미디에이션과 Chartboost 통합

This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from Chartboost using mediation, covering waterfall integrations. It covers how to add Chartboost to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the Chartboost SDK and adapter into an Android app.

Supported integrations and ad formats

The mediation adapter for Chartboost has the following capabilities:



  • Android API level 21 or higher

Step 1: Set up configurations in Chartboost UI

Sign up for a Chartboost account and log in once your account is verified. Then, navigate to the Apps management tab.

Chartboost apps dashboard

Click the Add new app button to create your app.

Apps Management

Fill out the rest of the form and click the Add App button to finalize your app.

New app form

After your app is created, you will be directed to its dashboard. Take note of the App ID and App Signature of your app.

App settings

Ad Manager requires the Chartboost User ID and User Signature for setting up your Ad Manager ad unit ID. You can find these parameters by clicking Chartboost mediation on the Chartboost UI.

Chartboost mediation dashboard

Navigate to the Resources > API Explorer tab and take note of your User ID and User Signature located under the Authentication section.

Chartboost api explorer

Turn on test mode

You can enable test mode on your app by navigating to the Apps management tab from the Chartboost UI, selecting your app from the list and clicking on Edit app settings.

Edit app settings

From your app's settings, you can toggle Test mode on your app.

Chartboost test mode

Once test mode is enabled, you can request ads using the ad unit ID created earlier and receive a Chartboost test ad.

After you are able to receive Chartboost test ads, your app will be placed on Chartboost's Publisher App Review. In order for monetization on Chartboost to work, the publisher app review will need to be approved by Chartboost.

Step 2: Set up Chartboost demand in Ad Manager UI

광고 단위에 대한 미디에이션 설정 구성

Ad Manager 계정에 로그인합니다.

게재 > 수익 그룹으로 이동하여 새 수익 그룹 버튼을 클릭합니다.

수익 그룹의 고유한 이름을 입력하고 상태활성으로 설정한 후 광고 형식을 선택하고 인벤토리 유형모바일 앱으로 설정합니다. 타겟팅 > 인벤토리 섹션에서 미디에이션을 추가할 인벤토리모바일 애플리케이션 아래의 광고 단위를 선택합니다.

그런 다음 수익 파트너 추가 버튼을 클릭합니다.

Chartboost에 대한 수익 파트너가 이미 있는 경우 이를 선택할 수 있습니다. 그렇지 않은 경우 새 수익 파트너 만들기를 선택합니다.

Chartboost광고 네트워크로 선택하고 고유한 이름을 입력한 다음 미디에이션을 사용 설정합니다.

자동 데이터 수집을 사용 설정하고 이전 섹션에서 확인한User ID and User Signature 을 입력합니다.

수익 파트너가 선택되면 모바일 SDK 미디에이션통합 유형으로, Android플랫폼으로, 활성상태로 선택합니다. 이전 섹션에서 가져온App ID, App Signature and Ad Location 를 입력합니다. 그런 다음 기본 CPM 값을 입력합니다.

Chartboost 광고 위치(이름이 지정된 위치)는 앱에서 광고를 게재할 위치를 나타내는 단순한 이름입니다.Ad Manager 설정에 지정된 위치로 요청을 보냅니다. 요청이 전송되면 Chartboost는 보고 목적으로 UI에 위치를 추가합니다.

Chartboost UI에서 광고 위치는 고급 설정을 클릭하여 기본 설정 페이지에 표시할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 Chartboost 이름이 지정된 위치 가이드를 참고하세요.

완료되면 페이지 하단의 저장을 클릭합니다.

Add Chartboost to GDPR and US state regulations ad partners list

GDPR 설정미국 주 규정 설정 Chartboost 를 Ad Manager UI의 GDPR 및 미국 주 규정 광고 파트너 목록에 추가합니다.

Step 3: Import the Chartboost SDK and adapter

In your project-level settings.gradle.kts file, add the following repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url = uri("https://cboost.jfrog.io/artifactory/chartboost-ads/")

Then, in your app-level build.gradle.kts file, add the following implementation dependencies and configurations. Use the latest versions of the Chartboost SDK and adapter:

dependencies {

Manual integration

  1. Download the .aar file of the latest version of the Chartboost SDK from Maven Central, and add it to your project.

  2. Navigate to the Chartboost adapter artifacts on Google's Maven Repository. Select the latest version, download the Chartboost adapter's .aar file, and add it to your project.

Step 4: Implement privacy settings on Chartboost SDK

Under the Google EU User Consent Policy, you must ensure that certain disclosures are given to, and consents obtained from, users in the European Economic Area (EEA) regarding the use of device identifiers and personal data. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When seeking consent, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may collect, receive, or use personal data and provide information about each network's use. Google currently is unable to pass the user's consent choice to such networks automatically.

In SDK version 8.1.0, Chartboost added the addDataUseConsent() method. The following sample code sets data use consent to NON_BEHAVIORAL. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


DataUseConsent dataUseConsent = new GDPR(GDPR.GDPR_CONSENT.NON_BEHAVIORAL);
Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(context, dataUseConsent);


Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(context, dataUseConsent)

See Chartboost's GDPR article and their Android Privacy Methods for more details and the values that can be provided in each method.

US states privacy laws

U.S. states privacy laws require giving users the right to opt out of the "sale" of their "personal information" (as the law defines those terms), with the opt-out offered via a prominent "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link on the "selling" party's homepage. The U.S. states privacy laws compliance guide offers the ability to enable restricted data processing for Google ad serving, but Google is unable to apply this setting to each ad network in your mediation chain. Therefore, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may participate in the sale of personal information and follow guidance from each of those networks to ensure compliance.

