Integra la monetizzazione di Liftoff con la mediazione

This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from Liftoff Monetize using mediation, covering both bidding and waterfall integrations. It covers how to add Liftoff Monetize to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the Vungle SDK and adapter into an Android app.

Supported integrations and ad formats

The mediation adapter for Liftoff Monetize has the following capabilities:

Bidding 1
App Open
Rewarded Interstitial 3
Native 2

1 Bidding integration is in open beta.

2 Bidding integration for this format is in closed beta.

3 Rewarded interstitial requires assistance to set up. Reach out to your account manager at Liftoff Monetize or


  • Android API level 21 or higher

Step 1: Set up configurations in Liftoff Monetize UI

Registrati o accedi al tuo account Liftoff Monetize.

Aggiungi la tua app alla dashboard di Liftoff Monetize facendo clic sul pulsante Aggiungi applicazione.

Compila il modulo inserendo tutti i dettagli necessari.

Dopo aver creato l'app, selezionala dalla dashboard delle applicazioni Liftoff.

Prendi nota dell'ID app.

Aggiungi nuovi posizionamenti

Per creare un nuovo posizionamento da utilizzare con la Ad Manager mediazione, vai alla dashboard di Liftoff MonetizeITA, fai clic sul pulsante Aggiungi posizionamento e seleziona la tua app dall'elenco a discesa.

I dettagli relativi all'aggiunta di nuovi posizionamenti sono riportati di seguito:

Seleziona Banner, inserisci un Nome posizionamento e compila il resto del modulo. [Solo asta] In Monetizzazione, imposta l'opzione Offerte in-app su Attivata. Fai clic sul pulsante Continua nella parte inferiore della pagina per creare il posizionamento.

Banner 300 x 250

Seleziona MREC, inserisci un Nome posizionamento e compila il resto del modulo. [Solo asta] In Monetizzazione, imposta l'opzione Offerte in-app su Attivata. Fai clic sul pulsante Continua nella parte inferiore della pagina per creare il posizionamento.


Seleziona Interstitial, inserisci un Nome posizionamento e compila il resto del modulo. [Solo asta] In Monetizzazione, imposta l'opzione Offerte in-app su Attivata. Fai clic sul pulsante Continua nella parte inferiore della pagina per creare il posizionamento.

Con premio

Seleziona Con premio, inserisci un Nome posizionamento e compila il resto del modulo. [Solo asta] In Monetizzazione, imposta l'opzione Offerte in-app su Attivata. Fai clic sul pulsante Continua nella parte inferiore della pagina per creare il posizionamento.

Interstitial con premio

Seleziona Con premio. Inserisci un Nome posizionamento, abilita Ignorabile e compila il resto del modulo. [Solo asta] In Monetizzazione, imposta l'opzione Offerte in-app su Attivata. Fai clic sul pulsante Continua nella parte inferiore della pagina per creare il posizionamento.


Seleziona Nativo, inserisci un Nome posizionamento e compila il resto del modulo. [Solo asta] In Monetizzazione, imposta l'opzione Offerte in-app su Attivata. Fai clic sul pulsante Continua nella parte inferiore della pagina per creare il posizionamento.

Prendi nota dell'ID di riferimento e fai clic su Sembra buono.

Banner 300 x 250


Con premio

Interstitial con premio


Individuare la chiave API di reporting


Questo passaggio non è obbligatorio per le integrazioni dell'asta.

Struttura a cascata

Oltre all'ID app e all'ID di riferimento, devi anche la tua chiave API di reporting di Liftoff Monetize per impostare l'Ad Manager ID unità pubblicitaria. Vai alla dashboard dei report Liftoff Monetize e fai clic sul pulsante Chiave API di reporting per visualizzare la tua chiave API di reporting.

Attivare la modalità di test

Per attivare gli annunci di prova, vai alla dashboard Monetizzazione di Liftoff e seleziona Applicazioni.

Seleziona l'app per la quale vuoi attivare gli annunci di prova nella sezione ID riferimento posizionamento della tua app. Gli annunci di prova possono essere attivati selezionando Modalità di test su Mostra solo annunci di prova nella sezione Stato.

Step 2: Set up Liftoff Monetize demand in Ad Manager UI

Accedi al tuo account Ad Manager.

