Intégrer Unity Ads à la médiation

This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from Unity Ads using AdMob Mediation, covering waterfall integrations. It covers how to add Unity Ads to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the Unity Ads SDK and adapter into an Android app.

Supported integrations and ad formats

The mediation adapter for Unity Ads has the following capabilities:

Bidding  1
1 Bidding integration is in closed beta, reach out to your account manager to request access.


  • Android API level 21 or higher

Step 1: Set up configurations in Unity Ads UI

Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous à Unity Ads.

Créer un projet

Dans le tableau de bord Unity Ads, accédez à Projects (Projets), puis cliquez sur Create Project (Créer un projet).

Remplissez le formulaire, puis cliquez sur Créer un projet pour ajouter votre projet.

Accédez à Monétisation > Commencer, puis cliquez sur Commencer.

Dans la fenêtre Project Setup (Configuration du projet), sélectionnez I plan to use Mediation (Je prévois d'utiliser la médiation) et Google AdMob pour Mediation Partner (Partenaire de médiation), puis cliquez sur Next (Suivant).

Sélectionnez les paramètres de vos annonces, puis cliquez sur Suivant.

Remplissez le formulaire, puis cliquez sur Ajouter un projet.

Notez l'ID du jeu.

Créer un bloc d'annonces

Accédez à Monétisation > Blocs d'annonces, puis cliquez sur Ajouter un bloc d'annonces.

Saisissez le nom du bloc d'annonces, puis sélectionnez la plate-forme et le format d'annonce.

Enfin, cliquez sur Créer pour enregistrer votre bloc d'annonces.

Ajouter un emplacement


Contactez votre responsable de compte Unity Ads pour créer des emplacements d'enchères.


Une fois le projet créé, accédez à Monétisation > Emplacements. Pour créer un emplacement, cliquez sur Ajouter un emplacement pour votre bloc d'annonces.

Renseignez les champs nécessaires, puis cliquez sur Ajouter un emplacement.

Notez l'ID de l'emplacement.

Localiser la clé API Unity Ads Reporting


Cette étape n'est pas nécessaire pour intégrer des enchères.


En plus de l'ID de jeu et de l'ID d'emplacement, vous avez également besoin de votre clé API Unity Ads et de votre ID de cœur de l'organisation pour configurer votreAdMob ID de bloc d'annonces.

Accédez à Monétisation > Configuration > Gestion des API et notez la clé d'accès à l'API Prediction Stats.

Accédez ensuite à Monétisation > Paramètres de l'organisation et notez l'ID principal de l'organisation.

Activer le mode test

Le mode test peut être activé à partir du tableau de bord Unity Ads. Dans les paramètres de votre projet, sélectionnez l'onglet Tests.

Vous pouvez forcer le mode test pour votre application en cliquant sur le bouton "Modifier" à côté de Google Play Store , en cochant Ignorer le mode de test du client et en sélectionnant Forcer l'activation du mode de test (c'est-à-dire utiliser des annonces tests) pour tous les appareils.

Vous pouvez également activer le mode test pour des appareils spécifiques en cliquant sur le bouton Add Test Device (Ajouter un appareil de test).

Remplissez le formulaire, puis cliquez sur Enregistrer.

Step 2: Set up Unity Ads demand in AdMob UI

Configurer les paramètres de médiation pour votre bloc d'annonces

Vous devez ajouter Unity Ads à la configuration de la médiation pour votre bloc d'annonces.

Connectez-vous à votre compte AdMob. Accédez ensuite à l'onglet Médiation. Si vous souhaitez modifier un groupe de médiation existant, cliquez sur son nom pour le modifier, puis passez à l'étape Ajouter Unity Ads comme source d'annonces.

Pour créer un groupe de médiation, sélectionnez Créer un groupe de médiation.

Saisissez le format de votre annonce et votre plate-forme, puis cliquez sur Continuer.

Attribuez un nom à votre groupe de médiation, puis sélectionnez les zones géographiques à cibler. Définissez ensuite l'état du groupe de médiation sur Activé, puis cliquez sur Ajouter des blocs d'annonces.

Associez ce groupe de médiation à un ou plusieurs de vos blocs d'annoncesAdMob existants. Cliquez ensuite sur Done (OK).

Vous devriez maintenant voir la fiche des blocs d'annonces que vous avez sélectionnés:

Ajouter Unity Ads comme source d'annonces


Dans la fiche Enchères de la section Sources d'annonces, sélectionnez Ajouter une source d'annonce. Sélectionnez ensuite Unity Ads.

Cliquez sur Signer un contrat partenaire et configurer un partenariat d'enchères avecUnity Ads.

Cliquez sur Confirmer et accepter, puis sur Continuer.

Si vous disposez déjà d'un mappage pour Unity Ads, vous pouvez le sélectionner. Sinon, cliquez sur Ajouter un mappage.

