텍스트를 분석하고 텍스트에서 항목을 추출하려면 텍스트를 annotateText:completion:
메서드에 직접 전달하여 ML Kit 항목 추출 API를 호출합니다. 참조 시간, 시간대, 필터와 같은 다른 구성 옵션이 포함된 선택적 EntityExtractionParams
객체를 전달하여 항목 유형의 하위 집합에 대한 검색을 제한할 수도 있습니다.
API는 각 항목에 관한 정보가 포함된 EntityAnnotation
객체 목록을 반환합니다.
항목 추출 기본 감지기 애셋은 앱 런타임 시 정적으로 연결됩니다. 앱에 약 10.7MB가 추가됩니다.
사용해 보기
- 샘플 앱을 사용해 이 API의 사용 예를 살펴보세요.
시작하기 전에
Podfile에 다음 ML Kit 라이브러리를 포함합니다.
pod 'GoogleMLKit/EntityExtraction', '7.0.0'
프로젝트의 pod를 설치하거나 업데이트한 후 .xcworkspace를 사용하여 Xcode 프로젝트를 엽니다. ML Kit는 Xcode 13.2.1 이상 버전에서 지원됩니다.
텍스트에서 항목 추출
텍스트에서 항목을 추출하려면 먼저 언어를 지정하여 EntityExtractorOptions
객체를 만들고 이를 사용하여 EntityExtractor
를 인스턴스화합니다.
// Note: You can specify any of the 15 languages entity extraction supports here. let options = EntityExtractorOptions(modelIdentifier: EntityExtractionModelIdentifier.english) let entityExtractor = EntityExtractor.entityExtractor(options: options)
// Note: You can specify any of the 15 languages entity extraction supports here. MLKEntityExtractorOptions *options = [[MLKEntityExtractorOptions alloc] initWithModelIdentifier:MLKEntityExtractionModelIdentifierEnglish]; MLKEntityExtractor *entityExtractor = [MLKEntityExtractor entityExtractorWithOptions:options];
다음으로 필요한 언어 모델이 기기에 다운로드되었는지 확인합니다.
entityExtractor.downloadModelIfNeeded(completion: { // If the error is nil, the download completed successfully. })
[entityExtractor downloadModelIfNeededWithCompletion:^(NSError *_Nullable error) { // If the error is nil, the download completed successfully. }];
모델이 다운로드되면 문자열과 선택적 MLKEntityExtractionParams
를 annotate
메서드에 전달합니다.
// The EntityExtractionParams parameter is optional. Only instantiate and // configure one if you need to customize one or more of its params. var params = EntityExtractionParams() // The params object contains the following properties which can be customized on // each annotateText: call. Please see the class's documentation for a more // detailed description of what each property represents. params.referenceTime = Date(); params.referenceTimeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "GMT"); params.preferredLocale = Locale(identifier: "en-US"); params.typesFilter = Set([EntityType.address, EntityType.dateTime]) extractor.annotateText( text.string, params: params, completion: { result, error in // If the error is nil, the annotation completed successfully and any results // will be contained in the `result` array. } )
// The MLKEntityExtractionParams property is optional. Only instantiate and // configure one if you need to customize one or more of its params. MLKEntityExtractionParams *params = [[MLKEntityExtractionParams alloc] init]; // The params object contains the following properties which can be customized on // each annotateText: call. Please see the class's documentation for a fuller // description of what each property represents. params.referenceTime = [NSDate date]; params.referenceTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"GMT"]; params.preferredLocale = [NSLocale localWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en-US"]; params.typesFilter = [NSSet setWithObjects:MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeAddress, MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeDateTime, nil]; [extractor annotateText:text.string withParams:params completion:^(NSArray*_Nullable result, NSError *_Nullable error) { // If the error is nil, the annotation completed successfully and any results // will be contained in the `result` array. }
주석 결과를 반복하여 인식된 항목에 관한 정보를 검색합니다.
// let annotations be the Array! returned from EntityExtractor for annotation in annotations { let entities = annotation.entities for entity in entities { switch entity.entityType { case EntityType.dateTime: guard let dateTimeEntity = entity.dateTimeEntity else { print("This field should be populated.") return } print("Granularity: %d", dateTimeEntity.dateTimeGranularity) print("DateTime: %@", dateTimeEntity.dateTime) case EntityType.flightNumber: guard let flightNumberEntity = entity.flightNumberEntity else { print("This field should be populated.") return } print("Airline Code: %@", flightNumberEntity.airlineCode) print("Flight number: %@", flightNumberEntity.flightNumber) case EntityType.money: guard let moneyEntity = entity.moneyEntity else { print("This field should be populated.") return } print("Currency: %@", moneyEntity.integerPart) print("Integer Part: %d", moneyEntity.integerPart) print("Fractional Part: %d", moneyEntity.fractionalPart) // Add additional cases as needed. default: print("Entity: %@", entity); } } }
NSArray*annotations; // Returned from EntityExtractor for (MLKEntityAnnotation *annotation in annotations) { NSArray *entities = annotation.entities; NSLog(@"Range: [%d, %d)", (int)annotation.range.location, (int)(annotation.range.location + annotation.range.length)); for (MLKEntity *entity in entities) { if ([entity.entityType isEqualToString:MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeDateTime]) { MLKDateTimeEntity *dateTimeEntity = entity.dateTimeEntity; NSLog(@"Granularity: %d", (int)dateTimeEntity.dateTimeGranularity); NSLog(@"DateTime: %@", dateTimeEntity.dateTime); break; } else if ([entity.entityType isEqualToString:MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeFlightNumber]) { MLKFlightNumberEntity *flightNumberEntity = entity.flightNumberEntity; NSLog(@"Airline Code: %@", flightNumberEntity.airlineCode); NSLog(@"Flight number: %@", flightNumberEntity.flightNumber); break; } else if ([entity.entityType isEqualToString:MLKEntityExtractionEntityTypeMoney]) { MLKMoneyEntity *moneyEntity = entity.moneyEntity; NSLog(@"Currency: %@", moneyEntity.unnormalizedCurrency); NSLog(@"Integer Part: %d", (int)moneyEntity.integerPart); NSLog(@"Fractional Part: %d", (int)moneyEntity.fractionalPart); break; } else { // Add additional cases as needed. NSLog(@"Entity: %@", entity); } }