Aggiungi Liftoff Monetize aziende


Questo passaggio non è obbligatorio per le integrazioni dell'asta.

Struttura a cascata

Vai ad Amministrazione > Aziende, quindi fai clic sul pulsante Nuova azienda nella scheda Tutte le aziende. Seleziona Rete pubblicitaria.

Seleziona Liftoff Monetize come Rete pubblicitaria, inserisci un Nome univoco e attiva Mediazione. Attiva Raccolta automatica dei dati e inserisci il valore Reporting API Key ottenuto nella sezione precedente.

Non è necessario inserire un nome utente o una password. Al termine, fai clic su Salva.

Attiva la condivisione di indicatori sicuri


Vai ad Amministratore > Impostazioni globali. Vai alla scheda Impostazioni dell'account Ad Exchange, controlla e attiva l'opzione Condivisione di indicatori sicuri. Fai clic su Salva.

Struttura a cascata

Questo passaggio non è obbligatorio per le integrazioni con struttura a cascata.

Configura le Liftoff Monetize offerte


Vai a Pubblicazione > Offerenti e fai clic su Nuovo offerente nella scheda Offerte dell'SDK.

Seleziona Liftoff Monetize come offerente.

Attiva Aggiungi la libreria di indicatori di questo offerente all'elenco degli indicatori consentiti e Consenti la condivisione di indicatori con questo offerente. Poi, fai clic su Continua.

Fai clic su Continua.

Fai clic su Fine.

Struttura a cascata

Questo passaggio non è obbligatorio per le integrazioni con struttura a cascata.

Configura la mappatura delle unità pubblicitarie


Vai a Pubblicazione > Offerenti e seleziona la società perLiftoff Monetize nella scheda Offerte dell'SDK.

Vai alla scheda Mappatura delle unità pubblicitarie e fai clic su Nuova mappatura delle unità pubblicitarie.

Scegli Unità pubblicitaria specifica. Seleziona un'unità pubblicitaria e un formato, App mobile come Tipo di inventario e la tua App mobile. Poi, inserisci Application ID and Placement Reference ID ottenuto nella sezione precedente. Infine, fai clic su Salva.

Struttura a cascata

Vai a Pubblicazione > Gruppi di rendimento e fai clic sul pulsante Nuovo gruppo di rendimento. Seleziona la tua App mobile.

Scorri verso il basso e fai clic su Aggiungi partner di rendimento.

Seleziona l'azienda che hai creato per Liftoff Monetize nella sezione precedente. Scegli Mediazione SDK mobile come Tipo di integrazione, Android come Piattaforma e Attivo come Stato.

Inserisci il Application ID and Placement Reference ID ottenuto nella sezione precedente e il valore del CPM predefinito. Fai clic su Salva.

Nota: la raccolta automatica dei dati richiede alcuni giorni per raccogliere i dati prima che possa calcolare con precisione un valore del CPM dinamico per una rete di mediazione. Una volta calcolato, l'eCPM viene aggiornato automaticamente.

Add Liftoff to GDPR and US state regulations ad partners list

Segui i passaggi descritti in Impostazioni GDPR e Impostazioni relative alle normative statali degli Stati Uniti per aggiungere Liftoff all'elenco di partner pubblicitari per le normative GDPR e statali degli Stati Uniti nell' Ad Manager UI.

Step 3: Import the Vungle SDK and adapter

In your app-level build.gradle.kts file, add the following implementation dependencies and configurations. Use the latest versions of the Vungle SDK and adapter:

dependencies {

Manual integration

  • Download the latest Vungle Android SDK and extract the .jar files under the libs folder and add it to your project.

  • Navigate to the Liftoff Monetize adapter artifacts on Google's Maven Repository. Select the latest version, download the Vungle adapter's .aar file, and add it to your project.

Step 4: Implement privacy settings on Liftoff Monetize SDK

Under the Google EU User Consent Policy, you must ensure that certain disclosures are given to, and consents obtained from, users in the European Economic Area (EEA) regarding the use of device identifiers and personal data. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When seeking consent, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may collect, receive, or use personal data and provide information about each network's use. Google currently is unable to pass the user's consent choice to such networks automatically.

Liftoff Monetize includes an API that lets you pass consent to the Vungle SDK. The following sample code shows how to pass this consent information to the Vungle SDK. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


// ...

