Estonia RGB orthophotos
Orthophotos are an aerial photo dataset covering Estonia. An orthophoto is a processed aerial photo from which distortions caused by terrain relief, camera tilt relative to the ground at the moment of exposure and camera central projection are removed. A digital orthophoto has a certain … estonia rgb -
Estonia RGB low flying orthophotos
Orthophotos are an aerial photo dataset covering Estonia. An orthophoto is a processed aerial photo from which distortions caused by terrain relief, camera tilt relative to the ground at the moment of exposure and camera central projection are removed. A digital orthophoto has a certain … estonia low-flying rgb -
Finland RGB NLS orthophotos 50 cm by SMK
NLS Orthophotos are an aerial photo dataset covering the whole of Finland. This data is provided by SMK(The Energy Agency, formerly abbreviated SMK). An orthophoto is a combination of several individual aerial photos. The aerial photo data set in orthophoto format is available as the … finland rgb smk -
Latvia RGB orthophotos
In Latvia, orthophoto maps are prepared in the Latvian coordinate system LKS-92 TM according to the TKS-93 map sheet division (scale 1:10000 map sheet corresponds to 5 x 5 kilometers in nature). Orthophoto maps are prepared for the whole territory of Latvia at the scale … latvia rgb -
Netherlands orthophotos
Orthophotos of Netherlands is a set of color orthoimages. Two nationwide aerial photographs are collected per year: a leafless image at 7.5 cm resolution in the spring and one with leaves on trees at 25 cm resolution in the summer. For more information, please see … netherlands rgb -
Planet SkySat Public Ortho Imagery, RGB
This data from Planet labs Inc. SkySat satellites was collected for the experimental "Skybox for Good Beta" program in 2015, as well as for various crisis response events and a few other projects. The data is available in both a 5-band Multispectral/Pan collection, and a … highres pansharpened planet rgb skysat -
Slovakia orthophotos
Orthophotomosaic of the Slovak Republic is a set of color orthoimages without overlaps, gaps and visible brightness and color differences along the connecting lines. For more information, please see the Slovakia orthophotos documentation rgb -
Spain RGB orthophotos 10 cm
Mosaics of orthophotos from flights carried out between 2007 and 2018 by various public administration bodies at 10cm pixel resolution. This data is provided by National Plan for Aerial Orthophotography Spain (PNOA). For more information, please see the Spain orthophotos documentation rgb -
SWISSIMAGE 10 cm RGB imagery
The SWISSIMAGE 10 cm orthophoto mosaic is an assembly of new color digital aerial images over the whole of Switzerland with a ground resolution of 10 cm in the plains and the main alpine valleys and 25 cm in the Alps. It is updated annually. … rgb -
NEON RGB Camera Imagery
High resolution Red-Green-Blue (RGB) orthorectified camera images mosaicked and output onto a fixed, uniform spatial grid using nearest-neighbor resampling; spatial resolution is 0.1 m. The digital camera is part of a suite of instruments on the NEON Airborne Observation Platform (AOP) that also includes a … airborne forest highres neon neon-prod-earthengine orthophoto