Saisissez ensuite les Game ID and Placement IDobtenus à la section précédente. Cliquez ensuite sur Done (OK).

Important: Game ID doit être associé à l'application ciblée, comme dans l'Unity Ads UI.


Sous la fiche Waterfall (Cascade d'annonces) de la section Ad Sources (Sources d'annonces), sélectionnez Add Ad Source (Ajouter une source d'annonces). Sélectionnez ensuite Unity Ads.

Sélectionnez Unity Ads et activez le bouton Optimiser. Saisissez l' API Key and Organization core ID obtenue à la section précédente pour configurer l'optimisation de la source d'annonces pour Unity Ads. Ensuite, saisissez une valeur d'eCPM pour Unity Ads et cliquez sur Continuer.

Si vous disposez déjà d'un mappage pour Unity Ads, vous pouvez le sélectionner. Sinon, cliquez sur Ajouter un mappage.

Saisissez ensuite les Game ID and Placement IDobtenus à la section précédente. Cliquez ensuite sur Done (OK).

Add Unity Ads to GDPR and US state regulations ad partners list

Suivez les étapes indiquées dans Paramètres RGPD et Paramètres des réglementations des États américains pour ajouter Unity Ads à la liste des partenaires publicitaires sur le RGPD et les réglementations des États américains dans l' AdMob UI.

Step 3: Import the Unity Ads SDK and adapter

In your app-level build.gradle.kts file, add the following implementation dependencies and configurations. Use the latest versions of the Unity Ads SDK and adapter:

dependencies {

Manual integration

  1. Download the latest Unity Ads SDK (unity-ads.aar) from their GitHub repository and add it to your project.

  2. Navigate to the Unity Ads adapter artifacts on Google's Maven Repository. Select the latest version, download the Unity Ads adapter's .aar file, and add it to your project.

Step 4: Implement privacy settings on Unity Ads SDK

Under the Google EU User Consent Policy, you must ensure that certain disclosures are given to, and consents obtained from, users in the European Economic Area (EEA) regarding the use of device identifiers and personal data. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When seeking consent, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may collect, receive, or use personal data and provide information about each network's use. Google currently is unable to pass the user's consent choice to such networks automatically.

In SDK version 2.0.0, Unity Ads added an API to support privacy settings. The following sample code shows how to pass this consent information to the Unity Ads SDK. Should you choose to pass consent information to the Unity Ads SDK manually, it is recommended that this code is called prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


// ...

MetaData gdprMetaData = new MetaData(this);
gdprMetaData.set("gdpr.consent", true);


// ...

val gdprMetaData = MetaData(this)
gdprMetaData["gdpr.consent"] = true

See Unity Ads' Privacy Consent and data APIs and Complying with GDPR guides for more details and the values that can be provided in each method.

US states privacy laws

U.S. states privacy laws require giving users the right to opt out of the "sale" of their "personal information" (as the law defines those terms), with the opt-out offered via a prominent "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link on the "selling" party's homepage. The U.S. states privacy laws compliance guide offers the ability to enable restricted data processing for Google ad serving, but Google is unable to apply this setting to each ad network in your mediation chain. Therefore, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may participate in the sale of personal information and follow guidance from each of those networks to ensure compliance.

In SDK version 2.0.0, Unity Ads added an API to support privacy settings. The following sample code shows how to pass this consent information to the Unity Ads SDK. Should you choose to pass consent information to the Unity Ads SDK manually, it is recommended that this code is called prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


// ...

MetaData ccpaMetaData = new MetaData(this);
ccpaMetaData.set("privacy.consent", true);


// ...

val ccpaMetaData = MetaData(this)
ccpaMetaData["privacy.consent"] = true

See Unity Ads' Privacy Consent and data APIs and Complying with CCPA guides for more details and the values that can be provided in each method.

Step 5: Add required code

No additional code is required for Unity Ads integrations.

Step 6: Test your implementation

Activer les annonces tests

Veillez à enregistrer votre appareil de test pour AdMob et à activer le mode test dans l' Unity Ads UI.

Valider les annonces tests

Pour vérifier que vous recevez des annonces tests deUnity Ads, activez le test d'une source d'annonce unique dans l'inspecteur d'annonces à l'aide de Unity Ads (Waterfall) sources d'annonces.

Error codes

If the adapter fails to receive an ad from Unity Ads, publishers can check the underlying error from the ad response using ResponseInfo.getAdapterResponses() under the following classes:

Here are the codes and accompanying messages thrown by the UnityAds adapter when an ad fails to load:

Error code Reason
0-10 UnityAds SDK returned an error. See code for more details.
101 UnityAds server parameters configured in the AdMob UI are missing/invalid.
102 UnityAds returned a placement with a NO_FILL state.
103 UnityAds returned a placement with a DISABLED state.
104 UnityAds tried to show an ad with a null context.
105 Context used to initialize, load and/or show ads from Unity Ads is not an Activity instance.
106 UnityAds tried to show an ad that's not ready to be shown.
107 UnityAds is not supported on the device.
108 UnityAds can only load 1 ad per placement at a time.
109 UnityAds finished with an ERROR state.
200-204 UnityAds Banner specific error. See code for more details.

