Mengekstrak entity dengan ML Kit di iOS

Untuk menganalisis sepotong teks dan mengekstrak di dalamnya, panggil API ekstraksi entity ML Kit dengan meneruskan teks langsung ke metode annotateText:completion:-nya. Dimungkinkan juga untuk teruskan objek EntityExtractionParams opsional yang berisi opsi konfigurasi Anda seperti waktu referensi, zona waktu, atau filter untuk membatasi pencarian subset dari jenis entitas. API akan menampilkan daftar objek EntityAnnotation yang berisi informasi tentang setiap entity.

Aset detektor dasar ekstraksi entitas ditautkan secara statis pada waktu proses aplikasi. Aset ini menambahkan sekitar 10,7 MB ke aplikasi Anda.


Sebelum memulai

  1. Sertakan library ML Kit berikut di Podfile Anda:

    pod 'GoogleMLKit/EntityExtraction', '3.2.0'
  2. Setelah Anda menginstal atau mengupdate Pod project, buka project Xcode menggunakan .xcworkspace-nya. ML Kit didukung dalam Xcode versi 13.2.1 atau yang lebih tinggi.

Mengekstrak entity dari teks

Untuk mengekstrak entity dari teks, pertama-tama buat objek EntityExtractorOptions dengan menentukan bahasa dan gunakan bahasa tersebut untuk membuat instance EntityExtractor:


// Note: You can specify any of the 15 languages entity extraction supports here. 
let options = EntityExtractorOptions(modelIdentifier: 
let entityExtractor = EntityExtractor.entityExtractor(options: options)


// Note: You can specify any of the 15 languages entity extraction supports here. 
MLKEntityExtractorOptions *options = 
    [[MLKEntityExtractorOptions alloc] 

MLKEntityExtractor *entityExtractor = 
    [MLKEntityExtractor entityExtractorWithOptions:options];

Selanjutnya, pastikan model bahasa yang diperlukan didownload ke perangkat:


entityExtractor.downloadModelIfNeeded(completion: {
  // If the error is nil, the download completed successfully.


[entityExtractor downloadModelIfNeededWithCompletion:^(NSError *_Nullable error) {
    // If the error is nil, the download completed successfully.

Setelah model didownload, teruskan string dan parameter MLKEntityExtractionParams ke metode annotate.


// The EntityExtractionParams parameter is optional. Only instantiate and
// configure one if you need to customize one or more of its params.
var params = EntityExtractionParams()
// The params object contains the following properties which can be customized on
// each annotateText: call. Please see the class's documentation for a more
// detailed description of what each property represents.
params.referenceTime = Date();
params.referenceTimeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "GMT");
params.preferredLocale = Locale(identifier: "en-US");
params.typesFilter = Set([EntityType.address, EntityType.dateTime])

    params: params,
    completion: {
      result, error in
      // If the error is nil, the annotation completed successfully and any results 
      // will be contained in the `result` array.


// The MLKEntityExtractionParams property is optional. Only instantiate and
// configure one if you need to customize one or more of its params.
MLKEntityExtractionParams *params = [[MLKEntityExtractionParams alloc] init];
// The params object contains the following properties which can be customized on
// each annotateText: call. Please see the class's documentation for a fuller 
// description of what each property represents.
params.referenceTime = [NSDate date];
params.referenceTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"GMT"];
params.preferredLocale = [NSLocale localWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en-US"];
params.typesFilter = 
    [NSSet setWithObjects:MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeAddress, 
                          MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeDateTime, nil];

[extractor annotateText:text.string
             completion:^(NSArray *_Nullable result, NSError *_Nullable error) {
  // If the error is nil, the annotation completed successfully and any results 
  // will be contained in the `result` array.

Ulangi hasil anotasi untuk mengambil informasi tentang entitas yang dikenali.


// let annotations be the Array! returned from EntityExtractor
for annotation in annotations {
  let entities = annotation.entities
  for entity in entities {
    switch entity.entityType {
      case EntityType.dateTime:
        guard let dateTimeEntity = entity.dateTimeEntity else {
          print("This field should be populated.")
        print("Granularity: %d", dateTimeEntity.dateTimeGranularity)
        print("DateTime: %@", dateTimeEntity.dateTime)
      case EntityType.flightNumber:
        guard let flightNumberEntity = entity.flightNumberEntity else {
          print("This field should be populated.")
        print("Airline Code: %@", flightNumberEntity.airlineCode)
        print("Flight number: %@", flightNumberEntity.flightNumber)
        guard let moneyEntity = entity.moneyEntity else {
          print("This field should be populated.")
        print("Currency: %@", moneyEntity.integerPart)
        print("Integer Part: %d", moneyEntity.integerPart)
        print("Fractional Part: %d", moneyEntity.fractionalPart)
      // Add additional cases as needed.
        print("Entity: %@", entity);


NSArray *annotations; // Returned from EntityExtractor

for (MLKEntityAnnotation *annotation in annotations) {
            NSArray *entities = annotation.entities;
            NSLog(@"Range: [%d, %d)", (int)annotation.range.location, (int)(annotation.range.location + annotation.range.length));
            for (MLKEntity *entity in entities) {
              if ([entity.entityType isEqualToString:MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeDateTime]) {
                MLKDateTimeEntity *dateTimeEntity = entity.dateTimeEntity;
                NSLog(@"Granularity: %d", (int)dateTimeEntity.dateTimeGranularity);
                NSLog(@"DateTime: %@", dateTimeEntity.dateTime);
              } else if ([entity.entityType isEqualToString:MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeFlightNumber]) {
                MLKFlightNumberEntity *flightNumberEntity = entity.flightNumberEntity;
                NSLog(@"Airline Code: %@", flightNumberEntity.airlineCode);
                NSLog(@"Flight number: %@", flightNumberEntity.flightNumber);
              } else if ([entity.entityType isEqualToString:MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeMoney]) {
                MLKMoneyEntity *moneyEntity = entity.moneyEntity;
                NSLog(@"Currency: %@", moneyEntity.unnormalizedCurrency);
                NSLog(@"Integer Part: %d", (int)moneyEntity.integerPart);
                NSLog(@"Fractional Part: %d", (int)moneyEntity.fractionalPart);
              } else {
                // Add additional cases as needed.
                NSLog(@"Entity: %@", entity);