In SDK version 8.1.0, Chartboost added the addDataUseConsent() method. The following sample code sets data use consent to OPT_IN_SALE. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


DataUseConsent dataUseConsent = new CCPA(CCPA.CCPA_CONSENT.OPT_IN_SALE);
Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(context, dataUseConsent);


Chartboost.addDataUseConsent(context, dataUseConsent)

See Chartboost's CCPA article and their Android Privacy Methods for more details and the values that can be provided in each method.

Step 5: Add required code

Modify AndroidManifest

Other elements

Add the following attribute to each activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file that will be showing Chartboost ads and supports different orientations:


Lifecycle events

Per Chartboost's recommendation, Add the following code to all of your activity's lifecycle events that will be showing Chartboost ads.


import com.chartboost.sdk.Chartboost;
// ...

public void onBackPressed() {
    // If an interstitial is on screen, close it.
    if (Chartboost.onBackPressed()) {
    } else {


import com.chartboost.sdk.Chartboost
// ...

fun onBackPressed() {
    // If an interstitial is on screen, close it.
    if (Chartboost.onBackPressed())

Step 6: Test your implementation

테스트 광고 사용 설정

Ad Manager 용 테스트 기기를 등록하고 Chartboost UI에서 테스트 모드를 사용 설정해야 합니다.

테스트 광고 확인

Chartboost에서 테스트 광고를 수신하고 있는지 확인하려면 광고 검사기에서 Chartboost (Waterfall) 광고 소스를 사용하여 단일 광고 소스 테스트를 사용 설정하세요.

Optional steps


For optimal performance, Chartboost recommends adding the following optional permissions to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />

Error codes

If the adapter fails to receive an ad from Chartboost, you can check the underlying error from the ad response using ResponseInfo.getAdapterResponses() under the following classes:


Here are the codes and accompanying messages thrown by the Chartboost adapter when an ad fails to load:

Error code Reason
0-99 Chartboost SDK returned an error. See Chartboost's documentation for more details.
101 The requested ad size does not match a Chartboost supported banner size.
102 Chartboost can only load 1 ad per location at a time.
103 Chartboost server parameters configured in the Ad Manager UI are missing/invalid.
104 The Chartboost interstitial or rewarded ad is not ready to be shown.

Chartboost Android Mediation Adapter Changelog


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK version 9.7.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 23.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 23.0.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.7.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK version 9.6.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.6.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.6.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK version 9.6.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.5.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.6.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK version 9.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.3.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.5.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK version 9.4.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.2.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.4.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK version 9.4.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.1.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.4.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK version 9.3.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.1.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.3.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK version 9.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.3.0.


  • Updated adapter to use new VersionInfo class.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 22.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.2.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 9.2.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.5.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.2.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 9.2.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.5.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.2.0.


  • Added the ChartboostMediationAdapter.setAppParams(String, String) method as an optional way to hardcode which app ID and app signature to use to initialize the Chartboost SDK.
  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 9.1.1.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.3.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 9.1.1.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 21.0.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Android API level to 19.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 21.0.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.4.3.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.4.3.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.4.3.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.4.2.
  • Updated compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to API 31.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.6.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.4.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.4.1.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.6.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.4.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.3.1.
  • Updated the adapter to use new AdError API.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.3.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.3.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.3.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.2.1.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.1.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.1.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.2.1.


  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 20.0.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.0.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.2.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.2.0.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.5.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.5.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.2.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.1.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.2.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.1.0.


  • Added descriptive error codes and reasons for adapter load/show failures.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.2.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.2.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.0.3.


  • Added support for Chartboost banner ads.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.1.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.0.3.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.0.3.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.1.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.1.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.0.3.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.0.2.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 19.0.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 19.0.1.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.0.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 8.0.1.
  • Requires Chartboost SDK 8.0.1 or higher.
  • Activity context is no longer required to load ads.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 18.3.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 8.0.1.


  • Fixed a bug where Chartboost adapter failed to invoke ad events.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 18.3.0.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 18.3.0.
  • Chartboost SDK version 7.5.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 7.5.0.
  • Migrated the adapter to use AndroidX dependencies.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 18.1.1.


  • Updated adapter to support new open-beta Rewarded API.
  • Updated the minimum required Google Mobile Ads SDK version to 17.2.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 7.3.1.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 7.3.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 7.2.1.


  • Updated the adapter to invoke the onRewardedVideoComplete() ad event.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 7.2.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 7.1.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 7.0.1.
  • Added support for new Chartboost error codes.
  • Updated the Adapter project for Android Studio 3.0


  • Updated the adapter to make it compatible with Chartboost SDK 7.0.0.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 6.6.3.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 6.6.2.


  • Verified compatibility with Chartboost SDK 6.6.1.


  • Changed the version naming system to [Chartboost SDK version].[adapter patch version].
  • The adapters can now be added as a compile dependency by adding the following to the build.gradle file's dependencies tag: compile 'com.google.ads.mediation:chartboost:'
  • Moved to distributing the adapter as an aar instead of a jar file (see README for additional instructions).

Version 1.1.0

  • Removed Chartboost Ad Location from Chartboost extras. Ad Location is now specified in the AdMob console when configuring Chartboost for mediation.

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release. Supports reward-based video ads and interstitial ads.