VunglePrivacySettings.setGDPRStatus(true, "v1.0.0");


// ...

VunglePrivacySettings.setGDPRStatus(true, "v1.0.0")

See GDPR recommended implementation instructions for more details and the values that can be provided in the method.

US states privacy laws

U.S. states privacy laws require giving users the right to opt out of the "sale" of their "personal information" (as the law defines those terms), with the opt-out offered via a prominent "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link on the "selling" party's homepage. The U.S. states privacy laws compliance guide offers the ability to enable restricted data processing for Google ad serving, but Google is unable to apply this setting to each ad network in your mediation chain. Therefore, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may participate in the sale of personal information and follow guidance from each of those networks to ensure compliance.

Liftoff Monetize includes an API that lets you pass consent to the Vungle SDK. The following sample code shows how to pass this consent information to the Vungle SDK. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


// ...



// ...


See CCPA implementation for more details and the values that can be provided in the method.

Step 5: Add required code

No additional code required for Liftoff Monetize integration.

Step 6: Test your implementation

Attiva annunci di prova

Assicurati di registrare il dispositivo di test per Ad Manager e abilitare la modalità di test nell'interfaccia Liftoff Monetize UI.

Verifica annunci di prova

Per verificare di ricevere annunci di prova daLiftoff Monetize, attiva il test di una singola origine annuncio nello strumento di controllo degli annunci utilizzando le Liftoff Monetize (Bidding) and Liftoff Monetize (Waterfall) origini annuncio.

Optional steps

Network-specific parameters

The Liftoff Monetize adapter supports the following additional request parameters which can be passed to the adapter:

A string representing Liftoff Monetize's Incentivized User ID.
An integer specifying the presentation orientation for full-screen ads.

Here's a code example of how to create an ad request that sets these parameters:


Bundle extras = new Bundle();
extras.putString(VungleConstants.KEY_USER_ID, "myUserID");
extras.putInt(VungleConstants.KEY_ORIENTATION, 1);

AdManagerAdRequest request = new AdManagerAdRequest.Builder()
   .addNetworkExtrasBundle(VungleAdapter.class, extras) // Rewarded.
   .addNetworkExtrasBundle(VungleInterstitialAdapter.class, extras) // Interstitial.


val extras = Bundle()
extras.putString(VungleConstants.KEY_USER_ID, "myUserID")
extras.putInt(VungleConstants.KEY_ORIENTATION, 1)

val request = AdManagerAdRequest.Builder()
   .addNetworkExtrasBundle(VungleAdapter::class, extras) // Rewarded.
   .addNetworkExtrasBundle(VungleInterstitialAdapter.class, extras) // Interstitial.

Native ads rendering

The Liftoff Monetize adapter returns its native ads as NativeAd objects. It populates the following fields for a NativeAd.

Field Assets always included by Liftoff Monetize adapter
Image 1
Media view
App icon
Call to action
Star rating

1 The Liftoff Monetize adapter does not provide direct access to the main image asset for its native ads. Instead, the adapter populates the MediaView with a video or an image.

Error codes

If the adapter fails to receive an ad from Liftoff Monetize, publishers can check the underlying error from the ad response using ResponseInfo.getAdapterResponses() under the following classes:

Format Class name
App Open (Bidding)
App Open (Waterfall)
Banner (Bidding)
Banner (Waterfall) com.vungle.mediation.VungleInterstitialAdapter
Interstitial (Bidding)
Interstitial (Waterfall) com.vungle.mediation.VungleInterstitialAdapter
Rewarded (Bidding)
Rewarded (Waterfall) com.vungle.mediation.VungleAdapter
Rewarded Interstitial (Bidding)
Rewarded Interstitial (Waterfall)
Native (Bidding)
Native (Waterfall)

Here are the codes and accompanying messages thrown by the Liftoff Monetize adapter when an ad fails to load:

Error code Domain Reason
101 Invalid server parameters (e.g. app ID or placement ID).
102 The requested banner size does not map to a valid Liftoff Monetize ad size.
103 Liftoff Monetize requires an Activitycontext to request ads.
104 The Vungle SDK cannot load multiple ads for the same placement ID.
105 The Vungle SDK failed to initialize.
106 Vungle SDK returned a successful load callback, but Banners.getBanner() or Vungle.getNativeAd() returned null.
107 Vungle SDK is not ready to play the ad.
108 Vungle SDK returned invalid bidding token.

