Represents a particular physical place.
A Place encapsulates information about a physical location, including its name, address, and any other information we might have about it.
Note that generally some fields will be inapplicable to certain places, or the information may be unknown.
Constant Summary
Public Method Summary
abstract CharSequence |
Returns a human readable address for this Place.
abstract CharSequence |
Returns the attributions to be shown to the user if data from the
Place is used.
abstract String |
Returns the unique id of this Place.
abstract LatLng |
Returns the location of this Place.
abstract Locale |
Returns the locale in which the names and addresses were localized.
abstract CharSequence |
Returns the name of this Place.
abstract CharSequence |
Returns the place's phone number in international format.
abstract List<Integer> |
Returns a list of place types for this Place.
abstract int |
Returns the price level for this place on a scale from 0 (cheapest) to 4.
abstract float |
Returns the place's rating, from 1.0 to 5.0, based on aggregated user reviews.
abstract LatLngBounds |
Returns a viewport for displaying this Place.
abstract Uri |
Returns the URI of the website of this Place.
Inherited Method Summary
abstract Place |
abstract boolean |
public static final int TYPE_ACCOUNTING
public static final int TYPE_ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_1
public static final int TYPE_ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2
public static final int TYPE_ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3
public static final int TYPE_AIRPORT
public static final int TYPE_AMUSEMENT_PARK
public static final int TYPE_AQUARIUM
public static final int TYPE_ART_GALLERY
public static final int TYPE_ATM
public static final int TYPE_BAKERY
public static final int TYPE_BANK
public static final int TYPE_BAR
public static final int TYPE_BEAUTY_SALON
public static final int TYPE_BICYCLE_STORE
public static final int TYPE_BOOK_STORE
public static final int TYPE_BOWLING_ALLEY
public static final int TYPE_BUS_STATION
public static final int TYPE_CAFE
public static final int TYPE_CAMPGROUND
public static final int TYPE_CAR_DEALER
public static final int TYPE_CAR_RENTAL
public static final int TYPE_CAR_REPAIR
public static final int TYPE_CAR_WASH
public static final int TYPE_CASINO
public static final int TYPE_CEMETERY
public static final int TYPE_CHURCH
public static final int TYPE_CITY_HALL
public static final int TYPE_CLOTHING_STORE
public static final int TYPE_COLLOQUIAL_AREA
public static final int TYPE_CONVENIENCE_STORE
public static final int TYPE_COUNTRY
public static final int TYPE_COURTHOUSE
public static final int TYPE_DENTIST
public static final int TYPE_DEPARTMENT_STORE
public static final int TYPE_DOCTOR
public static final int TYPE_ELECTRICIAN
public static final int TYPE_ELECTRONICS_STORE
public static final int TYPE_EMBASSY
public static final int TYPE_ESTABLISHMENT
public static final int TYPE_FINANCE
public static final int TYPE_FIRE_STATION
public static final int TYPE_FLOOR
public static final int TYPE_FLORIST
public static final int TYPE_FOOD
public static final int TYPE_FUNERAL_HOME
public static final int TYPE_FURNITURE_STORE
public static final int TYPE_GAS_STATION
public static final int TYPE_GENERAL_CONTRACTOR
public static final int TYPE_GEOCODE
public static final int TYPE_GROCERY_OR_SUPERMARKET
public static final int TYPE_GYM
public static final int TYPE_HAIR_CARE
public static final int TYPE_HARDWARE_STORE
public static final int TYPE_HEALTH
public static final int TYPE_HINDU_TEMPLE
public static final int TYPE_HOME_GOODS_STORE
public static final int TYPE_HOSPITAL
public static final int TYPE_INSURANCE_AGENCY
public static final int TYPE_INTERSECTION
public static final int TYPE_JEWELRY_STORE
public static final int TYPE_LAUNDRY
public static final int TYPE_LAWYER
public static final int TYPE_LIBRARY
public static final int TYPE_LIQUOR_STORE
public static final int TYPE_LOCALITY
public static final int TYPE_LOCAL_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE
public static final int TYPE_LOCKSMITH
public static final int TYPE_LODGING
public static final int TYPE_MEAL_DELIVERY
public static final int TYPE_MEAL_TAKEAWAY
public static final int TYPE_MOSQUE
public static final int TYPE_MOVIE_RENTAL
public static final int TYPE_MOVIE_THEATER
public static final int TYPE_MOVING_COMPANY
public static final int TYPE_MUSEUM
public static final int TYPE_NATURAL_FEATURE
public static final int TYPE_NEIGHBORHOOD
public static final int TYPE_NIGHT_CLUB
public static final int TYPE_OTHER
public static final int TYPE_PAINTER
public static final int TYPE_PARK
public static final int TYPE_PARKING
public static final int TYPE_PET_STORE
public static final int TYPE_PHARMACY
public static final int TYPE_PHYSIOTHERAPIST
public static final int TYPE_PLACE_OF_WORSHIP
public static final int TYPE_PLUMBER
public static final int TYPE_POINT_OF_INTEREST
public static final int TYPE_POLICE
public static final int TYPE_POLITICAL