Unity Ads Android Mediation Adapter Changelog


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.12.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.2.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.12.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.12.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.1.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.12.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.11.3.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.1.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.11.3.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.11.2.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.0.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.11.2.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 23.0.0.
  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.10.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.0.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.10.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.9.3.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.6.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.9.3.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.9.2.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.3.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.9.2.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 22.3.0.
  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.9.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.3.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.9.1.


  • Reports ad impression when Unity Ads SDK invokes its new onBannerShown() callback method.
  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.8.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.2.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.8.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.7.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.1.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.7.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.7.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.7.0.


  • Updated adapter to use new VersionInfo class.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 22.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.6.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.6.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.5.0
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.6.1.


  • Added support for forwarding COPPA information to the Unity Ads SDK.
  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.6.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.5.0
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.6.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.5.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.4.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.4.0
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.5.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.4.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.2.0
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.4.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.4.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.2.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.2.0
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.4.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.3.0.
  • The onAdOpened() callback is now forwarded when interstitial and rewarded ads start playing.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.1.0
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.3.0.


  • Updated compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to API 31.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.0.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.2.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.2.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.2.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.1.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.1.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.0.1.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.6.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.0.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 4.0.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 4.0.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.7.5.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.2.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.7.5.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.7.4.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.2.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.7.4.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.7.2.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.2.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.2.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.7.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.7.1.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.1.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.1.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.7.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.6.2.
  • Fixed an issue where rewarded ads were not forwarding click callbacks.
  • The UnityAds SDK has been removed from the bundled adapter build. Publishers are now required to manually include the UnityAds SDK as an additional dependency.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.8.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.8.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.6.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.6.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.6.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.6.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.6.0.


  • Fixed an issue where when trying to request for multiple interstitial and rewarded ads.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.5.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.5.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.5.1.
  • Fixed an issue that causes smart banner ad requests to fail.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.5.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.5.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.5.0.
  • Added adaptive banner support.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.5.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.5.0.


  • Fixed a NullPointerException error that occurs when a banner ad is destroyed.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.3.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.4.8.


  • Created an adapter build that does not include the Unity Ads SDK bundled in. This gives publishers an option to use the Unity Ads Services when mediating on Unity to avoid conflicting dependency issues.
    • Publishers may opt to use this by including the dependency on their app-level build.gradle file.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.1.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.4.6.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.4.6.
  • Adapter now forwards the onAdOpened() callback when a banner ad is clicked.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.1.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.4.6.


  • Added descriptive error codes and reasons for adapter load/show failures.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.1.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.1.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.4.2.


  • Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException crash that occurred when Unity Ads returns an error.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.0.1.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.4.2.


  • Improved forwarding of Unity's errors to recognize initialization and ad load failures earlier and reduce timeouts.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.0.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.0.1.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.4.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.4.2.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 18.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 18.3.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.4.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.4.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 18.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 18.3.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.4.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 18.2.0.
  • Unity Ads SDK version 3.3.0.


  • Fixed a null pointer exception crash that occurred when calling loadAd() before calling UnityAds.initialize().
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 18.2.0.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Banner Ad requests to fail.
  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.2.0.
  • Migrated the adapter to AndroidX.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 18.1.1.


  • Added support for flexible banner ad sizes.
  • Adapter fails the ad request if the requested size isn't compatible with any Unity Ads banner sizes
  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.1.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.0.1.
  • Fixed a bug that caused 'NPE' while showing an interstitial ad.


  • Updated adapter to support new open-beta Rewarded API.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 17.2.0.


  • Added support for Unity Ads Banner.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 3.0.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 2.3.0.


  • Updated the adapter to invoke the onRewardedVideoComplete() ad event.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 2.2.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 2.2.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 2.1.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 2.1.1.


  • Updated the adapter to make it compatible with Unity Ads SDK 2.1.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 2.0.8.


  • Using Unity Ads's click reporting (AdMob and Unity Ads click statistics will match up).
  • Added onAdLeftApplication callback support.


  • Verified compatibility with Unity Ads SDK 2.0.6.


  • The adapters can now be added as a compile dependency by adding the following to the build.gradle file's dependencies tag: compile ''
  • Moved to distributing the adapter as an aar instead of a jar file (see README for additional instructions).


  • Fixed a bug that caused rewarded video ads to fail to load when an interstitial ad was loaded first.


  • Changed the version naming system to [Unity Ads SDK version].[adapter patch version].
  • Updated the minimum required Unity Ads SDK to v2.0.2.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK to v9.0.0.
  • Apps are no longer required to call UnityAds.changeActivity(this).

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release. Supports reward-based video ads and interstitial ads.