For errors that come from the Vungle SDK, refer to Error Codes: Vungle SDK for iOS and Android.

Liftoff Monetize Android Mediation Adapter Changelog


  • Added custom ad size support for bidding and waterfall banner ads.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.2.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 7.4.0.


  • Extended the VungleInterstitialAdapter class from VungleMediationAdapter to add waterfall support for the app open ad format on Google Ad Manager.
  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.4.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.2.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 7.4.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.3.2.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.0.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 7.3.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.3.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.0.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 7.3.1.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 23.0.0.
  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.3.0.
  • Added waterfall and bidding support for app open ad format.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.0.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 7.3.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.1.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.3.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 7.1.0.


  • Fixed an issue where Google Mobile Ads SDK was not recording impressions for bidding native ads.
  • Reverted the adapter to depend on Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.3.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 7.0.0.


  • Added support to load multiple ads with the same placement ID for all waterfall ad formats.
  • Rebranded adapter name from Vungle to Liftoff Monetize.
  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.4.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 7.0.0.


  • Updated adapter to use new VersionInfo class.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 22.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.12.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.12.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.4.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.12.1.


  • Added bidding support for banner ad format.
  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.12.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.4.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.4.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.12.0.


  • Added waterfall mediation and bidding support for rewarded interstitial ad format.
  • Added bidding support for native ad format.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.1.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.12.0.


  • Added waterfall mediation support for native ad format.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.1.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.1.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.11.0.


  • Added support for loading multiple ads for the same placement ID in rewarded bidding ads.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.0.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.11.0.


  • Updated compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to API 31.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.0.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Android API level to 19.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.0.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.11.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.11.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.11.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.5.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.6.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.10.5.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.4.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.10.4.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.3.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.10.3.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.2.
  • Added bidding support for interstitial and rewarded ad formats.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.10.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.2.
  • Fixed an adapter issue by replacing parameter serverParameters, with mediationExtras to obtain Vungle network-specific parameters, when requesting Banner and Interstitial ads.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.3.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.10.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.1.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.3.0.
  • MREC Ads are now supported with Vungle's banner API.
  • Updated standardized error codes and messages.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.3.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.10.1.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.0.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.9.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.9.1.
  • Added support for OMSDK.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Rewarded Ad Support for Vungle onAdViewed callback.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.7.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.7.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.9.1.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.6.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.6.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.8.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.8.1.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.5.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.8.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.8.0.
  • Updated the adapter to not forward onAdClosed() when banner ads are refreshed or destroyed.
  • Remove FlexFeed and FlexView (deprecated in Vungle 6.8.0).
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.4.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.4.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.8.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.7.1.
  • Fixed a bug where ads wouldn't load if an ad was loaded using an application context.
  • Updated targetSdkVersion to API 29.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.3.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.7.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.7.0.
  • Updated the adapter to support inline adaptive banner requests.
  • Interstitial and rewarded ads are now unmuted by default.
  • Interstitial ads now forward the onAdLeftApplication() callback when clicked.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.2.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.2.0.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.7.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.5.3.
  • Add support for the newly-introduced Vungle's Banner format.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.0.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.0.1.
  • Vungle SDK version 6.5.3.


  • Fixed an issue where banner ads failed to refresh.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.4.11.
  • Added support for banner ads.
  • Migrated the adapter to AndroidX.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 18.2.0.


  • Updated adapter to support new open-beta Rewarded API.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 17.2.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.3.24.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.3.17.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.3.12.


  • Updated the adapter to invoke the onRewardedVideoComplete() ad event.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.2.5.


  • Updated adapter to correctly report clicks to the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 5.3.2.
  • Updated the Adpater project for Android Studio 3.0.
  • Added the following methods to Bundle builder class.
    • setOrdinalViewCount : This field is used to pass the mediation ordinal, whenever Publisher receives the ordinal data reports from Vungle.
    • setFlexViewCloseTimeInSec : This option is used to make flex view ads dismiss on their own after the specified number of seconds.


  • Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 5.3.0.


  • Updated the adapter to make it compatible with Vungle SDK 5.1.0.
  • Changed the version naming system to [Vungle SDK version].[adapter patch version].

Earlier versions

  • Added support for interstitial and rewarded video ad formats.