public static final int TYPE_POSTAL_CODE
public static final int TYPE_POSTAL_CODE_PREFIX
public static final int TYPE_POSTAL_TOWN
public static final int TYPE_POST_BOX
public static final int TYPE_POST_OFFICE
public static final int TYPE_PREMISE
public static final int TYPE_REAL_ESTATE_AGENCY
public static final int TYPE_RESTAURANT
public static final int TYPE_ROOFING_CONTRACTOR
public static final int TYPE_ROOM
public static final int TYPE_ROUTE
public static final int TYPE_RV_PARK
public static final int TYPE_SCHOOL
public static final int TYPE_SHOE_STORE
public static final int TYPE_SHOPPING_MALL
public static final int TYPE_SPA
public static final int TYPE_STADIUM
public static final int TYPE_STORAGE
public static final int TYPE_STORE
public static final int TYPE_STREET_ADDRESS
public static final int TYPE_SUBLOCALITY
public static final int TYPE_SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1
public static final int TYPE_SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_2
public static final int TYPE_SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_3
public static final int TYPE_SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_4
public static final int TYPE_SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_5
public static final int TYPE_SUBPREMISE
public static final int TYPE_SUBWAY_STATION
public static final int TYPE_SYNAGOGUE
public static final int TYPE_SYNTHETIC_GEOCODE
public static final int TYPE_TAXI_STAND
public static final int TYPE_TRAIN_STATION
public static final int TYPE_TRANSIT_STATION
public static final int TYPE_TRAVEL_AGENCY
public static final int TYPE_UNIVERSITY
public static final int TYPE_VETERINARY_CARE
public static final int TYPE_ZOO
Public Methods
public abstract CharSequence getAddress ()
Returns a human readable address for this Place. May return null if the address is unknown.
The address is localized according to the locale returned by getLocale()
public abstract CharSequence getAttributions ()
Returns the attributions to be shown to the user if data from the Place
is used.
We recommend placing this information below any place information. See Displaying Attributions for more details.
- The attributions in HTML format, or null if there are no attributions to display.
public abstract String getId ()
Returns the unique id of this Place.
This ID can be passed to
getPlaceById(GoogleApiClient, String...)
to lookup the same place at a later
time, but it is not guaranteed that such a lookup will succeed (the place may no longer
exist in our database). It is possible that the returned Place in such a lookup will
have a different ID (so there may be multiple ID's for one given place).
public abstract LatLng getLatLng ()
Returns the location of this Place.
The location is not necessarily the center of the Place, or any particular entry or exit point, but some arbitrarily chosen point within the geographic extent of the Place.
public abstract Locale getLocale ()
Returns the locale in which the names and addresses were localized.
public abstract CharSequence getName ()
Returns the name of this Place.
The name is localized according to the locale returned by getLocale()
public abstract CharSequence getPhoneNumber ()
Returns the place's phone number in international format. Returns null if no phone number is known, or the place has no phone number.
International format includes the country code, and is prefixed with the plus (+) sign. For example, the international phone number for Google's Mountain View, USA office is +1 650-253-0000.
public abstract List<Integer> getPlaceTypes ()
Returns a list of place types for this Place.
The elements of this list are drawn from Place.TYPE_*
constants, though
one should expect there could be new place types returned that were introduced after an
app was published.
public abstract int getPriceLevel ()
Returns the price level for this place on a scale from 0 (cheapest) to 4.
If no price level is known, a negative value is returned.
The price level of the place, on a scale of 0 to 4. The exact amount indicated by a specific value will vary from region to region. Price levels are interpreted as follows:
- 0 — Free
- 1 — Inexpensive
- 2 — Moderate
- 3 — Expensive
- 4 — Very Expensive
public abstract float getRating ()
Returns the place's rating, from 1.0 to 5.0, based on aggregated user reviews.
If no rating is known, a negative value is returned.
public abstract LatLngBounds getViewport ()
Returns a viewport for displaying this Place. May return null if the size of the place is not known.
This returns a viewport of a size that is suitable for displaying this Place. For example, a Place representing a store may have a relatively small viewport, while a Place representing a country may have a very large viewport.
public abstract Uri getWebsiteUri ()
Returns the URI of the website of this Place. Returns null if no website is known.
This is the URI of the website maintained by the Place, if available. Note this is a third-party website not affiliated with the Places API.