Planet SkySat Public Ortho Imagery, RGB

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet


This data from Planet labs Inc. SkySat satellites was collected for the experimental "Skybox for Good Beta" program in 2015, as well as for various crisis response events and a few other projects. The data is available in both a 5-band Multispectral/Pan collection, and a Pansharpened RGB collection.

Each image's asset ID contains the acquisition date and time, for example, image s01_20150304T080608Z was acquired on March 4, 2015 at 08:06 Zulu (UTC). For more information, please see the Planet Imagery Product Specifications and visit the Planet Imagery and Archive site.

This RGB collection contains images with three pansharpened, 8-bit bands. The resolution is approximately 0.8m per pixel (closer to 1m for off-nadir images).


Pixel Size
0.8 meters


Name Min Max Wavelength Description
R 1* 255* 605-695nm


G 1* 255* 515-595nm


B 1* 255* 450-515nm


* estimated min or max value

Image Properties

Image Properties

Name Type Description
catalogID STRING

Unique catalog ID corresponding to a single collection event; same across all three detectors.

collectionEndTime STRING

ISO 8601 collection end time (UTC).

collectionStartTime STRING

ISO 8601 collection start time (UTC).

collectionType STRING

'Strip', 'Point', 'Area', or 'Path'.

productType STRING

Product type identifying the product level ('Orthorectified Imagery').

productionID STRING

ID of this version of this product, generated by Singer/TileMill.

productionSystemVersion STRING


resamplingMethod STRING

The method used for interpolated pixel values.

satelliteAzimuthAngleMax DOUBLE

Maximum satellite azimuth angle over the collection (degrees).

satelliteAzimuthAngleMean DOUBLE

Mean satellite azimuth angle over the collection (degrees).

satelliteAzimuthAngleMin DOUBLE

Minimum satellite azimuth angle over the collection (degrees).

satelliteElevationAngleMax DOUBLE

Maximum satellite elevation angle over the collection (degrees).

satelliteElevationAngleMean DOUBLE

Mean satellite elevation angle over the collection (degrees).

satelliteElevationAngleMin DOUBLE

Minimum satellite elevation angle over the collection (degrees).

satelliteName STRING

Unique name identifying the spacecraft.

snaptoAlignmentConfidence DOUBLE


snaptoReferenceAssets STRING


solarAzimuthAngle DOUBLE

Solar azimuth angle at the time of collection.

solarElevationAngle DOUBLE

Solar elevation angle at the time of collection.

terrainBlendEpoch DOUBLE


Terms of Use

Terms of Use

This dataset is made available publicly under the Creative Commons by Attribution license(CC-BY-4.0).


  • © <year> Planet Labs Inc.

Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('SKYSAT/GEN-A/PUBLIC/ORTHO/RGB');
var rgb =['R', 'G', 'B']);
var rgbVis = {
  min: 11.0,
  max: 190.0,
Map.setCenter(-70.892, 41.6555, 15);
Map.addLayer(rgb, rgbVis, 'RGB');
Open in Code Editor