Integra i-mobile con la mediazione

This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from i-mobile using AdMob Mediation, covering waterfall integrations. It covers how to add i-mobile to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the i-mobile SDK and adapter into an Android app.

The dashboard interface for i-mobile uses Japanese text for its labels, buttons, and descriptions. The screenshots in this guide have not been translated. In this guide's descriptions and instructions however, labels and buttons are translated with their English language equivalents in parentheses.

Supported integrations and ad formats

The mediation adapter for i-mobile has the following capabilities:



  • Android API level 21 or higher

Step 1: Set up configurations in i-mobile UI

Sign up or log in to your i-mobile account.

Add your app to the i-mobile dashboard by clicking the サイト/アプリ管理 (Site/Application Management) tab and the button for your app's platform.



Fill out the form and click the 新規登録 (Sign up) button.



To create a new Advertising Spot, select your app under the サイト/アプリ管理 (Site/Application Management) tab.



Navigate to the 広告スポット管理 (Ad Spot Management) tab and click the 新規広告スポット (New Ad Spot) button.


Next, fill out the form by providing the 広告スポット名 (Ad Spot name), 広告スポットサイズ (Ad Spot size) and other details. Then, click the 新規登録 (Sign up) button.


Your new Ad spot is ready. To view its integration details, click the アプリ設定取得 (Get App settings) button.


Take note of the パブリッシャーID (Publisher ID), メディアID (Media ID), and スポットID (Spot ID). You'll need these parameters later when configuring i-mobile for mediation in the AdMob UI.



Step 2: Set up i-mobile demand in AdMob UI

Configurare le impostazioni di mediazione per l'unità pubblicitaria

Devi aggiungere i-mobile alla configurazione della mediazione per la tua unità pubblicitaria.

Innanzitutto, accedi all'account AdMob. Quindi, vai alla scheda Mediazione. Se vuoi modificare un gruppo di mediazione esistente, fai clic sul nome del gruppo per modificarlo e vai alla sezione Aggiungi i-mobile come origine annuncio.

Per creare un nuovo gruppo di mediazione, seleziona Crea gruppo di mediazione.

Inserisci il formato dell'annuncio e la piattaforma, poi fai clic su Continua.

Assegna un nome al gruppo di mediazione e seleziona le località da scegliere come target. Imposta lo stato del gruppo di mediazione su Attivato e fai clic su Aggiungi unità pubblicitarie.

Associa questo gruppo di mediazione a una o più unità pubblicitarieAdMob esistenti. Poi, fai clic su Fine.

A questo punto, dovresti vedere la scheda delle unità pubblicitarie compilata con quelle selezionate:

Aggiungi i-mobile come origine annuncio

Nella scheda Con struttura a cascata della sezione Origini annuncio, seleziona Aggiungi origine annuncio. Seleziona i-mobile.

Seleziona i-mobile e attiva l'opzione Ottimizza. Inserisci quanto Login name and API Password ottenuto nella sezione precedente per configurare l'ottimizzazione dell'origine annuncio per i-mobile. Inserisci un valore eCPM peri-mobile e fai clic su Continua.

Se hai già una mappatura per i-mobile, puoi selezionarla. In caso contrario, fai clic su Aggiungi mappatura.

Quindi, inserisci l' Publisher ID, Media ID and Spot ID ottenuto nella sezione precedente. Poi, fai clic su Fine.

Step 3: Import the i-mobile SDK and Adapter

In your project-level settings.gradle.kts file, add the following repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url = uri("")

Then, in your app-level build.gradle.kts file, add the following implementation dependencies and configurations. Use the latest versions of the i-mobile SDK and adapter:

dependencies {

Manual integration

  1. Download the latest version of the i-mobile SDK and extract the android-ad-sdk.aar under the sdk folder and add it to your project.

  2. Navigate to the i-mobile adapter artifacts on Google's Maven Repository. Select the latest version, download the i-mobile adapter's .aar file, and add it to your project.

Step 4: Add required code

No additional code is required for i-mobile integration.

Step 5: Test your implementation

Attiva annunci di prova

Assicurati di registrare il dispositivo di test per AdMob i-mobile fornisce ID spot, ID media e ID publisher per i test. Puoi trovarli qui.

Verifica annunci di prova

Per verificare di ricevere annunci di prova dai-mobile, attiva il test di una singola origine annuncio nello strumento di controllo degli annunci utilizzando le i-mobile (Waterfall) origini annuncio.

Optional steps

Using native ads

Ad rendering

The i-mobile adapter populates the following Native ads advanced field descriptions for a NativeAd.

Field Assets always included by i-mobile adapter
App icon 1
Call to action
Star rating

1 For native ads, the i-mobile SDK does not provide an app icon asset. Instead, the i-mobile adapter populates the app icon with a transparent image.

Error codes

If the adapter fails to receive an ad from i-mobile, publishers can check the underlying error from the ad response using ResponseInfo.getAdapterResponses() under the following classes:

Format Class name

Here are the codes and accompanying messages thrown by the i-mobile adapter when an ad fails to load:

Error code Reason
0-99 i-mobile SDK returned an error. See code for more details.
101 i-mobile requires an Activity context to load ads.
102 i-mobile server parameters configured in the AdMob UI are missing/invalid.
103 The requested ad size does not match an i-mobile supported banner size.
104 i-mobile's native ad load success callback returned an empty native ads list.

i-mobile Android Mediation Adapter Changelog


  • Verified compatibility with i-mobile SDK v2.3.2.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.1.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.3.2.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 23.0.0.
  • Verified compatibility with i-mobile SDK v2.3.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.0.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.3.1.


  • Updated adapter to use new VersionInfo class.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 22.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.3.1.


  • Verified compatibility with i-mobile SDK v2.3.1.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.5.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.3.1.


  • Verified compatibility with i-mobile SDK v2.3.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.3.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.3.0.


  • Updated compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to API 31.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.0.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Android API level to 19.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.0.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.0.23.


  • Verified compatibility with i-mobile SDK v2.0.23.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.5.0.

Built and tested with

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.0.23.


  • Added standardized adapter error codes and messages.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.1.0.

Built and tested with

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.1.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.0.22.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.0.0.

Built and tested with

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.0.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.0.22.


  • Verified compatibility with i-mobile SDK v2.0.22.
  • Updated the adapter to support inline adaptive banner requests.

Built and tested with

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.1.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.0.22.


  • Verified compatibility with i-mobile SDK v2.0.21.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.1.0.
  • Added support for scaling adaptive banner ads.

Built and tested with

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.1.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.0.21.


  • Added support for flexible banner ad sizes.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 18.3.0.

Built and tested with

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 18.3.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.0.20.


  • Adapter now returns a non-zero mediaContent aspect ratio.

Built and tested with

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 18.2.0.
  • IMobile SDK version 2.0.20.


  • Initial release!
  • Added support for banner, interstitial, and native ads.