // Task failed with an exception
            // ...


Task<List<Barcode>> result = scanner.process(image)
        .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<List<Barcode>>() {
            public void onSuccess(List<Barcode> barcodes) {
                // Task completed successfully
                // ...
        .addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
            public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) {
                // Task failed with an exception
                // ...

5. 從條碼取得資訊

如果條碼辨識作業成功,系統會將 Barcode 物件清單傳遞至成功事件監聽器。每個 Barcode 物件都代表在圖片中偵測到的條碼。您可以為每個條碼取得輸入圖片中的邊界座標,以及條碼編碼的原始資料。此外,如果條碼掃描器能夠判斷條碼所編碼的資料類型,您就能取得包含剖析資料的物件。



for (barcode in barcodes) {
    val bounds = barcode.boundingBox
    val corners = barcode.cornerPoints

    val rawValue = barcode.rawValue

    val valueType = barcode.valueType
    // See API reference for complete list of supported types
    when (valueType) {
        Barcode.TYPE_WIFI -> {
            val ssid = barcode.wifi!!.ssid
            val password = barcode.wifi!!.password
            val type = barcode.wifi!!.encryptionType
        Barcode.TYPE_URL -> {
            val title = barcode.url!!.title
            val url = barcode.url!!.url


for (Barcode barcode: barcodes) {
    Rect bounds = barcode.getBoundingBox();
    Point[] corners = barcode.getCornerPoints();

    String rawValue = barcode.getRawValue();

    int valueType = barcode.getValueType();
    // See API reference for complete list of supported types
    switch (valueType) {
        case Barcode.TYPE_WIFI:
            String ssid = barcode.getWifi().getSsid();
            String password = barcode.getWifi().getPassword();
            int type = barcode.getWifi().getEncryptionType();
        case Barcode.TYPE_URL:
            String title = barcode.getUrl().getTitle();
            String url = barcode.getUrl().getUrl();



  • 請勿以相機原始解析度擷取輸入內容。在部分裝置上, 以原生解析度擷取輸入內容會產生極大檔案 (10+ 才能確保延遲時間極短,而且 準確度。請改為只從必要的相機要求大小 ,這通常不會超過 200 萬像素。

    如果掃描速度很重要,可以進一步降低圖片拍攝速度 解析度。但請注意,條碼大小下限規定 即可。

    如果您嘗試從串流序列中辨識條碼 辨識器可能會針對不同影格產生不同結果 相框。您應等待系統連續收到相同的一系列相同的 ,這樣很有自信地傳回最佳結果。

    ITF 和 CODE-39 不支援檢查和校正碼。

  • 如果您使用 Cameracamera2 API,請將呼叫限制在偵測器上。如果影片有新影片 影格掉落時,表示影格是否可用。詳情請參閱 VisionProcessorBase 類別的範例。
  • 如果您是使用 CameraX API, 請務必將背壓策略設為預設值 ImageAnalysis.STRATEGY_KEEP_ONLY_LATEST。 這樣就能確保每次只會提交一張圖片進行分析。如果在分析器忙碌時產生更多圖片,系統會自動捨棄這些圖片,不會將這些圖片排入佇列以供傳送。呼叫 ImageProxy.close() 關閉要分析的圖片後,系統會傳送下一個最新的圖片。
  • 如果使用偵測工具的輸出內容將圖像重疊 先從 ML Kit 取得結果,然後算繪圖片 並疊加單一步驟這項作業只會針對每個輸入影格轉譯一次至顯示介面。如需範例,請參閱快速入門範例應用程式中的 CameraSourcePreviewGraphicOverlay 類別。
  • 如果您使用 Camera2 API,請以 ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 格式擷取圖片。如果您使用舊版 Camera API,請以 ImageFormat.NV21 格式擷取圖片。